
Feelings Quotes

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"Listen to your feeling every time, even when you have no rational proof why."
"It's almost like I'm being talked about like a bouncy ball, like an inanimate object with no feelings, no emotions, no values, no morals, no ethics."
"I want to emphasize that although I feel it fair to offer my perspective, this person's feelings are completely valid."
"Love is the greatest feeling on the planet, and it's a lot of people say it's worth risking everything for."
"People think because they feel strongly about something, it's indicative of how right they are, and it's not. It's just indicative of how they feel."
"Thoughts are the language of the brain; feelings are the language of the body."
"Trust your feelings, your feelings are guiding you through this."
"Our thoughts and our feelings are two different things. If we don't like our feelings, we have to understand them."
"Depression's eternal, baby. I'm not my feelings."
"Depression can take on many different forms for many people it's more that they don't feel anything at all."
"The only thing that people actually care about is how you make them feel."
"Value judgment about what the person is doing is not what the question is about. It's about how they are feeling, how they are doing, what's going on inside of them."
"I'm disappointed because I think that we had a connection."
"There is a wonderful feeling of completion and accomplishment when you win, and it's Second To None."
"I think no, but we are very well able to experience new feelings, which are the complex elaborations of these physiological states."
"It's okay to be sad, it's okay to be mad, it's okay to not understand."
"Watching all this did kind of give me this sort of feeling of nostalgia."
"It's not about who wins my heart. All three of us have feelings, and the point here isn't hurting them."
"Honestly discuss your feelings with another."
"It's about expressing yourself, your ideas, and your feelings."
"People tend to believe that feelings indicate something important, that they're accurate, and that we should act on feelings because our minds are giving us some sort of useful information."
"Being able to sit with the emotion. Feelings don't go away just like that, like flipping a switch."
"It’s crucial to stay in tune with what you know and what you feel because certain events will attempt to throw these two things out of balance."
"It's not about your feelings; it's about your future."
"You gotta pay attention to how a man makes you feel... It's more about how he makes you feel than what he actually does."
"I am no good at articulating my feelings, but that doesn't mean I don't have feelings for you or that I'm dumb."
"There's a realization within this person that what they're feeling is real."
"I'm sorry I took you for granted. I didn't understand my feelings in the past."
"The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even heard but must be felt by the heart."
"What people mean, what people feel, and what people actually say can be very different things."
"I feel unappreciated. It's a lot like being a drag queen."
"That really hurt my feelings; I don't think I'm going to give you gifts anymore."
"Tell me something that matters more than how you feel."
"Become emotionally regulated; don't be scared of your feelings. They're just messengers."
"To heal from trauma, you need to feel your feelings. But when you have PTSD from childhood, the problem isn't always that you don't feel what you're supposed to feel. More of the time, I think the problem is that you do feel your feelings too much."
"Try to take your feelings seriously...validation is basically you saying, 'I hear what you've put out there and it makes sense.'"
"You may not be able to fully interpret it or explain what you're feeling, but you certainly felt it."
"Trust your first instinct. What kind of feeling do you get from each set of cards? Which one just feels right, which one feels uplifting? That is the card for you."
"It's so good to miss someone more when you see them after not seeing them for a week. Isn't that weird? Best feeling, right?"
"You've really struck this person's fancy... I feel like they're dreaming of you."
"I forgive you, but that may not change how I feel towards you."
"Stealing is the worst. There's nothing that feels worse than someone stealing from you."
"I find everything about you so pleasurable and irresistible."
"It was an indescribable feeling that would lead him to take one of the biggest decisions of his life."
"How do you feel? How does this make you feel?"
"Your feelings and your intuition are always a powerful representative of your personal truth."
"Helga actually serves as an antagonist for most of the series, but all that is actually a foil for how she truly feels about Arnold."
"Facts don't care about your feelings, but feelings don't care about your facts."
"To be tipsy is a way to describe your feeling when you're drinking."
"That was cathartic. It felt good to release all those repressed emotions."
"The moment you notice that you're catching feelings for someone, what you should do is talk to them about it."
"What I'd love to do today is to teach y'all a little bit about...why we catch feelings but most importantly to help y'all avoid getting into a situation where you actually have romantic feelings for someone who's a friend."
"I know how important it is to have my feelings and concerns treated with genuine care."
"The reason you hate it is because it's disrespect."
"The feelings that this stirred up in me, I could cry."
"People don't sometimes people can't even explain to you...but they can feel it."
"Sorry for speaking suddenly, but... I want you to know my feelings."
"When you're looking for love, when it shows up the way you want it to, it may not look the way you expect it to look, but it felt the way you wanted it to feel."
