
Environmental Awareness Quotes

There are 1259 quotes

"Check your own flood risk... sign up to free flood warnings."
"The individual responsibility of doing your part for the climate has been pushed by corporations for decades."
"The climate is has already changed; we are in Uncharted Territory."
"The digital transformation of peacekeeping operations could facilitate a better knowledge of their environment and the situation on the ground."
"Mars is a reminder of how precious our own planet is."
"The ocean will have more plastic in it than fish by the year 2050."
"What's happening is self-harm for all humans on Earth because we are all deeply connected."
"Who wants to be reminded that our environment and our entire ecosystem is collapsing and we need to immediately do something about it?"
"Let's not feel guilty, let's do something to fix it."
"Our biggest weapon against any impending disaster, including climate change, is innovation. It's healthy, healthy people innovating."
"Have a healthy skepticism when it comes to looking at green products or sustainable products."
"We have the most beautiful planet in the known galaxy, and yet we don't take care of it."
"What we do now matters. How we source our energy and our food, how we transport ourselves, how we build our cities, how we relate to our environment matters."
"Trash is an analog concept. There's no trash in a forest."
"When people talk about climate change, it doesn't really mean anything to anybody...Let's talk about pollution. Everyone understands pollution."
"In the winter, we need to respect that shift even though we have a 24/7 lighted, summertime-like environment now."
"You can't use any specific event as evidence for or against climate change; you have to look at a trend because climate is weather over time."
"We are part of the earth... we are all connected for sure."
"You see how fragile the earth is. If you're not an environmentalist, it will make you one."
"If it weren't for rockets, we wouldn't have the observation and data-collecting satellites that we can use to actually monitor our planet."
"Our civilization, as constructed, is completely unsustainable."
"Imagine if the industries of our world actually cared about tracking say rain forest depletion or biodiversity loss, and then they stopped their behavior based upon those limits when they're reached."
"The animals already know what to do; the animals don't need humans, humans need nature."
"The salmon pink and blue paint in the powerhouse at McNary really sums it up well, with the blue symbolizing the water that drives the station, and the pink symbolizing the life within the water."
"The animals of the Earth are sending us a message through their odd and unusual behavior."
"In the whispers of the wind, in the murmur of the river, lies the song of the earth, calling us to return to our roots."
"We are becoming aware, culturally, that the pollution from fossil fuels is creating problems like climate change and ocean acidification."
"We have to care specifically about global warming, because if the future collapses in on us, it becomes impossible to have the kind of reasonable conversation that we need for democracy."
"The food we eat is one of the strongest and most intimate ways we relate to the world around us."
"Now more than ever, it's important to recognize that water connects us all and it might be the one thing that unites us all."
"Education is the best weapon in understanding how our actions affect the world."
"Climate change is a problem, not the end of the world, and that should be helpful if you actually tell the truth on that."
"Understanding that water is a finite source and we can't rely on it forever is something that's really important."
"Climate change is certainly something that is so important, and the aggravating thing about it is that there are so many who still deny it."
"Stopping climate change would require a drastic transformation in our lifestyle, particularly for folks in the high-polluting countries."
"Why should clean water go to waste, especially since these fish require exceptionally high quality water to survive?"
"Understanding the economic factors standing in the way of a logical transition away from these resources will help to show that not only are none of us truly blameless, but that it will also take a lot more effort to make a change."
"Now is the time... we're gonna respond to each other and to life and to our planet differently."
"'Don't Mess with Texas' was actually a cleanup litter campaign."
"We live today somehow outside or beyond or at the very least defended against nature, not inescapably within and literally overwhelmed by it."
"Ultimately, the greatest discovery of our Earth is its consciousness."
"Increasingly, people know what's wrong. Today's generation is growing up with considerable knowledge about the environment and how individual decisions can impact it."
"It came from stark terror... of just our culture and our leaders and our industry and our media ignoring that we're flooding the atmosphere with CO2."
"I agree, I think they have to be mindful of what they're using and how it's affecting the environment."
"The most sustainable thing you can do is not buy anything at all."
"The danger of climate change is not a future concern; it is our deadly present."
"Each year, millions of tons of plastic debris ends up in the oceans, much of it from rivers."
