
Stability Quotes

There are 14819 quotes

"What I know masculinity to be now is stability."
"The thing is, it's going to manifest, and it's going to stick around, and it's going to blossom into that full emotional fulfillment for you."
"Consistency, stability, nurturing... It's basic needs of any human."
"The deeper your roots are... the taller and the stronger that tree will grow."
"Finding a way to kind of level out that depression and some of those really down moments made me better and more stable at doing my job on the field as well."
"Good is a proxy for the stability and fitness of the civilization."
"The dialogue between the moderate left and the moderate right is what keeps our ship stabilized."
"Consciousness, unchanging, is immortal and undying. Minds are subject to ups and downs, but at the level of consciousness, that misery does not exist."
"They're wanting more harmony in their life, they're wanting more stability."
"Character means you're still there, stable, when the storm comes, you're standing; when the storm leaves, you're standing."
"God is still on the throne, this truth...is our anchor in the storm."
"We all need to live in a certain state of worthwhile, meaningful, voluntary chaos. That's my stability."
"You're going to feel more stable than you've ever felt before because all of a sudden, you expand those foundations outside of a box; you have a bigger foundation now."
"Be stoic when everybody else would naturally crumble... you want to be like a pillar or a rock or somebody who is stable that other people can depend on."
"This makes it like a permanent Temple; it's never going to go anywhere."
"You guys are really manifesting some stability in your life."
"Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established."
"A country divided against itself cannot stand."
"Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing shall cause them to stumble."
"When your roots are deep, you need not fear the storm."
"Paul Kagame is seen as a nation-builder and reformer who guided his nation and established a stable country."
"There's so much more solidity. You are so much more solid, and your intuition is very strong."
"This is a new person in your life, and they will be stable for you."
"You're looking for that stability, you're looking for that balance, you're looking for that equilibrium."
"Predictable recurring revenue is gold for any business type."
"You guys are heading into great career success where you will experience stability."
"It's easy to forget that the world map being more or less stable is a very recent phenomenon."
"What's yours is waiting for you, it's joy, it's happiness, it's stability."
"Protecting free speech is protecting the mechanism by which societies stay stabilized and dynamic."
"One of your biggest wants in life is stability."
"Price stability is the responsibility of the Federal Reserve and serves as the bedrock of our economy."
"Restoring price stability will likely require maintaining a restrictive policy stance for some time."
"The bird dog... is a great exercise for improving your core strength and your core stability."
"The true happiness is stability; it means that you now can comfortably shelter your family, feed your family, the basics of life."
"We still need to maintain the stability of the kids' upbringing whilst doing what else needs to be done."
"You deserve happiness, you deserve stability, you deserve celebration."
"Boeing is too entrenched with the US government to fail."
"Look for stability, the business owners, the professionals, and you'll see a whole different set of men."
"Seek stability, work with a stable mind and a level head, make decisions thinking of your future and not your current state."
"Personality is relatively stable across time but relatively stable doesn't mean completely stable."
"Their love story was free of the dramatic ups and downs that usually fill tabloid pages, instead, it was filled with moments of genuine affection, understanding, and shared dreams."
"If society is going to get any better, we are going to have to get out of our feelings and we are going to have to move forward into something a little bit more stable."
"Faith has to show up when things are unstable. It's got to show up when things are difficult."
"One of the difficulties with borderline personality, of course, is the symptoms are usually thought of as stable throughout the lifetime."
"Stable monogamy is the best solution that we know of."
"Your blessing is the title to an unfading, eternal inheritance, to a kingdom that cannot be shaken."
"People that maintain the deepest element of serenity and calm in stress are people who are extremely comfortable with their soul and no matter what happens around them, that is never shaken."
"The English-speaking world, the Netherlands, and Denmark really don't have rebellions, crises, or political instability."
"More capital means more stable banks; it means stronger banks."
"The best thing we can do for those issues is to provide an economy where we have stable prices and maximum employment."
"Function as humans, bipeds, we're walking. Walking, right? So if we extend out that gait cycle and allow ourselves, allow our hips and pelvis to be able to go through that long range of motion, then we can see where our instabilities really lie."