"My feelings aren't the ultimate thing in the world, and that we all got to come together as a community."
"I did my thing, but how are you feeling about it?"
"What matters is how it made you feel. Now of course, yes, it matters as well."
"I got this weird feeling like I was being watched."
"Facts are not more important than feelings, okay? They're just not."
"Feelings are neither good nor bad. What matters is what you do with those feelings."
"This person does feel very passionately about you."
"It's like internal, too, because you—it's almost like a nagging feeling."
"Let's just do something, just let it go. Euphoria was the first time I felt people actually heard the rarest form of."
"New love. A new person has stirred your romantic feelings. It is new."
"Don't make me say it, it's just... Oh, I like you."
"They still think about how you light up their soul, making them feel good."
"It's a warm movie, it makes you feel really warm inside."
"You might get a new perspective and you might realize that you have feelings for them too."
"I'm still shocked every day that my unspoken thoughts and feelings are now a reality."
"I'm all about facts over feelings, and I mean it from the standpoint—I don't allow my feelings to dictate the facts."
"Even if you don't understand all of your own feelings, I know what you need the most right now."
"That line right there, yeah, I'd say that's about how I feel."
"Sometimes you just gotta do what feels right in your heart."
"Um, it's a good feeling. It's quite liberating."
"Facts don't necessarily care about your feelings."
"People don't remember what you say, they remember how you make them feel."
"Fitness for such a long time is not about the way it looks. It's about the way it makes you feel."
"He developed feelings for her; Heidi was supportive."
"New love has stirred your romantic feelings."
"Your person does still feel very strongly towards you."
"It was probably the best I had felt in a moment."
"It's the feeling. It's a feeling that's indescribable."
"Big emotions, big feelings come up when they think of you."
"Alone is a state of being, while lonely is a feeling."
"Facts get in the way of feelings." - Ben Shapiro
"Definitely somebody has the big-time hots for you, big love for you."
"I just wanted to make sure that we had options and feelings I can't think of anything else and I think it kind of works."
"When you're dealing with an emotional dilemma, sometimes there's no better solution than to just wail through your feelings."
"Amazing feeling. I don't even know what to say."
"There's a difference between the things you're seeing and what it feels like to see those things."
"You can't help feel the way you feel. Her effort to make things right is completely admirable but ultimately a relationship is two people and two sets of feelings."
"Feelings are either shared and reciprocated, or they're not."
"If we don't start to acknowledge the fact that humans care about feelings at least as much as we care about facts, we may end up faced with a dystopian hell where power cares neither about your feelings nor about your facts."
"How do you make that person feel when they're around you?"
"When energy flows, no matter what feeling it is, it's empowering."
"The facts don't care about their 72 feelings."
"Their actions demonstrate their strong feelings for you, but it's not coming from a place of integrity."
"I guess I really definitely feel transformed."
"Sometimes you just can't put into words how you feel, you just have to feel it."
"Being emotional about it is the right response."
"Their feelings actually intensified for you, I wouldn't say they've lost it, it's intense."
"Since you've been going, their feelings haven't even, I wouldn't even say, you don't think I'm crazy, but I'm gonna say it anyways, since you've been going, their feelings have intensified, I would even say it's multiplied now."
"Something is different, and it's really hard to put your finger on it."
"The things that you feel and know are coming you're correct about."
"Anger and resentment fuel the process of heartbreak."
"Don't be afraid to let them know how you feel."
"This person is looking at you like, 'Why did you play with my feelings?'"
"If you disagree with me, show me, don't tell me how something makes you feel."
"They feel they do feel like this harmony with you."
"If it feels big, if it feels momentous, that's because it is."
"Surrender to what you are feeling in this moment."
"You either feel it or you don't. Is it awesome? That is the difference."
"They're not really communicating how they're truly feeling about you."
"This person cannot deny their feelings for you but they're so scared to be attached, very commitment-phobic."
"The feelings are everything, they are indicators."
"Saturday night felt different. It felt special, it felt unique."
"I didn't expect that part but I'm like I don't know if I really love them together anymore."
"Don't let how you feel make you forget what you deserve."
"Say what you want to say, say what you actually feel."
"You can't do anything about your feelings, I suppose."
"Anytime she tells you that she's scared of catching feelings, she already has."
"Just because it feels good doesn't make it right."
"Feeling has a very felt sense attached with it."
"A lot of people have feelings or crushes on you."
"When you're dealing with emotions and feelings, you gotta go through it."
"You just gotta let yourself feel your emotions."
"It made you feel and when a movie does that it makes you feel something it did it right."
"Listen to your heart, it whispers sometimes, sometimes it roars, you know the difference."
"At the end of the day, where there is emotion, there is still love."
