
Dating Advice Quotes

There are 689 quotes

"The best dating advice I've ever received, and I think it's good for both men and women, is high hopes and low expectations."
"If you want to improve your dating life, rule zero: mental health."
"Fat women do not have to settle for any man and have plenty of amazing options."
"Before you can go and date someone else, I think it's really important to have a good relationship with yourself."
"Casual dates are usually better for first and second dates as they are a lower time commitment and seem more natural, which makes your date feel more comfortable."
"You're gonna always struggle in the dating game... unless you learn to love to be alone."
"You should not be hooking up with dudes unless they are agreeing to exclusivity with you."
"If you like what I have to say and think it might help you in your dating life, get into a situation where you are being loved, seen, and cherished."
"I guarantee that your dating life will never be the same."
"I'm going to give you the no BS insider information about what women really want."
"The key to a good date is to treat someone else the way you would want to be treated."
"Don't put standards on the person you're gonna be dating that you yourself are not gonna be practicing."
"If you're listening to this and you need some dating advice, be sure to tune in to 'Help, I Suck at Dating' on iHeartRadio."
"Know that it's not always your fault... No matter how good you become with women, that doesn't mean that every interaction is going to go smoothly."
"Shift response versus support response... Support responses are really great for a date because people care about how you make them feel."
"Always go on dates in a public area for coffee. Coffee's a 20-minute commitment, dinner is like a one-hour commitment."
"You teach people how to treat you, and that same thing applies in dating."
"Let him be the one who pursues you and who asks you out on another date or who starts a conversation with you."
"As soon as you date with direction in mind, your dating life is going to change because you're actually going to be able to dismiss people who are a waste of your time."
"Let men chase you. A man's role is to be the pursuer, the one to convince you that he's the right man for you."
"Opinions on dating in your teens? Same as any age: respect each other and keep God as your number one priority."
"If you find out he's a player, or you even just get the red flag, then walk away. It's fine."
"Do not date until your self-esteem is adequate."
"We talk about a lot of uncomfortable truths in the dating game and teach guys what it really takes to be attractive."
"First impressions are very important. And so, be careful about what you say on your first date. No sex, no politics, no religion, no death. And you'll be good."
"If you ever in doubt, ask the girl out. The logic being that she either says yes and that's great, or she says no and you have your answer."
"Being a good guy and also allowing her to see that on her own is what being mysterious with women really means."
"Don't tell her how you feel, show her by attracting her properly."
"The dating advice may only apply to a small amount of men, but the principles expressed apply generally."
"What's your move to get a girl from the club to your apartment? Be straight up, straight forward."
"A guy's biggest weapon in today's dating market is the abundance mindset."
"Girls take social media seriously, bro. If your IG is subpar, it's gonna hurt you more than help you."
"The dating app is an appetizer, it's a dessert. It ain't the main course. Main course needs to be IRL, in real life. Get out there."
"It's possible and easy to attract women without focusing solely on looks."
"Focus on making women feel attracted to you as you talk to them."
"Being a man or a woman is not good enough. Be someone worth dating."
"You want to ask questions like what, why, how, when...that will encourage the date to talk more."
"Neediness is not attractive. It's actually a turn-off."
"The less you do, the more successful you'll be with women, especially hot women."
"The less you do, the more she'll chase you; too many guys have way too much nervous energy when they're around these girls."
"If you wouldn't date yourself, how you expecting girls to date you?" - The Breakfast Club
"Be a better conversation this now what I was talking about earlier with the not giving a [__] not giving a damn aside from that just talking to women being able to carry a conversation that's it guys."
"Stop giving a damn so many of you guys have done the work and you still struggling with women because you care too much."
"Make dating easier, more natural, and more fun with the inception principle."
"You need to get the legendary book on game, 'The Art of Mackin' by author Tariq King Flex Nasheed."
"You need game to be the selector, not the selected."
"There are so many fish in the sea, don't stress over one person."
"Date outside of type. Look beyond the exterior."
"Don't give men money. Don't date someone after six weeks, especially if their name is Shane with a 'y.'"
"I feel like it's better to kind of see people for who they truly are and then decide like, 'Oh maybe this will grow into something.' That's such good advice."
