
Animal Rights Quotes

There are 1018 quotes

"I'm not going to sit here and defend the rights of some animals and then say that we should eat meat. I don't think that position is defensible."
"The day may come when the non-human part of the animal creation will acquire the rights that never could have been withheld from them except by the hand of tyranny."
"The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?"
"My veganism exists for the benefit of animals and for the environment. That is it. I do not care what other people think about me, about my decisions in that. That is not what I am here for."
"The thing that irritates me more than anything in the world is when people sit and look at the ape in the zoo and start crying... while they're chowing down on chicken nuggets and cheeseburgers."
"I have this thing called empathy, so when I see an animal losing its agency, I empathize with them equally."
"Pets and animals are a moral good. However, the idea that they're here to serve us, and that we can't actually ask them if this is what they want, really bothers me."
"You don't need to harm animals to better ourselves."
"One thing that we want to do by being here is show people the animals, have them connect to the animals who've been killed for their products, hopefully reduce that consumer demand."
"We recognize that what we do to animals is a moral issue."
"In principle, the amount of suffering we inflict on animals could mean that our speciesism, as an attitude and all the practices that flow from it, have actually done more harm, caused more suffering, and in that sense been worse than all of the terrible things slavery did."
"It's important to think of the positives as well. If people in the animal movement focus only on the continuing atrocities we inflict on animals, they will feel that it's all hopeless and go away and not do something. It's important to celebrate progress, however small."
"Utilitarianism: It's about trading off the benefits against the relatively very small contribution that you're making to additional animal suffering."
"Future society won't look back kindly on the way we treated our innocent animal allies."
"All the grain that's used in this country alone could feed 800 million humans, which means we could eradicate world hunger just with the grain that's fed to animals in this country alone."
"Veganism is the belief that these animals are not here on this planet for us to use or exploit unnecessarily."
"To hear sort of so so be so blase about the suffering of animals like it just doesn't matter at all and based on what is essentially an arbitrary line in the sand between Homo sapiens and every single other being that exists on the planet, I'm quite astonished by it."
"There's an interesting question as to whether we should intervene in cases where an animal kills and tortures another animal because although the lion isn't committing a wrong, it's still bad there's suffering and we could prevent it."
"Animals have consciousness today in this life, so in that sense, they're alike to us."
"I'm not saying these animals have worth because I say so. I'm simply trying to make people recognize that they have that moral worth."
"People for the ethical treatment of animals makes sense, of course, everyone wants anything that's living to be treated with respect."
"Animals, for example, are not ours to experiment on."
"People who make up and represent Peta voice their concerns, anger, and sadness over the state of our current relationship with animals."
"We're all against animal cruelty but often turn a blind eye to what happens in slaughterhouses and on farms."
"It's pretty difficult to know, but I don't think we need really any data to know that factory farming needs to come to an end."
"Can we compassionately take the life of an animal if we don't have to?"
"It's not about us... it's about the animals."
"Veganism is like a moral compass for animal rights."
"If we are really going to make a significant impact here and change this horrible situation for animals, then the goal of going vegan, of at least trying to go vegan, should be the very minimum that we do."
"Morally speaking, we already agree that reducing suffering for animals is morally preferable."
"To quote the Vegan Society, veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practical, all forms of exploitation and cruelty to animals for food, clothing, and any other purpose."
"Animals feel pain, they feel suffering, they deserve life and they deserve freedom. They are sentient beings like us, as humans."
"I think the strongest argument for the vegan side of things is the ethical moral question around is it ethical to be enslaving animals and putting them in cages."
"Veganism is not about being perfect... it's about not hurting animals as far as is practicable and possible."
"We must recognize in virtue of being humans that we are different to animals and therefore must treat them differently, not in a notion of radical equality."
"Meat is murder because the killing of animals for meat is needless in most of current society."
"We should assign animals basic rights—the right not to be treated as property."
"We should have laws that protect animals from being killed like we do for human beings."
"The thing that's been the most effective has been convincing humans to use animals for food... trillions and trillions of deaths, and no one dies well."
"Most people are just ethically as compromised as you can imagine. They'll say they love animals but then immediately go out and get a bacon double cheeseburger."
"If you want to know where you would have stood during the civil rights movement, don't ask yourself where you stand on slavery today, ask yourself where you stand on the animal rights movement."
"If all slaughterhouses had glass walls, nobody would eat meat."
