
Character Quotes

There are 34228 quotes

"Being a good person to you means they are a good person to you. Being a good person to everyone means that they are a good person."
"Your character and also your mindset are actually the most important things."
"Hire for the heart set, not just the skill set."
"For the man who flies from and fears everything and does not stand his ground against anything becomes a coward."
"Love is not a feeling, not real love. Real love is a value, a choice, part of your character."
"Money is an accelerator. Whatever you are, you will be more of that."
"Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character."
"You do good business wherever you are, that's just the character of your person."
"It is not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices."
"More money just amplifies who you are...if you're a good person and you have more money, you have a tool to do more good."
"Grit includes passion, perseverance, character, courage, the ability to perform under pressure, resilience, consistency, loyalty, creativity, effort, patience, time management, and optimism."
"LAURA: One of them that I have right now is Just A Sneaky Lil Mushroom."
"She just looked like she had lived a life worth dying for."
"Character and integrity are the most important components of stable leadership."
"Character is made in trial and displayed in triumph."
"Character means you're still there, stable, when the storm comes, you're standing; when the storm leaves, you're standing."
"Rosalina is the mother of these children but even then she eminates that same sort of Innocence."
"Character protects your leadership and your vision, enabling you to leave a legacy for your own generation and future generations."
"Character matters because it enables you to effectively fulfill your purpose and potential."
"Her swift action and disregard for her own safety spoke volumes of her character and dedication."
"A man with character can earn any amount of money, but no matter how much money you have, you cannot buy character."
"A lot of broke men are actually filthy rich in character, and a lot of rich men are actually flat broke because of their character."
"The true wealth of a man is measured by his character, not his bank account."
"Leaders make decisions based on their character."
"The best revenge is to not be like your enemy."
"Good fortune is what you make for yourself. Good fortune is good character, good intentions, and good actions."
"A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit."
"A great man doesn't seek to lead. He's called to it, and he answers."
"She was always willing to drop anything she had going on for someone who needed it."
"Guts remains one of the most strangely relatable fictional characters ever."
"Arno is just the larger-than-life character that Ezio was: witty, charming, and willing to do or say whatever it takes to get what he wants."
"Power doesn't change who someone is, it reveals who they always were."
"This person has a very genuine, very, very genuine heart, a very pure soul."
"Skyler was a gentle, loving, kind individual who would not hurt an insect, let alone being mean to a human being or a murder."
"In the dance of destiny and decision, it's our choices, our paths, that reveal the true measure of our character and resolve."
"You can't fight kindness. It's a conquering element of character to be kind when someone is very unkind to you."
"Real character comes out when you're accepting fate."
"As long as you're being truthful and as long as you're a decently good person, that will show in the long term."
"At the very least, this is personality murder, reputation murder."
"Training reveals character; in the heat of the battle, true fighters are born."
"A person cannot develop character unless they are valued."
"Character is what you do when no one's looking."
"Batman being someone of integrity is the final fundamental pillar of his character, it is a defining trait that makes him the man he is."
"The true measure of a man is not what he does when he's being watched; it's what he does when he is alone."
"Integrity is like a tough conversation to have because you either have it or you don't."
"Mark Feather is a lovable individual and a highly respected legal counselor."
"Remember, humility is not thinking less of yourself; it's thinking of yourself less."
"Kindness is the most beautiful thing you could wear."
"The true test of character is how you respond when you have not had your proudest day."
"Integrity is the congruence between your words and your actions."
"The franchise has such a unique ability to survive disaster after disaster because of those characters and that world that people got sucked into when they were a kid."
"We're never going to see anyone like [Ronnie] again. He's able to have the character of like an Alex Higgins or Jimmy White but be so dominant as well."
"That kindness was the most beautiful thing you could wear."
"Man looks into the abyss, there's nothing staring back at him. At that moment, man finds his character, and that is what keeps him out of the abyss."
"Character is not defined by the battles we lose but by the ones we win."
"You only really see what someone's made of when things are difficult."
"Your character, how much like Christ are you, matters more than operating in spiritual gifts."
"More important than our giftedness is our godliness."
"There's a nobility in it, you know? and- and- and the people who think that way and act that way not as a pretense or a contrivance but because that's just who they become I don't know anybody like that who isn't successful."
"Being a man is about being a good person, period. It's not about money, women, or power."
"Money just magnifies who you really are; it don't change you, it just magnifies what's in you."
"You're a man of honor; then you treat people well."
"He's a person of outstanding character and just pure decency."
"For Kaiba to perform such an act to make sure his only living family member is safe really speaks to his character."
"The character of our God is often proven best as we explore the frailty of our own character."
"There's nothing more important than character... Characters are many different things, but if you tell me you're going to do something, you do it 80-90% of the time."
"Be humble in your confidence yet courageous in your character."
"We both have to do things that we don't always want to do because of who we are, but at the end of the day, you're a good person."
"Character. He is kind to people even when they can't do anything for him, including the janitor."
