
Resolution Quotes

There are 11910 quotes

"Congratulations, you went somewhere you weren't supposed to go, saw something you weren't supposed to see, and prevented a tidy resolution to a messy problem."
"When that true love comes your way, don't run. Rather than run, figure out why am I even trying to run. Let me fix this."
"Over time, everything works out in the way that it needs to work out."
"You know what? I'm done with this burn book."
"We expect swift results as the workers are highly motivated. The true nature of the... has been revealed. Good riddance."
"Imagine how many debates would end if we simply were forcing each other... to engage in the Socratic method. We would resolve so many issues so quickly."
"Bearing the answers you seek, I have compiled the definitive bending tier list to finally put an end to this hundred-year war."
"When you take the time to know what the shouting is about, it makes it that much sweeter."
"That's when a single javelin appeared as if out of nowhere, striking the monster right in its chest and killing it on impact."
"The gap between someone's impact and their intention is a great way of working out why that hurtful thing happened, and how to stop it happening in the future."
"Even if my memories are not real, it's still me, Shadow, and I will fulfill my promise to Maria."
"They want to move past conflict. Your person wants resolution."
"All the problems we see in the world today are not going to be resolved within the framework of the current socio-economic model."
"If [she] would have just trusted both of her friends in the first place, then everything could have worked out in the end."
"The first thing we found was that most conflicts in a marriage, in fact 69% of them, are never solved."
"I know that the pain she had been through and the pain my family had been through would finally be resolved."
"Conflict is not inherently immoral. Conflict leads to breakthrough. Conflict leads to resolution."
"It's very significant that here the scene ends with a handshake and the two of them standing on level ground."
"It's been a long time coming, and now, finally tonight, the feud gets settled once and for all."
"I know how hard you tried to make everyone happy. I know about all the awful things that Monica did to make everyone really sad. But none of that matters anymore. It's just us now."
"I've decided. I'm done running away. I will fight for my future."
"In terms of degrees of difficulty, this is right up there. But grapple with the debate we must, and resolve it we must."
"The Father's blessing is the final word. No more nonsense."
"Perhaps you could say that my one-sided crush of many years was finally reaching a conclusion."
"It ended the best way that suspect in custody, nobody was seriously hurt."
"So, together, let us be resolved to see that it is defined by our hopes and not by our fears."
"There's been no end of the conflict; both sides do not agree with the other side's conclusion."
"The narratives of the Bible move from a state of competition to a solution to that competition, embodying the essence of competing brothers."
"It takes each nearly killing the other for them to reach an understanding, but anyone that sees this fight can understand how great it is."
"It is the world's highest resolution display."
"We can't live like this forever. No, listen to me, you made a big mistake."
"Violence in Islam does not resolve any matter, never."
"If something's like a problem, I like to just bring it up immediately and try to resolve it."
"Vegeta dies a warrior with no fear, no regrets, and no more pain. Goodbye, Saiyan Prince."
"I hate that it sounds like I'm making up a [] last name, his last name was Looney and he was []."
"Let's just stop this, alright? Let's try to get help for everyone and move on."
"The truth will provide some resolution to this case and some closure to the family."
"Hope Summers and Scarlet Witch effectively team up to bring Cyclops down."
"Scarlet Witch...simply says, 'No more Phoenix,' and the Phoenix force is destroyed."
"We have to dance it out. That’s how we finish."
"We have both the tools and the resolve to get inflation back down, and no one should doubt our resolve in doing that."
"Restoring balance: resolution, harmony, stability."
"I'm sorry I didn't believe you at first. The important thing is that you saved me, and it's all over now."
"Broly will defeat him, and with a single attack, Moro is killed by Broly."
"I'm so glad that we're finally able to get some answers on this, and I hope that we can confidently close the book on this supposed internet mystery for good."
"Adam Warlock's idea is to basically restore everything back to normal."
"1080p still remains a super popular resolution for budget monitor buyers and at the higher end, 1080p also offers a great experience for competitive gamers thanks to the high refresh rates that are possible."
"The lawsuit applied to select iPhones affected at the time, and this has not been a widespread issue since, so for all intents and purposes, this issue has been solved."
"We have as I say a large team disclosing information, making things available, so that this horrible and sorry state can be brought to a conclusion."
"If it does not come out in the wash, it will come out in the rinse."
"We set out to save the Shire, Sam. And it has been saved... But not for me."
"The most important one is the frame size and frame rate, where 1080 60 P is actually a very high-quality video in terms of the rate and the resolution."
"An ending isn't just the end; it's a culmination of everything that's come before it and a resolution to the entire journey."
"It's frustrating when it feels like they didn't have the answer; this was the neatest way to wrap it up without having to answer any of the questions."
"We want to solve HDR before we bother moving to 8K because from a perception standpoint, it makes a larger difference to the quality than just upping the resolution."
"It was better that I'm addressing it now head-on rather than years later."
"I almost gave up. I didn't know if I could find a resolution to this supposed contradiction."
"We're not as deeply divided, but we got to break this fever."
"Private debt bubbles slowly get resolved by pushing that up to the public level."
