
Rules Quotes

There are 4099 quotes

"Love doesn't love where it's allowed; that's ridiculous. Love doesn't need rules to contain it."
"There's a lot of rules that you have to put into a system to be able to trust it."
"Rules are really just suggestions to maintain social cohesion at the mass level, but every rule has an exception."
"I think that true body positivity comes in all shapes and sizes... there shouldn't be rules of what is body positive and what's not."
"Infinite games are defined as known and unknown players, which means new players can join at any time, the rules are changeable, and the objective is to perpetuate the game."
"We've decided to embrace how many groups actually play – when you roll a 1 or a 20 for an ability check, saving throw, or attack roll, a one is an automatic failure and a 20 is an automatic success."
"We encourage groups to use the rules and the banlist as a baseline to optimize their own experience. This is not licensed for an individual to force their vision onto a play group, but encouragement for players to discuss their goals and how the rules might be adjusted to suit those goals."
"A good magic system is a magic system with rules."
"Football's gone so soft, right, and you bring in the blue card now, it does nothing but aggravate and exaggerate these sorts of scenarios."
"The best game has the best rules, which enable a lot of activity and cooperation."
"Nobody goes off trail and nobody walks alone."
"Magic: The Gathering is a highly complex and intricate game with a comprehensive rule book that is literally 286 pages long."
"The way the new assassins work... they do not take up any force organization slot and don't take away from any army rules."
"Narcissists and difficult personalities usually don't follow rules... they believe rules are for other people."
"The threat of the ban or excommunication... reinforces the understanding that being part of the Amish community comes with strict adherence to its rules and doctrines."
"The rules matter, and we all have to play our part, but today is a very positive day, a day where every Victorian can be optimistic that we will get to that COVID-normal Christmas, and today is a big step towards that."
"Rules and regulations and binary systems don't really resonate with me."
"You need to know the rules before you break them."
"Life becomes fun, life becomes joyful... the freedom within the rules is what makes things worth doing."
"The first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club. Second rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club."
"It is simply that we are playing a game where the rules have changed, but the goals are still the same."
"One guideline dictates the color of each piece: the I must be cyan, the O yellow, the T purple, the S green, the Z red, the J blue, and the L orange."
"The furniture rule, I call it. Forget the definitions; furniture rules."
"Do you know what the golden rule is? It's very simple: He who has the gold makes the rules."
"To make up rules, but the idea that we're not going to give you rules for everything but we're going to give you the space in which to create your own."
"Being able to have core base general rule sets that can be applied loosely and liberally allows a much broader community to enjoy it."
"The British succession has the least restrictive rules and therefore by far the most people in it."
"You don't have to live by another person's set of rules in order to achieve what it is that you are pursuing."
"Anarchist calisthenics means you should exercise your ability to break rules to disobey rules."
"If you cannot follow my rules, then get the [expletive] out." - Abby, laying down the law at her restaurant.
"If you don't know how Uno works, well, it's simple. Somebody plays a card, you then have to either match the number or the color of the card. First to get rid of their hand wins."
"We are compelled to wonder, could we bend these rules? Are they really immutable truths or merely flexible guidelines?"
"The flavor text for the puzzle is 'There are lots of games to play here if you can figure out the rules.'"
"Don't say that I'm not playing by the rules if they were made by you."
"You can't just drive into the back of someone, no matter how fast you're going."
"The only way to have a chat that never breaks the rules is if you don't have a Twitch chat."
"Before you can break the rules, you have to know the rules."
"Positive freedom is not about minimizing rules but maximizing what a person can actually do."
"We should all follow those rules. I want to keep people safe."
"In the interests of competitive diversity, I think Fury and grief should be banned."
"You're teaching the dog rules by limitation. People start believing in themselves."
"If every author's books followed all of the rules, then we would have very boring books a lot of the time."
"Cool, everything falls on you, but when you start needing to answer questions and you're being checked by people, it's good to be able to say, 'Nope, this is the rules, this is what we said, this is what we agreed on.'"
