
Racial Equity Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"We have a long way to go when it comes to criminal justice and racial equity in this country."
"Now, President Biden and VP Harris have promised to make racial equity a focal point of the administration. He's nominated the most diverse cabinet in history."
"Anti-racism is a collection of anti-racist policies leading to racial equity that are substantiated by anti-racist ideas."
"Now it's incumbent upon this administration to ensure that we are taking steps to increase access but also to communicate more effectively with communities of color about the vaccine."
"After the George Floyd murder, we rededicated ourselves to racial equity and justice."
"If we cannot make significant progress on racial equity, this country is doomed."
"Achieving racial equity... must be a multi-generational commitment."
"The votes of Black Americans should count twice."
"He also launched a whole-of-government effort to advance racial equity and root out systemic racism from federal programs and institutions."
"We have a long way to go to overcome some of the racial stereotypes in both directions to move towards a more equitable society."
"Support comedy hype... if you really want to put your money where black people are."
"We don't want equality, we're not trying to make kids equal, we want black kids to win."
"To corporations and organizations and entities that are owned and controlled and run by white people right."
"Blacks are significant equity holders in America's prosperity."
"Black ownership needs to own those networks and really give an authentic voice."
"Cash payments should go into Regional Development Banks from which black Americans could draw down Equity capital for business Investments."
"Everybody wants that chance and everybody deserves that chance and black people deserve reparations in the form of land, in the form of cash payments, and in the form of some type of tax consideration."
"Racial justice demands it. It's really not so much to ask when you think about it."
"Black people are not a charity case, black people are an investment opportunity."
"Black people have had a stake in this country for a long time since the very beginning."
"Everyone deserves to have what they've earned and black veterans like any other veteran want their fair share as well."
"I believe that all black Americans deserve a $25,000 check where if they invest it into a business they get another $25,000 check."
"We need a real commitment to black-owned businesses."
"Black women need to demand our return on our investments."
"Investing in black and brown communities and in the people and economic advantages, that's where we can really see a dip."
"We gotta hold on to our equity, we gotta hold on to our black economics."
"If you're hired as a diversity officer, that means you believe and understand the idea of racial equity, of racial inclusion, cultural awareness. That's you."
"We need black Banks because you look at approval rates, black Banks approve black people for Home Loans at 85%."
"We as a black community deserve nice things, black women deserve luxury."
"We will not have actually resolved this issue until your race has absolutely no bearing in predicting your life expectancy, predicting your wealth or your income."
"Black women on average have to work between seven and eight months just to earn what a white man earned the year before."
"We owe it to our black staff, black talent, black production partners, and viewers to demand change and accountability."
"People of goodwill and bad have been unwilling to see black and brown men in their humanist entitled is the same care and compassion concern that we'd extend to our friends or loved ones."
"If you really want to tackle racial equity, you have to raise the minimum wage."
"If you don't deal with the money, you cannot change the conditions that black folks have had to face in America."
"Black wealth has to be the number one priority for us in this century."
"Black people must always be democratic informing content in their organizations and shoot for democratic ideals so that ordinary people can live lives of decency and dignity."
"As individuals we can make a difference by doing our part to advance racial equity and justice for all."
"Black lives absolutely do matter but so does hiring black life putting black lives on your board renting the black lives electing black lives and supporting black lives it's not just the hashtag it's not just something trendy to say."
"Black wealth is black power; there's no substitute for that."
"We are in a position to listen, be accountable, and act on the needs of people of color. That's it."
"It is essential to recognize that all individuals, regardless of their race, experience pain and deserve equal access to appropriate Medical Care and anesthesia."
"Advocating for Criminal Justice Reform, addressing racial profiling, and promoting Equitable opportunities are vital steps toward dismantling this deeply rooted stereotype."
"Nobody alive today is responsible for the misdeeds of their great-great-grandparents."
"We've been taking what we can get. You know it's time to make a demand and that's again, I'm running on the courage to ask for more and black people need this and this nation needs this too."
"Efforts to expand black home ownership should pay special attention to Black immigrant groups."
"My bill, the Federal Reserve Racial and Economic Equity Act, would require the Federal Reserve to carry out its duties in a manner that supports the elimination of racial and ethnic disparities in employment, income, wealth, and access to affordable credit."
"Investing in communities ravaged by systemic disadvantage, funding educational initiatives, establishing healthcare programs rooted in racial equity—these are not handouts but overdue investments in rectifying a historical injustice."