"He sat in the chair of betrayal, he resolved every bit of blame so you wouldn't have to sit."
"Let's just give them what they want, if what they want is fair and true."
"If you know that your intentions are good and it was misunderstood, [__], we need an overstanding."
"Sometimes in boxing, too often, we didn't end up seeing fighter A fight fighter B. This one, thankfully, will be settled in the ring."
"There is no point in putting out three-fourths of a fire; you either extinguish the whole thing or you don't."
"It's gonna get worse and worse unless people come back to the table and start having conversations again."
"It could get better. So that was why I wanted to end it there."
"Is not finished. We must end this once and for all, for the sake of the future."
"We need to stop fighting and have one more class trial. If we reveal the whole truth, we can end this killing game."
"If we reveal the whole truth there, we can end this killing game."
"Our hope is going to end this game of despair."
"This is a very unfortunate situation...we really want to be able to move forward and put this behind us."
"The pure love of Christ is the answer to the contention that ails us today."
"The next thought I had was, if that's what it takes, let's get it over with."
"For everybody's sake, and the sake of the global economy, we really need a conclusion to this war."
"The high resolution that it offers, 42 megapixels, as well as the improved battery life, is something that's really important to me."
"This full moon in Capricorn wants a major resolution point or a major structural rebalancing on what we actually can restructure, what we actually have the power to reaffirm."
"We have to put a stop to this senseless war."
"Wow, that is an unexpectedly wholesome and just good ending."
"What may save us is exhaustion... we're going to stop fighting because we're tired."
"The new couple decides to marry once they resolve their current disagreement and live happily ever after."
"I owe money, I owe money, and I just don't want that sensation anymore."
"A fiery climax approaches. So, whatever it is that's coming up, it's going to have a resolution."
"The resolution of tension is something that usually happens at the end of the game, but not always."
"I must learn the truth behind this murder most foul."
"We need to end this nightmare once and for all."
"As long as he got his head, he could find out his real identity."
"Ultimately our heroine saves the day, not through violence or might, but with her compassion."
"Don't panic... it's all gonna get sorted out."
"No matter how satisfying it seems to our historical trauma to have this antidote... a tremendous injustice, historical injustice has been committed against another people."
"Somebody is going to recognize him, and he's going to be found."
"You would think that after David showed up in the same cave... Saul would have been like, 'All right, okay, fine, yeah, all right.'"
"We might have fixed the strike in a matter of two weeks."
"Wait a bit my dear doctor Counsel Holmes and it will be possible in time."
"Well, we never would have solved the case without genealogy."
"The curse on the whole castle was lifted, and everything turned back to normal."
"The answers that my family received is closure, and closure is everything." - Diane Dawn's son Mark
"We now have an answer, we got a referenceable answer."
"If your thing is cats, cat it up, right? Want cats everywhere, if that's what makes you happy because progress is happiness."
"The solution to something like this is unequivocal. It's a hundred percent of individuals willing to compete."
"We have literally ended with 'we're going to agree to disagree' and that's okay too."
"They came at me completely. They didn't come at me with some half-lazy cancellation."
"Make a decision about something that you've been juggling."
"Mark my words, there will be no resolution of America's problems if free thought and free speech are no longer upheld as sacrosanct."
"He eventually calms down enough to have a change of heart, and agrees to marry her, for real this time."
"That's the right thing to do, except that you made a mess. Make amends and move on."
"They can resolve this issue now, whereas they couldn't resolve it as a child."
"The evil in this world in this case stops today."
"If there's no way to keep going other than to confront somebody or something, you've got to get that confrontation out of the way. Well, let's do it then. It is what it is."
"Peace at Last has been returned to the continents."
"The key is that we not let the issue go until we finally understand what happened because what happened is the key to this never happening again."
"Investigators believe that there are more people who know the truth of what happened that day and they could help solve the case once and for all."
"The reds and blues would receive a full pardon of their crimes."
"Ultimately, nothing came of this minor controversy."
"Communication is usually very helpful, that's how problems can often get resolved if you talk to each other."
"It's over, the radiance has been struck, the infection is purged."
"A lot of people died, and a lot of stories were wrapped up in this arc."
"I'm taking the company back, Alan. You were right about everything."
"There is actually a best third option... both lines intersect here."
"This movie needed a personal and intimate climax where the family can reconcile and work together as a team."
"This is not how it ends! This is not our fate!"
"The ending is just so bittersweet and perfect."
"I am NOT, I can't be any more, so I do love him."
"It's really nice to set all this stuff aside and get a clear answer in my opinion."
"Should we do nothing? What should we do? Are we... when can this conflict be resolved?"
"The solution is there, we must resolve to pursue it."
"With Munro dead, the manuscript returns to Assassin hands. It's this that starts the third act."
"This is tough. People are suffering. People are dying. It's inconvenient. But this is going to be the answer to our problems."
"Ultimately she entered a plea to third-degree murder."
"I'm glad they didn't just dismiss the issue and sweep it under the rug."
"Everybody needs to go to their corners. This is insane."
"We're getting rid of this virus. That's it. Very simple solution."
"And what I have found the best resolution um to to these issues in in my world and my work and my own healing and my own you know demons that I've had to face is truth and to me that's the only way we're going to get through this is truth."