"The attractive traits of an ISTJ are stability and tenacity."
"You have a heart of gold and are very skilled at maintaining balanced, stable relationships."
"Meeting of Chinese-Russian leaders injects stability into a world of change and disorder."
"If we're able to get these older thinking or more traditional thinking institutions into cryptocurrency, it means that it's here to stay."
"What's not going to change in the next 10 years... you can build a business strategy around the things that are stable in time."
"I find obligations are not a stable basis for a relationship."
"That we have lived in a democracy for more than 200 years does not mean we shall do so tomorrow."
"Bitcoin doesn't need to do anything other than just stay secure with integrity."
"I just feel so much more stable and so much better, and I wish I would have started this a long time ago."
"Many economic indicators were strong during much of the Trump Administration and... remain strong today under Biden."
"A strong foundation is like building a house; if you build it on a weak foundation, the whole house could come down."
"As we extend, as we expand, as we open ourselves, we need to remember that it's really important to have strong foundations and roots to rely on."
"A regular 9 to 5 job has been a great way for billions of people to safely exchange a predictable amount of their time for a predictable paycheck."
"They're looking to create a really stable future which is very good."
"Investment advisor... someone with the heart of a teacher that will sit down with you and start to explain how basic investing, calm, steady, not Bitcoin, just good steady slow boring investments work."
"Ground yourself in any way that you possibly can."
"He's the rock in my life, you know what I mean?"
"We're actually trying to figure out what are the minimal necessary preconditions for the construction of engaged, productive individuals with meaningful, responsible lives in a society that's stable enough to sustain itself and dynamic enough to change."
"Governments that protect these rights are ultimately more stable, successful and secure."
"Attain maturity so that we may no longer be children tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine."
"Two people pursuing each other is healthy, is balanced, and is stable."
"With animals, they don't want instability; they don't want disconnection. Animals don't want to live without trust, respect, and love."
"We're the only species that follows unstable leaders."
"Having a typical 9-5 job is a great way to really form, build, and develop foundational skills."
"People with similar personalities do tend to have happier and more stable relationships long term."
"If you're anxious in life, you're searching for stability, a groundedness, and you won't find it in them; you're gonna find it in you."
"We've been running the experiment now for long enough to see that the collapse of democracy because of largesse has not happened."
"The Buddha statue has never moved, it's never bitten, it's just sat there."
"Bitcoin, all it needs to do to succeed is exactly what it's been doing flawlessly for 13 years, it just needs to continue to exist."
"Low and stable inflation is essential for a well-functioning economy."
"It's basically flawless. It's really stable 60 frames per second."
"These women... are not looking for the 10,000 million dollar guy; they're willing to settle for somebody that is stable, too."
"I'll be the first Khan in three generations not to be a migrant because I'm staying here."
"Everybody needs a solid financial foundation."
"We're dealing with a transition. We're coming out of a pandemic, an economy that has really bounced back... We're in a transition period where we're going to be in a place where it's more stable and more steady."
"We need stability because we have billions of lines of code, millions of programmers; we can't just break all of that."
"A person without self-control is like a house with its doors and windows knocked out."
"Balance gives a design its form and stability and helps to distribute the elements evenly throughout the artwork."
"Every economy has three goals: to grow over time, to reduce unemployment, and to keep prices stable."
"You couldn't really ask for more, full of stability and abundance."
"The world around you may be unstable, but if you find your core, and if you think of God, and you have faith—unshakable faith—that all that is happening is happening for good, for the world as well as yourself... it is possible to keep your peace, inner peace."
"The flower fades and the grass shall wither but the word of the Lord shall stand forever."
"If you're looking for something stable, then I want to invite you to get into the Word of God."
"Home wasn't just a physical space; it was a symbol of success, stability, and a better future."
"Rent smooths out the payment curve over a long period of time."
"God is within you, and you will not be moved."
"Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand."
"You don't just flip a switch for democracy off and on."
"In the next six months, your stability is coming into your life because you're making it happen."
"It feels like the journey to get to stability, man, it's not always like this linear path and it doesn't always happen right away, man."