"It's like emotions are hefty they're coming in hot some strong feelings."
"There's always feelings there that will make it more than friendship."
"I mean come on it's The Vibes right it gives you the Vibes"
"Just because something makes you feel a certain way when it happens, you can still choose how you respond to that issue."
"People don't really always remember what you say but they remember how you made them feel."
"You guys do, you're still going to feel like optimistic for the future."
"I love the honeymoon feeling, I'm like, 'Oh my God, I really like him, you know?'"
"It's not what my numbers show, it's how I feel."
"You just really touch their heart and they have so many feelings stirring for you all the time."
"New love is stirring romantic feelings. Think of this as the early stages of romance."
"It became more important to protect people's feelings than to pursue truth."
"If this person has feelings for you, they need to get out of their damn head about it and express because you're showing me a willingness to express if they will soften the hell up."
"Chasing feelings is really like hoping tomorrow you'll feel a different way."
"Can you vocalize what you truly feel internally even if it sets someone up to feel a little bit bad?"
"Worlds are created from our thoughts and our feelings and our emotions."
"Hopefully, I explained how I feel. Like at the end of the day, I don't have an answer."
"It's not feelings, it's really how you feel inside, but it's like, a feeling attached to your identity."
"I'm feeling something different in the air this year. I'm feeling Kinder."
"It's really got like a romantic feel like do it."
"We have too many people, there the population of the planet can decrease by the billions."
"Feeling is how we navigate this human experience."
"I am feeling so many things and I'm completely irrational."
"I don't know, I feel like it's a... I don't know."
"I think if you find yourself feeling this way it's probably because you're a super fan of the show."
"I hope you're feeling the warm and fuzzies deep inside."
"They've been cooking up emotions on how they're going to express something to you."
"This person doesn't feel loved, respected, or valued by you."
"Literally the best feeling in the entire world."
"Intuition is hard to put into words; it's just a gut feeling that this is gonna work."
"I have sensual feelings for you and I can't stop thinking about you, the allure, your charm, your charisma."
"They feel really attracted to you and they don't know why."
"They feel like they're very sexually drawn to you."
"This person feels profoundly strong towards you."
"Give without expectation. They know exactly how you feel about them."
"I felt a tangible feeling of somebody has just sat in the backseat right behind me."
"What does it mean to feel human? What does it mean to feel alive?"
"So many nominations, I don't think I have time to go over my feelings on every single track."
"From that perspective too, you do feel slighted."
"Our feelings for you, they were ever so brightly, our bonds still run away, so don't take them so lightly."
"There's just something very warm and comforting about it."
"Being treated like this genuinely affected him it made him feel bad."
"Sometimes it's hard to quantify, but you know it when you feel it."
"They're gonna reach out... communicate their feelings."
"Can we just take in the moment? Are we taking this moment in? Because I feel like we are all moving through a monumental shift for 2021. How do you feel? How are you guys feeling?"
"Don't ever be scared to say how you feel, right? Like don't let someone change that if you that's how you feel and you think you can make it funny then say it."
"No better feeling than walking by yourself at night."
"You're starting to get in your feelings about each other, and this person is wanting to fix something."
"Whatever makes you feel, that's your purpose."
"Every feeling and emotion you have is valid."
"I feel fake, I feel alien, I feel invigorated."
"Your feelings aren't a choice your behavior and your thoughts are always a choice."
"It's every emotion under the sun, like really and truly if I were to pick one book on this list to make you like really feel something I would say 'A Man Called Ove'."
"I want to progress things with you because you make me feel good."
"It's like how the Grinch's heart grew three times bigger. I think my heart grew bigger because I feel like I'm starting to experience certain feelings that I've never quite felt before."
"They can't hold back the feelings they have for you much longer."
"Define and align relationships based on fruit, not just feelings."
"Everybody has feelings. Put yourself in their shoes. How would you feel?"
"We're a big family. That name doesn't bother us, but understand, everyone has feelings."
"There's a big, big buildup in their heart, and it feels like it's been building up for a long, long time."
"Sometimes we feel sad and that's okay, and sometimes we feel angry and that's okay, and sometimes it's not to do with being in a relationship or single. Sometimes it's literally just emotions that need to be processed."
"It feels like this could be it. It just kind of feels right."
"I feel like Brent and I kind of made a connection."
"When you feel head-over-heels for someone it means that you're really in love with them."
"By far one of the largest build projects I've taken on, but definitely worth it because I thought this turned out pretty cool."
"They never invite me to anything fun. Not that there's anything wrong with it."
"Two things can be true at the same time you can have two different types of emotions at the same time and that's perfectly valid."
"Feelings? I have big feelings, okay? And it hurts."