
Smiling Quotes

There are 184 quotes

"The genuine smile lights up the whole face. You really feel joy."
"I can't help but smile, and I hope you can also join me in smiling."
"Smiling determines how far you're gonna go in life."
"Smiling is one of the fastest ways to communicate friendly intentions and put other people at ease."
"We use 43 muscles when we frown but only 17 when we smile."
"Smiling is inviting; it's reassuring; it's calming."
"I laugh because I got braces; ever since I got braces, I just been smiling."
"What’s the point? Every time I go in public. I smile."
"Posture, posing, and a smile can make a world of difference."
"We just kept smiling for like the next three hours; I've never been smiling that much before."
"The best time to smile is the one you don't see coming."
"Girls look so much more attractive when they smile."
"She had this really huge smile and I feel like a smile is a universal language we know primordially the reason that we smile is because we're bearing teeth in a positive way which means that we're not being threatening."
"Nothing makes me feel more confident than having a bright and healthy smile."
"It just feels so much better when you smile like you feel it, it brings a different light."
"Smiling is one of the best ways to look more attractive."
"for International Smile Day you can't wipe the smile off for Kim danish's face it means a happier chappie at the best of times but uh with a double Victory here this weekend he'll be beaming all the way to the next round"
"Everybody knows how to laugh. You smile at a person from a different religion, different country, different race, you smile at them and they always smile back."
"Confidence is key - smiling signals confidence and attracts others."
"Can you imagine a day without smiling? That would be outrageous."
"Just smile, you know, it's a good day, positive vibes."
"According to a 2015 study at Brown University, Americans tend to smile more than people in other places do."
"A smile can really make you more successful."
"I love smiling at strangers. It makes my day. It just brings me such joy."
"Smiling lights up your whole face, it lifts up your face, and it affects everybody around you."
"Smiling more definitely changes people's mood toward you; it changes your own mood."
"Don't tell people they should smile; it's annoying as heck and personally, I think it's rude."
"A marvelous thing to learn to smile when you're talking to people."
"As long as you laughing, you know what I'm saying? As long as you're smiling, as long as you're having a good time, you know?"
"A little bird told me you don't hate to say it, you're smiling ear to ear."
"Smiling is an individual thing, a goofy smile, awful thing to say to someone."
"You smile and a cycle breaks. Someone sees you smile at them and the cycle breaks."
"He's very good at it, all he does is smile."
"...the movie treats what he said as if it was something negative and I honestly don't know what they're trying to pull here. Smiling is not a bad thing; it's something everyone should do."
"Other than that, I'm still smiling. It's still beautiful."
"I'm trying to make lemons out of lemonade. I'm smiling."
"Smiling genuinely is about tapping into something good, and so I think your biggest problem is not just that you should smile, it's that when you're in a particular, let's say, head space, you have difficulty getting out of it."
"So, when you don't feel like smiling, you should learn how to smile. And that's where, like, smiling genuinely is about tapping into something good."
"Keep that smile up. Did you know that smiling makes exercise easier?"
"I wanted to make our consumers smile. That's not something people usually do when they're walking through the grocery store."
"Hope you have a great day, but most importantly, don't forget to smile. Bye-bye now!"
"He was smiling and talking about being a healer."
"Smiling makes you look more attractive."
"The most important thing in Ogimi, in life, is to keep smiling. I do volunteer work to give back to the village a bit of what it has given to me. For example, I use my car to help friends get to the hospital. There's no secret to it; the trick is just to live."
"Try to stay around pleasant faces, and if you have an unpleasant face, try and smile more. It's good for your health."
"Every goodness is charity and it's from goodness to meet your brother with a smiling face."
"People really like it when you smile."
"He's always smiling, all the photographs."
"People in the real world watch this happen in real-time and they can't hold back from smiling at the development."
"It stared at me, smiling, as I stood there completely unable to fathom what I was looking at."
"Look at candid pictures of Jay-Z on the internet and you will be surprised at how many he is smiling and laughing in all of them."
"Some of you guys are like [ __ ] man it's not easy to smile you know."
"If you have fun and enjoy what you're doing, you automatically gonna smile."
"She said, 'If something happens to me, I just want you to promise me one thing,' and I said, 'What?' She goes, 'Always keep smiling.' And I think, what a mother."
"Smiling is such a beautiful thing. Your beautiful smiles, I like that."
"Every time I see you, you'll be smiling. Like, smiling is important. Absolutely. Yeah, haters hate when you're smiling. And you always smiling, Freddie."
"It's hard to be in a bad mood when we're smiling."
"Don't forget to smile. It's a dark world out there. Let's light it up with their smiles."
"The best thing about smiling is that it's contagious."
"When you're smiling, you're infatuated by that energy."
"Just by smiling you create some positive emotions even if you're unhappy."
"I read a fun fact: if you smile even if you're not actually happy, your brain will think you're happy and it'll help you feel better."
"I was infused with joy and couldn't stop smiling."
"We still also, ladies, have a reason to keep smiling."
"They make her smile, they're good feelings."
"She was very loving, kind. She was always smiling."
"I was real big on having people smile a lot."
"Your smile in the face of your brother or sister is charity."
"But remembering their warm smiles, I too want to live each day with a smile on my face."
"Always keep smiling, that's my motto."
"It's one of those places where really we can't stop smiling."
"Smiling is Sunnah, which means something our prophet used to do and recommended doing."
"Smile one time for them, man, let them know big smile."
"He lived smiling, even he lived smiling."
