
Logic Quotes

There are 6013 quotes

"Logic is a good thing, but... The Golden Rule. Like, empathy does matter, and even though I think we should use both, we should both use logic and empathy in situations."
"Everything in the universe was created with logic. There is nothing that God created that doesn't have a purpose."
"When you have a reason for everything that you do, then there is logic and purpose to everything that you do."
"Logic and philosophical methods...are the methods with which philosophy can connect these various disciplines."
"The proof of the Christian worldview is that without it you couldn't prove anything."
"If you use logic and reason to conclude that you are probably a Boltzmann fluctuation, then you must also think that you have no right to believe any of the steps you used along the way to do that reasoning."
"The assumption that they're invertible is equivalent to the statement that there's a one-to-one mapping from X to Y and from Y to X."
"I invite your spirit where there's logic, where there's pain, where there's a stronghold."
"Don't be afraid of being called names for standing up for things that you know are logical."
"There's a logic behind it; it's not contrived, it's not conjecture, it's not cherry-picked."
"In any attempt to deny this would deny logical inference and so would deny the very capacity you would need to try to deny it."
"The law of excluded middle is content agnostic."
"If you value any shred of your sanity, do not try this. Do not attempt to put any shred of logic into FNAF; it will break you."
"Once you rule out everything that it can't be, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."
"Appeal to definition is a fallacy because all definitions are imperfect, as everything is imperfect."
"Reductio ad absurdum...is the great crowbar of thought."
"All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates is mortal."
"Being babied all your life, you're not going to have a mentality above a toddler by the time you're ten. That's just common logic."
"Until ChatGPT's distant descendants eventually take over, states are run by humans, they are populated by humans, and as a result, are often as logical as, well, humans."
"There's a simple, highly effective rule for making a good argument: don't build it on a fallacy."
"Abduction... rather than being purely a hundred percent logical and proving things, what we do is we try to infer what is the best explanation for something."
"To understand the logic of quantum mechanics, we have to understand the mathematics of vector spaces."
"If you don't reason yourself into a position, you can't reason yourself out of it."
"Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas." – Albert Einstein
"Russell and Whitehead weren't just trying to prove that one plus one equals two. They were rebuilding 2,000 years of mathematics."
"If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it's a [__] duck."
"You may logically think everything is fine, but logic has nothing to do with the survival functions of the nervous system."
"The nature of true crime often defies understanding and logic."
"You can have multiple different, complete, consistent systems account for the same set of facts, but they'll be fundamentally different in their axioms and how they operate."
"If there are things that are dependent, we cannot have an infinite regress of dependent things."
"But for most of the time, when we talk about internal consistency, this is where the internal logic of your story fits and is consistent with itself."
"If you don't value logic, there's no logical argument you can give someone to say that they should value it. If someone doesn't value evidence, there's no evidence you could give them to say that they should value it."
"Logic is just one of the tools of rationality. To do logic, you have to do something that can often be quite irrational: namely, forget everything you know."
"The idea of believing in a god who created the universe and having the same kind of reasoning from cause to effect is not something which is delusional."
"The logic of risk-taking is about understanding and managing risks in a dynamic framework."
"Let's focus on being a little rational, let's be a little logical, let's return to basics and be very simple here."
"We make major decisions based on emotion and we back up those emotional decisions with logic. We rationalize."
"There's a whole branch of logic, mathematics, and philosophy called decision theory where people try to lay down clearly what it means to make a rational decision."
"The axioms seem fairly unobjectionable: if you prefer A to B and B to C, you should prefer A to C."
"There's this hypothetical person who is mature, never emotional, 100% logical all the time...this person doesn't exist."
"Doing the opposite of a bad idea isn't necessarily a good idea."
"Logic is usually more important than heart when it comes to making important decisions."
"You need to be able to critically analyze it in your mind, you need to be able to construct like a way to prove that it is incorrect or that it's wrong."
"Every experience rewires your nervous system... that's a ridiculous, illogical statement."
"I think that this is logical but it doesn't stop it being exciting."
"If rational thinking, logic existed, there would only be one religion."