"We're trying to get him to save. Missionary dating, no. No, it doesn't work."
"If you're going to give a man every all the benefits of a relationship without a title why would I put myself in that why would I give myself [__]."
"Starting a relationship on weird grounds is never a good option."
"Men want you but you have to make yourself available."
"When someone else tells you hey i think you're worth it and i think someone would would be lucky to date you here are the reasons that i think you're a valuable human being."
"A man can get his woman back if they are long-distance."
"First dates are awkward, so cut the guy some slack if he's not walking in with the confidence of James Bond."
"Dating is supposed to be effortless. It's not supposed to feel like you're always the one putting in efforts."
"A guy who is searching will never need you to go extra."
"Men should pursue and not persuade, and a woman should present and not pursue."
"Watch their behavior. This is why I'm always about guys taking their time with women."
"You need to watch your freak level and who you letting in your bedroom because this is 2021."
"If you're a 30 plus year old woman and you don't have a relationship... the only thing that stands between you and the relationship you actually want is your standards."
"You'll go from not getting what you want when it comes to you dealing with women to actually getting what you want, to being the guy women want to be with, women want to date, women want to have sex with."
"Just alpha males and these freaking dating gurus and all this type of content is something that I could honestly talk about for hours because I'm very passionate about it."
"The egg doesn't swim to the sperm, never chase a man. Period."
"Start dating again when you feel emotionally stable and like yourself again."
"It's okay to not want to date someone it just is it is a tough thing when it is someone you care about."
"If you find a guy who hates his mother, it's gonna be hard for you."
"Just hit her up and be like, 'Hey, you want to go grab a bite to eat sometime?'"
"If you're going to continue to date, you have to become a healthier version of yourself before you step into another relationship because a man cannot provide for you the things that only Jesus can."
"Why are you telling me I'm gonna die alone too if you are holding out for a high value man?"
"Dating other people also does just open up your scope, your vision a little bit."
"Don't do any of these things to please a guy because the guys who are gonna be pleased by this [ __ ] are the wrong guy."
"Girls like it when they get to talk about themselves."
"This book is pickup artistry at its most emboldened and least resentful."
"So if it's like uh so be like hey you know I think you're cute like you sign the name like hey girl I think you cute and she just hurts it or she's like oh thank you and she doesn't say like oh you know you're cute too."
"He's just gonna flirt, have some fun. Would you go out with him? No, I think if I were him, I wish I hadn't posted that video."
"Nice guys are always the type of guys that always put the woman's interests first, he puts her on a pedestal, he kisses her butt, treats her like the queen."
"If you need to show body parts to get a man, you ain't much."
"If a woman is chasing you, she ain't dumping you."
"Show a woman your confident side and ignite her attraction."
"Initiate physical touch early to create feelings of trust and connection."
"You're the catch for women who are dating right now... you are a catch."
"Confidence is key, not about acting a certain way."
"Guys, learn to ask people questions and take an interest in who the person in front of you is. You wouldn't think what I'm doing is an interview if you knew how to do dates, bro."
"How do you be mysterious? How do you make her want to know? This is literally a prime example with it."
"If you guys do dating relationships, focus on yourself, focus on your grind. Don't go chasing after the girls, believe me, they see you as a prize, they'll chase after you."
"Get your teeth straight and clean guys I know girls that turn guys down because of their teeth."
"You shouldn't be giving them these wifey privileges."
"She has to be chasing you bro when a g is into you she she is annoying bro"
"If a guy isn't coming over to you, then he's not interested." - "The Rules"
"If you want to get laid, you just have to put in the effort."
"If you want to date someone exclusively, it can't be any sort of pressure you're putting on them."
"Yo guys, if a girl swerves you, it doesn't mean it's over."
"Dating is really about your relationship with yourself."
"Thinking that you're going to be able to find a quality man... they come with standards, they come with requirements, and they're not going to deviate."
"If you're a good conversationalist no one's going to say man screw this I'm out of here."
"Getting good with girls is literally a skill that you can train."
"A girl with low interest won't set a date, she didn't want to hurt your feelings."
"The first person you date is not always the last person you date. Dating is about gathering data."
