
Homecoming Quotes

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"When I open the door and I come home for the first time I see family for the first time in years, sometimes I'm like, that's the feeling I get when I truly realize, 'Oh, okay, I'm home now.'"
"The Divine King's first thought after being revived a thousand years later was to return home."
"You should always go out and see the world, but the goal is always to come back home."
"Thank you, that was one heck of a ride. We're happy to be home."
"Normal days, I would open the door and my family comes runs and gives me a hug."
"Sometimes we go far and forget who we are, we gotta come back home."
"It's all about the moments and then coming home to the ones that matter."
"The best feeling for me was coming home and hearing five, six different voices... 'Dad's home.'"
"My dear friends, when my father recalled me from Spain so that I could come back to my country, I was seized with such a joy that the following night I could not sleep."
"We remember the places we once loved, guided by time, then we see it—the place we've been trying to get back to, safe at last, we've found our way home."
"Super exciting that as of right now we are going to be bringing everybody home from Crew 2 today."
"Helping the lost find their way home to their spiritual heritage of the One."
"Your disappearance open like an oyster once I get home."
"Once the triumphantness has laid out the foundation for our return to home, what's left is the serene."
"Bring home the sailor to myself and then introduce her to the devoted."
"My path is set in place; I have finally gone home."
"I'm coming home, I'm coming back down tonight."
"The real Max is back. I did so much to bring you back home, and it actually worked."
"You'll make it through, you'll make it home."
"We're bringing our soldiers back home. Nobody expected that from me, and people are so happy about it."
"Happy now? Okay, now we can go home and wait."
"I'm back home, I'm in a good space mentally."
"I can't leave my seat. It took me home in a way that I am always glad to feel."
"Lucky is back... our little one, but how did she even get home on her own?"
"The United States will always be my home, and I'll always be willing to come back on a single condition."
"We must go to Macari, where my brothers and I once ruled."
"Veterans will feel like they're not exiles in their own country when they come home exactly."
"It's quite a shock coming home in a lot of ways, but it is a lot nicer right now."
"We're going back home, back to the beginning."
"Nobody cheered when the Hell Fighters departed New York in 1917, but it was a completely different story when they returned home in February 1919."
"It's that moment when you unlock the door, hit the garage door open or whatever it is and you come inside and it's like ah yes I'm home."
"Coming home is this feeling of safety and comfort so that you're able to breathe and fully tap into your inner guidance, your inner wisdom."
"Nothing beats the relief of coming home even after a fun vacation."
"Grace is the collision all the way back home."
"But you gotta take care of each other, and your mom and dad are gonna be right here waiting on you when you get home."
"Oh my gosh, yes finally! Billy, you're home!"
"Harold Hardrada had finally returned home to cash in on his hard-earned gold and glory."
"I absolutely loved hearing it, it really felt like a return to home."
"As soon as I turn onto my street, it starts feeling like home."
"Realizing the truth and where he was going, Ash rushed to his hometown of Pallet Town."
"Human beings are hardwired for kindness and compassion, with scientific evidence showing neural connections and hormonal responses to acts of generosity."
"Having Elizabeth back home has been so wonderful."
"Dragon SpaceX, welcome back home. Thank you for flying SpaceX."
"Welcome home! We made it to our little glass bubble in the sky."
"We're so thankful to have you home and we're just getting used to this new chapter."
"She knows... Let's return home and get better acquainted."
"Coming home is the song that's what it's all about."
"Looking at yellow just makes you feel so happy. It's like it reminds you of the sun."
"There's nothing more wonderful for a man than to approach his own doorstep knowing that someone on the other side of the door is listening for the sound of his footsteps."
"I have friends back at home that woulda came in got my belongings and with a headed sword up or I could have made a special trip to come home and get it."
"Welcome home. This is where you belong. I'm so glad you're here."
"The journey home is uh, not quite over for these astronauts even though they are back on Earth."
"It's a very excellent process of getting back home, especially to have just been in space."
"Love could be entering into your home for the first time in a long time... so if you haven't had a person for a while I definitely feel there could be love."
"Being back home in Jamaica is such a blessing, and I'm just really happy and grateful that I could just travel whenever I want to and be with family."
"Thank you Lord for sending him back home safe."
"I'm really psyched that she's home, thank God, you feel me."
"Welcome home, everyone. You are now protected by a temporary storm shield."
"It feels amazing to be home. It's great to be back at home base. We absolutely love being at home, just feels good."
"Who knows where Pedro was for that while but I'm very glad that he ended up making it home safely."
"Being a parent is the greatest thing in the world; nobody's gonna greet you when you come home like your children."
"This person wants to go with the flow... Wants to know if you will give them another chance... They're ready to come home today."