"There are some terrible films where the logic holds up and some excellent films where it doesn't."
"You can't logic your way to being fulfilled."
"If we only call Blue functions, make our function blue, otherwise make it red."
"Correlation does not equal causation, but in order for there to be causation, there has to at least be some proof of correlation."
"Logical fallacies are common errors in reasoning based on bad logic."
"One of my goals lately has been to stop using logical fallacies when making arguments."
"Logic is not just about being right or winning an argument; it's about understanding our world and ourselves better."
"If you are trying to destroy the records of a civilization that built in stone, why would you use fire?"
"You can't dismiss the idea of something being self-evident outright because for human logic to function, we have to accept that there are some things that are self-evident."
"Logic can be infallible with respect to a system that is self-evident."
"Logic seems to be an incredibly useful tool for humans."
"If not logic, then anything goes, and then it's all about power."
"Logic is our most powerful ally in understanding and approaching reality."
"It should be emotion versus logic. That's what would make it a good Pixar movie."
"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."
"The laws of logic are immaterial, universal, and invariant; they're unchanging."
"The law of non-contradiction forms the very basis of reason."
"If you start with the wrong assumptions, you'll most likely get the wrong conclusions."
"Truth could be statements that logically follow axiomatic things."
"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
"You just think about that for two seconds, and it makes no sense."
"When the emotions fade, what will remain is the logic, and the logic will carry you through the dips."
"Yoga just makes my mind think a lot more logically."
"Disagreement is good; logical, honest disagreement furthers a discussion."
"If everyone acted totally logically all the time, only making the most logical decision in any situation, no one would be acting human."
"Logic is the most fundamental and basic building block on top of which a story is built."
"If they received their sight, it stands to reason that they are no longer blind."
"Once you've eliminated all other possibilities, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the right answer."
"Logical reasoning allows us to identify logical fallacies, and when an argument is fallacious, that doesn't mean the conclusion is false; it means you cannot affirm that the conclusion is true."
"One cannot derive an ought from an is, a moral fact from a physical one."
"I never affirmed anything so absurd as that something could come into being without a cause."
"Love and logic are deeply ingrained in them; they believe in the premises but never connect the dots to see what logically follows."
"Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two makes four. If that is granted, all else follows."
"We use reason and logic to lever our way out of ignorance and uncertainty into knowledge."
"You actually want to be more robotic; you need to control your emotions as a trader and look to the logical sharp statistics, the probabilities."
"You have to pinpoint the thought process, the logic, and understand the 'why' of a result."
"Logic is sort of a system of thought that human minds design based on observation of what patterns of thought give you accurate answers in reality."
"A whole bunch of unexplained things does not amount to one explained thing."
"You have to have two separate pieces of bread for it to be a sandwich."
"I still do maintain and I'm not going to budge from this belief that... we could have dealt with this all over the world in a much more calm, logical manner that would have had a lot less collateral damage."
"Feelings are always going to be fleeting; if we have a good argument and a good foundation for the marriage that's logical, then it's more likely to last in the long run."
"If you want to believe me, four-time memory champ who knows this world, who's a logical person, reasonable, very methodical in how he thinks and processes things, then you have to admit that he has some skill."
"Consistency means that no contradictions can be proven within the system."
"I just try to live my life understanding Occam's razor and that the most common answer is the most likely."
"Correlation does not imply causation; just because two things happen together doesn't mean one caused the other."
"If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, it's probably a duck."
"Your logic is what will implant your faith, and that faith once it's impregnated will give you the ability to create."
"The simulation argument tries to show that one of three propositions is true."
"Understanding what the relationship between depression and logic is, and also why it is that logic sort of doesn't work, is crucial."
"Nightmares exist out of logic, and there's little fun to be had in explanations; they're antithetical to the poetry of fear."
"Nightmares exist outside of logic, and there's little fun to be had in explanations; they're antithetical to the poetry of fear."
"I hate it because it uses no logic and basically is just someone projecting their experience and expectations on others." - Ruby Rose
"It's necessary but not sufficient. Do you understand what that means? Like the sentience is a necessary part of why human suffering is important to me. That human suffering is a phrase containing two words: the human part is necessary but insufficient, and the sentience is necessary but insufficient. Taken together, a sentient human, those are the two things that create the necessary and sufficient condition for me to care about the well-being or suffering of said creature."
