
Projection Quotes

There are 949 quotes

"Empathy crosses that bridge because we know what we would feel like in that situation and by projecting ourselves onto them, we can see through our projected experience what abuse might look like in that situation."
"The future is unwritten. There's nothing there other than our projection of it."
"When your boundaries are observed by a narcissistic person, they will likely tell you that you're being controlling, and obviously, that's a bit of a projection."
"Confession through projection is going on at a great, great level."
"In reality, every single thing that Janelle said these girls did to her was actually what she was doing to them."
"Depictions of fatherhood are starting to get a little more complicated, and we think it all has something to do with the idea of 'projection' - like literal projectors and also emotional projection."
"We essentially take that relationship we had with our primary authority figures and we project it out over the universe."
"The golden shadow is the things that are our own capacities, our own strengths, our own greatness that we deny for ourselves and project onto a guru."
"I like to think of cinema projection in particular as something special, almost a lost art, except in certain revival theaters."
"They project their anger onto us because they were almost Anglo white if it weren't for those African genes."
"Would we, one day, evolve from Homo sapiens to Homo projectius, meaning that we would become individuals or beings who would naturally project outside of our bodies also having some sort of multidimensional awareness?"
"We have empathy for characters that we can project ourselves onto and put ourselves into their shoes."
"It's currently projected that by 2026, the education market will have quadrupled, which is pretty insane."
"Everybody is a mirror of everyone else, and usually the aspects that you really don't like in a person are actually aspects you really don't like in yourself."
"The message that the MPD was projecting from the witness stand."
"One of the things that I wrote about this morning is that often what we've seen on the right is projection, right? We've seen it with Trump where nearly every accusation or criticism is a confession or admission."
"If somebody calls somebody else lazy, I just believe that's projecting, that's just projection."
"Whatever they're accusing the enemy of is exactly what they are trying to do."
"It's so important to know when someone's projecting and how to handle it."
"What internal becomes external, what we suppress we project."
"The USMCA is projected to increase GDP by two hundred thirty-five billion dollars."
"The USMCA is pretty projected to increase GDP by two hundred thirty-five billion dollars."
"He just projects a lot of things his insecurities onto you."
"Every accusation is projection and confession."
"Almost every single criticism that you have for other people is basically you projecting your own flaws onto other people."
"To admit what you see, fear, or hate in others is and could be inside of you."
"Every accusation with these people is always a confession." - Ben Micellis
"It's projection, they see in you what they can't come to terms with inside themselves."
"Every accusation they make is always a confession."
"Other people project their insecurities and the way they feel about themselves onto other people."
"The unfortunate reality is that so many people are running around projecting negativity onto situations."
"When you're on a team, you have to project that type of confidence."
"Projected inversion: You accuse them of doing to you the thing that you want to do to them."
"It's both their cases of confession through projection."
"Well, maybe I could make a projector work in my main setup at home."
"In mastery, it's not about not projecting at others but owning it."
"You knew how to project back onto people who projected onto you."
"She makes me just that sweet it makes me feel sweet and sexy and I love her."
"Chances are, 99.9% of the time, it's not even to do with the other person. They're projecting."
"Heroes really are a projection of what it is to be human on a large scale."
"Even in the most conservative projections, the reduction in severe illness would be somewhere on the order of between 40 and 70 reduction."
"What is worth 1 million today may actually be worth 1 billion in 2038."
"The peak is going to be around April 12 April 13... as high as 5,000 deaths per day."
"Everyone projects things that they want, like goals and stuff."
"Projection and reception: it's a feedback loop. We project a feeling state, receive it, and then do the work to manifest it."
"Bitcoin price projection for the year 2025 is around 1.2 million dollars per coin."
"He didn't have the courage to take his own life so he took all his negative feelings onto a much more vulnerable person."
"Pretend that this is gonna work out confidently."
"When you go on a first date projecting a fantasy onto that person, you're feeling in the blanks of that person's personality."
"We're looking at one of the biggest stories in healthcare, a category killer, during the next five to ten years."
"Usually the person that's shouting the loudest is the one who is guilty of the sin they're shouting about accusing you of."
