
Hiring Quotes

There are 392 quotes

"Hire for the heart set, not just the skill set."
"The main reason [to hire someone with cloud experience] is that's the future; that's where we're going."
"You should hire people that are better than you at their specific disciplines."
"When you really start to scale is when you hire people who are smarter than you."
"The single most important thing when having consistent success: hire good people and let them do their job."
"One way to make your business better is to get better at hiring."
"A's hire A's, but B's hire C's. So, if you hire an A, they're going to hire other A's, which will hire other A's, and your company's going to get exponentially better over time."
"ZipRecruiter finds qualified candidates just for you."
"Your video editor is going to be one of the most important hires to your YouTube channel that's going to ultimately definitely give you your time back."
"Every single person will come up to me who has business, saying I need people, I want to hire."
"No wonder ZipRecruiter is the number one rated hiring site in the United States."
"You need to hire people who are better at things that you're just not good at."
"You want in life is to hire people who are better than you."
"The corporate transition is from hiring people based on their skills to hiring people based on cultural fit."
"When interacting with people especially people that you hire I would only try to ask questions you're genuinely interested in hearing the answer of."
"I would love the hire if the silver and black brought in Cliff Kingsbury."
"Harbaugh deserves an interview at the very least bring them home mark."
"No leftovers, but it is they did hire Patrick Dempsey."
"We want to make sure new candidates really know what they're getting into."
"We're looking for somebody we can fire... we can hire up to 4 employees in this office"
"Dumbledore hired Trelawny partly to give her sanctuary."
"When you hire incredibly experienced people... sometimes they don't care about you."
"Be like hiring someone for a job, would you not want to find out sooner rather than later?"
"...we also are hiring designers from the community now because who better than to help us design the show than the same people in the community..."
"People should be hired based on their talent, nothing else."
"This is a team that isn't afraid to take risks whether that's on the circuit or in the new talent they hire."
"Hiring is hard, it's one of the hardest things you're going to do as a leader."
"I'm a big believer that in order to get the best results you have to hire the best."
"If you're an employer and you know that a bad hire is going to cost you tens of thousands of dollars... you can do everything from post your jobs to make sure you're in front of all those people."
"He decided that he was going to hire more women from now on."
"No one ever regrets hiring the right person for the job."
"Hire people that are smarter, more experienced, more passionate than you."
"Just find qualified individuals because you want a more diverse representation."
"There's no exponential XP requirement to level up, and content doesn't expire."
"D Cube, best known for Mario Party games, is hiring, possibly hinting at a new Mario Party game."
"They basically said you can hire whoever you want, you can basically have an unlimited budget." - Chris Kubecka
"Companies don't hire people; people hire people."
"People hire people who solve their problems."
"Why should we hire you? That's really the root of the question."
"We need to audition a new billiard boy."
"Using AI to look at people's resumés to decide who gets hired or filtered is obviously wrong."
"Why are they all mean? I can't say, hire some nice people."
"If you're that home run hire they will find a way to make the salary expectation work."
"People hire individuals to come help them with errands, like painting jobs or moving furniture"
"Companies want to hire especially junior developers that sync with what they're trying to do and the types of solutions they're trying to build."
"One of the big mistakes that founders make is to not trust their intuitions about people enough."
"When you're in a leadership position, you should always be hiring people that are bigger and better than you."
"We've hired about 20 for cards HQ and then we've also have our sports card investor team."
"Once again, you hire the right guy for the job."
"Every hire I'm making has to contribute to the bottom line."
"You shouldn't be hired for something like that you should be hired for how good you are at the job."
"I hired a great CIS admin for both our California and Missouri markets."
"You are now hired! But wait one second, it's time to get your hiring stamp."
"I always tell people, usually people like to hire people they like and they can work with more than having specific skills."
"Hiring the right people counts for so much."
"One can argue one of his toughest opponents to hire."
"The first thing is it's hiring the right people not the cheap people."
"Abolish the post doc & hire those superstar people right from grad school. If they need training, just give that to them once they're hired."
"He got promoted and they all slut-shamed me and won't hire me again."
"Hire the best people for the job, not just the brightest."
"You should always hire for will and train for skill."
"Go find people smarter than you to tell you what to do and hire them into your company."
