
Conviction Quotes

There are 9435 quotes

"But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up."
"True North is that you need to figure out what in your life is worth fighting for."
"I fully believe that God put this in my heart for a reason."
"I don't care what you believe. Just believe it."
"Becoming convinced is the result of being compelled by the weight of the evidence and the argument, not a conscious decision."
"Liberation comes choicelessly to such a person, but that much conviction must be there, that much clarity must be there."
"You're going to have to throw your stake down at some time and say, 'This is what I believe in.'"
"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."
"They aren't neutral, and you shouldn't be neutral. The Lord Jesus didn't call you into his service so that you might be a secret agent of his kingdom."
"I'm not going to fight. I don't have anything to prove."
"I love the way you defend yourself. That type of conviction and certainty needs to be recognized and applauded."
"And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment."
"If you don't have the balls to fight and defend an idea, then you don't have an idea."
"What you believe in can only be defined by what you're willing to risk."
"Stand up for what you believe in regardless of the consequences. Speak your truth no matter what others may think."
"May the Holy Spirit convict us until we surrender to your sweet, redemptive power."
"One thing that would be very hard to change my mind on is equal rights."
"I believe in high conviction investing. If you really believe in something, you should own a lot of it."
"Faith is that something within us which does not guess but knows."
"About seven, eight months ago, I felt convicted to go back to church...I just remembered that there is a spiritual side to this world."
"When you stand up for what you believe in, you'll always win in the end."
"If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything."
"If you believe wholeheartedly in your stance, your ideas, and your beliefs, take that step forward and put your money where your mouth is."
"Heroes aren't defined by their skill with a bow, ax, or sword, but rather the strength of their conviction."
"Is the struggle worth it? For me, yes it is. I believe in what I believe so much more than the hurt that I feel."
"The proper life is lived in the moment, impassioned, with conviction."
"Forensic evidence, phone data, and surveillance footage from their reconnaissance missions led to the arrest and conviction of five men."
"You should hope that you can see the future and have a very strong opinion about it, but that everybody else disagrees with you."
"What you really want in life is to have a very strong conviction about the future but for that future to be disputed by everyone else."
"Being wishy-washy on things is just not really an attractive quality in anybody. I feel like if you believe in something, at least believe in it. Don't try and pander to everybody else."
"Changing a belief is trickier. People die for it. People kill for it."
"It's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier."
"We need to love with the same level of conviction with which some people hate."
"You have to believe in something. That's what I'm saying."
"What matters is to find a truth which is truth for me, to find the idea for which I am willing to live and die."
"Feeling the reality of the state sought and living and acting on that conviction is the way of all seeming miracles."
"I'm absolutely convinced that there has been and is an existing presence, an ET presence."
"I am totally convinced that it's very important to get a good education."
"Conviction is a human will that reaches its greatest power."
"The real Gospel of Jesus Christ... it will challenge you, it will convict you, it will lead you to a change in your sinful habits, and it will cause you to desire to repent."
"My positions are grounded in hard [expletive] fact."
"Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer."
"Beliefs are not a matter of choice; believing is the state of being convinced, not convinced by fiat declaration."
"The Trump organization has been convicted of all 17 counts."
"I said what I said, and I have strong points behind it."
"When we're in a correction, you put your money into your highest conviction place. That is the time to concentrate down into what you think is going to create the highest return on investment."
"One thing that I like to say is, when you have really high conviction stocks, keep putting money into them. It's really easy to get distracted and put some money here, some money there... But if you have really high conviction stocks, make sure your high conviction stocks are your biggest allocations."
"True courage means facing those fears with conviction."
"Being willing to die for the truth is what all of us need to be."
"You are people who really have a strong belief system and you're not scared to tell other people about it."
"You're not someone who's easily swayed by what someone else says or what someone else believes; you stand very strong in your morals."
"Muhammad Ali, he is the GOAT. He has put everything on the line for what he believes in and that's what a true American does."
"What you see is what you get. I stand on everything I've said."
"My successes in standing my ground wasn't really about my physical strength; it was about my mental conviction."
"Most people can agree that wrongful convictions are especially tragic."
"I believe without a shadow of a doubt, I know this to be true, that this word is specifically for you."
"He's very articulate, he's well-spoken, and he has convictions."
"Any time you need to stand up for what you believe in, do so with conviction and pride."
"She was bold, unashamed, and amongst a crowd of mockers, she held her own and did not back down."
"Asking yourself whether you're wrong is a really good thing. If you really feel strong conviction that you're doing the right thing, then keep going."
"The price of freedom is high, it always has been. And it's a price I'm willing to pay."
"The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity."
"You're dying for something that you think is true, and whether or not you think it is true is independent from whether it is true."
"It's really powerful when you stand up for what you believe is right."
"I believe in God 100%, shoot, a thousand percent."