"Stop projecting your despicable hatred onto us."
"Mango skin, it is a great fruity scent, very addictive, very sexy, it's strong, it does give like a great projection and the longevity is around six to eight hours give or take love it really really recommend this one."
"They are projecting down the road to future generations."
"Remember, the left always accuses us of what they themselves are doing."
"Risk factors must be considered in projecting a company's future worth."
"Current market cap valuation depends on projected operating profits."
"Dot products actually represent projection because we're going to be using them a lot."
"Accept only such states as true of others that you would willingly accept as true of yourself."
"This room has a JVC NX9 projector that boasts 2200 lumens which is perfect for this 142-inch acoustically transparent screen."
"What you project out... it can make a huge difference."
"Man, that's a lot of money. $43,000 times ten years... That's 5.3 million dollars."
"He’s always projecting that he’s working hard."
"When you're relating to other people 99% of the time you're actually relating to yourself."
"Watch out for extremely subtle levels of projection."
"Believe in yourself and project that belief to others."
"They're the ones accusing you of what they're guilty of."
"Everything they're guilty of, they project onto you."
"Psychological projection: accusing somebody else of something that you are doing yourself."
"The therapist becomes a blank screen onto which the patient projects some."
"An individual who is bringing up emotional traumas and childhood memories... it can be so easy to project it onto the therapist."
"Personal spacecraft are feasible and that we might have them within a decade or so or sooner."
"This individual right here is trying to project something onto this guy."
"Yo, animation takes time. Oh yeah, the video's being projected via that projector right there."
"Half a million people could have died by August in the UK if no action was taken."
"I think if we scale it up money wise, you're getting 20 grand a day now. What we're talking about."
"The narcissist attributes to other people his own motives and motivations, his own psychological processes and psychodynamics."
"Be aware of what you're projecting onto others because the qualities that you don't like are also your own reflection."
"It's confession through projection. They were so eager to do it."
"Projection: if you hear an accusation that sounds totally off-the-wall, often the person is confessing through accusation."
"They're very defensive, lashing out, mean deflecting."
"Sometimes perception is projection now, isn't it?"
"When we repress something in ourselves, we tend to be very quick to notice it in other people."
"Limbo clones are what happens when Madara projects his shadow into a parallel universe."
"They projected their values onto you, but you stood firm."
"You no longer have this altered perception based off of what somebody else projected on to you."
"I believe that she [Luann] was trying to hold in and hold it in and hold it, it does project. It projects so far, let it go."
"Projection is essentially the manifestation of Shadow material onto other people."
"It's not about what you're wearing, it's about what's going on inside being projected from the outside."
"They projected onto you and hurt you to try to like make you feel like you're the problem when they were the problem the whole time."
"He sees himself in Hino, just as Kirihito had hoped."
"I had to put my life in the truth. My life cannot be determined by people who will project their fears onto me."
"You can't take a three-dimensional object such as a globe and perfectly project it onto a two-dimensional surface."
"You have the ability to heal others and project a different type of energy."
"Alchemy is no longer little materials in bottles. It is vast concepts experienced within the unfolding massiveness of human projection."
"We project ourselves into the other characters... we go on the journey with them."
"If you want to project something to a plane and you want to get that location, then you can use Vector projection to get that coordinate out of it."
"When you're single trying to attract a partner, it's important to project the qualities you desire."
"The projected value of the artificial intelligence market is set to hit 35.9 billion in 2024."
"If you understood how frequently people cope by projecting, you would stop taking anything personally."
"This person is only saying this about you because this is how they actually feel about themselves."
"The life cycle of this monster is calculated to go until 2050."
"Whenever people attack you or project anything negative onto you, you should know that it's all projection."
"Healing is that when you know like okay, I could be projecting my trauma onto this person right now."
"But the way to kind of maintain your sanity and not let the self-doubt take over you is just, if your present isn't that great and you're in a lot of pain, it's good to project yourself into the future at times."
"It's just too many bitter people on the internet that are just pissed off with their own lives; they want to come and project it on you."
"You're naturally projecting a sense of positivity."
"Sometimes we can project emotions onto other people."