"If you look down with your mouse cursor for a second, you'll see a rulebook. I recommend you read it."
"Use the rules as tools to make a better game."
"Physics is the law, everything else is a recommendation."
"Curiosity got the best of you, huh? How about this: I won't tell on you if you play hide and seek with me."
"We don't have to follow any rules here to make a presentable image."
"It's not about following the rules; it's about understanding the principles behind the rules."
"Midnight Club members adhered to a strict set of rules when racing on the street."
"Anytime one group of people is playing by one set of rules and you're forced to play by another, it's gonna cause frustration."
"According to the rules, if a godchild does away with a holiday icon, the godchild in question must assume the responsibilities of that icon."
"If you miss more than ten, you gotta take it again."
"Two different realities with a completely different set of rules coexisting in the same reality, and even relying on each other somehow."
"In order to win the game of money, you have to understand its rules first."
"There's something beyond that, and this transcending of these rules is a feature of our understanding."
"That's not tyranny, that's how we maintain a civilized society."
"They couldn't even dribble. The game quickly evolved, and by 1906, metal rims were introduced. They finally allowed dribbling. Thank God."
"An objective or winning trader has a set of rules that they follow every time they place a trade. They have no emotions, are confident instead of confused, and are consistent while they trade."
"The thing about having the rule embodied in the story is you see how it's acted out...that's much more convincing."
"Penalizing ranked players who AFK in-game will be the first step to help combat AFK players."
"The one rule in these videos is common decency. None of us are common and/or decent."
"The rules don't bend for anyone, not even for Prince Harry."
"You only can win if you go by the playbook and too many people are making up rules to a game they did not create."
"They're meant to be broken, but learn the rules first and then knowing when to break them."
"The rules are clear, they're not vague with language like 'hate speech'."
"I have to play by the book. That's what his energy speaks to. It's not just commitment energy; it's also the spiritual concepts, my higher plane of existence."
"Your job is to figure out who is about to break the golden rule - and stop them before they do it."
"The ideal way for consumers to buy products is when the naming is very, very clear."
"Ruined or die, like this is just it started here and it's ending here as well, I don't make the rules, it's just how it is."
"People have a greater desire to be given rules to abide by, rather than seeking freedom."
"Pizza should be a treat. But also pizza should be a treat with strict rules that I'm very shameful about."
"The deck is stacked from the get-go with those rules."
"Should Planeswalkers be legalized commanders? I say no." - Sheldon Menery, Rules Committee
"Consistency is a set of rules that you trade based on."
"Every rule has an exception. Once might be a fluke, twice might be a coincidence, three times or more might be a pattern."
"We have some very solid rules here that describe how this universe operates in regards to time travel and parallel realities."
"In a world of rules, everyone deep down wants to be free."
"This is so weird, but you know what? My rule stated that we have to keep the lovely counter at zero, and this is what we're still doing."
"If disallowing the use of every glitch seems to be the all-around best idea for making an innovative category for your speedgame, think glitchless may be the right choice for you."
"There have been several bouts and even entire organizations that saw fit to change what we would consider the standardized MMA rule set."
"Games are designed to be played in a very specific way, their play tested and honed to this particular point where they have to be very specific about the number of players."
"Learn the rules of the game so that you can break them properly."
"You better remember what you... because again the rules everything is different and white supremacy has set a tone."
"The rules were absurd, dystopian, and tyrannical."
"God made up all the rules; he's probably gonna have different rules."
"After the creation of this rule Kaku refers to the rule itself as insurance which makes sense but it's also an interesting choice of words."
"You can't self correct if all three strikes happen in a single day."
"We had this big rule of anything that we bought for the wedding, you could not wear before the wedding."
"First off, diabolical deals. This needed to be in the DMG."
"In a free society, there's always someone breaking the rules or abusing his position."
"Just follow your own rules, that's all I want."
"Each player has to change up one army camp, can't use the exact same army back-to-back."
"12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos" - Jordan Peterson
"The code is more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules."
"Here we go, this is the let me give you guys the debate rules, okay?"
