
Competitiveness Quotes

There are 3694 quotes

"Kobe Bryant is no question about it, Kobe is there to kill you."
"Kobe said his goal was to make you reconsider playing basketball when you guard whoever was guarding him. He wanted you to consider life choices."
"More customers will get access to a higher level of service. The organization can afford to do that; they'll be more competitive in the marketplace."
"You watch Vitality play, watch how excited they get... they want blood, they're like sharks, and they see it in the water."
"If you don't hate losing, you probably don't care enough about what you're doing."
"Treat it like it is your last season because next year, who knows, other teams could get better and overtake us."
"As a competitor, as driven as I've been in this game since I've stepped foot in it, I'll never accept that."
"It's human nature to want to fight and be the best. That's what being alive is all about."
"If you're not using AI to speed up and improve the quality of your work, well, your competitors probably are."
"For every one of my businesses, I said, what would I do to kick my own ass?"
"We also passed the Ships and Science Act that brought manufacturing back to the United States, made us, and will make us competitive in the important chip market."
"We're not a bloody charity. We're meant to be a competitive football club."
"Work like someone's trying to take it all away from you."
"Every possession for me was personal, whether it was offense or defense."
"I'm as competitive as they come. That's my nature; I want to win and I'm desperate to win at all costs."
"Even if it's a draw, Magnus wants it on his own terms."
"Are you going to be okay? It sounds like you're allergic to winning."
"I'm stubborn, I'm competitive. As much as I enjoy winning, I really hate losing more."
"I guess I am just... I've always been a competitive person, so like when I did play those sports, I just always wanted to win, always wanted to be better."
"Even from a young age, Felix had a drive to win, to be the absolute best; to him, anything less was a complete failure."
"I'm obsessed with winning; this is my house, so watch out. I'm coming to the top, by dint of my might."
"Round one was a swift reminder that unorthodox technique and commitment to a game plan is exactly what makes KSI competitive in fights."
"Education is the backbone for success, and we need to improve the type of education that we're giving our students so people can continue to stay competitive in the future."
"Boxing isn't a nice sport. We're not going in there to be nice; we're going in there to take each other's heads off."
"We are America, second to none, and we own the finish line."
"President Biden looks forward to working with leaders in both parties to position America to outcompete China."
"But boys, we all know when it comes to Pilot helmet, no fruit in the game is faster than the kits fruit."
"Always a competitive man, Fink refuses to surrender and is determined to regain his past glory."
"The world is becoming hyper-competitive. Most men are not aware and understanding of how quickly there's going to be a genuine shift."
"The competitive fire is always going to be there. I don't think it ever goes away."
"Jealousy and competitiveness will make some women go crazy and go as far as to killing you."
"The football is a results business. It's always been a bloody results business."
"Competitiveness is always fruitful, I think. And actually, it doesn't have to be spiteful."
"I have a good cardio. Yeah, I can compete with anybody."
"I'm about to beat your ass using your own resources."
"When you stop getting angry after losing, you've lost twice. There's always something to learn, and always room for improvement, never settle."
"I'm unbreakable. I know that I can finish anyone in this division."
"Battle royales are cutthroat, man. If you win one gunfight in a battle royale, guess what, you got a 1KD, you're a demon."
"Gulags should be where men are made. Fundamental. And women, whatever, you know, 2022."
"You don't have to be unique. You've just got to be better in some respect."
"The only way you can protect an idea is to be the best and be the biggest."
"We're one of the teams that are not afraid to come out swinging."
"Being competitive is not necessarily always a bad thing."
"The creator called it a fable for modern-day capitalism, but also for life and the competitiveness of life."
"I've always wanted the most skillful options to be the most lethal."
"Betrayal at House on the Hill...is different every time you play it. It starts out cooperative but lends itself competitive."
"Stephanie makes me competitive to be a better person... She's in another room so she can't hear me say this."