"With President Vorshevsky safe, Russia and the United States declare peace."
"Change is only going to come about when both sides sit down and have constructive dialogue."
"That is why I left, and that's why I'll never go back. So long, Rex."
"I'm very sorry and I don't think I will ever get involved in such things from this point."
"It's the conclusion which is at the same time going to bring you healing, solace, and a mind-blowing satisfactory result."
"They were stopping at nothing to do this, to put an end to some kind of suffering in their family."
"Tip number two is to make sure that, wherever possible, your editing project matches the frame rate and the resolution of the video footage you're editing."
"I'm a good person, I'm gonna do what I can to resolve that situation."
"Tony G finally finishes off the brat and sends him and his coach riding off on a tandem bike."
"It's been a long day coming. Why don't we just end this, just you and me?"
"Most people that by the time they get to couples therapy are sort of on the way out."
"Certain problem...problems are soon about to be resolved."
"The power of female friendship saves the day."
"That's not how we end this, that's not how it goes down."
"You know it's not happening, just put it behind you."
"That point in the tournament of power is both the jiren and ultra instinct and putting a bow on goku's character."
"I think an autopsy will...put to rest most of these questions." - Scott Duffy
"We killed the thing that makes them. No more moon, no more marker signal, no more necro-watch."
"I will never hit my kid again, and I'm telling him like you, I've told him on his last... I had him all summer, I was like, my nigga, I was like, 'You're making me want to hit you.'"
"You've done everything that you can with that."
"Every ending presented in The Lord of the Rings [...] it was a happy ending."
"It's better to say things and resolve things while you can."
"But now we understand it, we have confronted our enemy with impervious resolve, and we are not afraid."
"Honestly would go through hell and brimstone to see an end to this."
"Most likely it will end with some sort of negotiation."
"A mystery story needs to be solved by the end."
"I mean just as a really nice little kind of ending to it with both widows wail and Oathkeeper you have ice back up in Winterfell it was melted down into those two so I do enjoy that both of those are back up in Winterfell where they belong."
"The talk is over. It's time to define the one true king."
"Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that."
"In solving their problems, the underlying subtext is painful to stomach yet deeply gratifying because you were able to help them in the end."
"The crew is ultimately able to destroy the spheres."
"This alignment breaks old patterns and allows for resolutions to long-standing issues."
"I will be officially quitting YouTube... famous last words."
"This land can finally rest, and the flame so stubbornly resistant can finally extinguish."
"The Arbiter's the one who in the end ended up getting that big moment of closure."
"I don't need you no more. You don't say, I'm good."
"Whatever mistakes might have been made in the past, we just have to work together and get this done. We really have no other choice, do we?"
"Do you still have hope that it could be solved? Absolutely."
"Drake did not back down. Drake said [expletive] it. I'm going to go after this and we're going to see what really happens at the end of it."
"Phantom Planet was a finale that tied up the show's main plot points out of obligation."
"We're not done today. There's still a war to win."
"We make our stand, the last battle for Argus has begun."
"I'm gonna have some more experts on as we go."
"We couldn't live with the fact of having two unsolved 737 accidents."
"No compromise is necessary and I'll go one further where no compromise should ever be expected."
"This amazing chase finally comes to an end as we enter an open doorway, slamming it shut and locking it to ensure the ink demon won't follow us anymore."
"I've been trying to find a reason why I wouldn't do that and all day I couldn't find a reason."
"We as black men have got to learn to sit down across from one another at the table of Brotherhood and learn to communicate with each other to resolve our differences."
"It's all love. Yes, the chair wars are over. Everybody's getting a chair and everybody's happy. Peace and love."
"If there is a partnership that you're in that you feel like you want to try to make work and resolve give it a chance work on your partnership."
"Public opinion on this is hardening because what people are saying is, can we please end the agony, can we just get it over and done with?" - Nigel Farage
"We can have a heated debate and still at the end of the day shake each other's hand."
"Yes, no, we're yes, now let's throw this son of a [__] out."
"Let's just put them away, shall we? Case closed."
"Let's put it all behind us." - Commentary on moving forward from drama and focusing on positive outcomes.
"At the end of the day, agree to disagree and walk away."
"In the end, the series is Jack's last journey of trying to get back to the past."
"I think we can tackle a lot of these issues."
"The family wants him to lead authorities to their loved one's body."
"The conclusion leads us to believe that God simply took all three up to the heavens."
"Visuals still hold up, but I've got to say the fine-grain detailing on grass and elements soften with 1440p."
"This doesn't make us happy but justice has been done. Sarah can rest in peace now."
"Yeah, it was him. They got him dead to rights."
"For the families of Franklin's victims, peace had finally come. Franklin would never be free to kill again."
"Their native resolution was like 720p but they were essentially using their technique to give the impression of a higher resolution at a time."
"In reality I didn't say a [ __ ] word to the guy I just told him to have a good night and that's all it actually played out very well."
"I've given myself a lot of time to think about this and um that's the way it's going to be."
"Just arguing back and forth in a bitter, immature hate on hate way isn't gonna work."