
Purchasing Decisions Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"No one buys a book. No one buys a paid newsletter. What the person's buying is an answer to a question, they're buying a certain type of outcome."
"We want that person to decide to make a better purchase... The most sustainable option is not consuming, but if you have to buy, buy and buy from these things that are trying to make a difference."
"When you buy something, if it makes you feel more productive and therefore more excited about work, I say buy it."
"The only way you're gonna get big studios to take a fresh look at the way they make games is to make your voice heard and maybe stop buying games with blatantly exploitative and terrible progression systems."
"Sometimes you got lucky, like when you bought Super Mario RPG because the 3D box art looked cool as heck."
"As a consumer, there's only one thing we can do at the end of the day, and that's vote with our dollar."
"Every decision, every purchase became this serious gamble. I don't know if the money I spend is gonna make me look good this time or if it's just gonna be another waste."
"This phone, which is essentially a camera as well, it's really got me tempted to buy."
"For $40,000, you can't really do much better."
"People buy a product because of its value, not because of price."
"This isn't just a lineup list, this is going to equip you to make a purchasing decision for yourself."
"This looks fantastic. If now is a great time to buy a Model 3, absolutely."
"It delights and excites me greatly, and I'm buying it."
"It's worth it if the last thing I do is buy something that completely breaks down."
"This full moon is about buying solutions to a better life instead of buying excitement which you think is stimulating but it actually doesn't have value."
"Why invest in that if you can just buy something off the shelf that fits your needs?"
"Pull up or shut up. Vote with your wallets. No receipts, no purchase."
"Sometimes you pay slightly more for a higher quality item."
"Every purchasing decision comes from a place of wanting to solve a problem."
"They can just sell and that way is the lottery thing as well where you don't get what you want. Do I buy another box of this to try and get the things I want?"
"All people buy things to relieve a psychological tension between what they have and what they want."
"I would rather buy like one or two really, really good things rather than a bunch of cheap things."
"Where the car is made shouldn't be a factor in your purchase."
"Do you think you'll become a subscriber, or do you think it just makes sense to buy Microsoft Office one time, or maybe you'll even use some of the free alternatives?"
"You should never pre-order so you should always wait for independent evaluation of anything you're buying."
"Think about how much time you pay attention to reviews before you buy something well when customers come to your website they're going to be thinking about the exact same thing."
"I would buy the 16 gigabyte version of the 4060 if I had to buy a 4060 TI."
"Buy things that are going to benefit you in the long run."
"93% of buyers make decisions based on the visual appearance of products."
"I think I'm going to get some more of them if I ever get the opportunity."
"But of course we must always come back to value."
"Price is maybe the number one consideration when a person walks into a store, that's money out of your pocket for a product."
"Quality stakes can be a pricey proposition, so it's best to do your homework before dropping some major coin."
"If you particularly like something, what's the harm with buying it on discount?"
"If I'm buying a helmet to protect my head, I'm gonna go get that from a reputable company."
"Longevity, ease of use, durability, and design are all factors that can mean the difference between a $10 gem and a $10 disappointment."
"Never buy a product based on the future promise of updates." - End quote.
"If the game looks good then maybe you should try it but if it doesn't look good you should not buy it."
"Research if you don't want to do research you should not purchase a machine because I promise you a little bit of research will guide you."
"So the real question is it worth the money? This is the most common question we've been asked: is it fun, is it authentic, is it worth it? That question."
"It's easier for you to pull the trigger on something perceived as high-end."
"A reminder to never pre-order and always check reviews."
"Just don't spend too much on options; it's still going to be magnificent even if you don't get the colored wheels."
"Every dollar you lay down is a vote for what you believe in."
"Make sure that you really love it and you're not just getting it because it's a good deal."
"If I had to make this decision, I would get the Kona Evie because of its availability."
"Now I know I'm not known as the person to make wise purchase decisions, but really you can't go wrong with a Ferrari 360 Spider."
"We'll do it, we'll buy it, and we'll put it on the channel. That's a great thing." - Mike
"Final verdict on the Romeo one: don't buy it."