"There's the light side, which is the beautiful things I want to create and the gratitude I have for what I have in my life, and then there's also the competitive side of wanting to win."
"My toxic trait is believing that I would destroy Family Feud."
"Hence the reason why everyone week in and week out would punch themselves in the dick to try to get themselves to the lighthouse."
"If you do what you're actually interested in, you'll put in the extra time because no matter what you do nowadays, it's really competitive."
"Encouragement is something we all need, but men live in a very competitive world... so when someone encourages them... it's a breath of fresh air."
"War does exist, not just like traditional war what we actually consider war, but competitiveness in business environments, career, social environments, etc., and the war in our own mind with our own ego and things like that do exist."
"We don't play nice. Team Taz doesn't play nice."
"You have to hate to lose more than you love to win to be a champion in this business, especially here in AEW."
"Winning in the National Football League is hard. It doesn't matter if you're meeting a good team or a bad team."
"Toy Story Mania...you can ride over and over again, always trying to better your score."
"I think the reason why I hit high Elo in general is because of my personality. I'm so competitive; I hate losing."
"He's so sick. His advantage state is amazing. He's just funny and he's so scary to play against."
"That competitive rush, for me, would probably be boxing. If I'm gonna do something, I'm gonna do it the right way."
"There's a mentality that goes into being a winning organization... every day, you're showing up to beat the team that you're playing against."
"I'm just competitive, and I like being involved in businesses where you're kicking ass."
"The main thing is sitting on number one now."
"When men show that Competitive Edge that tenacity that Firepower all of a sudden it's appropriate but when women do it well now it's out of line."
"Lasker was equally good in everything, but above all, he was a fighter."
"Good teams find ways to win football matches when you know situations are in ideal we've left ourselves a ridiculous Branford they're in an ideal situation."
"It's literally just like all right it's either you [ __ ] or it's me like that mindset is such an interesting one it really I don't think a lot of people have it"
"Every game is a playoff game in college football."
"You have to be a killer in business. I think you have to be smart."
"In an American election, there are no losers."
"You probably would have wanted to cheat off of me in school."
"Steve's most relevant point: 'At the moment I feel that we're playing not to lose and hoping to win. What we need to do is play to win and be brave.'"
"This one like last week between Mike and I this is this is for a lot of marbles if you lose this game Andy sayonara you're out see you later."
"Attack speed: what we need to stay ahead of the game."
"He has a competitive alpha dog spirit that I love."
"Show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser."
"What we have here is kind of a case of easy opponent in a tough district versus tough opponent in an easy district." - Narrator
"I love sitting here with people that are competitive. I'm one of the most competitive people you'll meet."
"Every other guy is trying to fight to get here."
"If I get one of your objectives once, I will win the game. You can't be shifted very easily. I move very fast."
"Don't cut corners. If I didn't win at my game, I actually lost."
"He was such a fierce competitor that it's impossible to process his fire, a level of passion we may never see again in sports."
"Ultimately, the only way you can increase your rating is to win more matches than you lose."
"It's crazy, but people just have to play to win."
"I decided to be the best so that nobody could challenge me anymore."
"It's hard to stay at the top and you've got these hungry young dudes coming up."
"Vladimir Putin does not seem like the kind of guy who wants to lose or will let the West steamroll him."
"Our future competitiveness lies in innovation and adding value to products."
"It's competitive, but I think the raiding part is huge."
"The whole idea of wanting to be better than somebody is a sick idea."
"Are you going to roll over Dancer? Of course I am. I'm going to roll over everyone."
"Really successful people are actually really competitive people."
"The guy that's first wins, nobody gives a [ __ ] about who coming in second."
"If you wait around, someone else is gonna take it for you."
"You have to bring your A game every week or you can get beat by any team in the NFL."
"Don't ever challenge me in no [ __ ] like this."
"Mesa is all about absolutely destroying any enemy that walks into your line of sight."
"Are you competitive? Oh yeah, yeah, don't like losing."