"This is someone who's really really afraid of you reaching some sort of end goal because it kind of shows the lack thereof in their own personal life."
"The outer world is nothing but a projection of ourselves."
"We tend to project it onto outward onto the laws of the universe, which is why creationism and astrology and synchronicity and the vague sense that everything happens for a purpose is so compelling."
"People are projecting onto politicians completely unrealistic expectations of confidence and leadership."
"All the brands that I put on I'm so excited to wear these clothes because I know that they project more than what it is on a Surface value."
"'I feel like I am projecting onto him, it's perfect Ryan Gosling because I'm projecting onto him exactly what he's thinking, which is like, yeah, great. That too. Yeah.'"
"I like hosting people and having people over is a projection screen."
"Blame becomes the lifestyle when you don't want to look at something, so you keep projecting out."
"I see the hospice industry massively expanding over the next 20 years."
"When people wish that Taylor Swift would speak up more often, they're really projecting and assuming that she believes what they do."
"It's just classic projection. I really hope that's not the case because this is the father of your child, but from the looks of it, I think he may be doing something that you're not aware of."
"This has fantastic performance, 12 hours with a medium to loud projection."
"It's beastly, this is 14 to 16 hours with a medium to loud projection."
"It really projects into the room, when you walk in the room wearing Bianco latte everyone is going to smell you."
"...people will project their insecurities on you because they want you to feel bad about yourself so don't take it personal because it's not you sweetie it's them it's literally them..."
"They see the negatives in people because they're not in a good place within themselves."
"Poland will become the strongest military power on land in Central and Eastern Europe."
"Poland looks set to become Europe's industrial as well as military powerhouse."
"If you're hearing this message from everybody in your life, maybe it's on you. Maybe it's in your head, and maybe, just maybe, you're projecting these problems in your own emotional psyche onto everybody around you."
"Does your portfolio projection look like it's going to continue growing?"
"If someone is simply projecting stuff but it isn't necessarily grounded in research or if it's not constructive, you can also say no to that."
"It's not thinking positive, it's an energy of your consciousness, more than how you think, it's what you project with the energy, what you say, how you feel about what really is going to happen."
"A lot of the insecurities that we have live much more inside our own brains and it's not outwardly projected quite as much as we fear that it is."
"There's nothing wrong with questioning what's appropriate for kids, but projection of adult fantasies on children needs to be addressed."
"Projection of adult fantasies on children needs to be addressed."
"Haters are going to hate; besides, they're only projecting their own self-hatred and self-loathing onto those who they envy, want to be like, or who they feel are better or more successful than them."
"$2 trillion dollar in net gain of business Revenue."
"I get good eight hours out of this."
"People around you will smell this one."
"I feel like Spice was waiting to see me so that she could project everything she had for Erica on me because she knew Erica wasn't gonna be there."
"If you understood how frequent people cope by projecting onto others, you would learn to take absolutely nothing personally."
"Those with low self-confidence have been victims of projection much of their lives."
"Some people see other people as powerful because they're denying their own power and projecting it onto the other."
"And here it's just a vector projected on another vector projected on another vector-- something everybody knows how to do."
"One of the sure signs is they are always going to flip things around and turn it back on you. They will claim you're the narcissist."
"Whenever somebody judges, blames, criticizes, or hates us in any way, what they don't realize is they are also talking about themselves."
"We expect this number to be doubled before summer hits."
"The global demand for power tools is projected to grow at a steady rate for the next few years, reaching $313.5 billion by 2029."
"Am I projecting imaginary future scenarios, then worrying about? I'm just a [ __ ] am that's all I do, I'm worrying about stuff, I'm fantasizing about something I don't want to happen and then living in that mad negative fantasy."
"What someone says about you is really what they think about themselves."
"The Chinese are going to develop military capabilities that allow them to project power into places like the Persian Gulf."
"...if the trend continues, the only place this number is going is up."
"You will unveil your wish you will project it on the screen of space."
"My business has done did 149 Million last year and we should do double that this year."
"I used to think it was always like, 'Oh, people hate on me because they want what I got,' and it's not even that all the time."
"Sometimes it's really just like, I think basically people just don't feel good about themselves, you know what I mean? So they want to project it out on me."