"For now all he wanted was to go home and see his mother for a while."
"It's time to come home, homecoming. Come back. We missed you."
"No matter what we go through, somehow, we always find our way back home."
"After many years in space... we're finally back home."
"There's never exactly a right time... just go for it, and you can always go home."
"The house thing now is as good as it's gonna be for when Ali gets home."
"Did I finally get it right? I can't believe we're finally home. Let's go, baby, let's go."
"The only thing in my mind right now is just return to home together with my family."
"It's the best feeling when you come home and your pets are all over you like you're the only person in their life."
"It's good to be back, and I can't stress y'all how ready I am for today."
"Welcome back home it good to be home Mick and it's finally good for somebody to have my damn back."
"My last girlfriend died. Days passed, and homecoming was in a few weeks. I wasn't even planning on going at first, but everything changed when Nick asked me during lunch."
"Enjoy it once you're back home, in hindsight."
"I've never been so happy to be home, oh my goodness, what an adventure."
"The father is waiting for some folk to come home, please don't miss this, don't miss this, don't miss this."
"It is not broken my spirit one iota. I will be back in Centralia someday living."
"And it's coming home boys... it's coming home."
"Thank you guys so much for everything. She's coming home."
"I'm coming home or I'm returning home to you."
"Well, hurry back. You've got someone little waiting for you."
"There's a lot of people saying I'm repenting and I'm coming home."
"It feels good to be back, just back in the UK, back in my own car, just doing what I do like how this all started, just sharing cars, enjoying driving."
"Enough is enough, it's time for her to come home with family."
"I said all the time like just a manager just imagine homecoming in its howard verse hampton."
"I need to survive with everyone else and return home. That's what's most important."
"I was like, 'This is awesome, I was like, 'This is going to go over so well back home, I was like, 'I'm going to be a hero.' And then I was like, 'This is all happening right now.'"
"Let's go to bed. I want to leave this island as soon as possible and return home."
"There's an inner attraction which draws us forward and that is the way I identified it was a feeling of homecoming."
"Pray for them that when they return home they would return home to blessings and increase that they literally returned home to the favor of the lord in new areas new ways new parts of life."
"It feels good to be back even though I enjoy going out."
"It's amazing to be back home with passengers."
"The sight does not paint a pretty picture. However, this to me is home again."
"They say that the paradise when you return home smells like this."
"LeBron James didn't choose to be born in Cleveland. LeBron James didn't choose to be drafted a cavalier. But after a bitter departure some glorious time away and a few years of cavalier luck LeBron James the guy chose to come home."
"Granny says, 'Welcome home.' Thank you Granny, you're the best."
"Hey guys, we are back home and oh my goodness bro, you guys have been killing it with the support on these thrift videos."
"The happiest days of my life are coming home and hearing six different people say daddy daddy daddy."
"Being able to do it as a family and we still had one another... so we could go out into the world and kind of like do these fun things and big things but then we kind of came back to this home."
"It's great to have you back, it feels like home."
"We're home... maybe the Millennium Falcon was left there."
"Those who managed to return home were still winners."
"I feel so recharged and just excited to be home."
"Nice day in the end. Brought it all back home, baby. Bringing home some bacon."
"You will be loved and welcomed home regardless."
"Yuri Tilleman comes home to the club that made him. Our most famous youth academy prospect of all time."
"I love you and I'm excited to have you home again."
"We just got married in the park, now let's go home and see if she's there."
"The kid from Akron has come home the Cavaliers are NBA champions."
"At its core, it's a story about going home. You may have guessed they make it there."
"LeBron comes back and wins a championship in his home state, and it's, oh, that's a big-time moment for the city, for him."
"Welcome home, this is where you belong, and I am so glad that you're here. So thank you for being here."
"So good to be home. That should be their slogan."
"Moses was so thrilled to be home, missy was so excited when she saw him."
"When you come home you're like I'm so accomplished."
"Happy to be back home, really happy, keep happy every day at every time, yeah, I know you are, me too, and I love you."
"There ain't nothing like coming home to you."
"Welcome home. This is absolutely where you belong."
"I realized that this was my home, that I was so overwhelmed to be here. I literally fell to my knees and started sobbing hysterically because I've never felt more at peace or more at home somewhere."
"Chicken parm is the food equivalent of returning home after a long trip."
"Thank you to Lamar's family again for allowing us to participate and assist in bringing him home."
"You're coming home to love, pleasure, play, joy, and your soul."
"Randy Moss packed his bags and transferred back home to Marshall University."
"Enjoy it, recognize this is a journey you can come home again."
"Africa is good, it's a beautiful continent. Come back home!"
"From the beginning in this chapter we see that what she wants, what she desires is not to be Queen, to not conquer, but to go home."