"Guys, be safe when you online date. If the person seems off, they probably are. Trust your first instinct."
"What actually gets the guy is to genuinely be that high-value woman."
"If a girl's first thing is to say that she thought you'd be taller, run as fast as you can with your short little legs."
"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious: that stuff is dating gold!"
"If you're dating to get married, date at least 10 to 15 years older."
"Your strongest weapon, okay, in the dating marketplace, dealing with women in general, is imagination, okay? Imagination."
"Before you can have a successful date, you need to understand women."
"If you're dating someone and they don't want you to have independence, run."
"Figure out what you're all looking for. Find someone who you're on the same page with. No one gets hurt."
"Dating is for qualification. It's to qualify whether or not she's compatible with you."
"The right guy is gonna want to make you a priority."
"It's about assuming the best out of someone while dating."
"The third date rule encourages singles, female ones in particular, to wait until the third date to have sex with a potential new flame, especially one they were hoping to lock down on a long-term basis."
"If he doesn't chase you, your ass is not getting this."
"Men are not going to date you because a lot of the girls out here are not worth dating."
"If she says I don't like him he's too fat he's too short he's ugly I'm you know I don't like his personality whatever she says she doesn't even have to give you a reason she doesn't he could just say no that's it."
"If it's a tool to help you meet someone, I think that's fine. But use wisdom, discernment, and know when to pull back."
"A dating coach tells single women it's time to ditch the addiction to the alpha males and bag a beta male if they want long-term love."
"The trick I try to get you guys all to do is have qualities that the bad boys have but not be a scumbag and be making something yourself in this world and actually be a good decent person."
"Don't be afraid to make the first move, nice guys tend to be respectful."
"I stumbled upon how to get girls... game is always the same."
"He does not talk to any other women in front of you."
"Don't seem overly thirsty, don't seem like you never get girls, you know?"
"When you like somebody, I believe it's important to tell them right up from the get-go."
"Authenticity as you would learn in this broadcast is very important when it comes to relationships and dating."
"Enjoy the process, ladies. Stop rushing that brother, seriously."
"The trick to modern dating advice is to be incredibly happy with someone that loves you a lot and then look back and laugh at the people that struggled."
"Women date a few years up across that 18 to 25 age group."
"Life is short, live your best life, and don't be scared to date."
"Asking for your crush's number has never been so easy."
"You should date when you're ready to date, when you feel healed."
"After having completed a lot of characters at this point most of the templates are being reused now which gives consistent scripts."
"A woman who puts up a wall around herself won't get a man to chase her."
"Dating is about finding someone who you connect with."
"When we talk about the crazy hot scale even if she's a 10 hot she's definitely a 10 crazy you are in the do not touch zone."
"A quality woman doesn't mean you're talking to just one woman. It means you're talking to a hundred women."
"Calling somebody and being consistent and talking to them to get to know them to see if they're worthy of a date, it's free."
"Play the field and see what happens; you'll get what you want."
"If the man you're dating is making you look like his ex, something's wrong."
"If you're interested in a girl and it's especially if it's your first time meeting her, open with a hug."
"Be dealing with multiple women at the same time."
"Learn to find your own natural expression while you're out there dating and showing up."
"Investment: if you're investing more than she is, you're chasing her."
"Being able to approach and attract women any place anytime is the hallmark of a true super seducer."
"Lean into treating the dating process like a partnership."
"Level up your life to be someone worth dating."
"If you're waiting on that reply for a guy and he's taking a week to reply, he probably just doesn't want to."
"If she still has any attraction for you or interest, she'll get in touch. And if she does, make a date, hang out, have fun, and go with it."
"Every guy has to see that there is a part of you that is challenging."
"You want somebody to give you attention and you want to give somebody equal amounts of attention."
"Outcome independence is key; know your worth and focus on self-improvement rather than being needy for validation."
"Interesting people have interests. So if you're posting these thirst traps and you're like, 'Guys just treat me like a...' well, honey, your social media is a commercial for who you are."
"This person is missing a chance with you because they're being superficial."
"Be your authentic self, really let the person know who you are as a person."
"Always be aware, always be skeptical, and be extremely careful when dabbling in the world of online dating because people are very often not who they say they are."
