
American Culture Quotes

There are 1011 quotes

"Americans seem to be fundamentally obsessed with the mission of improving ourselves."
"I'm going to tell you a story. It's a uniquely American story... it's an American horror story."
"Racism is so American that if you challenge racism, you look like you're challenging America."
"Well yeah, that's why I support UBI, because I want the entrepreneurial, innovational culture to exist in America."
"You'll learn lots of business-related vocabulary you can start using right now while understanding a bit more of the American lifestyle."
"West Virginian myths are among the creepiest in American folklore."
"It's just how the American people work, they want change."
"MTV was once a fixture of American lifestyle, deeply interwoven within youth culture."
"My subject is the American Protestant small town middle class. I like middles; it is in middles where extremes clash, where ambiguity restlessly rules."
"What even is American culture? It's just a big ball of different cultures with no set value."
"The White House is a sacred place, an important place to our culture and our country, and it's representative of America at the purest form."
"We are Americans. We like redemption, we like forgiveness. We want to see you fall, but when you fall, people want to see you rise up and redeem yourself."
"We're like most of us in America, we're just stuff obese. We just have stuff coming out our ears."
"The reason why we've been able to keep this country together is people really believe that they can do their own thing and they can have their own identity."
"The most effective remedy will be for Americans to learn how to consume less."
"The opportunity for an audience member to simultaneously enjoy the very violence on a carnal level while condemning it from an intellectual point of view might be the greatest metaphor for being an American."
"I think that's one of the things I love about America is the ability and that really is I think in the American DNA to create things and invent things."
"Forrest Gump is COINTELPRO the movie; it's why it's such an inoffensive movie to American audiences and why it was so easy to praise, especially around awards season."
"The average U.S. citizen rates individualism as a highly admirable trait."
"If America loves anything, it's a redemption arc."
"On May 16, 1986, the world saw the release of the movie Top Gun, which not only became a huge commercial hit but also raised the heroic image of American fighter pilots to exceptional heights."
"Spontaneous, intellectually and spiritually disruptive ferment from within civil society might offer a home-grown American answer."
"Mom and dad and apple pie, baseball games and picnics in July."
"The American people are extraordinarily generous."
"Americans live their lives more as people that are just a little bit late for something they have to do, often something they do not want to do, but they do it. Impossible things every day that are only made possible through the little reasonable compromises we all make."
"For over 80 years, Pontiac was an icon in the American automotive industry, with fleets that over the years were simultaneously niche and widespread."
"Station wagons, the ultimate vacation vehicle, is a uniquely American automotive design development."
"If America has no culture, that would only make the country better – it means that the best aspects of every culture in the world rise to the top, creating a super culture."
"It's a tale in tarmac of presidents and poppers, cowboys and Indians, diners and drive-throughs, framed in a landscape from a hundred movies with the soundtrack of the greatest music in the world, rock and roll."
"Americans believe in work, and they don't begrudge success."
"Black Americans, culturally, are as American as you can get. They've been here literally since before the beginning."
"American culture is multicultural. If American culture doesn't include anything non-whites have produced, then American culture is meaningless and vestigial."
"Americans give a lot... in last year they gave over $300 billion to charity."
"There's something very American here... It was named after a piece of a mountain that toppled off the canyon face... sacred land to the Shoshone tribe... a sacred place for my family and me."
"America offers an unparalleled experience for being an individual, an unparalleled experience for doing your own thing."
"What is more American than a Super Bowl parade and yet what is more American than a mass shooting?"
"One example is the collapse of the American marriage."
"The stories here would and could be read by children, yes, but they were really the first to start using the art form of comics to market to adults in America."
"American culture benefits from the diversity that we see in our country."
"Americans are so divided these days, but there is still one thing that unites us, and that is that just about everybody is lying."
"American culture was built on a series of beliefs about the way the world works."
"America still maintains its strongest trait: its dynamism."
"If you like when the left argues for multiculturalism, they're explaining that you've got America as this big umbrella, and a bunch of smaller cultures underneath it."
"Barbecues became an essential part of the early American political landscape."
"This is a story of how an American icon lost its way, and whether or not it can find it again."
"Created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, his stories of fighting against fascism were simple and effective ways of communicating that America would not bend to this hateful ideology."
"The Red Scare and the dread of communist infiltration into American culture are commonly seen as metaphors in the 1956 science fiction classic, Invasion of the Body Snatchers."
"Hey there everyone, for those of you that don't know me, my name is David and my wife and I live in our RV as full-time RVers and we travel the country and explore everything that America has to offer."
"Outliers are essential to the American project."
"Irreverence is the secret of American ingenuity."
"As a nation, Americans are too superficial--they are striving to get rich quickly, and do not generally do their business as substantially and thoroughly as they should."
"Star Trek was exactly of its time, speaking flatly against racial prejudice to prejudiced Americans."
"The Bible tells us, 'To everything, there is a season, a time to build, a time to reap, and a time to sow, and a time to heal.' This is the time to heal in America."
"The AR-15 has become the gun of the modern American Rifleman."
"What makes America wonderful is cultural appropriation; it's taking awesome things from other cultures and then integrating them into your regular life."