"Sees you as very grounded, very centered, very like you've really got your stuff together like you know what's going on in your life."
"The only stability and security you have in life is change."
"The husband is searching for stability, peace, and an end to all the anger and arguing."
"This person wants someone who is very stable, who is so sure of themselves."
"Anything that can occur without us and offers stability in some form is probably desirable."
"As a general rule, we have found that about 80 percent nitrate and 20 percent ammonium keeps a very stable pH in the root zone."
"The legged locomotion really works. It can really get around, and it doesn't fall down."
"Once you've got two center halves that you can trust, it gives you a little bit of stability."
"The more stable you are, the more stable they will become. So don't give up on them because they're wonderful, beautiful human beings."
"The strongest structures in the history of humankind are built like the triangle — the pyramids of Egypt — signifying strength and stability."
"Normalcy is nice; it's reassuring, it's comforting."
"The purpose of the monarchy is to provide continuity and stability regardless of what's happening in politics."
"Be all the more diligent to confirm your calling and election, for if you do these things, you will never stumble."
"Jesus Christ is the only sure foundation in this cold, ever-changing world."
"Switzerland has maintained a stable democratic government for over a century."
"Stability is really important; most people do not function well in instability."
"The queen sort of so epitomized steadfastness and that is what people so appreciate in a world that is so splintered and volatile."
"You're going towards something that is more fun, more enjoyable, more stable, and secure."
"The lifestyle my grandparents gave us through stability and independence, that's wealth."
"Franchising... would bring stability to our staff, increase revenue for our players, and honestly make the ecosystem better."
"Stability is the number one key to a healthy thriving reef tank."
"You're unshakable like it's really cool where I just feel like this earthquake here and you're just like so solid."
"The presence of US forces is one of the few things holding the darkness at bay."
"The draining and dissipating effects of the vast space have contributed to the wonderful stability of the American constitution."
"It's about stability. You're looking at where you will be stable. You're being realistic and logical and you're finding a way to get to where you need to go."
"To take your eyes off of what you think of you entirely because if our confidence is based on what we think about ourselves, our self-love, our self-sufficiency, it's going to be swinging like a pendulum."
"Out of instability, people often want stability."
"The motors are big, the props are huge. It's for somebody who's really into photography, super stable platform, reliable."
"Financial security, with security being the key word here, is having multiple arms, multiple things that each generate bits of income."
"Advertising is not a growth business; it's hovered somewhere between one and one and a half percent of GDP for about the last hundred years."
"They're going to be a very stable energy, patient, and protective."
"Anything that threatens freedom of speech threatens the stability of the society."
"The only thing in this world that is unshakable is the Word of God."
"Stability: the most underrated of governmental virtues."
"They're gonna be very stable and reliable as well."
"These columns are actually anchored in bedrock."
"It's about being able to say, 'Honey, it's going to be okay' and mean it."
"If you want to get into such projects, at least 20 years there must be a commitment to create a stable situation."
"A house divided amongst itself cannot stand."
"Faith in God is what allows us to experience stability in the middle of instability."
"Sound words exhibit the truth in a constant light to the world, showing spiritual stability."
"The laws of physics: one thing we can all rely on, at least you know that things fall downwards and nothing can go faster than light. A little comfort in an otherwise crazy world."
"Roe v. Wade has been considered a matter of settled law for nearly 50 years."
"Be good, do good, be kind, be compassionate. If you're stable, everything around you becomes far more stable."
"The New Deal order...thrived from the 40s through the 1960s...keynesian economics became very instrumental and...was very successful in smoothing out the business cycle."
"Your effort is being rewarded, you are on solid ground."
"Stability is everything. If you don't have something that's stable, how are you possibly going to be able to predict something like this?"
"The EU has its problems, sure, but it's also been a great stabilizing force within Europe and around the world."
"Newtonian physics is fundamentally unstable... How do we stabilize them? Well, in the quantum principle, we stabilize them in a way that blows people's minds away."
"Fallout New Vegas is surprisingly incredibly stable at this point."
"If he's taking his medication, he's relatively well and stable, he's not having these psychotic beliefs."