"The rules are the sauce that make this thing work."
"Sometimes if you want to win, you gotta play by the rules."
"These rules that I thought were gonna make me feel annoyed and confined, they felt like I was set free."
"The mafia wanted the rules obeyed, and when they were broken, retribution was sure to follow."
"The federal government hadn't always been sticking to its own rule."
"You could be a millimeter offside and that's not in line with the integrity of the sport."
"Princes and kings often don't think that the rules of the realm apply to them."
"I'd really like to see regular football come back where we can watch and enjoy and let the guys play and figure out who wins on the field not by a referee throwing a stupid flag."
"If you are going to decide to ban a spell from your game, you do owe it to your players to have a good reason and tell them the reason why at the start of the campaign."
"You cannot break the law. You cannot be on the pitch."
"We know the rules of the game that we have to play by. We may not like the rules but we still have to play the game and we want to win."
"I think more and more people are tired of these rules." - Ben Shapiro
"You have to create rules in advance that doesn't let them do that."
"That should have been a DQ referee allowing a little bit of leniency."
"The only rule of Air Max is to break the rules."
"When you're building a new world, you don't just want to put arbitrary genre rules around what's possible and what's not possible for a long time. You need to make everything possible."
"Gary says stuff like 'Hey, don't do this because it will break game balance.'"
"Disqualifying somebody over tea bagging their dead teammate is probably one of the biggest stupid things you could do."
"Practicing linking sounds is actually really simple once you know the rules."
"A chaotic neutral character is an individualist who follows their own heart and generally shirks rules and traditions."
"What are the rules? They were like clearly defined rules and they stick to them for the most part."
"Breaking some rules puts you in other people's hands."
"We've got to know what the rules of engagement are."
"No swearing on our Christian Minecraft server!"
"One cannot simply pursue one piece around the board willy-nilly. This is true. The aggressor must cease. That is the Only Rule."
"The soda can be used pretty frequently just because it's an instant attack, and so as long as the principal doesn't see you using it, you're usually in a pretty good spot."
"What's the point of being creative if there are all these rules you have to follow?"
"Respect the law and know the rules because ignorance of the law is not an excuse."
"You must kill someone if you want to leave. It's as simple as that."
"Sportsmanship or unsportsmanship is the uh there's clearly rules set people are trying to bend them it's still a competition but you'll still be punished if you do something outrageous right yeah exactly."
"There's a different set of rules today when it comes to politics and outrage."
"You need consistency in life. You need to know what the rules are."
"The rules don't count unless they're enforceable, and if they're not enforceable, then what the [__] are we doing this for?"
"You're giving people an old set of rules for a new world that doesn't work."
"Everything is governed by a rule, a law, a principle."
"If the rules don't apply to you there's no reason why you don't want more."
"You gotta know the rules to break them, right?"
"If you want the best in life, you need rules as well."
"Rules and regulation is a huge topic, but hopefully, we've given you an insight into how it all works behind the scenes in Formula E."
"We want regulation. We need that clarity so we have a rule book to go by."
"We don't need to have some great rules about how we're all exactly the same in order for us all to have equal rights and equal opportunities."
"Akainu's justice claims to be absolute in regard to the rules of the world. But it is actually based on his own set of ideals and values."
"Setting rules and boundaries is essential in relationships."
"There are small elements of the rule of call that require no sacrifice at all."
"That's a rule that I follow and it's one that the young tricks I guess have never heard of."
"In the Amish community, doctrine rules over everything."
"The rules are made to keep order; they're not meant to be broken."
"Rules are just saying hey, don't do this, don't do that, and they're going to be broken. Values and power values say this is Who We Are, this is what we do, this is how we're going to do it."
"If fun isn't allowed, then we've got no fun allowed."
"Your job is to do your job to the best of your ability within the rules."
"The exceptions probably swallow the rule itself."
"That's why I was gonna come on to you, but to do exactly what he did, which is send him flying and then stroke it into the back of the net like that, there's nobody I'd expect to do it but Gabriel Jesus."