"Cheers to new boyfriends, cheers to new happy life, and if you are single then this is the perfect time to focus on yourself."
"Dating a Sagittarius is always a good idea... they are giving, loving, and caring people."
"Don't be afraid to flirt, especially for singles."
"If she locks the door and it's just the two of you, it's a sign. Just don't move too fast. Take a breath."
"Make her laugh. A man who can make a woman laugh is super attractive, period."
"The most important thing of when you need to cut a man off in the talking stage of dating is when your intuition tells you to."
"One of my bits of advice in the book is that I think we all need to open our hearts and minds to dating across socioeconomic lines."
"That's why i'm saying like if you're gonna pursue someone after a little bit of like back-and-forth texting just go throw it out there like hey let's talk on the phone and i guarantee you get a point there guaranteed."
"You could use all these techniques, but if you're not actually living an awesome life, if you're not an interesting person, then these techniques will work but then once she's on a date with you, once you guys are dating, it's just gonna fall."
"You gotta get good at walking away from women who aren't your ideal."
"It's amazing how much guys don't have game. Learn the theory, apply it in real life, and learn from mistakes."
"Confidence is literally a requirement to be able to get girls, especially in today's day and age."
"My area of expertise is teaching you how to vet for emotionally available men."
"Men at our age want you to prove to us you're worthy just as much as you want us to prove you want us to prove we're worthy to you."
"You have the balls to get out there and ask every single person out that you see, you will get a date I guarantee it."
"Stop wasting your time with one man who doesn't want you when you can find one who does."
"You said something that was so deep to me. You said that women need to learn how to make space for a man."
"When a woman is dating, we're supposed to be paying attention to the man, paying attention to where can I get in, where can I be valuable, how can I help, how can I support."
"What you're looking for is more important than where you're looking."
"I tell you to do self-improvement so you have an abundance mindset, so you can make yourself a catch to more women."
"You're not sitting across the table from her interview style. No physicality, bro."
"The key for you to stop over analyzing things is for you to get more options."
"I've discovered, having been a dating coach for so long, being able to take a very objective look at someone else's dating life is some of the most powerful things that I can do as a coach."
"One of the reasons why you should date and get to know a lot of people is because it helps you be better informed about what it is that matters to you."
"You deserve a chick who wants and desires you, not a hoe who plays mind games."
"Chase Excellence not women. Dating comes up a lot because there's a lot of questions around it."
"You should approach women like you're the prize."
"Guys who are confident are not going to date you; they're gonna tell you exactly what they think."
"Join my Happy Endings course to learn how to crush it on dating apps and find true love."
"When we're on a date, we feel like we have to talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. Actually, you don't. I'd say the best daters are people who have really good asking questions and then listening."
"Any man who doesn't value you because you flirted with him or expressed your interest directly in him is not worth your time."
"As a man, you're supposed to know what to do with that. Just say, 'Well, you know I'm sorry to hear that it didn't work out, but you know what I'd really love to see you. We should get together and have dinner sometime. When are you free?'"
"I'd start dating other women because that's just freaking rude. I don't mind ghosting when I'm seeing multiple women but if I'm exclusive I just feel like it's not worth the time and pain."
"What makes her long for you when you start to date her."
"Attractive women love it when a guy has the confidence to playfully mess with them."
"Everybody loves music, Sophia. If a man tells you, 'Yeah, bring your AirPods and phone, we're gonna meet up at the park,' no, I'm not saying that. No, you say it like this: 'I'm gonna take you on a music date.'"
"I think one of the worst things that you can do is to date when you broke."
"If someone's not interested in you gentlemen, we are not interested in forcing them to like you."
"Date people for who they are, not who you want them to be."
"Make sure to text her within 24 hours of meeting her."
"If you made a good impression in person when you first met her, the first text doesn't have to be so original and unique."
"Realize that when you first go up to talk to her, you'll probably have to do about 90% of the talking."
"If you have a genuine connection with a woman shoot your shot if you're going to shoot it don't chase don't fawn over them."
"Oral hygiene is probably the most important thing when it comes to dating, respecting yourself, and overall looking good."