"A union between us would bring stability to both our peoples."
"Any society that enables itself to play out across time... maintains a certain degree of stability and productivity."
"How do you really feel about your financial future right now, today? Stable or uncertain?"
"Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord is the rock eternal."
"The monarchy represents stability in an ever-changing world."
"You're going to be so stable, you're going to be so stable in your future."
"Stability or sthira is so important as we navigate the asana branch of yoga but this definitely bleeds into how we move and relate to others in our daily life."
"Fickle politicians tear strips of each other and survive by dividing us, but the monarchy is a constant, reassuring above the fray."
"Canadians deserve stability in these uncertain times."
"Your reference point should be the unchanging, unmovable word of God."
"The monarchy is the one common point, above our politics, above suspicion."
"If you're watching this and you got a three percent mortgage and you have no plans to move for the next decade plus, I wouldn't sweat it too much."
"God shakes everything so that that which cannot be shaken may remain."
"The most stable situation is where the people closest to the decision got to make the decision."
"The religious way of life delivers stability... as the religious way of life is under attack and it crumbles and disintegrates, there is chaos in the world."
"Cancer is... so into family... they really do look to settle down and build a life for themselves and to have children."
"Most people...just want stability, they want decency, they want common sense answers."
"Mexico has actually been praised for its stability in recent years, weathering the storm of the South American economic crisis relatively unscathed."
"I as a man can be shaken, but He is unshakable."
"Stabilization is Key to Creation in These Energies."
"If you build your life on the words of Jesus Christ, your house will not fall."
"The consistency works. When everything else is going crazy, basketball has been the only consistent thing in my life."
"If you push too many variables to the max in any given system, every engineer knows this, the system becomes less stable."
"You need to have a sense of stability, or else you're just going to be a bum."
"If you build your house on the kingdoms of the world, it's going to collapse. If you build your house on the kingdom of God, you're going to be all right no matter what happens in this world."
"Priority should be given to maintaining the marriage because of the forces that are at play, breaking the couples apart."
"She has a stable job and a long-term boyfriend, and they have a kid on the way. Oh my god, so she's doing fine."
"In other matters, they were, as a rule, generous and not greedy, but contented and moderate, so that estates, farms, workshops, and small trades tended to remain unchanged for generations."
"This is often referred to as the Pax Romana, the Roman Peace, under which Rome’s 50 to 70 million subjects lived through a period of unprecedented stability and prosperity."
"After several decades of internal strife within the Roman Republic, he finally brought the constant civil wars between opposing generals to an end and inaugurated a period of renewed stability."
"The Roman Empire was beautifully conceived, a wonderful architecture of stability. I mean, for 100 years, there had been peace."
"The empire was stable enough that the next two centuries became largely known as 'Pax Romana'."
"The more stable things become and the longer things are stable, the more unstable they will be when the crisis hits."
"If we don't have rule of law, we literally have nothing."
"The Arteon feels very sovereign, it's a great motorway car with so much stability due to the longer wheelbase."
"It looks like the dust has really settled from what was a crazy, crazy market dip, and it looks like the market is set for a full recovery."
"I feel like they see you as a very stable and rock-solid part of their life for sure."
"Vertical lines tend to indicate solidity, power, up-rising... Lines that are horizontal in nature tend to be a little more calming but still have that support, that definition, that foundation."
"No one wants instability inside their own regions, let alone people going rogue."
"You guys are really stable people, and you're really trustworthy."
"Singles are growing up; they're looking for long-term stability in a partnership. They're going to take their time to find it, and men are leading the way."
"The average American doesn't think we have to completely tear down the system and remake it."
"Your belief system has to be built on something that's solid and something that's stable."
"This will finally feel like a solid year, Pisces."
"Like the Maya, we moderns need to find ways to flatten the boom-bust cycle that has plagued all populations across time."
"I've seen countries where there's a change in government and they just sh [__] can everybody, bring in an entire new intel service. That's politically bound to whatever administrations come in. That is a disaster. That you definitely don't want."
"Having a stable shelter when the world around you is plunged into chaos dramatically increases your odds of survival."
"In a healthy family system, there is stability and planning."