"Suspense at the end of the day is all about logic and reasoning to make sure that the whole story from beginning to end makes sense."
"I'm not absolutely certain that I'm not duped now, however, I am confident that I am more right than I used to be because the pathway that led me out of that was a demonstration of logical fallacies."
"Arguments stand and fall on their own merits."
"We use deductive reasoning... we eliminate those parts which are impossible and we keep the part and say okay this is the only possibility."
"Just because something doesn't make sense now doesn't mean it doesn't make sense."
"The fight is whether or not the argument is sound."
"You don't get to prove the supernatural realm by asserting the impossibility of the contrary."
"Proper communication based on a common set of logical rules of thought would go a long way."
"Association does not necessarily mean causation."
"Some things just require a rudimentary thought process."
"If it was a planned insurrection then they would have insurrected. That's how I view it."
"If you say really dumb shit, I'm going to say it's really dumb shit and that doesn't make sense."
"Logic is not just the property of Europe; we must make place to see how it is held within other kinds of thick and rich knowledge systems."
"A real debate follows this structure: Someone makes a claim, provides evidence, and then concludes. That's logic. And it's beautiful."
"Proof by contradiction is a fun one... instead of directly proving the thing you're trying to prove, you assume the opposite is true and show that it results in a contradiction."
"If somebody wins an argument against you... it means they probably had better logic, and I have to go reevaluate what I believe."
"British writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's hero Sherlock Holmes said, 'When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.'"
"Skepticism is at an all-time high, but the reasons for it are at a usual low."
"You are unwaveringly and fearlessly dedicated to ideas, to following those ideas to their logical conclusions."
"Using this logic, their presence here, even if they never actually helped a human being, is still for the betterment of mankind."
"You can't just take individual case notes and write a sentence for each of them because your letter will have too many sentences and it won't be logical."
"Every logical fallacy has been used as an argument for God, and every argument for God is a logical fallacy."
"There's a big jump from there's an absolute something to God."
"It should be the same because it should be the same. It just makes sense."
"Logic has been used to rationalize everything from James Cordon’s career, to Jordan Peterson’s all meat diet."
"Patriarchy creates a hierarchy where the most 'logical' person sits at the top, and who is considered 'logical' is conveniently decided by the existing power structure."
"2019 wins the sequel battle with facts and logic."
"The biggest misunderstanding in our society today is that even if we're logical, our logical circuitry in the brain is literally controlled by our emotions."
"If you want to do away with logic, then you can't have a conversation with anyone about anything."
"The life of the law has not been logic; it has been experience."
"A page of history is worth a volume of logic."
"Logic is essential to a genuine system of laws. Without logic, you just have random decisions by judges."
"If you're a logical reasonable person, you take both into account."
"I want to teach you how to trade based on statistic and logic, trade like a robot would instead of trading with emotion."
"There are atheists who become atheist when they're disappointed with their church, and there are atheists who become atheist because of the logical reasons."
"Arguing is something we do with sentences. You cannot recognize arguments by recognizing the sentences that are in arguments; you've got to recognize the relation between the sentences."
"An ancestor of mine maintained that if you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
"It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
"We got to make progress and this is how we do it, one conversation at a time, breaking down the illogical because it's just about logic."
"Decisions people make are emotional rather than logical."
"The existence of other bad things does not negate the existence of one bad thing."
"Algorithms...can really help your logic, your critical thinking skills, your ability to solve problems."
"I think my logic is sound, so I'm going with it."
"You did a very good job... you explained your logic soundly and you managed to transcribe it into something that seems like it's getting close to working."
"The more logic that you have to discount their perspective, the more catastrophically incorrect you are."
"It's logically impossible for people within a system to determine whether that system is ultimately random."
"I'm a realist. I deal with logic, then I deal with common sense, and I defend the truth."
"I'm always going to try and approach it from a logical perspective if I can. Some things can't be explained, and maybe it's best that they're not."