"If it was super easy and nothing went wrong, people with more money than you would have already stepped in and taken all the opportunity."
"She loves the game, but she is an absolute bond-dedicated winner."
"If the season was to finish today, they would have skipped that step and they're now in a position where they can go straight for the top shelf."
"Eddie Howe has changed the culture of the club, the intensity, and the competitiveness within."
"I think he's looking to kill me. I think he's giving me the hardest ship possible in order to laugh and feel superior."
"I actually won some games, so I wouldn't like 14 games, 15 games, a lot."
"These are two teams that are experts at that process despite not having the super team type of mold, and that's what makes it super fascinating to me."
"I'm gonna pummel this guy like they stole something."
"Invictus gaming will not go down without a fight."
"If a game wants to keep my attention for a year two years it needs to be a game that I can take seriously it needs to be a game that I can play competitively."
"If it's too intrusive, it's not gonna help you when you're just too fast in terms of side with its rotation."
"14 to 5 guys is a really good record that's nearly a three win-loss ratio."
"I think now Marines really I think that really goes I I think I think it goes they're competitive again now whereas before it was a bit of a struggle."
"How arrogant are you that you believe that you could compete at the highest level with all this other [ __ ] on their back?"
"I'm a competitive [__] if you're friends with me I'm competing with you."
"To me, that looks to be the most formidable bunch, and I wouldn't be surprised if they carry them to a division old crown again."
"There's not a man alive that isn't beatable."
"You do not give the greatest player of all time chances to come back in a match that is just plain simple how it goes."
"I mean, I do care; it's very annoying not to get any points there because we're looking so good."
"I'm looking for killers that play really well together because when you find it, it is like nothing else on earth."
"I hate losing games, but I like a challenge."
"If you're competing in the business Marketplace and not getting on board with technology, you'll be left behind."
"We're gonna have a very aggressive game for us."
"I look at myself as like an athlete almost where I know my window is is limited there's gonna be a younger and more interesting person or someone else that's gonna you know come on the scene"
"Ryu exudes confidence as he proclaims that georang is a force to be reckoned with."
"We have a good car, I think we're only 4.5 points behind."
"We need to be more competitive in order to regain better relations with South America."
"I always win, baby. Winning is all that matters to me."
"If we can't address them structurally, we're going to fall behind. We need to stop making excuses and get to work."
"He's a born natural winner and he wants to win."
"Maymay is someone dangerous, determined enough to get the win no matter what."
"You'll never get me, I'm too good at red light green light."
"You become more competitive, you become more strategic and ambitious to becoming the best amongst your peers."
"We ain't going to win anything with smiling, we got to get ruthless aggression."
"You want someone stronger than you? You found him."
"Effie has shown that she is ready to tangle with whoever wants to battle with her."
"We have to make sure that we are able to compete... cut workers in on the deal."
"That's an athlete thought. Athletes inherently have to like pressure."
"I think it starts with the social pressure... I think Korea is the most competitive society I ever saw at all level."
"Roy Keane playing around and do not accept a season like this where there's no trophies, this can't be happening."
"Humanity, as per usual, takes the dub because we are always number one."
"I think structure is the exact opposite of what I have a competitive advantage in."
"I think the teams that are willing to take a chance on new emerging strategies are often the ones that get the advantage."
"It just makes me reaffirms my desire to keep competing."
"After this fight I'm gonna fly to England and I'm gonna take you out for a drink. That after you get out of the hospital."
"The capacity to lead and the capacity to be emotionally intelligent and pleasant is every bit as required as that capacity to dig deep down into your core and be as aggressive as you need to be to win in combat or anything else."
"Applying fast is one of the best ways that you can separate yourself and give yourself a competitive advantage."
"Thunder Rosa is one of the most aggressive and intense wrestlers that there are out there."
"The more information you take in, the more of an edge you'll have."
"That'd be a hell of a team, they'd be very, very hard to beat."
"He's a Savage, he's got Killer Instinct... everything a Formula One World Champion is meant to be."