"All Americans think they're immune to propaganda, but they're not."
"The most American thing in the whole world is muscle cars and drag racing and race tracks, and we can't lose it."
"The most important documentary made in America in the last 10 years."
"The fulfillment of this vision could result in a restoration of small-town American life."
"Finding light in the darkness is a very American thing to do. In fact, it may be the most American thing we do."
"I think what makes America great is, in many respects, its diversity, the fact that it's a melting pot."
"All the satire was in the script from the beginning...All this ironic stuff, all this hyperbolic stuff, all this playing with fascism or fascist imagery, to point out certain aspects of American society, that was all in the script."
"This is what this film is kind of trying to say, it's an America that is stuck and it's just aching and it's an America that's eating itself," offering a critical interpretation of the film's broader commentary on American society.
"America's first dedicated Pizzeria is usually said to be Lombardi's in New York City."
"There is definitely a prejudice against things American."
"Every aspect of American culture has become more and more political."
"Life is so easy in America that our biggest issue is like whether Chloe lost four pounds today on the Kardashians."
"Harley-Davidson straddles both sides of an interesting cultural divide in America."
"I'm not always going on about the Second Amendment, but Americans love to talk about the Second Amendment."
"GTA is America... it lets us do something iconic."
"All great change in America begins at the dinner table."
"What we have here is the idea of what the American ideal could become."
"The greatest recordings of this era... some of the greatest music that America has ever created..."
"Bacon is an American staple of breakfasts, burgers, and beyond."
"American culture is in shambles it's in Decay."
"California is like the hyper-distilled version of America itself."
"America really is the great country of reinvention."
"Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that."
"The themes here about America nostalgia and humility are simple yet effective."
"Welcome to Earth, whatever side you land on, you can't deny that this family is the closest thing America may ever have to a royal family."
"I would argue often times it's way more rich and beautiful than American culture and American media."
"This is all happening right here in the United States of America where for a long time people just had this fantastical facade hanging in front of them."
"That's not something that is American... I think we need to learn how to be adults in the room."
"It is an incredibly American thing to have a healthy dose of skepticism."
"A huge moment in American culture and criminal law with legendary American comedian and actor Bill Cosby being convicted."
"We don't understand persecution here in America. We think we do but we don't."
"Americans will always do the right thing once they've exhausted every other option." - Winston Churchill
"Freedom is actually America's greatest resource."
"Succession is about the end of the American century, about an impending collapse."
"Happy Fourth of July and happy birthday to the United States of America. This seemed like the perfect occasion to compile our top 10 VinWiki car stories about American cars, so I hope that you'll enjoy that today."
"If you want to be iTunes number one this is the way to do it you go write a song and you go work for a major label you ain't going nowhere dude you go independent you call out the BS you cheer for the American people."
"It's really quite the American ideology of very individualistic and it's becoming very extreme."
"Russian people love Americans and they love American culture."
"Wrong is the engine of America because that's what allows us to iterate until we hit something that works."
"Here in America, good journalism, good satire about our leaders, about our society, is quintessentially an American thing."
"America is unique in a lot of terrible way but one we rarely talk about is how needlessly complicated our tax system is."
"The American dream is deeply integrated with refuge and opportunity."
"Johnny Cash, an American icon, the man in black."
"Diversity has been an issue in the American film industry since its inception."
"The ways by which American men affirm their masculinity are uncertain and obscure."
"The American Way of life welcomes all people"
"The impact of their efforts continued to mark American social and political disputes to this day."
"The standard American diet: fast food and pleasure over long-term health."
"There is no American literature, there are American literatures."
"Life in America today is plagued by purposelessness."
"This is America, this America's Motorhome right here."
"Considered America's first great songwriter."
"We are the culture, man. We've created damn near everything over here. Everything that is American culture is seeped in foundational Black American culture."
"Day number six, you're gonna focus on American culture."
"He was instrumental in changing the landscape of American wrestling."
"It talks about American culture and the pressures that a lot of us feel to earn a bunch of money and to climb this corporate ladder, no matter what our morals are in a very personal and empathetic way."
"There's no one definition of what an American looks like."
"I love American culture, I'm fascinated with American culture."
"Andy Kaufman's considered one of the all-time comedic legends in America."
"I've met some of the most innovative American farmers."
"America is just one giant damn social experiment, one after the other."
"Racism is not new people, it's as American as apple pie."
"The pursuit of happiness is a major moral achievement and a defining element in American life."
"The police are the bravest people we have in America."
"Americans love it. They love guns. They love violence. They love candidates who are rebels."
"America's ethos is like driving, and that's the ultimate way to see it."
"We respect the American democracy, American culture."
"What do you think, Wisecrack? Does Parks and Rec show us the best that American democracy is capable of?"
"Nearly one in five Americans believe in ghosts and have also claimed to see one."
"MLMs work at an almost lizard brain level, exploiting the most American belief that all you need to succeed is an opportunity, hard work, and dedication."
"I feel like I'm in the presence of greatness of an American icon. Wow, really."
"But you know, I think we were aware of the weight that the movie had. I mean, the original Top Gun is so interwoven in the fabric of American life. I mean, it's like up there with baseball and apple pie."