"You're only going to hire people that are going to benefit your business, your company, your legacy, your name. You're not going to hire people that are going to ruin you and run you into the ground."
"Selecting a former GE executive just because she was an employee of GE to run a hospital corporation or a publishing company does not make sense."
"A hiring manager is going to find that fascinating and interesting, believe me."
"Hiring maners don't like to feel like you're just there to collect a paycheck they actually want to see somebody that shows some Bonafide excitement about the work that they'd be doing."
"Zip Recruiter knew there was a smarter way so they built the platform to find the right job candidates for you. Businesses of all sizes trust Zip Recruiter for their hiring needs."
"Imagine you're looking back on this hiring decision in a year. The person you hired has exceeded your expectations. What did he or she do that impressed you most?"
"You could be blonde, beautiful, tall, and you know strong and still the best cheekbones in the entire universe and not get hired."
"I think it's amazing hiring friends and family."
"I swear to God I lost a half a million dollars on that machine between hiring people that didn't know what they were doing but said they did..."
"The hardest thing in business is to go from being a one-person show to making your first couple hires most of us work ourselves into the ground before we're willing to take the time time and invest the money in hiring expertise to support you."
"People hire him to play this type of dramas because they know they can rely on him."
"Mrs. Moon hired one of the best attorneys in town."
"I always tend to hire at least 10% of people in my team who are complete newbies to that world but I choose them based on their ambitions and their hunger to do something."
"The reasons why a person gets hired is because you're possibly cheaper than somebody else that they would want to hire that's maybe a bigger name, or you're somebody that can create content within the world that they've already designed."
"Too many young people want to hire people like themselves and I think it's a big mistake. You want people with different views, different perspectives."
"Hire people you trust who will make you smarter."
"Be street smart. One of the things I value the most in people when I hire them is street smartness."
"They hired a spiritual witch doctor."
"Horror horror h-o-r-r-o-r scary movies yes scary movies you need to just hire her because she's fantastic."
"I would absolutely hire somebody that had no college degree um and simply had certifications."
"Buford hires a lot of retirees who want to teach and they bring them back as either substitute teachers or full-time teachers if they're good."
"You have to figure out how to get your business making money before you bring on help."
"Hiring people has absolutely saved my sanity."
"You have to do something like that if you're Alabama. Would you hire, and they knocked it out of the park when they did three years ago?"
"Furthermore, the board must immediately hire that new CEO who puts the interest of American workers first."
"Do not hire in a state of desperation. If you have fires around you and you're looking for someone to fill that spot immediately, you will hire the wrong person."
"Hiring infected people means that you hire people who not only have work experience educational background but love your product."
"They were hiring a new best friend for RuPaul and that's what they needed."
"You hire extraordinary people but extraordinary people are not extraordinary every day."
"I would rather hire a person who doesn't have a lot of skills but who has a desire to get better over a person who has quite a few skills but they're kind of content where they're at."
"Countless times teams won't hire someone purely because they don't have the right attitude."
"People hire the people they know, like, and trust."
"She's a dreamer, she's a dreamer, I dreamt, Daddy, that should be your first, if you ever have to hire anyone else, just that's the first question and only question, 'Do you dream every night? Do you dream?'"
"Most people when they do this video they'll hire someone random off of Fiverr or something."
"You know, right after they've raised their Series A round or a Series B or C round and the conversation always turns to, well, what, you know, who do we need to hire? What are we missing?"
"We hire people for judgment. We want them to bring that to the conversation."
"A good hiring criteria must be relevant, stable, realistic, and very clear."
"...if you're reasonably qualified and you're able to do the work and you're willing to live with the wage, you know, that is definitely something that I hear from hiring managers is, kind of that discriminatory, uh, very subtle discrimination."
"I think it's Bill Gates always said he would hire a lazy person over a hard-working person because the lazy person will find the quickest way of completing the job."
"If you want to know what smart is, you gotta go to ZipRecruiter to hire the right person."
"The process of getting a head chef is very difficult; the process of getting a very good head chef is impossible."
"you want to hire the best person for the job."
"I can hire you, who is a great chef, and I'm a good cook."
"Why pre-employment criminal background checks matter."
