
Moral Reasoning Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Logic is a good thing, but... The Golden Rule. Like, empathy does matter, and even though I think we should use both, we should both use logic and empathy in situations."
"What I want is to have some internal system that allows me to take moral questions and generate moral answers."
"Protecting human life does not require you to be a Bible believer."
"How do I know that a specific murder... is evil? That would be basically by putting it through those moral filters and asking a set of questions."
"A person's name shouldn't mean that something is more right or wrong."
"Do you see how it's better to not do something bad if you happen to want to do the bad thing?"
"Something ought to change and that 'ought' points to there's something outside of all of us that says that ought not to be the way it is."
"It is reason, principle, conscience that calls to us, with a voice capable of astonishing the most presumptuous of our passions, that we are but one of the multitude, in no respect better than any other in it."
"It's about principle for me, it's about logic and ethics and morality."
"If there were a lottery and they'd all agreed to the procedure, you think that would be okay, right?"
"Stealing money is immoral; therefore socialism is good because it stops the theft of your hard-earned dollars."
"Winning over people involves understanding their moral intuitions and reasoning from there."
"The world would be a better place if more people would figure out morality by considering the consequences of their actions."
"He also uploads fireside chats to the channel every now and then, where he talks about how it's a good thing that the Bible exists, or he would rape people."
"Given how many similarities and moral actions exist across vastly different species and cultural groups there is a possibility that Evolution has a part to play in shaping our moral reasoning and action."
"Evolutionarily selected moral behaviors and traits are what I believe to be the absolute Universal moral truths that all relative moral action is based on."
"We need a church that's informed by science and then informs science with moral reason and revealed wisdom."
"We need a church that's informed by science and then inform science with moral reason."
"Human sexuality is something that the human being has to regulate according to reason."
"It's always wrong to intentionally kill innocent people. Abortion kills innocent people, therefore abortion is always wrong. It's not difficult."
"If you make your argument based on what you think is truth, it's still wrong to judge and point fingers."
"Sectarianism... doesn't make any intellectual or moral sense."
"The reason we should enforce our immigration law is because that is the law, and that civil law derives from natural law, and the natural law is correct because the actions in themselves are good or bad. That's conservative reasoning."
"There seems to be no ethical justification for not letting them in to this lucky circumstance."
"You're telling me that the only reason that people are that should be nice to each other is because they're afraid of some inescapable sky daddy with an inevitable punishment."
"Inclusion starts out as an idea that makes good sense, intuitive sense, moral sense."
"Without both reason and compassion, we can see the evidence of what horrors can occur in a community."
"It's a morally good thing to change your mind in the face of reason and evidence."
"I actually do believe that it would be wrong to do such a thing. The moral standard I use is well-being increasing well-being and minimizing harm."
"Even the Bible talks about natural Revelation. You know from the effects of reality all around you that there's gotta be some sort of moral Creator out there."
"Some features of actions just do make those actions wrong, not because anyone disapproves of those features, they just do."
"Just ask yourself those questions and that's kind of how ethics are formed."
"It is only reasonable that those forgiven the greater sins forgive the lesser ones."
"...we really do have to start thinking of ways of making our moral reasoning moral reasoning and transcendence..."
"Yeah, I get it. It makes sense. You can't hate if guys are gonna do it to us. Why should we not do it to them?"
"Ideas really matter; we can't change the incentives, but people need moral reasoning to justify the things that they want to do."
"The court has said in a series of cases that you can't give moral disapproval as a reason."
"In moral cases, people often use heuristics."
"People make use of heuristics in moral reasoning just as they do in non-moral reasoning."
"The moral obligation to fellow humans is generally a good enough reason not to commit crime."
"You base your decisions and... your moral opinions on evidence and the consequences of actions."
"Moral thinking means you are weighing all interests and sometimes choosing your interest over others and sometimes choosing the interest of others over your own."
"Most people who are doing bad things don't think they are doing bad things. Their point of view, their perspective, for whatever reason, is shaped into thinking that that's actually what they should be doing."
"Figuring out what is moral is such an obviously human practice."
"That's really core to the way that people get their sense of right and wrong, by thinking 'how would I feel if that happened to me?'"
"The very capacity for moral deliberation is itself an evolved property that we have."
"The first component of a gratuitous evil is that there's no greater good that justifies its permission."
"We need to have good reasons for why murder's wrong, why we shouldn't steal, why we should be kind."
"Nothing in life is black and white, especially with arguments. It's always gray."
"Morality should be based on reason in light of constantly evolving situations around us."
"Post-conventional ethical principle means right and wrong."