"I think it's a complete contradiction, you can't care about animals being tortured while you're paying for their torture."
"The United Nations has talked about how animal agriculture is one of the most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems our planet faces."
"Unfortunately, the way that animals are handled throughout the entire world for mass production is something that should be changed."
"Something like taste pleasure is just in a different moral universe to something like torture and exploitation and killing of animals."
"It's not enough to not support PETA; we must be active."
"Non-human animals are members of our moral community and deserve to be treated as such, whether we like it or not."
"Veganism is not just the abstention from eating animal products; it is a boycott, a refusal to take part in an industry that exploits animals."
"Lovers of the sport, as well as animal welfare advocates, will be enraged by this footage, seeing the pitiful way the horses are treated when they're no longer profitable or wanted."
"Animals have desires, they have like preferences, they take pleasure in certain things, they socialize, they find joy in their own lives and in their own activities."
"Not maltreating animals... animal abuse and those kinds of things, I think, that's like absolutely exploitation and just a degradation of animals' dignity."
"To deny entities that experience life in much the same way that we do the ability to live their lives the way that they want to, I think is not really defensible."
"We are wildlife warriors; we're standing up and speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves."
"She doesn't have a voice right now, and we need to be her voice."
"We're gonna try to get cruelty charges pressed against this person."
"The extraordinary similarities between ourselves and other species that evolutionary biology helps us understand do have ethical implications in terms of our treatment of non-human animals."
"Their never-ending and unrelenting commitment to stopping animal abusers is something 4chan has gotten right time and time again."
"The ideal way for consumers to buy products is when the naming is very, very clear."
"If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian."
"Jumbo won the hearts of everyone around the world and really upgraded the image of gorillas on the whole."
"Germany wants to be the first country in the world to ban the practice [of culling male chicks]."
"The language we use degrades animals, but they're individuals with feelings."
"Animal agriculture is worse than human slavery."
"These animals can problem solve, they can feel emotion, they can recognize."
"Fart a couple of times to dab a few extra beans whoops or murder these innocent animals who never did a single thing wrong to you."
"Help me get these innocent animals out of hell, out of this holocaust, and the animal holocaust. Help me."
"You don't actually care about how beings are treated... it's ultimately self over."
"How people treat animals says a lot about who they are as a person."
"It was even noted to be the inspiration for Beatles member Paul McCartney to have an interest in animal rights."
"Animal suffering is everywhere... the only place I can think of where animal suffering is truly nowhere to be found is in the moral consideration of the average human being."
"Congratulations, you've stopped supporting the most horrific cruelty of animals on earth."
"When you compare the action and you share what we have in common with the animals... you're comparing the action, not the victim."
"The very thing that people try to use to justify our supremacy over animals is the very thing that should justify our efforts to eliminate that prejudice."
"The strength of that message is what turns not only people vegan but voices for the animals."
"I lay there at night and I go damn that was a sentient being."
"Animal abuse and animal, you know any of that stuff is just not okay and it's something that I've actively campaigned against on this website."
"I don't want to contribute to the torture of an animal."
"I love animals so much and I really don't think that it is okay to be testing cosmetics on them."
"All these cruelty-free companies are doing just fine without animal testing."
"Why we gotta hurt the animals like that? You don't gotta hurt the animals like that, and that's the tea for today."
"There's simply no regulation around the term 'cruelty-free'. Even if a company claims they don't do animal testing, they can easily contract someone else to do it for them."
"Even though we might see progress, there's also been setbacks in recent years relating to animal testing too."
"We're happy to report that Wet and Wild has met all the requirements of our beauty without bunnies program and remains cruelty free."
"Some of us have serious moral queries about a macaque monkey sucking on a banana pipe with a microchip in its mind."
"If you're ethically vegan, you believe that sentient life of animals on par with sentient life of humans."
"Hourglass is going to donate five percent of the profits from the product to organizations' efforts to secure fundamental rights for animals."
"We just want animal rights to literally be on the table for discussion because until it's in their consciousness we're not going to change anything."
"I take any chance I can to speak for animals."
"The dairy industry practices... sounds a lot like rape to me."
"It was the most impactful scene or argument I've ever seen for protecting animals."
"Animals deserve the same love and care that you would provide to a human, absolutely."
"Using animals to test cosmetics is still allowed in most of the world, which means that thousands of animals could continue to die for the sake of a new shampoo, which is ridiculous."
"Animals should live in freedom, humans have rights and so do animals."