"I want your employee number and whoever's working in the Grove will turn employee number two."
"I think those are some of the good qualifications that we should look for."
"If you're looking to hire candidates that have two years of experience in and have transferable skills that have been developed over the course of the two years, it's a potential option."
"The career path is to management right and that's why another mistake that Founders often make is they hire the number one account executive at a hot company to be their head of sales."
"When you're ready to hire your first salesperson, you've got to hire two because otherwise, there's no AB test."
"Word of mouth whoever you hire make sure that they have a good reputation make sure you go see their work."
"They want to make sure that whoever they hire is going to be happy to be part of such a diverse group."
"All in all this was a great hire for Detroit."
"What you are not is an important thing to define in your culture too. So, defining what you're not so that you can self-select if you're a potential hire, for example, is super important."
"I think the important thing when you're hiring people is to look not so much for raw experience, but instead look at who they are as a person."
"...he hired her because he saw how diligent she truly is."
"If you're a business owner and you're hiring right now, you are also dealing with economic uncertainty. Now is the time more than any other time that you need to hire the right people faster and more efficiently than ever before to keep your costs down."
"The biggest mistake that people make is not hiring aggressively enough."
"Hire fast because you're gonna need to hire."
"AEW is all it's built completely around friendships and hiring friends. That's it. That's the core of AEW."
"One of my best hires. I still got that prop and my friendship with Trish."
"Here we are 24 squared we're burning a 17 and a half a side still don't hire."
"We're a small company... in strong growth we've seen exceptional growth over the last couple of years where four employees at the moment and we've just hired a fifth one."
"I've always believed: hire the right people, give them the ability to fail or succeed without a lot of interference, keep the ones that succeed more than the ones that fail, and keep moving forward."
"Most hiring managers are looking at dozens of portfolios, so they're only going to spend a couple of minutes on yours."
"To all the people who have ever said they weren't hired because they were not gay, I can only say, 'Guys, I'm sorry, you were just not good enough.'"
"...being over qualified for a job is absolutely a thing. Hiring managers look for these types of things because they don't want to hire you and then a month later they have to go through the entire process again."
"...save your time and only pay for quality candidates that meet your must-have requirements by going to indeed indeed is the job site that makes hiring incredibly simple just attract interview and hire."
"The bigger the company the more important it is who you hire listen I have a lot of assistants right now but to hire the person I'm looking for is gonna take a little bit more time and I'll typically hire in twos."
"Hiring good writers can speed up content production."
"I think you either go for someone that's done acquisition before, maybe they're a little bit earlier in their career so they have this great growth mindset, or find just a really smart person early in their career and have them take a reforged class."
"It's not necessarily about the quality, sometimes it's just because they just want to make sure that the person who they're hiring will actually do it."
"He may be ugly bro, but he's a good guy. You're hired man, you're hired bro."
"With more space and more builds and more content means I'm probably going to be hiring another person."
"How you're hiring, what's the way you're doing it, and that itself is a scalable process."
"I always say don't hire who makes you comfortable, hire who's gonna make you win."
"One of the most common misconceptions out there in the filmmaking world...the truth is that unless you've won a bunch of high-profile Awards and are almost a household name at that professional level the majority of hiring is done through Word of Mouth."
"That hair ad makes it possible for us to not have to play the games with the brands or it allows me to hire somebody at a real salary with with you know Insurance you know when we need when we get to that side of things and I need the help."
"Set expectations for great hiring managers."
"Marvel had magic in their hiring process for a while and they just don't really have it right now."
"Fiverr is a place that you can go to to basically hire people to do anything."
"We should hire some young people who have a fresh outlook."
"Your responsibility is to hire someone to sell your products and services, so you can focus on building your company up to sell it."
"Be slow to hire and quick to fire. That's the new rule."
"Companies are very interested in hiring people who are skilled enough in the concepts of blockchain."
"So instead of hiring on culture fit, they should hire on cultural contribution."
"Hiring for trust and reliability over hiring for specific domain knowledge."
"...and I tried that out with her this summer, I tried to hire her to come with me while I was traveling."
"Hiring a bad person is also way more costly for a small company."
"Trick to hire outside your area of expertise: ask them to explain."
"Personal networks are the best place to hire, especially when you're early and making your first few hires."
