
Verification Quotes

There are 1537 quotes

"In today's world, believe nothing and verify everything."
"Trust but verify. Trust that the people are telling the truth but verify the claim."
"Be careful what you believe and what you see, make sure you verify. Trust but verify all sources."
"The order must be verified by the Secretary of Defense to be an authentic order given by the president."
"Verification is really important because you're maintaining anonymity, and because of that, you have to have some source of verification in order to make sure that it's not possible to manipulate. It's ultimately about trust and information."
"Make sure whenever you guys hear us talk about anything scripturally based or when we share our stories, to take it and then always go back to the word of God."
"Verification is going to be extremely fundamental in the future."
"I don't trust anything. So what I want to do is verify everything."
"I trust my fellow Americans but at the end of the day, there's exactly one way to find out for sure."
"Trust, but verify; or don't trust at all, just verify."
"Our job is to solve problems, not to write code. How can we tell that the problem is solved without checking to see if it is?"
"The only time that science has ever been shown to be incorrect is with more science."
"A scientific emergent truth is not the result of any one experiment; it needs to be verified, preferably by a competitor."
"Freeing the source code sounds all well and good, but how is it possible to verify the software in the machines was compiled from the source code that was made public?"
"Proof of copyright and correct chain of rights has been provided."
"A fact is something that can be independently verified through other means. You cannot 'agree to disagree' when a fact is stated."
"A journalist should find three sources to verify what really happened and then write it up."
"Science is a process of verifying truth or falsity."
"Rumors spread, but verify in private, it's the wisest course."
"The fact of the matter is the accounts in the Bible, the historical accounts we looked at today outside the Bible, and the Christian accounts from outside the Bible all hold themselves out to be historical."
"Everything I've said here tonight can be verified by document searches."
"But you might be surprised to hear that a couple hundred bucks has actually worked and gotten people their verification badges."
"We are seeing more and more validation that the Hunter Biden emails are true."
"Even if I buy this for me, I still have to get it authenticated."
"The essence of Bitcoin is independently verifying everything yourself, without appeal to authority."
"What they'll do is you'll have a real video of Donald Trump saying we should condemn them totally."
"Don't believe everything native speakers say wholesale; verify with your own research."
"That lady, she's doing work. What's she out there calling people and doing interviews to find out and confirm or deny information? What is that about? She's a reporter. That's what you do to get to the bottom of it."
"Elon did the thing with, um, verification. It happened."
"It's not just accept whatever you're told by experts without question. There's science, and if it's good science, you can replicate it."
"Would you believe it? The account was posting racial slurs and problematic [ __ ] on their timeline while appearing as a gold verified Disney business."
"I think that we can trust but verify, so sure, happy to give President Trump credit on a breakthrough."
"You really cannot believe anything until it's actually signed and happened."
"I think you made the right decision... if you cannot 100 verify something you don't report it out correct even on even on that one percent of doubt."
"This is the level of evidence we need to prove or disprove a story."
"Verification was just a way for famous people, companies, and journalists to avoid confusion and potential misinformation from being spread through impersonation."
"Science at its core, as long as it is thoroughly and repeatedly and historically cross-checked, is something you should be able to trust in."
"If you truly cared about these people, if you truly cared about the victims, you would try to verify."
"I interviewed several people who are either current or former senior military or intelligence officials either in government or contractors who verified the core claim."
"It's pushing our minds to think differently about how we validate and verify things."
"I can verify that's real because there are hundreds of independent operators."
"So with that being said, employers and prospective students need to be adamant when verifying a university or education history."
"If Elon Musk was looking to purchase Twitter for the amount he did he wanted to make sure he was purchasing a platform that actually had real people using it and not fake people using it."
"Without supporting evidence, you can't really take anything that anyone says and just put it on the timeline."
"Published literature like Honeycutt's books is usually pretty good, but always check the sources if there's conflicting information."
"The tide is absolutely turning. The central idea of distrust and then verify, I think the world is coming to see is the right approach."
"You can't remedy that by recounting the ballots because you can't see where the chain of custody originated from."
"If the prophet speaks in the Lord's name but his prediction does not happen, you will know that the Lord did not give that message."
"I highly doubt that they would have abandoned Natalya if they weren't absolutely certain that she was an adult." - Video narrator
"Write code in small chunks and check your work as you go."
"I've been able to verify basically everything on this document and I've submitted it all to YouTube heck yeah bro."
"He claims he went to both MIT and Caltech... both schools have no record of him."
"If there's no problem with the signatures, let us see them. If there's no problem with the ballots, let us see them. If there's no problem with the machines, let us take a little look."
"Never believe verbally any verbal information always get it in writing."
"Trust but verify. It's called we do a little trusting but verifying because I've noticed that a lot of people who aren't our friends are promoting Desantis."
"We're going to try to figure out if what we're looking at has been faked."
"All of his -- his tip sheet has all been investigated and confirmed."
"Is this list real? What's the URL? The short answer is yes, it absolutely is real."
"Trust but verify. If I say something and you say wow that sounds goddamn outrageous, I'm going to look it up."