"Even what we consider to be violence, even what we consider to be crime is highly racialized."
"Sometimes it makes sense to buy the budget, sometimes the mid-tier, sometimes the high end; it really just depends on you and what you value."
"I just personally wouldn't pay 22 dollars for it because I never use it all."
"I buy from the person, not the product. That will always tell me something more."
"This is one of those instances where you should be basing the purchase on the aggregate of the data not a one-off."
"If you want a favor from Joe, you gotta go through Hunter."
"Why do people buy things? To solve a problem."
"Buying a bunch of crap because it's new and shiny isn't a good reason to buy stuff."
"You shouldn't buy something just to support a series."
"Modern gaming is the new process of releasing a game... essentially putting the buyer in a weird spot. Do you actually know what you're buying when you buy it anymore? That's the question people ask."
"There's only one real reason people don't buy things: lack of certainty."
"Sometimes it's worth paying a couple of dollars more so that the support is there when you need it."
"If you can't write a check for it, you probably shouldn't own it."
"There's no real question to whether or not someone will buy."
"The new content there was just enough to warrant a purchase from old Mario Kart 8 users."
"It almost felt immoral to let someone spend that much hard-earned money on one piece of plastic."
"Not doing product research can lead to regrettable purchases."
"Hopefully this review in some way shape or form helps you make a purchasing decision or even a delayed purchasing decision."
"If you won't buy an item at full price, do not buy the item on sale."
"Don't ever make a decision off price. This is the prime example of you get what you pay for."
"When you're taking a look at a $1300 gun, I would take a look at other alternatives on the market."
"Why is it that not everybody goes out there and only buys the cars that have really good fuel economy?"
"You never have to feel pressured to buy on day one."
"High prices are okay when you get what you pay for."
"Buy once, cry once when it comes to this type of stuff."
"Yo Excalibur okay we're definitely buying stuff here."
"This is a brand new generation where they're kind of breaking that mold there, you know, the $300 box, it's cheap, but as a brand new console, I mean, you might want to be compelled to buy the better machine."
"I'm not just gonna buy unless I find something I really really like."
"Your real estate agent and your mortgage broker, they want you to buy the best home possible, which many times means the most expensive home possible."
"If I purchase a newer skid loader with fewer hours on it, I would expect that I don't have as many problems with it."
"Once you get over a thousand dollars, clearly you're just trying to buy exactly what you want."
"We've decided we can't choose. We're going to buy both."
"If it's not worth the money, they're not gonna buy it."
"Decide if you really want it, then buy it. Sometimes indulging yourself is not a practical question."
"There's nothing wrong with not pre-ordering."
"For most of us, this doesn't really matter. Buy yourself a decent kit of DDR4 3200 and frankly you're gonna be just fine."
"I only regret the purchases where I don't get anything in return."
"Here's the thing, you can vote with your feet though because if you don't want the gun, don't buy it."
"The gameplay is the fucking game. The gameplay is why you buy the fucking game."
"If you could swallow the price tag and you love it, just go out and buy it."
"The only reason people watch these types of videos is to know what to buy or not."
"People are buying something because they want to feel a part of the brand."
"People don't buy what they can afford, they buy what they want."
"People buy based on results, not just because they like you."
"If your purchase necessitates the culling of male chicks, then absolutely it's just not something you should be giving money to."
"I would buy at least two of these but I would probably buy a lot more if you in case you screw up."
"If you're thinking of getting something don't buy stuff because you think prices go up that's just stupid."
"The fear of missing out should not dictate your purchasing decisions. Learn to let go and prioritize what truly brings you joy."
"When I am purchasing things if the idea that I have in my head is a fantasy of my life right now I know it's probably a worthwhile purchase."
"...buy the right stuff...if you're going to buy stuff, buy the right stuff."
"Is the pro version that much better than the original version? Is it $80 better?"
"...would you buy the TS or would you buy a base model and mod n what mods would you add."
"I've seen a lot of people over the years... saying that they want to buy it because it's inexpensive."
