
Chance Quotes

There are 2839 quotes

"Tiny, seemingly insignificant chance events can have massive consequences... that's the nature of the world we live in."
"Being an accident doesn't mean you can't have a purpose. Coming into existence by chance doesn't mean you can't have a purpose."
"Sometimes you go to New Vegas, and sometimes you lose, baby."
"I literally met my fiance because of a Roblox egg hunt."
"Sometimes you just gotta roll that dice, bro."
"This wouldn't be the first time somebody's rolled four sixes for dramatic effect."
"It's just up to the Universe to roll the dice for me."
"If you don't buy a lottery ticket, you can't win the lottery."
"We always have to realize that no matter how many times you've rolled the dice, and it's come up six every time, the next time you roll the dice, there's still a one in six chance that it's going to be a six despite the previous rolls."
"I'm enjoying getting some free star powers and gadgets; it's kind of fun to just like let it to fate, you know."
"It was a completely incidental shot, an angle that may not have ended up in the film at all."
"Interesting story about Mulligan... on the first ever Magic tournament, one man got such a bad hand that he dropped his cards accidentally and showed them to his opponent."
"Chance is but a name for law not recognized."
"The success that these things seem so unlikely and so dependent on good luck in some sense that mostly I'm grateful that I escaped from the axe rather than being proud of it."
"Life isn't fair, just like the universe we are simply the product of chance."
"Every day when we get up out of bed and put our feet on the floor, we roll the dice."
"Fate, which takes into account the relationship between our inner and outer worlds, is diametrically opposed to chance."
"Life is a game of chance played by quantum rules."
"Marriage is like the lottery; you are probably not going to win. But if you win, what you win is so good."
"War is often associated with desperation when there's nothing more to lose, roll the dice in the chance of some incredibly lucky break."
"Chance favors the prepared, but for the most part, if you are smart and you work really hard, you'll become successful."
"For us as an animal that thrives on pattern recognition, to toss an object or turn a card and get an unexpected result is magical."
"Only if it's out of your control can it be luck."
"Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."
"Both possibilities appear equally valid, like a 50/50 coin toss."
"The fun is in the failures... the game isn't interesting if I'm not rolling a one here and there."
"Every time you roll the dice there's a risk of hitting Snake Eyes."
"I feel like there is love here. I still feel like you have a chance is what I would say."
"It's a tricky dice, it lands on 11 and seven."
"It's kind of crazy to think that everything sort of had to work out perfectly for Gannon to even be found..."
"This is the time for you to slip through because the gate is open the farmer left the gate open."
"We maximize the randomness, so there's a 50,000 lucky players, there's 100 lucky players, and there's one lucky player. Why don't they just give us one for everyone, right?"
"Becoming Spider-Man is random chance, a roll of the dice, a freak accident."
"It's the chance that actually it could happen."
"Luck is a fickle mistress but often better than a shot in the dark."
"It means you should probably play the lottery but like, no, most dead messing with Steadsquatch."
"If this little girl had not appeared, I would most likely have been a corpse."
"With a bit of luck his life was ruined forever."
"A 50/50 shot is just like imagine if you have two faces facing each other like this."
"When you don't know what to do in life and you got two equally good ideas, just flip a freaking coin."
"Life's a gamble, Rhoda. We just roll the dice."
"Luck and opportunity are talking about exactly the same thing."
"What are the chances of that? Yeah, that's pretty weird, right?"
"That's way less about the fact that you know overrushing and way more about the fact that we got two Excel floors in a row."
"Let's see if this one will give us the Quake fruit... Let's see what it's gonna be... and Roll! No Way!"
"And I don't think Tarantino gives us an answer, but he brings up a really interesting set of questions about our relationship to chance and the miraculous."
"There's always that chance that you can pull a hundred dollar card or more."
"Sometimes you gotta believe in the heart of the cards."
"There's only one way to win the lottery: it's pure luck."
"It's like a lottery. It's like a really fun Lottery."
"You don't win the raffle if you don't buy a ticket."
"You're literally rolling the dice when it comes to your body composition."
"Sometimes you just get a little lucky, no doubt about that."
"I'm still alive because I didn't go to that restroom that day."
"The odds of getting two superstar X Factor tight ends in the same draft? No idea what that is but this draft has it."
"Imagine rolling on that 20 and knowing that you could succeed on one thing that day as good as you could succeed on anything. That's a ooh that's a good ability."
"If you don't buy a ticket to the raffle, you ain't ever going to win but why."
"Chance disrupting the combo and typically winning the game instantaneously."
"Every day is a game of chance, blessed by Gork and Mork."
"Greatness is doing the things you love and the rest is just luck."
"Even when it feels like it's all up to chance, you can always trust your instincts."
"It's a matter of you taking the risk, taking the chance that maybe you can make a difference."