"Projection can be a subtle process, with the psyche causing a magnetic attraction to qualities we've split off."
"Projection often leads to overreactions, criticism, accusations, and attacking towards others."
"Projection is the psyche's way of leading us to acknowledge parts of ourselves that we've lost touch with."
"This is somebody that's Awakening to the fact that you are projecting back to them exactly what they wanted their entire life."
"The covert narcissist is preoccupied with the image they project into the world. They want to project into whatever social circles they're in, into any external environment, a perfect mom image."
"Catastrophizing is always a projection into the future. It's not reality. It's a story about what might happen."
"Often what people hate in us is what they hate about themselves that they have not integrated."
"Conscious projection works really well."
"Now we see an attacking world not realizing that we are seeing our own anger staring back at us."
"I think there's just so much projection and, you know, I mean, the blessing of it is I do get to look at myself and see where I project."
"It's unfortunate how I arrived at this conclusion though I may be projecting my own thoughts looking back on my own breakups as well."
"They're realizing now that it's because they weren't wise, they weren't grown, they weren't mature in their past... instead they projected that outwards onto you."
"The reason why guys treat you like this has nothing to do with you and all to do with how he feels about himself."
"People are not reacting to you, they are reacting to their thoughts about you."
"We have a clear path of $10 million in ARR over the next two years."
"Someone is calling you out or they feel like something about your newfound commitment is not based in reality. But that's someone's perspective. That doesn't have to be what you're experiencing. It just feels like someone could be projecting this."
"...projection is one of the most common defense mechanisms where we attribute something in another that actually comes from within."
"People project onto you because you are their idol."
"Only people with severely effed up worldviews project their own insecurities onto their friends."
"Miserable people will project their misery on others."
"I legitimately believe it's like an energetic voodoo doll that's what it feels like to me. I don't even know if that makes sense to you but I believe whatever you project onto this thing, whatever you put into this thing, it just goes around to me, this looks like spite work."
"She sees her as an extension of herself, that Gladys' marriageability and marriage success will be an extension and expression of how well Bertha has done."
"Nominal growth is six six and a half, yeah 7% yeah. So pretty damn good."
"It's almost like he was like a blank canvas that wasn't having that much emotion or interest or anything. So then we just kind of projected all of the heinous [__] that we saw before onto him and then, you know, we create an even worse monster."
"The disturbances are inside of you and when you look out you project them."
"We were on track to make about $6 million."
"That's my shadow you're staring at!"
"You're projecting your concepts onto someone else, but life is a phenomenal teacher."
"Consciousness is extended... my interview is projected out to where you are."
"I think for the base case, it does feel pretty reasonable to me for the company to be growing at these rates."
"... I just assumed it was probably quite negative and you know I do I do remember Matthew saying he was completely right he was like you're kind of projecting this image of being really happy and like things going really well."
"I feel like people don't actually project, 'Oh yeah, this person's just really blessed.'"
"You are already making six figures this year, tracking to make three hundred thousand dollars."
"A lot of people are going to project their fears onto you."
"I think our comments are usually projecting our own insecurities, don't you?"
"We're all living some form of projection at some point in our life."
"You're projecting a totally irrational fantasy and an imaginary view of what this girl is like onto her, and you're completely ignoring how she's treating you and talking to you. That's not good, dude."
"You're projecting your interest, your high interest, onto her, and you're ignoring that she's not reciprocating."
"Projection reduces the anxiety both so-called negative emotion and impulses such as sadness, resentment, greed, and lust."
"Projection is a person shifts the blame, responsibility for his or her actions or thoughts to another person."
"So what you say about somebody else, you know, anybody else, reveals you. What I think of you as being, it's dictated by my own necessities, my own psychology, my own fears and desires."
"They're mad because they've been trying to tear you down, but you just have this deep understanding that this battle they're trying to have with you is really a battle they're having with themselves."
"This is a long lasting scent with moderate projections."
"Those who don't reflect, they project."
"I think that if people were better understood when they were experiencing or observing evacuative projection, the world would be a much healthier and happier place."
"These are texts onto which we project what we want to see happen in our own societies."