"Please put the turtle back, bro. It was doing nothing wrong."
"Sir David has contributed so much when it comes to raising awareness about the natural world."
"Encouraged by my father, this boyhood fascination has developed into an interest in how we, as members of the human race, meet the challenges now facing us, and our planet."
"There is no planet B. We only have this Earth. We have to take care of it."
"What people experience are trees, they experience the natural and built environment, so it's important to keep track of both of those."
"The older I get, the longer that I'm in this, the more aware I become of the ecosystem and the impact of the ecosystem."
"To your point, all of a sudden we realize, wait, we needed these bridge fuels all along."
"The beauty of nature at its best, don't you agree?"
"You're noticing Sora's health is depleting very quickly, that's because you're standing on literal fire right now."
"I'm just hoping that by making videos like this, maybe the average person who hasn't thought this way before will start to understand the impacts of our actions on our planet and hopefully be able to just like have a mindset shift."
"You can stick your head in the sand and say it doesn't affect me, but your feet are still on the ground, and the earth is still getting warmer."
"Investors increasingly want to know about the climate risk of the companies they own."
"Our oceans are integral to human existence. It's a simple fact."
"Biogeography is a really effective way of communicating to people why certain environments are so special, and by extension, why they deserve protection."
"The ocean is...most of Earth's surface, and so much we don't know, and frankly, you know, space kind of siphons off a lot of what could be attention also given to Earth's surface." - Neil deGrasse Tyson
"The ocean provides every other breath, the oxygen that's in every other breath every second breath comes from the ocean." - Danny Washington
"Don't abuse the trees. You should be hugging the trees."
"The 3R’s: reduce, reuse, recycle has been drilled into our heads as the way forward towards a sustainable future."
"Young skaters, don't spend your money on Escalades. Get a Prius. You'll thank me in the long run."
"We do have a lot in common: the same earth, the same air, the same sky. Maybe if we focused on what's the same instead of what's different... well, who knows."
"Like the color, it's a beautiful shade of green. Yeah, this environmentally friendly paint turned out really good."
"I really enjoyed that, how there's been no cars going around; it's just people walking and cycling."
"Seeing with my own eyes what's happening to one of our most important ecosystems, yet no one seemed aware of what was happening."
"If this is the last ocean ever, then we need to make sure it looks exactly like the old one does."
"Speaking about the climate crisis is the precursor to action."
"This photo serves as an allegory for the current and future state of our oceans, pushing endangered species to the brink." - Justin Hoffman
"How we're indoctrinating our kids to save a planet that's in survival mode."
"The earth is crying out for that right now and it's just a what a what a wonderful time to be alive."
"It's nice because Sip City won't have any polluting stuff in it once this place gets cleaned up."
"Because Earth, this blue planet and all its beauty, is just our starting place."
"We are now in the middle of the Sixth Mass Extinction. It is a disaster caused by us."
"The warming has reached the point where we're seeing the consequences play out in real time in devastating events." - Michael Mann
"Our first forest fire here ladies and gentlemen, we are burning up."
"Climate change is actually the biggest threat humanity has ever faced."
"Understanding is the first step to caring and once you care it's hard to disengage because it matters to you."
"If it can be recognized that global warming is responsible for at least some of the disasters our living planet creates, then we can realize the urgency of approving climate policies that protect vulnerable populations."
"We're all living on the same planet for now."
"What bothers me so much is just the circus or the play that has been written that we're all in and don't recognize it. I mean, I believe in global warming. I believe it's insane to think that we don't have an effect on the planet."
"Trash is like one of those things that you put it outside and forget about it. I think everybody should know what happens to what they get rid of."
"The aim behind Trigoyone was to raise awareness to the sustainability of the Himalayas' resources."
"It's all about giving value and these changes that you're seeing... everybody coming at the grand solar minimum end of it understands the changes are here."
"The smash mouth realities of climate change are here if you don't believe in science believe your own eyes."
"Climate change is real, human activity affects climate change more than likely."
"We are living as if we're the last generation."
"Earth Day is almost here, the day that we all come together to celebrate this planet that we all share."
"I think these kinds of trees are vehicles for change. I think they're vehicles for awareness. I think they're vehicles that illustrate our relationship with the native environment and the necessity for us to continue to preserve."