"Be open. Serendipity plays such a greater role in our lives than we would ever figure."
"But even if you can't drop a hundred and sixty-six thousand dollars on a gem mint Black Lotus, one of Magic the Gathering's most powerful play mechanisms is the element of chance."
"Just give it a chance and not judge it before it's happened."
"The odds of this being random are billions to one."
"It was just the luck of the cards, you know, sometimes you don't draw any extra Hermits right away."
"Chance encounters leading to Love Takes a whole new twist in Maid Sama when Takumi USI finds out that Ayuzawa works as a part-time maid."
"Can I get Taylor as my teammate? You have a 50/50 shot, right? Flip a coin."
"You have not one but two aces as your first cards, hinting at the outcome or the outcome potential depending on what you choose."
"If you drop a like on this video, there is a 0.0076267% chance that you will receive your very own Mortal Kombat arcade machine."
"That's like getting all the cherries in a row on the front machine."
"If you don't buy a ticket, you don't win the raffle."
"Rolling a handful of dice can be really exciting."
"But for certain flukes and but for certain bad turns, life of two same people can turn out radically different."
"Life is an unpredictable beast, chance encounters could change everything."
"This is your lucky chance, this is your lucky opportunity."
"It could have been someone else. It just happened to be me."
"It's like, everything is a dice roll but you can stack the dice in your favor."
"Every now and again you throw your line in the water. At some point, you're gonna catch something."
"50/50: A subreddit where each post offers two possible outcomes."
"Everything we predict is a probability some are a lot more probable others are less probable while some have astronomically low chances of ever happening."
"Half a second before, half a second later, they wouldn't have had the accident."
"Lady luck was the only thing standing in my way."
"When you spin the lucky wheel, there's a three percent chance that you'll get this festive gingerbread mask..."
"Deaths touch from the Wheel of Fortune, that's amazing."
"It's your turn to play the odds and break the curse of random."
"If you only roll once you're very unlikely to hit that lucky 7 but the more you try the more opportunities you have to hit it."
"You're one lucky sob, you've luckily made it this far without becoming a member of the club."
"There's no you have to get lucky." - Finding success.
"Given anything to roll the dice just one more time. That's what it's like to be human."
"Is it mere chance? Are we psychologically prone to finding meaning in order to discover closure? Is it supernatural, or is it simply a case of a bug acting up in the matrix? You be the judge."
"Teenage girls: You buy a five dollar scratch off ticket, you match two numbers, match three numbers, win five dollars."
"It's all luck. Like trust me if Dave Chappelle hadn't taken off for South Africa uh-huh and Chris Tucker hadn't found Jesus, Kevin Hart may not be working."
"There's a huge lottery happening and the jackpot is too tempting to miss out on. You can't win if you don't play."
"Fingers crossed there's one of these last two."
"They want to restore balance to the connection."
"They're willing to work and give things a chance."
"Luck is going to be the lady for this season."
"Every time there's a random pick it's like rolling a die."
"You gotta take some chances every once in a while definitely."
"If you don't take your chances, you don't score goals. If you don't buy a lottery ticket, you can't win the lottery."
"Unexpected opportunities again where something just drops in your lap, and you really want to grab it and run."
"Whatever is gonna happen is gonna happen, we've rolled the dice, we just have to see if it comes up snake eyes."
"We still have a chance here, despite the unlucky draws."
"Sometimes you just gotta get a little bit lucky."
"Sometimes it's better to be lucky than skillful."
"If we do nothing, nothing will happen. At least if we try, we have some sort of percentage chance."
"You cannot expect to win the lottery if you never even buy a ticket." - Director
"Lucky hit: You have a 20 chance to launch three stun grenades that deal damage and stun them for half a second."
"Life's a lottery, you know, and what will be will be."
"You make your own luck, but sometimes something happens."
"I think you can control 80% of luck and 20% you can't."
"It's always better to be lucky than be good."
"Luckily, for all of you, you get to roll and find out who's gonna be the host."
"Just one extra diamond might just change your life."
"Every dinosaur is in with a pretty decent chance to become victorious."
"If you're not creating what you want, you'll be automatically put into a state of chance probabilities."
"For women, dating is like scratching a lottery ticket."
"You miss every shot you don't take. If you take a million, you're bound to make one."
"Luck has more to do with life than you might think."
"You can't win the lottery if you don't play, it's not a lottery."
"I mean, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you get wrecked, sometimes you get really lucky."
"Imagine if seeds were only available via luck."
"Serendipity is the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way."
"You can't predict how this is going to go... it's kind of a lucky dip."
"There's always the threat of whack crit and pretty much focus focus."
"It's these random chances that bring us to random places in life some of those places that feel like Destiny."
"That's the thing it's these random chances that bring us to random places in life some of those places that feel like Destiny."