"If you can't verify it, why would you believe it? Why not just wait until it can be verified?"
"The quality of news reporting is really quite poor. We really do need more links so we can check data for ourselves."
"I don't want you to blindly believe anything I say ever, I want you to verify."
"The reason we know verse four and eight are right is because we actually went out and investigated and found out through science."
"Believe all, but validate, or trust and verify if you want to do that."
"This just happened they posted this two minutes ago so somebody somebody posted in the Super Chat um that diamond it took it passed away I immediately went to fact check."
"Formally verifiable means that code can essentially be proven mathematically to do what it says on the box."
"It's legit we all we have all three of the launchers that is not fake"
"Verify that what you're trying to secure is actually what it claimed to be wanting secure."
"They really want to say false though, yeah? And they said unverified."
"The authenticity of the Bible is proved by Old Testament prophecies fulfilled by Jesus."
"Truth has to be verified; claims have to be verified."
"Isn't that identical to the video that I showed you in 4k?"
"It's nice to have verifiable actual results to talk about."
"Stop following people blindly; trust but verify."
"First we need to determine if Mew was actually there or not."
"Never trust what you read without fact checking for yourself."
"Nothing that he has asked us questions about thus far has been false or faked."
"Two separate data sources from two separate entities."
"If another outlet reports something, don't run with it unless you have your own sourcing to back it up."
"Verification matters when you're talking about whether or not a thing is true."
"We have to try and verify and be as certain as we can. So there's two parts. This first part is finding where it is. And the second part is actually checking to see if it's right."
"If you have your driver's license or state ID added in your wallet application you can now share your ID information in applications that require your identity and age verifications."
"Don't just tell what people say to you on this stuff, look it up yourself."
"The signature is the only mechanism to make sure that person actually filled out that signature."
"It's okay to 100% fact-check people. Just because a quote-unquote ape says something or just because mainstream media says something, that doesn't mean they're right or wrong."
"Make the code checkable and then check it whenever you can."
"Put it out there, figure out if it's true. That's your job as a journalist."
"The CNN accusations are totally and unequivocally false, and CNN would have known them to be untrue had it undertaken any reasonable efforts to verify their accuracy before publication."
"Absolutely true, this is a real thing. Google it."
"Inform yourself. Check the sources people provide you with."
"That's what I have for you. You've got the article. The, by the way, both articles are linked in the notes. So go ahead, check them out for yourself."
"What you're talking about now is a checkmark, a verification on Twitter that did not exist on that particular tweet." - Michael van der Veen
"It was good for the community because they wanted answers."
"Hadith checks on many ways of verification, not just one. But any one of them that would have a break of unknown narrators would be totally rejected."
"It is not a complicated process but at the same time, certain documents need to be verified."
"And it wasn't just fake news, CNN. Former Vice President Joe Biden will win Pennsylvania and Nevada, putting him over the 270 electoral votes he needs to become the 46th president of the United States."
"There really literally just is not – especially if you're able to make someone – even in the days of verification and the world making sense, even at that point, you could just make the claim that you are a second account."
"Widespread verification will democratize journalism."
"If Todd Stanley's footage is real look at it then holy crap because that's way more definitive than Patty."
"We want to trust everybody but we verify, trust but verify, right?"
"Don't be afraid to check and recheck... you want this to be perfect."
"It's extremely important to note that certain aspects of the story are verifiably true."
"Multiple independent records survive confirming this strange event really did take place."
"What I really like about working with Elena is that when she tells me things, you know, I look up what's happening in the context of that place and sure enough, I'll find things that match what she's saying."
"The results of the analysis by the OPCW designated laboratories confirmed the biomarkers of the..."
"Photographic evidence of my presence in the past... confirmed as such by somebody operating in a need to know position."
"That's not a coincidence, you could go on their website and see it."
"You can't clear the guy just for that so I feel like they probably would have definitely like gotten his Alibi too like made sure he was working that day or something like that."
"There's a process by where that is confirmed."
"Is there evidence of voter fraud? The answer is, oh yeah."
"The first YouTube channel to be verified in Luanda."
"You have to know when did they say this is legit."
"Trust but verify. Adopt a cautious mindset when approached for introduction or a connection to a deal."
"As I dug into the details of it, it does stack up."
"Don't trust everything that you hear unless you hear it from the horse's mouth."
"The importance of verifiable truth, and that's more important now than ever."
"If miracles happened, if faith healing worked, if there were gods and ghosts and demons and all of this other stuff - any of it - if there were souls, there would be some way of verifying that."
"Confirmation that you've really made a discovery is actually pretty tricky."
"It's one of those stories when I saw it I couldn't actually quite believe it, but a little digging found it was absolutely true."
"We are adults and part of who we are must be first to think the best before thinking of the worst and verify everything."
"Some of the things Aon Wilkinson was saying were checking out."
"Is this legitimate? Is this really what this seal describes?"
"And it's not unreasonable to think that if Elon Musk is going to be making accusations against people on the internet, he has the ability to check that out or have somebody check it for him."
"The moment of truth: let's see if the state is actually showing."
"Baker's story was corroborated by law enforcement."