"We need to give animals the same respect that we give to each other."
"If you're against animal cruelty, you should probably be vegan."
"The mainstream Islamic legal tradition accords more rights to non-human animals than do the legal systems of the contemporary West."
"Animal nations, fellow passengers, are nations like unto yourselves."
"Divine recompense of some sort for animal suffering is thus generally accepted by normative Islam."
"Veganism is like a philosophy you take on and you're like it's a stance against abusing animals in whatever way."
"Going vegan is not the most we can do; it is the absolute least we can do."
"When I love an animal, I don't see them as a renewable resource."
"You don't have to see an animal as a renewable resource to love and respect and care for them."
"Give animals their right to not being abused, exploited, or sent to the slaughterhouse."
"Veganism is a movement and it is to say that we stand against the oppression of animals."
"We've changed our ethical stance on animal abuse."
"I don't really care what anyone does, I just don't want animals to die."
"Don't hurt animals. Leave animals the [ __ ] alone."
"Why don't we honor the animals who make our movies possible especially the ones in starring roles?"
"The way we treat animals is teaching this next generation how to treat those that are more powerless than them."
"If slaughterhouses had glass walls, 95% of people would stop eating meat."
"Could you look an animal in the eyes and say to it: 'My appetite is more important than your suffering'?"
"Why love one but eat the other? You have a dog here and a baby boy cow. Baby boy cows are murdered."
"Avoiding animal cruelty in factory farms is perceived as radical or extreme."
"All animals want to avoid pain and suffering and they don't want to die."
"You're not laughing at us at all, I can see through that. Especially pig farming."
"You don't need to kill animals to survive. You live in a world, in a society, in a community where you can eat a whole range of different things."
"Just astonishing stuff by the way good news Shenzhen just became the first Chinese city to ban eating cats and dogs."
"Approximately 98 percent of the meat, eggs, and dairy we eat comes from animals who were raised in factory farms."
"Let it be known that I love the fact that more brands are going down the cruelty-free route."
"There is some crazy shit going on in this world... billions of animals being killed for literally unnecessary purposes... our environment getting destroyed."
"The work I do is really empowering animals with voice."
"Is it alright to boil a sentient creature alive just for our gustatory pleasure?"
"It is hard to deny in any meaningful way that this is a living creature experiencing pain."
"Gorillas are still in zoos for the same reason they were when they were kept in small metal cages, to be an exotic attraction."
"Some animals just aren't meant to live in captivity. If you want to see a gorilla, visit one in the wild."
"For the elephant community, I think it was justice." - AC
"Factory farms exist solely to make as much money as possible from the exploitation of animals."
"Animal suffering doesn't just permeate our food and our clothing... it's in our furniture, our sports, our medicine, and our cosmetics."
"Rediscovering our love and respect for animals is not a process of learning anything new but unlearning the moral status that we've unjustifiably placed upon these animals."
"Simply choosing something else on the menu is all we need to do to bring this horror show to an end."
"Bentham is remembered as one of the earliest advocates of animal rights."
"The vast majority of cases, at least, it is actually the case that being a vegan is going to harm fewer animals. That's kind of our thing, sure."
"I don't care what my meta ethical worldview is... you think that it's wrong to force a dog into a gas chamber, you think it's okay to force a pig into a gas chamber."
"You can judge the nation's moral progress by the way that they treat their animals."
"Since the first time ancient man forcibly parted a proto-chicken from its unborn child to make his scrambled eggs, we’ve happily exploited earth’s other tenants for food, warmth, labour, entertainment, companionship, and medical research."
"Once you educate yourself about animal agriculture, the logical conclusion is to actually stop eating animals, is to go vegan."
"If we're going to be going on about the pit bull question so to speak, I think it's actually better to think about it in terms of policy rather than abstract ideals."
"Hasan, just like we are on top of the food chain because we are intelligent, we can choose to be morally correct instead and submit ourselves to the other animals."
"Undercover videos educate the public on what's really happening behind closed doors."
"I want to deep fry a turkey while somebody from PETA watches."
"This is a huge win for cruelty-free consumers but especially for the animals."
"It's morally wrong to commodify a non-human animal... if it's wrong to commodify humans."
"If these videos could cause just one person who sees an ant crawling by to not squish it for no reason, that to me, means the channel has done its job successfully."
"The best arguments for veganism to me are animal welfare, climate change, and inefficiency of resource usage."
"Animals are family, I'll argue that all day."