"If I had not queued up at the right time or made that joke I wouldn't have met the absolute love of my life."
"It's really the only chance that he's got for survival."
"The anonymous South Carolinian might seem like the luckiest person in the world..."
"No team goes through unscathed; fortune plays a part in success."
"Miracles are possible, and when you get this card, you're also reminded that you, your will, and your skill alone will only yield so many results."
"Give them a chance because they have the right motivations, the right intentions."
"The reasons for everything are concealed within the odds."
"People think like, 'Oh, that's crazy,' but it's not an accident."
"For them to do that for the very first time, that promotion of choice is gonna have to roll the old dice."
"Maybe we'll win the Mega. I mean, if we hit it with a double pop."
"Take your chances. If you don't take a chance, you'll never know what might happen."
"The ring on the index finger can also kind of be like a symbol of ambition or leadership or confidence."
"He was lucky in that time he won't be lucky again."
"It's not something you can control. It's catching lightning in a bottle."
"You've a 1 in 4 chance to eliminate student loan debt."
"99% of the time you get [expletive] and there's not much you could do about it. But you always try because you never know, sometimes there's that one percent and that makes it all worth it."
"But while all the ingredients for his greatest work were in the air in the 1960s, they only coalesced together thanks to pure chance."
"The hits were coming and we're catching up to the normal odds."
"I just kind of feel he should be giving a chance to just do what Nuno wants to do."
"I seriously thought it would happen right now. Well, at least I already met the best person in the whole world, even if it was by chance. I guess I just got really lucky, huh?"
"Wow, what are the odds, man? What are the odds that the exact amount of GP got us the exact right amount of feathers? How is that even possible? I am just bewildered right now."
"Watch for the little bird, it's an amazing opportunity."
"Don't pin it in the thing, you make your own luck."
"We don't get to design the board... all we get to do is move our piece..."
"Things are coming around with the Wheel of Fortune."
"Life is a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get."
"In the world of Balder's Gate, anything is possible and everything is determined via dice roll."
"They feel like luck has turned their way and that you guys have a chance at this."
"Opportunity comes once in a lifetime at times."
"Estimate our chances at 12% - so you're telling me there's a chance."
"You are spiraling up, you are on the verge of a lucky break, take risks."
"You need a little luck; you need the ball to bounce your way sometimes."
"It is a microcosm of life in that you get a starting hand sometimes it's fantastic and sometimes it's not so fantastic."
"You got to give love a chance because good love won't let you down."
"It's the opportunity of a lifetime."
"I want to get to know you, everything I learned about you is amazing, please just give me a chance."
"You have a real chance at freedom here."
"Life is a risk, you got to roll the dice to get a slice."
"It's all about rolling the dice, you know."
"Great shot kid, that was one in a million."
"It's stumbling across a situation where there are infinite possibilities."
"Luck may have helped the hijackers hit their target."
"It's like someone repeatedly tossing a coin in front of you, and it just comes up heads every single time."
"Good to see you, buddy. I knew there'd be a 50/50 chance whether or not you'd even show up."
"I don't think I could forgive myself if I didn't try, if I didn't give this a chance."
"Let's spin the wheel to see what I'm doing next."
"Sometimes in life, you have to take a bit of a gamble."
"Life was like a box of chocolates, Forest. You never know what you're going to get."
"I think we were just at the right place at the right time."
"It's a long shot, I know, but it's worth a try."
"I decided to give it a shot and honestly, I'm really glad I did."
"Even fate must bow before the hearts of heroes and the roll of the dice."
"Take a chance on me, really catchy song for sure."
"I met this man through this app; I met my needle in the haystack."
"This was a once in a lifetime chance."
"You have a pretty solid chance of being on the nice list."
"You're moving on to question three no matter what and have a chance to win the game and take money home."
"We wouldn't be here today if one thing went different that day."
"You only have one chance. The shuttle's a glider when it's coming in."
"There's big money there, and if the balls land in the right directions, there is the propensity to take over some really life-changing money."
"Who will end up beaming like the Cheshire Cat, and who will have a face like they've gargled lemon juice?"
"We only got one chance and got one life to live, and it's do or die, got to make it count."
"Yuri Udin was the only member of the group to survive and only because a flare-up in his sciatic nerve forced him to return home a few days into the trip."
"It's a flip, and sometimes these tournaments come down to a coin flip."
"This could be my only chance, the universe gave it to me."
"A game of rock-paper-scissors decided a $20 million auction."
"...Jesus Christ Bruce what is it with you and your low percentage of chances..."
"It is his chance to extend his life."
"Lucky people get lucky all the time!"
"You get one shot, you get one chance to really, really mess up, and then I'm out of there, I'm gone."
"For now, they should just wait for the chance encounter that might come someday."