"I would be influenced in my purchasing decisions to buy a bike because someone said the ride felt really smooth and it was a great bike to ride."
"My biggest style lesson was often my worst purchases were made because they didn't suit My Lifestyle."
"If it doesn't have the clarity you expected, upgrade to either the A8L or the A95 L."
"People want to buy expensive things. They just need a reason."
"But I did have some people in that video comment well you know what you to try a tsze pistol so a few weeks back I saw one on palet state Army for $2.99."
"If somebody really likes XYZ brand, then they will just search for XYZ brand and Facebook marketplace when they're looking to buy their next couch."
"It was just like so nice and creamy and pretty and I just felt like it looks so much better in my living room. So I think I'm going to get that ordered."
"This is perfect because if somebody is already shopping around for wireless Bluetooth speakers anyways chances are they are going to buy a speaker."
"Rarely ever use something just because it's on sale."
"Never purchase things based on your monthly payment."
"You're not just buying the engine motor, you're not just buying the variant spec, but you're also buying the fuel tank."
"People don't buy things because they want things, they buy things because they want the emotional response."
"Your wallet knows that it's moved 300, and in reality, when you write your check for a car, you have to write the check for the current car and not the chain-weighted car."
"...if I wasn't going to spend the money on the next two records I'm going to show you I would just buy this one."
"...what would you be buying if you were looking to spend about 34 to say 35,000?"
"99% of consumers before they do a purchase they read a review."
"Think about in your life, comment below, share with me a moment that you've had in the past that you wanted to buy something that you were ready to buy but somehow in some way that you just didn't feel comfortable."
"...it will stop you making those mistakes where you buy several units until you get to the one that suits your needs the best."
"For some people, that's just a reason not to buy. For other people, it's a reason to buy."
"I wouldn't now use Chrono24 to buy a watch of anything like this magnitude ever in the future."
"Just identify products that are quality and buy them based on their quality."
"Most people buy not because of financial reasons."
"Reviews are crucial... 10 times out of 10 the customer is going to buy the product that has more reviews because they have more credibility."
"Don't buy just for the sake of buying and just because it's cheap."
"Never think about what you can afford, just think is this a really beautiful item."
"If you're sitting there engaged in a video from a creator that you love and trust, and they start talking about a product that they love, you are much more likely to take all that information in and make a purchase."
"The key for me is that it has to be something that I'm pretty confident that I would have bought at full price at some point in the future."
"Once you read a book and you love it, if you feel the need to buy a nice premium copy, then go right ahead."
"You buy motorcycles with your heart, baby."
"I'm buying power, I'm buying volume, I'm buying bass, I'm buying loud."
"If you have to convince yourself to buy it, don't."
"You can't really go wrong, there's no bad choice to be made here, these are great DACs."
"If you can't afford to pay cash for a toy, then you can't afford it."
"I'm going to minimize the stuff that I'm buying and just buy stuff that I need."
"How and what we buy is almost always based on how we feel in our gut."
"Buy what you want, buy what makes you happy, try to make good financial decisions primarily."
"If it's not just about money, you're on the right path of buying something."
"If you like something, whether it's a Jordan brand, Nike, maybe it's the competitors, Adidas, New Balance, etc., if it's dope, you buy it."
"If people go into it purchasing a pan realizing that there are companies that are actually trying to take advantage of that, they could maybe step away and make a choice for one time instead of 10, 15, 20 times in their life."
"I make two types of purchases: ones for the channel and ones that benefit the channel permanently."
"Man, that Chevelle's nice; that's when it's hard to not buy every time you see it because it is so nice."
"People generally would now buy based on influence."
"If you can't buy something three times, don't do it."
"When I see my favorite influencers wearing something that I am particularly interested in, I feel inclined to buy it."
"You don't have to buy anything you don't want to buy."
"I worry that you'll go bankrupt if you buy a car here."
"What do you get for the price difference, is that worth it, and which one might be right for you?"
"Sometimes it's worth it to just buy quality."