
Self-fulfilling Prophecy Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"I think the real sad thing is that it is your belief that you're not attractive enough for them that is actually becoming the self-fulfilling prophecy of the current romantic state that you're in."
"Beliefs are a filter, they’re a range of possibilities, whether you believe you can or you can’t – you’re right."
"It almost became a form of self-fulfilling prophecy."
"If you keep up that behavior of 'I can't trust anybody, everybody's bad,' then guess what, you'll manifest just that."
"A self-fulfilling prophecy... means that what we believed to be true oftentimes becomes true, just because we believe it."
"The thing which I greatly feared has come upon me."
"If you believe you can or believe you can't, you're right."
"The best takeaway from the lucky girl syndrome is the self-fulfilling prophecy and the fact that it can really save you."
"There could be a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy here."
"Believe you can or believe you can't, either way you're right."
"If you believe you're going to fail, you are actually more likely to fail."
"I think what's happening here is they have this commitment to quality but it's almost led to the self-fulfilling prophecy."
"When we believe something strongly enough, we may subconsciously act in ways that make that belief come true."
"If you believe that something is right, it will."
"It is gonna become a self-fulfilling prophecy for sure."
"Surrendering to this idea that misfortune forces us onto a path that we cannot break away from ultimately becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy."
"Sometimes knowing exactly what is destined to happen to you can make it impossible to avoid, a self-fulfilling prophecy, if you will."
"If you convince yourself that something bad's gonna happen, you increase the likelihood that something bad will happen."
"If you keep thinking that your art isn't going to generate any income, your subconscious will always find ways to prove you right."
"It's important because when you're constantly reading these headlines about market bubbles it scares people and sometimes that could be a self-fulfilling prophecy."
"Once a company goes into the S&P, all the institutions have to buy it. So there's almost a self-fulfilling prophecy part of it as well."
"Always assume the best and a lot of times you will."
"I think sometimes when you always expect the worst you'll get the worst."
"What you fear you attract... it's becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy."
"It's never gonna happen if you go into it with the attitude of like 'oh well it's never gonna happen then it's never gonna happen.'"
"If you believe everything will work out for you, everything will work out for you."
"Our focus of what we fear will happen is creating what is happening."
"Expect your reality to be mirroring what you think."
"Stop talking so negatively. Every time you do that, you're literally manifesting the worst because what you think is what you create."
"It's almost like you're predicting it... it's a self-fulfilling prophecy."
"Just the knowledge that you're going to have a happy ending is sometimes all that you need to ensure that it happens."
"It doesn't matter what is true, only what you believe is true. Because with work, that will become true." - Sam
"I believe in the law of attraction. Y'all gotta check out this documentary called 'The Secret.' It speaks about the law of attraction being obedient. Anything you say, whether it's good or bad, it's gonna come back."
"Thoughts become things, so if you're thinking today's going to be a stressful day, it's going to be so bad, I don't know how I'm going to do this, your day nine times out of 10 will be a very stressful one."
"Believe things will get better, and they will."
"If you're looking for it, you're gonna find something."
"Thoughts become things, but if you feel like it's not going to happen for you then you're also right because you're manifesting that."
"If you put negative thoughts into the world, I think it comes to fruition pretty often."
"If you get up every day and you say, 'The whole world's miserable, I live in a crap show, and I am hardly, hardly, hardly miserable,' that's what you're going to be, no matter what happens to you that day."
"Worst case scenario? Yes, you manifest what you're worried about."
"Whether you realize it or not, you are prophesying your future."
"Your expectations tend to become your own self-fulfilling prophecies. What you expect to happen usually does."
"Out of expectation comes reality, often times those things that you expect to happen are the things that do happen."
"If we feed the positive side of things, that's exactly what we're gonna get."
"Whatever you believe about yourself, you're exactly 100% right."
"The world is not against you unless you want it to be."
"The law of expectation says that whatever you expect with confidence becomes your self-fulfilling prophecy."
"It's almost like this self-fulfilling prophecy since she was a young girl she's wanted this approval and this confirmation and in a way she's beginning to create that for herself through her style."
"I think there's a zero % chance TikTok doesn't get acquired."
"Whether you believe you can or you can't, you're going to make yourself right."
"Kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts."
"All mortals tend to turn into the thing that they're pretending to be. This is elementary."
"We become what we think about most of the time, and that's the strangest secret."