"The contrast between the simple decency of Forrest Gump as a man and the wild chaotic energy of 20th century America."
"Pulp Fiction went out of its way to cram the movie full of as many references to American life and culture as possible."
"This ain't America... as American as apple pie."
"In America, you get free refills on your beverage."
"A Harley is the ultimate symbol of freedom and their story is the quintessential American dream."
"Animals like kangaroos, platypuses, and koala bears are easily some of the most recognizable and even beloved animals in American culture."
"Not all of American history is glorious and wonderful, but the overarching thrust of American history and philosophy is inherently wonderful."
"The original Cars movie is Pixar's most American film."
"Let's go there and try to copy off their homework and then steal those ideas as our own, because that is the American way."
"Virtually every day the destruction of the family is at the root of nearly every problem plaguing America."
"This is America. We perform whatever we want."
"The American disposition is way more positive than pretty much anywhere else."
"America loves to see a fallen hero redeem himself and come back even greater."
"When fascism comes to America, it will be waving a flag and holding a Bible."
"There's no place like the United States that has taken this to heart in such a serious way."
"These are the values that bring out the best in what it means to be an American."
"Something is radically changed in America, coming out of nowhere and hitting like a thunderbolt."
"American culture is awash in schemes for self-improvement."
"The Super Bowl because it is maybe the only unifying moment in American life left at this point."
"Fair housing for all is now a part of the American way of life."
"This isn't just about us as truck drivers or a certain group of people, it's about Americans."
"There's nothing more American than protesting injustices."
"One of the really American things about him is the way he despises what it is he's really lonely for." - David Foster Wallace
"That's the definition of American patriotism."
"The rainbow flag also had to compete with an older understanding of what rainbows symbolized in American culture."
"This mixes the Versace sort of house codes with an American theme. This is how you do it."
"The American dream was the uniting narrative."
"He's forcing us to have real conversations about what's really going on in American society."
"People were disillusioned with the American dream, losing faith in a system that seemed to be failing them on every level."
"Racism is so American that when people protest racism, people think you're protesting America."
"I kind of like the American way of being more direct with each other, having less Small Talk."
"The Sherman Brothers were an American songwriting duo made up of Robert and Richard Sherman."
"One of the great American traits is perseverance."
"There are over 100 million Americans that want the world to end in their lifetime."
"The African American faith community has been one of God's greatest gifts to America and to its people."
"Let's Make a Deal is a classic American Game show."
"One of the most American foods of all time: cheese whiz."
"Americans have the best chance. These are the only games that we could win in. It's first person shooter. It's all we do here. This is our shot."
"It's related to kind of something that I've been saying that is like America there's this aspirational element about that's very unique and wonderful about America."
"Sports are central to the American narrative."
"Why does that spark a racial discussion was it mean we America takes meaningless interactions and uses them to spark important discussions."
"We're going to talk about the American story... a very beautiful story."
"To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the great American novels."
"I think Americans have been so conditioned during the past decade to kind of act on fear."
"In this country, we honor work, we celebrate great craftsmanship, and we salute the dignity and nobility of the American worker."
"Debating is the essence of the problem because the whole foundation of what we do here in America is the ability to debate."
"Debating is the American way. It helps us get closer to the truth."
"The whole Foundation of what we do here in America is the ability to debate."
"Democracy in the workplace is about the most American thing I've ever heard of."
"The American culture of freedom and anti-government is what made it great but it is also the reason it's responded to the virus poorly."
"There's no country on earth like America with its diverse sporting economy and bandwidth for sports."
"The fundamental building block of American society is County Government and the sheriff who's elected is the law of the land for that County."
"American pride, American baby, American dream."
"Football has become America's favorite sport, surpassing baseball."
"There are now more guns in the US than there are people. God bless America."
"The 50s is Americana post-war Americana Eisenhower apple pie Superman fucking patriotism like all that like yeah was requesting classic yeah the classic."
"In America, you're entitled to your own opinion."
"The history of the American people is the greatest story in human history." - Paul Johnson
"Americans are eager to give their time and energy to those who need help."
"America sneezes and the world catches the cold."
"The United States flag is an incredible symbol of freedom."
"Coming revival destined for America will be mighty."
"Unlike everything else on the road, this car oozed Americana."
"It's a sickness... this American attitude... 'I got mine and everyone else's.'"
"The outrage is more of a manifestation of American anxieties rather than actual outrage at the broadcast itself."
"The story of Kelly Toy begins with the fact that they're an American toy company best known for the plush toys you'd find in arcades or amusement parks."
"Monopoly is, of course, the most popular board game in American history and a big part of American culture more broadly..."
"Throughout it, he never lost touch with the common man, this being a prime example of what will forever make him the personification of the American Dream."
"The American dream? You'd have to be asleep to believe it."
"It's essentially like a giant blockbuster movie premiere in the United States."
"The pro-life movement is really, really deep in the American tradition."
"I really like these, you see this kind of has a historic American row home vibe."
"The mainstream media in the US is picking up on this stuff. What that tells us is when their brand implodes, they're going to start losing whatever charm they had for the American people."