"Central Park is very big and it's full of stuff."
"The opposite of climate denial might be climate despair."
"Climate change is real and if you don't think that, you need to look into it."
"Global warming is real, climate change is real, these are happening."
"Yeah, there's sheer respect for the natural world that we've lost."
"It's all about switching up the things you do and just being conscious about what you're doing and your impact on this planet."
"What we're doing to climate as humans really starts seeming scary and worrying."
"Water is becoming a scarce commodity and we're literally sending trillions of gallons of it right back to the ocean. I think we can do better."
"Your true classroom is nature. Let nature be your mirror."
"Recognizing the impact fashion has on the planet is a step forward."
"We're going to look back and be shocked at the idea that we would literally flush fresh water down the toilet."
"You don't have to worry about an ocean filled with sharks instead you should be worried about an ocean without them."
"The fact that our planet is dying is evident, clear, unavoidable, and objectively correct."
"It reminds us of how brilliant the animals we share the earth with really are."
"Scientists are hoping the discovery will bring more widespread attention to the plague of plastic pollution across our world."
"Hopefully what I'm sharing helps us to be a little bit more mindful about the environment and the waste that we create every day through our beauty routines."
"We're using way too much single use plastic and much of it's ending up in our oceans."
"Refuse single use plastic where you can. It's the best way to lower your personal footprint."
"Straws matter because they were kind of that again, like that kick starter to the whole conversation around plastic."
"We wanted to make that modern. We thought about things that are around you wherever you go in the modern world."
"We are all accessory to the murder of rivers."
"We live on a relatively small rock with effectively limited natural resources."
"We're all interconnected: people, animals, our environment. When nature suffers, we suffer, and when nature flourishes, we all flourish."
"Know your environment. It's not just about what looks good, but what works."
"Laugh at toxicity because if you ain't gonna laugh and you're gonna take it too seriously you're probably gonna cry when you see what's become of this sad sad planet so with that said and done might as well laugh."
"Knowing how to use their bodies, how to grow food, how to identify food in the natural environment, how to understand the natural environment... those are all timeless skills."
"What does it really mean? So one thing that I think about all the time because I work out a country so often is that if I'm shooting outside of country it should not look like I'm in New York."
"We are a world dying under anesthesia for lack of authentic connection with the living world out of which we came."
"It's important to be aware of the environmental impact of eating meat."
"This sinkhole served as a poignant reminder of the unpredictable forces of nature."
"We need to be better to each other and to our planet, and I hope this mission can inspire more of that." - Mission Specialist Christina Cook
"I think if we actually knew that it was attainable, more people would get on board and do little things in their life to change the overall future of our planet."
"We're getting to the point where I think the we as the people are starting to demand that these companies take like environmental issues."
"Sterling gets his environment, gets his geography."
"I think you feel really connected to the Earth if you don't use electric lights and you just kind of realize hey it's going to be dark now."
"The people who don't believe in the problem of climate change are really fooling themselves."
"When you get up above it what you see is it's actually incredibly thin it's this tiny little fragile thing."
"This will make people more environmentally conscious... a hybrid cars initiative with 97% popularity with voters."
"Only when all of the rivers are dried and the sky air is polluted and the fields are barren will people realize that you can't eat money."
"I don't think anybody can deny the impact of the climate crisis anymore."
"Clean Coal Clean Coal beautiful Clean Coal Clean Coal really clean coal the only problem with Clean Coal is that it doesn't exist."
"Interest in electric vehicles for Americans is surging... we're approaching two thirds of Americans truly considering buying a plug-in EV."
"Blizzard doesn't understand that not doing anything about a forest fire won't just make it go away."
"The time lag is so much longer when it comes to climate change."
"I'm going to try my best to be more eco-friendly... baby steps."
"This documentary will scare you into wanting to make a change. It did that for me."
"We cannot go on destroying the environment and not realize that it's going to destroy us as well."
"When you see articles come out in reference to the planet moving faster... please believe that you're a participant in these events."
"Planet Zoo... does a great job of educating players on various global issues as well as the animals that you'll be taking care of."
"We reminded the world that we are not separate from nature, from water, or from each other."