"Feelings seem to be something that don't care about logic. They just exist, and it's only up to you to decide what to do with them."
"Absence of evidence is evidence of absence when evidence would be expected."
"I'm observant. I'm extremely observant. I'm extremely logical."
"Being able to truly make reason and logic the defining factor of your belief set is probably the primary advantage of being an atheist."
"I wasn't thinking technologically; I was just thinking logically. We do need a bit more of that too."
"Every so often someone comes on and actually attempts to use reasonable, logical points."
"Logic will take you from A to B, but imagination will take you anywhere."
"Every grammatically correct sentence is guaranteed to be true."
"Islam being so logical as a system for life."
"Trying to throw emotion out the door and really just focus on logic when you are finding stocks to invest into."
"Forming logical, valid argument structures is very important."
"Logical is good. We don't need to reinvent the wheel at all times."
"We are a mix of logic and emotion but crucially we are conscious about this activity that happens in our brain."
"Occam's razor would suggest, in the absence of evidence, the solution that makes the least amount of assumptions. That's it."
"That's the simplest, most logical explanation for what we see happening here."
"The ability to check what you're being told against a set of logic that is so robust that you can instantly spot nonsense is powerful."
"When I look at God's track record in my past, doubting him in my present is actually illogical."
"Surely you must know that in criminal cases handled by me it is never the obvious situation that is the correct one."
"For an intelligent God to take the dust and make a human, that's logical. For the dust to make itself into a human, that's not logical."
"They want to take this ideological stance and that's what happens when you're fiercely ideological and you throw away your logic and you don't look at things like a logical chess game you just only care about your ideology."
"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever is left, no matter how improbable, has to be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes
"If you're 33 and a Boston sports fan, you've won all four championships, you win all the time, and so in a weird way, I think that slightly makes you a loser."
"Libertarianism is going to keep growing because it's the only system that makes sense."
"If you're gonna say you have a reason to believe something, you ought to be able to follow the evidence where it leads."
"Our primary job is to describe our world and the logical possibilities that aren't realized in our world."
"Eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, has to be the truth." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
"Creating worlds requires logical consistency."
"I'm more interested in logic based on the facts in the case and not how I felt about them."
"You've broken your character and story logic."
"You definitely want to have impeccable logic for your antagonists."
"It makes a lot of sense for a Sandbox game honestly."
"Keep questioning what truth is, keep going down the same lines of logic, and see where it takes you."
"Getting the cause and the effect right makes all the difference in the world."
"The simplest explanation tends to be the right one."
"Logically one of them could possibly be a bit more likely infinitely more likely they're all wrong including science."
"Real strong on those ad homs buddy, do you have any actual arguments?"
"Identity, non-contradiction, excluded middle. Logic is true even in the absence of anything."
"Logic is what it is even if the universe doesn't exist."
"An ounce of evidence is worth a pound of presumption."
"You can't be right for the wrong reasons. But I can do that another time. I think we're talking at cross-purposes here."
"It just defies logic, emotion, human nature, and law enforcement instincts."
"But yeah when it's us we're like oh no no but that's true oh no it's true logically that doesn't make a lot of sense."
"Programming was more fun because I could use logic."
"If you want to win this thing, beat them with logic, beat them with facts, beat them with the truth."
"Code is very good at hitting back where you are thinking in a wooly manner."
"Something can't both exist and not exist at the same time in the same way that's impossible, that's why we would call it a paradox."
"Understanding logical understanding is the antithesis of fear."
"We're following logic family, we're not following me."
"If you're going to start building a case, premise, premise, premise, premise, conclusion, and I go after like any of your individual premises, you can't complain that I'm just attacking a micro point."
"It's like saying the ball is blue and red at the exact same time. It can either be blue or red but it cannot be blue and red at the exact same time."
"There really won't be time to do much else other than, you know, add more and more games to your steam library"
"Wow, yes! So this has to be four, this has to be one, this has to be four, that forces this to be a 1 8 pair which only goes in one direction, I mean, it's stunning!"
"If something is non-existent, it can't pop into existence because it's non-existent."