"A great man is governed by his integrity... he's governed from within."
"Powers might make one super, but it's one's nobility that makes a hero."
"Shadow is this dude that manages to do the right thing by accident."
"Luffy's emotional intelligence is rivaled by none."
"Success must be built on a deep and solid foundation of solid principles and impeccable character."
"The ability to maintain honor is a characteristic of greatness."
"Money doesn't make you a better person; it just makes you more of what you already are."
"She was not only their older sister but just a really great human. She was kind, she was beautiful but she was also very down-to-Earth and very smart."
"The greatest are those who are kind to others."
"Honor is a big deal in the game, and as somebody who usually tries to play it as a nice guy, I feel comfortable that I can play a nice guy version of Arthur."
"Dumbledore is one of the bravest characters during the seven books."
"Your character is what makes you beautiful...it's your inside, it's the way that you make people feel, it's your heart, it's your character that makes you more attractive."
"This person is... definitely a very dedicated person."
"She fills every person she meets with despair. That's my Makoto. You understand me so well."
"You want other people in your life that you can rely on, that are good people and have honor and integrity."
"All relationships are built around trust and character."
"You can't be petty and powerful; you cannot be vengeful and victorious."
"Man is the doer of his own deeds; as such, he is the maker of his own character, and as the doer of his deeds and the maker of his character, he is the molder and shaper of his destiny."
"Money is not going to make anybody better; it's only going to fund the person that they already are."
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
"Money does not make you a good person, money does not make you a bad person; in fact, it really just amplifies who you are."
"Leadership to me is character. Who you are, not what you do."
"Character structure... determines where our lives go because it is built upon a structure of self and a function of self that are healthy."
"A high-value woman... high value starts on the inside with character, morals, and ethics."
"Masculinity is not just about physical traits but also about assuming sacrificial responsibilities joyfully."
"Pressure doesn't create you; it reveals you."
"Fruit is always visible, always bears the character of the tree, and is always for the benefit of somebody else."
"The essence of righteousness and character comes from the constant balance of free will."
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
"Loyalty is the most important character trait a person can have."
"Faith brings answers, enduring faith brings answers with character."
"Persistence is the quality to the character of the human like what carbon is to steel."
"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars."
"Goodness is uneventful; it does not flash, it glows."
"It's just this feeling of like you have this soft nurturing side, but you're so incredibly strong as well."
"Character is a commitment to a set of values without compromise."
"Character is a constant effort to integrate your words, deeds, and actions."
"Character is the willingness to sacrifice your pleasure for the sake of principles."
"Character and integrity are the protection of leadership."
"Heroes have less to do with what ability they have and more to do with who they are willing to save."
"Reputation is what men and women think of us; character is what God and the angels know of us."
"The greatest protection of leadership is character."
"Character is manifested when your values, your principles, and your morals are tested."
"Soft times make soft men, and soft men make hard times."
"I dream of a day where people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but the content of their character."
"Character is what's being said about you when you're not in the room."
"Canonically, it's Liu Kang who wins the tournament and is crowned the new Mortal Kombat grand champion."
"Charm and beauty are deceptive and fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
"To treat [flight attendants] like [expletive] or to treat any waiter or server like it just makes me so pissed off. That tells somebody like your true character."
"Cowards cannot love, and love requires the greatest courage."
"Persistence. It's the quality is to the character of the human like what carbon is to steel."
"We are each entitled to equality under law, to bring about a world in which we are all judged by the content of our character and not by the color of our skin."
"It's not about how you look; it's about how you act."
"Jesus has given us a prophecy to prepare us for what's to come, prophecies that should shape our priorities, define our character, and help us thrive instead of just survive in these days of uncertainty."
"Character is probably more important than anything else, and the most important part of character is integrity."
"I think that you're a decent human being...and all of it, I mean in the insides as well."
"This requires a certain level of courage that words can't describe."
"Shunsui has little to no ego, and this makes him really likable."
"The more you test your character, the better understanding of self you're gonna have."
"I was so impressed by him. He is such a well-adjusted, just... I was so impressed."
"Inner beauty is your character, the things that you value, the way that you measure your life."
"Bill is just like the good ol' boy around here. He thinks he's got it all together, wants to be the best but keeps messing up, and he's got lots of character flaws but he's still good at heart."
"It sounds like he was just truly a nice guy, giving my little brother's friend a ride home."
"It shows great character to win it in that style."
"I have a good heart, believe it or not, I am down to earth."
"Talent isn't a good judge of character; self-improvement is."
"I want to be like that... that's the kind of person I want to be."
"She was extremely intelligent, a woman of impeccable judgment, resolute, selfless, witty, very witty, and kind."
"Just be good, regardless of who your parents are."
"Your acts of selflessness and sacrifice and ingenuity are a powerful testament to the American character."
"The ultimate Dawa of Islam...was the character of Muhammad (S.A.W.) and then that coupled with the most amazing words ever heard on the face of this earth, the words of Allah Himself, the Quran."