"Smiling literally will make the other person, the interviewer, feel way more comfortable around you, and it will make you then feel comfortable and then less stressed."
"Don't forget to smile because you will have a good time."
"There will never be any whimpers for a smiling face."
"I feel like my cheeks are hurting from smiling the whole way through."
"If you want to look younger, try smiling; it's cheap, and it'll lift a lot more than your face."
"Smile, practice smiling; that's a good practice."
"Smiling is like punching your troubles in the face."
"Are you grumpy about something? Smile!"
"I'm like literally smiling 90% of the time."
"If I smile, like you just instantly start to feel better."
"You discover the importance of a smile."
"If you smile more, you will be statistically happier."
"It's okay to smile, it's okay to share positive energy."
"I'm doing my best, that's why I be out here smiling."
"Do blind people smile? Yes, I smile. Smiling is a natural response to happiness."
"I have never been happier to see such smiling faces."
"He has never stopped smiling and loving life."
"No matter what's going on in my life, I'm always smiling."
"I smile as much as anybody, I think."
"They smile more than I was used to, it was fantastic to see."
"It always made such a huge impact on my mood and always lifted my spirits when someone smiled at me."
"Make that your whole goal in life, to see her smile."
"I love the one that's smiling and crying."
"It's not going to hurt you just smiling at them."
"You're always smiling and you're always in a good mood."
"He was always smiling, he was always happy."
"Smiling is almost always associated with positivity."
"The great joys in life is smiling and laughing."
"I love you, Ellie," he looked at me, smiling.
"Smiling is the most used facial expression and also the most powerful expression to disguise emotion."
"People smile when they're angry, they smile when they're sad, they don't just smile when they're happy."
"When you smile, it releases hormones that make you feel better."
"It takes more muscle to frown than smile, that's a big fact."
"Cheeks literally hurt from smiling."
"Keep your head up. I want you to smile, that's important."
"It's very hard to stay mad when you're smiling."
"Every time I look at your face, it makes me smile."
"Don't forget to turn the sides of your mouth up."
"Try to make the best of everything you do in life, and most importantly, smile."
"I've been smiling from ear to ear, just grinning."
"Relax your shoulders, your head, and you can smile while breathing in and out."
"Got a smile, and there is always smiling, amazing."
"Smiling at your brother's face is a form of charity."
"I have never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful."
"It takes less muscles to smile than to frown."
"Remember to smile a lot, they love your smile."
"Just for today, as we're going through our day, first let's remember if things get stressful, try to remember to smile."
"People are so friendly, people smile here."
"Something happens when you smile at people; they smile back."
"Only takes 14 muscles to smile and it takes 48 to look like that, a whole lot easier to smile."
"Smile often, it's so much fun to smile."
"I try to smile, it's important, you know, try to enjoy every moment."
"Smile at them... it makes them feel so good."
"Smiling helps the body release natural feel-good endorphins."
"I don't think we smile enough. It's in our DNA to smile."
"Everyone should smile more, so everyone's happiness and smiling is great."
"Our teeth are not for biting, they're for smiling oh so good."
"See you smile, that's what's keeping me alive."
"It takes way more muscles to frown than it does to smile."
"It should put a smile on your face."
"It's okay to smile, you might make someone's day with your smile."
"If you just turn your lips up into a smile, it makes it easier."
"I'm always smiling, you know. Happy is good."
"Don't forget to smile when on stage... make it look like you're enjoying yourself."
"It's always great when you can't stop smiling."
"If you look at somebody eye to eye and you flash a huge toothy smile, it takes less than five seconds for the mirror neurons to kick in and that person will not be able to help themselves but smile back."
"You've taught me that life can be revived with a smiling face, the meaning of my destiny can be changed."
"Sometimes even if you don't necessarily feel the emotion, just smiling helps you come into a good mood."
"Just the very action of smiling releases endorphins or something in your brain, and you automatically feel a little bit better."
"Does this make you happy? No, it makes you smile."
"It's so good to see us smiling and just enjoying this time."
"You've started to smile lately, you know. It's a better look for you."
"If anyone smiles at me, I smile back."
"If you smile, it helps you feel that much better."
"Everybody smile, I hope you guys were smiling too."
"I like to smile. It's good when you smile, the world smiles back."
"Smiling is in the eyes and in the eyebrows mostly."
"Whatever happens, just keep on smiling."
"If you smile, it sends a message to your brain that we're okay."
"I love seeing people just smile, enjoy life and smile, you know what I mean? It's good."
"The best way to defuse a troublesome situation is by smiling."
"Keep that smile upon your face, it makes life better."
"Smiling at people increases your deal-making ability."
"I needed to smile until I feared that I would be bruised all over my body!"
"Smiling is mostly about smiling more."
"I like smiling at people because it makes people's day."
"If you smile, it makes it easier."
"You have to smile when looking at people."
"It's a fun feeling that makes him happy just to see Takasaki smile."
"Smiling will make you feel better."
"Remember, you are beautiful, but you're most gorgeous when you smile, so never stop smiling."
"Smiling is the theme here, we love a good smile."
"I like to smile, smiling's my favorite."
"You cannot not smile; it immediately makes me feel good."
"Keep smiling, don't let people make you stop smiling."
"Smiling can fool your brain into thinking you're happy, so just smile even if you're not happy."
"This person feels really, really good with that smile on their face."
"Indulge in random acts of smiling."
"I've got a smile from ear to ear at the moment."
"It feels really good, like I just still want to keep smiling."
"Smile. You know, just keep smiling."