"If you want to make a breakthrough, you sometimes have to have conviction and do something before it's popular."
"A man who held on to his beliefs and acted upon them with conviction, a rarity in this day and age."
"A secure conviction should be reserved for when the evidence is both overwhelming and indisputable."
"When it comes to the defense of historical, objective truths, no matter the consequences, hold the line."
"Simply put, men don't die for false beliefs."
"Life is hard, but if you show some level of conviction, it is possible to elevate yourself."
"I am completely, 100% pro-choice, and that is not going to change."
"Be courageous in the conviction of your position."
"Her response was solid, and he has no rebuttal to like 99% of what she says."
"The point is very simple: your whole conviction is based on that forged book."
"Don't try to convince, have conviction. And it's very different."
"You cannot outsource your conviction. That was really what I was trying to say."
"A man must stand for something, or else he'll fall for anything."
"Do what you feel in your heart is right, for you'll be criticized anyway."
"I can't be bought. You can't offer me a dollar to make me change this stand."
"Truth has greater fruit when it moves from the head to the heart, and you burn with a conviction for something."
"Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions."
"I think if you can stand by something and you believe in it, that's enough for your career."
"It would take extraordinary evidence to convince me."
"When you feel strongly about something, sometimes it's important to take that risk."
"Conservatives are less afraid than ever before to say what they believe and to stand with conviction."
"Write your conviction... it will make you stay true to the project."
"I can't stop until it stops... nothing would persuade me to stop because the more people tried to stop me, the more I think I'm right and I'm on the right path."
"The intensity of the conviction that a hypothesis is true has no bearing over whether it is true or not."
"Most people can see that it's nonsense and yet they'll still try to die on this hill."
"Once you know something, you don't convert. It's like knowing two plus two is four. You don't get into an argument because you know the truth."
"People have to be unapologetic in who they are and what they believe and not allow shame to silence them."
"We might get criticized for some of our decisions or some of the ways that we act but ultimately if we believe that's the right thing, we've got to stand up for that."
"If you believe God, will you stand with God, will you go for what feels good?"
"I have well-reasoned arguments for why I believe what I believe."
"I am persuaded...that neither death nor life, nor angels nor demons...can separate me from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus my Lord."
"One with God is a majority; one with the right idea is a majority."
"The key to successful investing is one word: conviction."
"The discovery of the Word of God leads to conviction, repentance, and the power to change."
"With passion and conviction, we can find the courage to pursue worthy causes."
"Being able to really do your homework, sit down, and truly feel convicted in a stock that you're investing in, at least mid to long term, the better off you're gonna be."
"My opinion is so strong, I invested six months of my life into creating this, and I'm still telling you how to do it for free in this video."
"I feel that I found the truth and I really have no doubt about it."
"The Bible hasn't been wrong yet; you can bank on it being right."
"There is a true power in being able to say, 'This is what I'm standing for. This is what I believe in, and I'm willing to put my life on the line to say this.'"
"We should be... confident in what we believe because it's based on transcendent truth."
"The spirit not only convicts me, the spirit convinces me."
"Do your research and really stand firm on what you want."
"The only thing that's very difficult about arguing with someone who's completely anti vaccine is that they're so sure that they're right."
"The book told me that Galileo was a man who had courage and would have died in order to defend his truth."
"If you believe in something, you are capable of having real courage."
"What we've got now is a significant part of our society that believes what they believe and they believe it fervently and they believe it to the point where they are willing to do violence."
"This is the truth. I will take it further. Please just stop."
"God wants us to do a firm and strong in our belief so that we're not tossed back and forth by every sort of wind or doctrine."
"I feel like if you have conviction in what you want to do, you just gotta do it."
"Believe in what you're investing in, and that is the way to win at the game of crypto."
"So no, we're not giving it back, we believe we're doing what is right."
"I can not accept I cannot believe a man will go through all of that lose all of his status for a lie I've give you all my reasons why I don't believe he lied"
"Faith is just acting like the Word of God is true."
"I met the resurrected Jesus, and I will die for him."
"The best lack all conviction while the worst have it in Spades."
"Hopefully as we complete the next six lessons in this series you also will be more convinced that this is so."
"I don't care what they say, what they do, they're never gonna dissuade me. I'm gonna fight all the way to the end."
"It's that type of moral courage and conviction that we need right now."
"I knew... that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God."
"I'm big on picking your side and staying there."
"Stephanie draws the line at murder, that's it, that's where you lose her."
"They convicted because of the lie. If he hadn't done it, he wouldn't have lied."
"Convicted of first-degree murder and given a life sentence without the possibility of parole for 25 years."
"Boldness is a product of conviction and knowledge."
"Stand up forcefully for what you believe, your strength and intelligence will get you through."
"Don't be afraid when you stand for God and His truth."
"I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. I'm saying what I'm saying because it's time."