"Wow, we're here, we're with the times. All Bellator main events moving forward, non-title or title, will be five rounds."
"Take out initial investment, that is rule number one."
"Come on guys you're not supposed to be in the nether. What are you doing?"
"It has to be that because that's legal and that's the way you do it. I didn't just make this up. It's fucking rules of fucking wrestling that nobody listens to anymore."
"Once you grasp the basic rules, it's quite simple."
"If you break that one special golden rule, your career is over."
"Children under the age of 17 were not allowed out alone... it wasn't supposed to be out of the house."
"The rules only apply when the powerful want them to apply."
"These are just some hard and fast rules that help me and some other people I know get that ultimate shredded look."
"You can't still have fun with the game, guys. It's a game. Yeah, you don't have to play by the match, yeah."
"What's the rules y'all? What's the rules ladies? What's the rules?"
"With the floodgate so strong, it was eventually banned in the TCG."
"You have to establish the rules of engagement with the woman."
"If there's something I would love to see out of melee in general it's just like maintaining what makes singles hype while still like tweaking the rules a little bit to keep it fresh."
"Part of leadership is really this following the rules in the right places and breaking the rules in the right places."
"Yuji's about to break the one rule of black flash by performing it at will with all of his remaining cursed energy behind it."
"Now, if you didn't know the Super Smash Brothers melee competitive scene, there are five legal stages that are neutral."
"Rather than simply complaining about it, these are the rules."
"Squad games, squad rules are going to be very important."
"Should stream sniping be a bannable offense? By virtue of choosing to publicly broadcast your location in a game, I would say it's a bannable offense."
"The real issue is how different faiths interact and work together."
"Have the courage to challenge those rules and always be yourself."
"Gamers probably like games so much because unlike in real life, the rules are consistent, makes sense, and can be learned."
"A deck can have any number of cards named slime Against Humanity."
"Rules are made to be broken, but you have to understand them to know when and why to break them."
"There are times when even unbreakable rules can be bent."
"These are the rules you agreed to, and I don't see how you get to come out saying these things about Leah Thomas when Leah Thomas is also abiding by the exact same rules you agreed to."
"That's a blatant red. You've got to send him off for that."
"Being a part of a superhero show must be great but there are some major rules to follow."
"Ad hominem attacks are forbidden... let's keep the commentary constructive and interesting and fun."
"Can you be a rule follower, be fair in your critiques, and still be successful?"
"The video is extraordinarily vulgar, and I would understand if it got removed on that basis, but these disavow Garrety existed before the new rule."
"Rules and structure can augment creativity because you can only break the rules if you know what they are."
"This is the normal thing that's supposed to happen in a country where we have actual rules."
"The worst thing you can have happen is make money not following your rules."
"You have to have rules, you have to follow the rules."
"But as American writer, Robert Brault once quipped, 'Do not be surprised when those who ignore the rules of grammar, also ignore the law.'"
"Cheating responsibly, I just think it's called cheating with rules, parameters."
"If the offensive coordinator is not utilizing the current rules... the coach is doing a disservice to the offense."
"Let's establish some ground rules so we're all on the same page."
"I don't see how you can book a center forward for trying to tap the ball into an empty net. How can you book him for that?"
"I'm not mad at the game because the game has rules, I'm just mad at myself for not understanding them."
"Your roller skates should not be in the kitchen."
"Great art isn't about following the rules or ignoring them outright."
"It's like boxing where there's like certain rules and there's things you can't do."
"They make up their own rules... and steal people's money."
"If someone puts down a +4 card, you must draw four and your turn is skipped. You can't put down a +2 to make the next person draw six. We know you've tried."
"Don't make any rule you don't want to live on the wrong side of."
"It's going to be night soon. We are not supposed to stay here after nightfall."
"You can't launch a contest like McDonald's can't launch their whatever contest that they do and then change the rules in the middle of it or change the way that they, you know, they decide on who's winning."
"Basketball with no rules is just throwing a ball at a hoop."
"The Nazis were hypocrites who refused to play by the rules."