"Everything that that person said in the email has turned out to be true."
"It's not a result until someone else confirms it."
"It's real, the FBI says it's real, they have the laptop, it is not Russian disinformation, the emails have been corroborated and confirmed by multiple sources."
"You want to get to the truth, you need multiple people asserting the same point independent of one another."
"I don't look at any media as being reliable. I read the story and see if I can verify what's behind it."
"We need to see evidence, we do need to see evidence."
"Trust but verify, I think that's the best way to say it."
"Miss Davis, can you confirm that you and the defendant do indeed Stay Together?"
"The chain of custody needs to be verified for every single one of these thumb drives."
"Multiple accounts are better tested something is."
"Ali-A was dead ass on point, chat. Let's check that out again. When he said dragons, he ain't mean shit."
"Remember, confirmation is the arbiter of everything here. That's what tells you for sure."
"Are they still there? They are, have a look."
"Trust but verify, do not blindly accept anything that comes your way."
"Guys, that was good. I'm actually gonna have to check now. That is smart."
"Nobody wants to reveal an answer until everything has been double-checked."
"They are legit, let me just still test it though."
"So make sure from the 17th until the 19th perhaps already the 16th during the afternoon until the 19th in the morning, make sure that what you hear, what you're told, and what you think is really something that you can verify."
"The contents of Hunter Biden's laptop were later confirmed as accurate."
"You have to trust something, but you should always cross-reference and verify things."
"If you've got a tool that can show you whether or not you're right, use it."
"Truth is that which comports with reality, reality are those facts that are demonstrated and independently verifiable."
"If Matt Gates told me two plus two was four, I checked the source material just to confirm it."
"When you said that it was the best time is the best week for Ripple contracts ever was that a factual statement or are you just hoping? No, that's a factual statement."
"Try to verify some of the information that's being told to you."
"I need surveillance. I need to see that it's my mom. I can't just take somebody's word for it."
"Everything that Bernie Sanders said there is verifiable, it's true."
"Verify it before you jump to conclusions on deep fakes."
"Noah claimed to be a time traveler from the year 2030 and even passed a lie detector test to prove it."
"Bitcoin memes have come back to life: not your keys, not your coins. Constant: don't trust, verify."
"If somebody comes to these people and they said hey I'm an Esports expert don't [__] fing believe him until you check it."
"Genuine accounts of paranormal phenomena do exist but verifying them is often difficult or even impossible. Paranormal hoaxes on the other hand are plentiful."
"We act on vetted and verifiable information."
"Trust what they say but verify, and that way you'll be immune to social engineering and manipulation."
"Trust what someone says but always verify."
"We want these forward tests that tell us whether the system has the property, not whether what it takes for us to think that it has the property."
"It just works, and everyone can check it out."
"In the future, verification is going to be extremely important."
"Cloud Identity helps by applying security best practices along with being able to deploy two-step verification for the whole company."
"Two-step verification is a security feature that requires users to verify their identity through something they know, such as a password, plus something they have."
"Now let's actually verify the status of this Kubernetes cluster."
"Somebody else's version of the facts in an email doesn't mean anything to me; I need to see it for myself."
"I need to have every move I do be smooth and verified every inch and degree."
"Assume it were to be true, there's a saying in Bitcoin that's 'verify, don't trust'."
"Trust but verify. If it's important, get it in the contract."
"You have to see it to believe it."
"Tickets are verified for authenticity."
"Digital signatures are the digital equivalent of a handwritten signature or a stamped seal."
"Vet the source of your information and cross-verify it with multiple sources."
"The best way you can find out if you can trust someone is to trust them."
"My job for science is to test some of these things out and make sure that they actually work."
"If this goes blue, then this is definitely real."
"Science is information, and objective information are things that can't change if it's been verified by multiple experiments."
"No matter what information someone gives you, do you not check it?"
"Believe half of what you hear unless you see it and you know it for yourself."
"It's almost like Instagram should have real criteria for giving out those blue check marks instead of just giving it out to people they like."
"Through cryptographic truth, we can know what the system is doing."
"That's not a conspiracy, that's capital right, that's something you can look up."
"The day has finally come; your girl got her AdSense verification pin."
"The blue check marks are gone, R.I.P."
"It's wild to scroll through Twitter now and you just see the blue checks."
"Double check anything important that you're doing."
"Hash verification is a unique string of characters generated from a larger string of data, ensuring that data has not been tampered with during transmission."
"Authenticity is about being able to prove that something's legitimate."
"Trust nothing, verify everything."
"Trust nothing, verify everything. Micro-segmentation is one important way to achieve zero trust."
"A plethora of options, just double check this one."
"This is a conspiracy theory that actually became verified later, and this is, dude, we're on the fourth part of the iceberg, that's pretty deep."
"Trust but don't trust blindly. Verify your system's functioning properly."
"Absolutely no doubt, this is the real deal."
"It was an empty grave exactly where Ratford said it would be."
"If it's not in writing, it didn't happen."
"I believe what you said is true... But don't take our word for it... Find out for yourself."
"It's really important to double check no matter the subject."
"Verification is a good thing. You always have to verify after doing things."