"So glad to be back home, really glad to be back home."
"Home sweet home. Alright, park her right here. This area's nice and safe."
"Israel goes home when the ten comes to power."
"LeBron James returns back home to Cleveland, making the statement 'I'm coming home.'"
"Oh, this feels like home to you? Oh, it's so nice. Dad, it is so nice to be home."
"There's no greater joy in the world than seeing your child come back home."
"I'm excited to be back home and get back into eating healthy."
"I got to admit it's kind of nice to be back on the farm."
"Finally home. I haven't been home in like a month."
"They feel like they've come home through meeting you."
"I'm so glad we're finally making it back home."
"The best thing ever is coming in the door and having Charlie there waiting for me."
"We're back, we're home, and we have another whole game to explore."
"Now found himself more determined than ever to go back home."
"I'm enjoying life like just with friends and family and being back home."
"We had just a wonderful week with them but the boys and I were excited to get home and see Jalen"
"Kevin Durant please come home to the place where you belong."
"So, uh, welcome Mr. Security Guard to your home forever."
"I'm very much looking forward to going home and seeing the pets."
"She deserves to be found, she deserves to be brought home."
"It's always nice when you've been gone to come home to a clean house."
"There's nothing better than a nice homecoming to get a nice home-cooked meal, to get the bed that you used to sleep in all the time, and to see your childhood animal."
"You want to go home, so sometimes going home means getting up and going home."
"Someday I shall return home, I am looking forward to it with pleasure."
"Home sweet home, yes we are finally back at home."
"Tell the world I'm coming home, let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday."
"Welcome home, Tusks. I'm back. I'm home, Brougham. Thank you."
"It was hitting Sunset as we approached the city we passed under the landmark overpass and my mom's side and said we're home."
"As fun as that was, we are really happy to be back home."
"I'm home," she whispered, her voice filled with a sense of peace and contentment.
"A man leaves home, turns left three times, only to come home finding two men in masks. Who are they? A catcher and an umpire."
"It's a beautiful day to be Russian. It's a wonderful sun is out, my last day on front lines before I get to go home."
"I stepped off the plane, I remember getting into the car, and I had this sense of like familiarity. It was very strange, it was like I've never been here before but it feels like home."
"I'm just so happy that you're home, my child."
"I always say like no matter where I go and where I travel when I come back here it just like feels like home and it's the best feeling"
"Welcome home. This is where you belong."
"It almost felt like you could breathe again. Like, okay, we're going home."
"The home welcomed Kashiwagi, and his hand, obeying his memory, immediately found the light switch."
"I was brimming with joy to have made it home."
"The weight of my world is off my shoulders when I walk in that door."
"I think it's time you finally come home."
"It's only right that I bring it back home."
"The only thing that you've been missing out on is you. Welcome home."
"Boy, does it feel good to be back home."
"Once Piccolo arrives on Namek, he immediately knows this is his home."
"Stop keeping the tears at bay, I say give it all up, just come home."
"Odysseus felt he had returned to the place he should never have left."
"Winning the game is how we get back home."
"It was very good that he had returned home."
"I'm here baby, I'm here, I'm home."
"Holidays are nice, but coming home to muddy puddles is even better."
"The first thing I always want to do when I return home from a long school year is clean my room."
"It feels so good to finally be back home."
"I'm back home, shooby doo, I'm home, hello, we're back home, shooby doo, I'm home."
"I'm very glad because I finally came back home."
"We're so happy to be back, thank you guys, we're home."
"He remained a prisoner until November 1918 and eventually returned home to receive his VC from the king at Buckingham Palace in February 1919."
"Welcome home, we want to give that exact same reveal feeling to her."
"Bada bing, bada boom, we are back in the US of A!"
"It's good to be taking the MarketSmith brand back home."
"I'm back home, look how good the hair looks."
"I finally found my heart again I just had to come back home"
"This is definitely worth coming home for."
"Good evening, I am back in my bed, in my family home. Oh my God, I am so happy to be here."
"I invite your soul to tell your heart, mind, body, and spirit: welcome home."
"The plan now is to head home and have a massive package of protein powder waiting for me"
"Coming home is the best part of leaving."
"Coming home is the best part of going away."
"Sasuke returns to the Village to be with Sakura when he states 'I'm home, Sakura.'"
"Winner winner. Josh is on his way home. He'll be here in just a minute to come home to a warm dinner. I'm excited. The house smells incredible."
"When I don't make videos for a while, I really come back and I just feel like, 'Man, this feels like home. I feel, uh, I feel at home again.' But, um, yeah, I'll see you on the next video."
"Come on home today, there's certain things that can't be fixed until you come home."
"LeBron was coming back, coming home."