"We are quite literally gambling with the future of our planet for the sake of hamburgers."
"Luckily with Ren, you can easily find out your carbon footprint and learn how to reduce it."
"Climate change is very real... situation's urgent."
"Manbearpig is an allegory for global warming."
"Nature requires balance. I give and receive."
"This is a battle of man vs nature, but rather than the lesson being to conquer that nature, it’s that we must learn how to coexist and ultimately take responsibility for the damage we’ve caused before it’s too late."
"Dams don't just blend in as part of the landscape to me anymore... knowing what I know now, it's impossible for me to look at dams the same way I did a few years ago or even rivers for that matter."
"On a finite world, a cosmic perspective is not a luxury, it is a necessity."
"We are not just in a severe climate catastrophe; we are in the sixth mass extinction."
"The truth of the matter is that climate change is happening and we need to do something about it."
"Climate change is here. It's not turning back anytime soon."
"Glaciers growing on Greenland and Iceland. These are the kinds of things you can use to start conversations."
"Literally, the smell was like rotten sewage."
"Nature is, you know, awesome, and that some of the awesomeness comes from its potential to be terrifying."
"Nature doesn't just have two color charts like that."
"Just get outside, focus on your natural environment, get away from that."
"The worst case scenario is fresh air and clean water."
"Seeing these animals in their native environment... makes all the difference for their well-being."
"For the person who recycles and has a compost but isn't aware of our homelessness situation, thank you. To the person who donates regularly to the Children's Hospital but drives a ram an h2 Hummer, thank you."
"One man cannot stop the dust from blowing but one man can start it."
"I feel like people just really feel like more connected to like earth there."
"Heat-related events kill more people in the United States than any other weather event."
"The dinosaurs know the Earth is theirs and that they belong here, but it should be ours together. Humanity and dinosaurs."
"Listen to what nature tells you. It never lies."
"Whether it's a marine creature in the deep blue or the mass of an elephant it matters little to the power of environmental change in human ambition."
"Know that you are connected to this beautiful planet in more ways than one, and you have a lot of value, a lot of worth."
"I highly recommend it, the Overstory by Richard Powers."
"The willingness to fight... people are standing up, it's time to stand up."
"Nature is very important; we are part of nature, and we lost this connection, especially in medicine."
"Everything we do locally will have effects all over the world."
"You don't want to walk on the little flowers and crush them, be tender, gentle, considerate, careful about what your emotional needs are."
"If there's one thing you don't want to mess with, it's Mother Nature."
"We are all having serious issues. I want to leave a healthy Legacy to my kids."
"Family fun and environmentally conscious - sign me up!"
"You always want to break these plastic rings holding bottles together to prevent animals from getting stuck."
"The Lorax stuck with me so much more. It got to the core of what's gonna stick."
"I call them the three P's: plastics, parabens, and pollution."
"Connecting with nature gives a perspective of being part of a larger system of life and energy."
"Sometimes I wonder how I can justify writing about anything other than climate change... it is the existential issue out there."
"The deep sea being one of the last ecosystems on this Earth that has been largely untouched by humans."
"These fires are going to happen year after year because climate change is here."
"Every day matters, we need to save our summer."
"Satellite supplied data has been critical to confirm the true extent of the climate crisis we're facing."
"Thanks in part to satellites, we have more data than ever before about the climate crisis."
"People are going to start realizing... we have to be better with our water sources."
"We are now in the era of permanent climate disaster and we better start getting prepared."
"All is not lost, but we do have to make decisions."
"I'm more worried about the future of the world."
"The book is going to encourage children to come up with their own ideas and innovations about how they can help repair the planet."
"We would take better care of our earth if we realized we're all part of everything."
"The big city is a thin veil stretched over a living wildly evolving earth."
"Please don't tread on my roots. It would not be a wise decision."
"They had the CGI dinosaur with Jack Black as the narrator being like you're all going to go extinct like the dinosaurs if you use fossil fuels you Africans."
"I'm honoring FlyQuest for not only deciding to be the environmentally conscious team but winning."
"We're in this lifeboat together, this lifeboat called Earth."
"In the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet, we all breathe the same air, we all cherish our children's future, and we are all mortal."
"Water is the most precious thing on the planet."