"One of the reasons that self-fulfilling prophecies work is that they give the receiver the confidence to make those events happen, as in the case of Macbeth."
"Their capitalist realism has become a self-fulfilling prophecy."
"I've always thought that if you tell somebody you're limited, well, maybe they'll fulfill that prophecy."
"If you're told when you get older your memory is going to get worse and you buy into that, then every time you don't remember something you assume it's because you're old and you worry about it and it actually gets worse."
"Part of the reason it's true, though, is it becomes true because they help to make it happen."
"Whether you believe you can or you believe you can't, you're going to be right."
"I remember when I was like 15 in sociology I learned about self-fulfilling prophecies and what that was, and I remember the first time I heard that term I was like, 'Oh my God, so much of my life makes sense now.'"
"Fear of failure became a self-fulfilling prophecy."
"Whether or not you think you can, you are right."
"If you think you can or you think you can't, you will be right."
"If you live into that narrative long enough, it will actually form you into the kind of person where what started out as a lie actually becomes true."
"If you believe you can't, you're right."
"Self-fulfilling prophecies shape your reality."
"If you get told constantly you can't do this or you're no good, it just becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy."
"No, not anymore, because I kind of feel like if you have anxiety about it, and you don't want to happen, it happens more."
"Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right."
"Self-fulfilling prophecies: if everyone thinks an outcome is inevitable, they may think resistance is futile."
"The best is over, a belief that can very quickly become a self-fulfilling prophecy."
"If you keep telling yourself that everything is going to be hard or impossible then you will end up finding it hard and impossible."
"Unbelief is always a self-fulfilling prophecy."
"Henry Ford famously said if you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."
"Your confidence being shook is a mindset. If you feel it's going to happen, your brain's going to make it happen."
"When you're lacking in confidence, you get the opposite. You say I don't deserve this and then you don't get it because you're constantly focused on the negative."
"If you believe if you're really sure that you're never going to amount to anything, you pretty much are never going to amount to anything."
"Pessimism is a direct parallel to a negative self-fulfilling prophecy."
"You believe you're better, so you are better."
"But because these people believed they could quit, they persevered through the obstacles until they succeeded, which then became self-confirming that they were good at that particular aspect of their life."
"You talk about your bad luck and you keep like that negative energy you just make it keep happening more."
"Whether you believe you can or you can't, either way you're right."
"If you keep telling somebody that there's something, they will become that, sure."
"You don’t see anything more or deeper, you assume there isn’t anything more or deeper to … So it is like a self-fulfilling prophecy."
"if you believe it's all gonna work out for you then it's more likely to work out for you"
"If you realized how powerful your mind was, you wouldn't say or think something you didn't want to be true."
"Whatever you believe about your life becomes true."
"Those who say they can and those who say they can't are both usually right."
"When you worry about something going wrong, you program it to go wrong."
"Pygmalion effect is that people aspire to fulfill your expectations."
"When you say 'I'm always lucky' or 'I can never get it right,' you're not just making an observation, you're issuing a command to the universe."
"What you're looking for, you will find."
"The body moves along the path of its expectation."
"You become what you think and you say you really, really do."
"What we assume to be true will actually come true."
"If you dwell on the negative, you get more of the negative."
"Labeling can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy."
"Every thought you think, every word you say becomes a blueprint that your mind, body, and psyche use everything at their disposal to make real."
"If you believe you can do it, you're right. If you believe that you can't do it, you're also right."
"If you constantly label somebody something, they will begin to fulfill what you label them."
"Your life today, the image of your life, is as a result of the words that you spoke years ago."
"We create these self-fulfilling prophecies through changes to our perception, our behavior, and our physiology."
"If you believe you're going to succeed, or if you believe you're going to fail, you'll be right either way."
"If you think the world's going to end, it is if your mindset is there."
"If you think you can, if you think you can't, you are right."
"Words are powerful, so if you already start saying there ain't no good guys out there, guess what, there ain't going to be no good guys out there for you."
"We internalize others' labels and create a self-concept which can create a self-fulfilling prophecy."
"If you say out loud 'I'm poor, I'm broke, I can't afford that,' then you know exactly what's going to happen."
"We tend to find what we look for."
"What you repeatedly say, you will eventually believe."
"If you think you can or you can't, you are right."
"Whether you believe you can do something or you can't, you're correct."
"Whether you believe you can or whether you believe you can't, you're right."