"I'm the top dog. I'm the one at the top with the numbers. Go on drop, give me 50% in that."
"Culture has surfaced as an indispensable element of a nation's competitiveness and economic resource that produces added value."
"There's levels to this, being good in MLS is not the same thing as being good in the Champions League."
"Economy is really important. If you have thirty gold by crog's, you're usually in a good position."
"The WWE has been put on notice. The champ is here and he's taking no prisoners."
"Nobody wants to fight twenty and one now. He could be the next smashing machine."
"First killer is a real, true competitor, he really doesn't know how to switch off his competitive streak."
"I hate losing and I always hated losing. That's a big motivation in whatever you do."
"This car is genuinely competitive and I am loving it."
"They're not there to make friends, they're there to make money."
"Business is the ultimate sport... 24 by 7 by 365 by forever."
"One of us has to win. I don't care who it is. One of us has to."
"I'm year of the tiger...brave, competitive, unpredictable, and confident..."
"It was like being on a team... it was very competitive back then."
"The phrase 'it's just a game' is such a weak mindset." - Ninja
"Dr. Mario's got the cure, and the cure is kicking your butt."
"Everyday life has come to present itself as a succession of crises, not necessarily because it's more risky and competitive than it used to be, but because it confronts people with manageable stresses."
"Press Vance in the corner, yeah press Advanced strong powerful athletic guy man he brings a lot of oomph in any shot he's going to give someone any strike he hits you what you see his quickness his athleticism."
"Problem x going a little crazy playing a little loose versus hermes."
"Now everyone has the game at around the same time so this is the put up or shut up kind of a great point."
"That's step number one, fill the holes, because when you're first starting, it's really hard to compete with all of the other videos that are out there."
"He's got an ego in the sense that he wants to win games but he's not got an ego."
"Neo's doing something here to stay competitive and it's pretty ingenious."
"Buffalo Cincinnati Kansas City like one of the three will be in the Super Bowl probably like at the rest of the AFC is probably screwed."
"This is probably one of the best metas of all time for ladder."
"You can't stop my Platinum [ __ ] Mario, I'm the King Koopa."
"Most of the games were pretty easy wins for the most part."
"Kobe had that competitive heart like Michael Jordan."
"It's amazing what it will do when you actually price your product somewhat competitively."
"That's what makes Charles so great, is that he's dangerous everywhere. Guy made a slip, he took a huge advantage of it."
"Max does his signature, he points down to the m fing canvas and he walks him."
"America still has the most innovation right now."
"I hate with such a passion the feeling of me giving up. I hate that so much more than I ever hated playing any single game of League of Legends."
"How is it cheating to want to make your club more successful?"
"I think the increased penalties are critical to the success of the game going forward."
"But the question I'll leave you with is is it the case that in being better people we will lose the fight to others who are less scrupulous less principled and far more vicious than we would ever dream of being."
"I am the strongest player. I've always been the strongest player."
"It's very hard to become a consistent coin in the top ten."
"Just having energy and wanting to become the best player on the court, even with him on the court, my mindset is to be the best player on the court at all times."
"Seattle Sounders, a force to be reckoned with!"
"Interview prep is vital today. I cannot believe how many people work so hard to land a job interview and it's extremely competitive and then they don't take the time to prep for interviews."
"An aggressive Woodley is one of the absolute best fighters in this division."
"If me and you are on the treadmill, either you're going to get off first or I'm gonna die trying to beat you."
"Of the true games where you're eat when you're a pro no one's [ __ ] with you."
"We knew we were better than everyone... we just felt it."
"The better you get inside of PvP inside of Destiny 2, the harder your lobbies get."
"America didn't just lose manufacturing, we eroded our competitiveness."
"My actions never malicious, ripping bust other rappers couldn't get with us."
"We don't take no prisoners, we feel sorry for all y'all because we win everything."
"I think they've got two drivers in Lewis and George who given the right car can 100."