"We put in all these hurdles in these tests and certifications, and then what we found is the best people just didn't bother going through them at all."
"One of the biggest mistakes is there's this old adage: hire slow, fire fast."
"Hiring players meant that they were passionate and knowledgeable about the game and they would be conscious of concepts and problems of which an outside hire might otherwise be ignorant."
"What you have to do in life is hire the most competent person for the job, the best person for the job. And that's it."
"It's so easy to hire for and it's also if you want to try and get a job yourself you're there's a much many there are many more jobs available for Typescript."
"The biggest way that you can ensure success or failure is getting hiring right or wrong."
"Understand your needs. The worst thing you could do is rush into the hiring process without understanding what you need in the first place."
"Consider all hiring options. You're looking for the best person to do the job at the end of the day, but what if that person doesn't even need to be on premises?"
"Hire the right person for the job. If you can't find what you're looking for, don't settle. Keep looking for a suitable candidate. It beats hiring the wrong person that would only cost you time and money."
"I think the first quality we always look for is common sense, and then we like to get a childlike spirit, and a sense of humor is very important for our lives too."
"...he'll be able to develop, that was a really good hire."
"Making that choice is a huge hiring multiplier."
"So they hired Gabriel. Gabriel tells them that he can do it but it's going to cost a lot of money."
"Airlines hire for personality and they train for skill."
"When you hire someone who has an MIT background, it's a bold choice."
"You need to hire slow and fire fast."
"Here's the insidious nature of sexism in our modern society: the guy making that hiring decision, he could be sexist. No question."
"The core tenet of hiring at Google is a manager should never make a hiring decision... it's important to take hiring authority away from the manager because the manager has all these incentives to compromise on quality."
"That's one thing as actors that people forget early on is that the reason Judd hired me in 'Funny People' - he really hired me because of my personality."
"When you hire someone who's high powered, you know you're getting more than just someone who can quote a statute. Some of that power is what you're buying."
"Hiring the right people is crucial to keep a business afloat and grow."
"Hire slowly, fire quickly. You want to make sure that you really interview the person or people that you're thinking about working together for you because if you make a mistake then that could cause a lot of issues."
"It's hard to hire people when you work from home. Hire people you trust."
"They're constantly hiring contractors because they want to keep people on for over 180 days or maybe it's over a year or something like that."
"...the portfolio is what matters here because that is absolutely the main priority of anyone looking to hire an artist in the industry."
"Most companies actually want to hire you right out of the gate."
"Don't ever hire anybody you can't see yourself sitting across a table and firing. Ninety percent of employees that work for you... at some point will leave you a company."
"It's the biggest sale you will ever make in your life hiring an employee is the biggest sale you ever make in your life."
"When hiring, look for a positive attitude. A skill can be taught, attitude cannot."
"It's actually really simple. You just gotta hire funny people. Period."
"I don't do auditions. If you want me, hire me."
"This Queen of Swords told who hired her, but she didn't tell how they knew about her to hire her."
"It's easier to hire somebody who's done the same as you because it's less risky. Nobody gets fired from doing something non-risky."
"You start with competence. You have to find people who are competent and smart."
"Who: The A Method for Hiring" is a practical guide for hiring and retaining great people.
"The wealthy hire the best professionals to make them rich."
"You'd have to fire the entire front office to hire Jim Harbaugh. You'd have to fire everybody. And get this, any NFL team that hires him will have to fire everybody if you get him in the building."
"Take care of your people, hire that way, offer some really fun competitive rates and get started."
"You have to be a good person. You have to do the work, be good. Now, if you're not good, no matter how good you as a good person you are, I can't hire you."
"I fire people but I also hire people."
"Always hire people who are smarter than you and just bring talent."
"You want to hire people that you believe, if they evolve and you get a good human being, that they have a chance to headline WrestleMania."
"Once money was in, Bag and started hiring on more employees."
"Hiring Punk might be the single biggest mistake AEW has made."
"Hiring the person with the right attitude, the right personality every single time over the person with experience."
"Indeed is a powerful hiring partner that can help you do it all."
"...make sure you hire someone who's truly authentic to what they say."
"...hiring at the right time is going to maximize your progress in these two paths."