"Watching somebody struggle, watching them when it's hard, when they're hurt, when they've hurt others—that's when you learn what somebody is about."
"Real problems require real actions, not just words. It's about what we do that defines us."
"You can be poor and dignified. You can be poor and admired within your family. You can be poor and have decent or outstanding character."
"A honkai person is defined as one who finds a heart that doesn't flee in the age of Samurai."
"The quality [persistence] is to the character of the human like what carbon is to steel."
"Anytime Deadpool tries to change it, cosmic forces may stop him from doing that."
"What makes R2-D2 so endearing is a combination of the movement, so the movements that go on in terms of doing little dances, for example, turning in place; the other is the sounds that are used."
"I don't know anyone that would want to hurt her. She was as nice a person as there is."
"That's why I love tabletop. Because you've not heard a barbarian until he descends from like the wilderness and he's like, 'Hey man, guess what, I don't care if there's orc champion or not, I'm gonna bust his ass.'"
"A quirky character who was definitely not afraid of delivering wholesome messages through the platform, which, you know, sometimes we definitely need more of."
"The fact that he's concerned with his legacy...shows that he indeed does."
"It takes a special kind of person to achieve so much and remain so humble."
"Contracts are binding. If you don't stick to your words, then this shows a lack of character."
"Character and the qualities that enable you to be successful in business are things you can adopt tomorrow."
"Forgiving people should be forgiving people."
"When it comes down to it and you need help, that professor is going to recall your character and who you've been consistently in that class."
"I am serious about how proud I am of my daughters. They are just really good people."
"Being mean doesn't make you smart or vice versa. It just makes you...mean."
"Wealth does not ruin people; it exposes who they are."
"I hope when it's all said and done, people remember me that not only like the jokes that I told...but when...my children talk about me, they're like, 'Yeah, man, he was a really good solid person through and through.'"
"She's the epitome of tenaciousness and endurance."
"Showing gratitude is so incredibly important, and I think it says a lot about someone's character."
"He's very articulate, he's well-spoken, and he has convictions."
"I have a dream that one day my four children will live in a country where they are judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin."
"A country where we are judged by our character with dignity and respect for all."
"As a shining example of the hero who helps others, Touch Me idolized the concept of a hero character and valued virtues like righteousness, kindness, and honesty above all."
"Money doesn't change who you are, it amplifies your character."
"Madison Bumgarner... he's kind of another no-nonsense guy, he just does not take crap from anybody."
"Your race is not a significant feature of who you are. Who you are is your character, your value, and your skin color doesn't say anything about that."
"Marcus Aurelius once said, 'It only ruins your life if it ruins your character.'"
"If you're going to be an asshole, be an honest one."
"Good character is what you do when no one else is watching."
"Looks don't matter; it's what you do that counts."
"What Naoya saw instead was a man of great power, a complete beast."
"Though some, like the young Prince Vegeta, might be arrogant enough to ignore this Imperial command, Bardock and his team aren't among them, so they rush home, anxious and wondering what exactly is going on."
"Each of us has enough potential, character, power of character, let's say, if it's properly manifested, to contend with that in a noble way and to rise above it and to transcend."
"Having a super suit isn't enough to make someone a hero."
"It isn't what you say that defines your character; it's what you do."
"John Marston, a former outlaw turned anti-hero of sorts."
"It's what you're willing to do in the darkness that really identifies the kind of human being that you are."
"Mr. Hillary has conducted himself with extreme dignity throughout this entire process."
"Interesting and nice is better than just interesting."
"To be slandered is a terrible thing, but it is on the whole a lesser evil than to be thought better of than we are."
"This commitment to realism makes the city of Atlanta a character in the show."
"Bloody Mary is as violent and sadistic as they come, killing children simply because it helps her to relax."
"They care so much more about a person's inside rather than the outside. They care so much more for the internal things rather than the external."
"True character is known and does not need to be shown."
"Arthur personifies the sense of inevitability that permeates both the Red Dead Redemption games."
"When you bring me out, can you introduce me as Joker?"
"What makes you attractive to those who know you best is your heart. You are a very loving, giving person."
"Empathy is a quality of character that can change the world."
"Humility isn't thinking less of ourselves; it's thinking about ourselves less."
"Naruto acts as a bastion of forgiveness, the living embodiment of turning the other cheek."
"This is a choice between good and bad, an honorable man and a dishonorable man."
"A good starting point is perhaps the famous statement by Martin Luther King, who said that he was looking forward to the day when people would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
"To me, a good person doesn't have to preach about how good a person they are. It's shown in their words and their actions."
"Suffering produces perseverance, and perseverance, character; and character, hope."
"The things you do when no one's watching is really who you are."
"If you really want to test someone's character, give him power."
"Happiness is most likely to be achieved through focusing on values, focusing on character and integrity rather than focusing on changing your emotions to feel happy."