"President Trump is right to call for a ban on this barbarity."
"Veganism is an ethical position that rejects all forms of animal exploitation."
"If you wouldn't eat a pig, why on earth would you eat a cow, fish, or chicken?"
"Can you eat animals and love them at the same time? It's a bloody contradiction."
"It's still ongoing and yeah about those animal cruelty allegations this week."
"These records were given to the SEC by an animal rights group who believe they constitute Securities fraud."
"If you want to eat it versus saving the life of an animal, optimally as a society we should be getting away from slaughtering animals completely, right?"
"I like the inspiration and I like the idea of using animals to get revenge on bad human beings given how poorly human beings are treated animals."
"Just as fish don't belong in tanks, insects don't belong inside cramped cases in a museum for other villagers to gawk at. Your island should be a place where wild animals are free to live without being captured and exploited."
"Please consider signing this petition to ban online classified sales of pets."
"Animals are not brethren, they are other nations caught with ourselves in the net of life and time."
"Animals are not brethren, they are not underlings, they are other nations caught with ourselves in the net of life and time."
"The suffering we cause to animals has never been higher than it is right now."
"He was a good boy, he deserved better than they got."
"I believe animal testing should be abolished for cosmetics."
"The whole point of a vegan movement is to reduce animal suffering on a global scale."
"I need a woman that loves me for me, and I think I'm having a hard time finding that, really."
"A new Australian law recognizes animals as sentient beings."
"The fear of losing is that unless I take care of my business no one's gonna want to interview me anyway."
"Foie gras is actually banned in many countries."
"If they were to host some human-made hybrid animals, animal rights activists would definitely come out and try to protest."
"Align your actions with your beliefs. If you love animals, don't [__] eat them."
"Stop involving innocent animals in your eating disorder."
"There is absolutely no reason why there should be more tigers in captivity than in the wild."
"Dolphins are altruistic, compassionate, and incredibly social animals that should be respected and protected." - Unknown
"Fundamentally animal agriculture is an industry that has no place in our future."
"This creates a white list... de facto bans everything except for the animals that you can convince the lawmakers to allow."
"Rabbits are not disposable. They're smart, loving animals with real feelings."
"Paying for murder is wrong, and murdering animals is wrong."
"Not only will your body thank you but also the animals and the planet will benefit as well."
"I think a lot of animals have feelings, and it's probably a better world if they're happy."
"The only morally consistent way would be to not kill any animals and just eat plants."
"You don't have to have human intelligence to have consciousness."
"Karlie was terrified that someone was tracking her on her phone."
"What he's been doing recently with open rescue is revolutionary."
"It takes life to give life, and to know that, you have to take the life of an animal."
"Animals don't want to live and they don't want not to die."
"Humans are animals after all. It's kind of a huge miscalculation of your own logic to want to save animals' lives and then want a bunch of people to die simply for not making the same lifestyle choices as you."
"The vegan cause is really a solid one that does minimize impact against animals in a logical way and it just doesn't blatantly demand the end of life against those who disagree."
"That's honestly such a weird process. You're making some random dog carry a clone baby that way you can feel better."
"You cannot compare what was done to millions of people out of pure hatred to what is happening to animals."
"These are animals with personalities with attachments. Those are living beings dude."
"Lots of people believe that people shouldn't consume animal products."
"If you go to a zoo or SeaWorld you are a bad person and no excuses."
"If abattoirs had glass walls, we'd all be vegetarian."
"If you don't recognize this feeling of ambivalence is superimposed upon you and reclaim sovereignty of your own sense of right and wrong, then industry farms you as cynically as it does the pig, the cow, the sheep."
"All I want to do is reconnect people with animals, awaken some emotions, some feelings, and some logic that has been buried and suppressed intentionally by our society."
"What in the hell happened along the way? Who taught us to be so mean and nasty and vicious and hateful or indifferent towards animals when they used to be our friends?"
"How come when I show videos like this of people punching and kicking animals, people are more upset than when they shove a knife in their throat?"
"The exploitation of non-human animals is wrong... because they are sentient, conscious, and have individualistic experiences of life."
"If there's no necessity for us to harm an animal, just don't."
"White people will fight harder for animals' rights than they will for black people."
"Anyone who thinks a dog's experience in life is less important or less meaningful just because they're a dog is gross to think like that."
"I don't think universally necessarily true whereas it is universally necessarily true that you shouldn't kill animals for me."