"It's about time God's people went out there unashamedly uncompromising least oould in the Word of God and said this is what it's all about."
"I didn't have the conviction to stand up for what I wanted."
"If God is not welcome there, I'm not coming."
"This is just something that I am truly passionate about."
"If you don't stand for something, you stand for nothing. And if you're not willing to fight for something that you can define, then you're not a fully formed human being."
"I can't tone down what I believe to be truth."
"I never do anything that I don't stand behind, even if it's out of my comfort zone."
"You fast, you pray, you get to a place where what you believe is more real than what people tell you."
"A true martyr would have answered without hesitation."
"I found myself fascinated and admiring individuals who stand up for what they believe to be true and right even though the whole world turns against them."
"I admire anybody who stands up for what they truly believe in."
"So basically, you need to be convinced yourself first. If you aren't convinced yourself first, you won't be able to convince anyone, let alone your parents."
"The light responded to conviction. If you had faith within yourself, within the cause that you're fighting for, then the light would respond."
"There was a time when people thought, they believed something, they stood for something."
"I'll die on that hill, yep gladly, I'll stand with Terry Crews, man."
"Conviction is not just feeling sorry for something that you did wrong; conviction is a deeply held belief rooted within your spirit."
"I don't really take back anything I stated previously."
"If you truly believe in these ideas, do something with your money."
"If it is not bringing you to your knees at the feet of the Savior in conviction over your sin and his lordship, it won't matter in the end."
"When we're truly clear about what we want, we're not afraid of people debating us."
"The number one predictor of good sales is conviction."
"Whether there's enough evidence for a conviction of a specific crime is a much higher standard."
"Never doubt your beliefs and never believe your doubts."
"I believed in the Force. I knew it was real."
"This is where God placed us. We wanted to come and find a place that wasn't afraid to take a stand."
"None of these people will do that because they know they can't defend it."
"However, the ones who did complete it are adamant that it worked."
"We're not giving up on this conviction. I still think we're right."
"That's the point here. We have convictions. He has convictions."
"A jury convicted Utter of conspiracy, arson, and using fire to commit a federal felony offense."
"I stand by everything I said I'd say it again."
"You pick something you believe in, you do as much research as you possibly can, it has to make sense to you, and you have to truly have faith in it."
"I think since 2019, everything, should I say everything that I've talked about has proven to be true."
"Jean-Pierre Houdin's now firmly convinced that the internal ramp is definitely there - just a few meters behind these blocks of stone."
"You will believe in something one way or another."
"I understand the hesitation and I understand the desire to want to appease your audience, but yo, stand on business, stand on Truth, stand on the word of God."
"More people need to show the courage of their convictions."
"The verdict was guilty on all charges. I was convicted for felony murder and for intentional murder and robbery and kidnapping."
"The church needs to stand on God's word, never apologize for it."
"Stephanie Lazarus was convicted of the murder of Sherry Rasmussen and was sentenced to 27 years in jail. Which, good."
"The master of death: it's the quality of one's convictions that determine success, not the number of followers."
"Moral of the story is the will is real, extraterrestrials are real, aliens are real."
"I truly in my soul believe they're gonna win."
"Those who stand for nothing fall for anything."
"We need preachers and teachers who are not ashamed to say 'Thus saith the Lord' with love and compassion."
"Stand up for those things that you believe in—it's more important than ever."
"If you believe something deeply enough, then the fact that your life is in danger for doing it is not going to stop you."
"We're supposed to pray... we're on The Winning Side."
"Hope is not a strategy. The truth, a plan, and conviction is what creates the strategy."
"Your conviction is designed to tell you what you are passionate about. In order for your conviction to be a conviction, it has to cost you something."
"You're either convinced or you're not, right?"
"If loving you is wrong, then I don't ever want to be right."
"We are going to preach the word even if it makes people uncomfortable."
"I believe in your heart you know what's right."
"It's your duty to plant yourself like a tree, and say 'no you move'."
"Not to have a correct political point of view is like having no soul."
"I can't fold like a cheap tent... if I feel strongly in a conviction."
"For verily i say unto you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe the things which he says he shall have whatsoever he says."
"Just be sure you're right and then go ahead." - Davy Crockett
"It's very rewarding when you finish a case and to get a conviction when you put that much work into it and it's a solid conviction as very rewarding."
"You're either convinced or you're not convinced, that's it."
"If Trump is convicted, the weight of public opinion swings totally against Trump and says and send that Rascal send that bastard into a prison for a long long time why."
"You work an investigation not to meet the burden of charging someone, you work an investigation to meet the burden of a conviction that will stand up on appeal."
"Because he stood up for what he believed in."
"We have to press into the principles. If our God is real and his word is true and we know it is, we have to press into that. We have to be fearless."
"We haven't had a president who represented that kind of gut conviction in my lifetime."
"Christopher McCowen's DNA matched the crime scene."