
Mob Mentality Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"The hordes of people with pitchforks are usually the bad guys."
"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it."
"People are afraid to speak up for the witch because they're afraid to get caught up in the mob and get burned themselves."
"Do not try to appease a mob; they will not be appeased."
"The media is responsible for the mob mentality."
"People are [] animals dude, especially in that mob mentality. You get them in a riot and they're not humans anymore, they're [] animals just looking to destroy anything."
"The mob mentality has dragged me down to the point that even my closest friends can't defend me publicly without backlash."
"Canceling is different because they're taking like one specific thing and it's like a mob mentality of like thousands if not millions of people coming at you and just really trying to rip you to shreds and it's horrible."
"The mob never was America, it was and is a sinister cartoon of America."
"Great bodies of people are never responsible for what they do."
"People easily confuse criticism for intellectualism and they can feel a lot of pride in attacking something mob style because it's so-called for a good cause."
"When something kicks off, that mob mentality just grips a community."
"I am not going to chase after a mob that has no idea what's going on."
"You're either with the people or you're with that mob, it's pretty clear-cut."
"The mob eats reason and fucking shits out stupidity."
"They decided to be the mob, they're no better than a lynch mob."
"If your ultimate goal is to condemn and push them out, you've created a right-wing mob."
"That's mob justice and it's disgusting. You don't arrest people based on people screaming that they should be arrested."
"It's a pretty strong example of how the mob mentality can take over."
"They didn't come here out of patriotism or principle, they came here in rage, not in service of America, but rather in service of one man."
"We have this mob... that's what happens when you cannot gain justice through the law anymore."
"If enough people deal with the mob like this, then they'll be defeated because that's the thing, they only have the power we give them."
"How many people would you need to just that have been there a couple of times or that got a tour or were aware of it or just followed the [ __ ] mob until they found the right open door and then busted their way through Jesus Christ..."
"The mob does not care, the mob has no feelings, the mob is much like the f*cking Borg."
"This was not an isolated incident a small group of crazies that went too far this was a mob that was supported and defended by people with substantial followings which caused them to double down and cause even more Havoc."
"I just don't want to see people going online and creating the abusive environment... I just think that we have to get away from mob mentality."
"Never apologize to the mob; nothing will ever be enough for them."
"The whole town would go crazy and sentence him to death."
"I group think is dangerous like the mob mentality online or when people get together."
"When things go crazy, there's a mob mentality feeling that you get."
"Ultimately, Freddy is used as a scapegoat for the murders and burned alive by the mob mentality of the Town taking out their frustrations on an innocent man."
"Perfectly normal human beings for 23.5 hours of the day. Give them something like this for 30 minutes, and they become a mob, waiting and watching, hoping for the kill."
"The mob mentality only has the power you give them."
"Mob Justice isn't always the way to go. The masses aren't always right."
"You can never bow low enough to the mob, you can never apologize loud enough to the mob."
"You just get caught up in it, a mob is a mob it doesn't matter what side you're on, that's human."
"Mob rules, have you ever been in a riot? It's weird how there's a feeling in the air where all of a sudden all bets are off."
"If everyone has that in their mind whenever something happens, whenever they're about to do something that may make them a part of a mob, to stop and think as an individual, should you do it."
"Everyone is so reactive. We have such an aggressive Lynch Mob mentality."
"It's natural for the strongest to be mobbed when several thousand people gather at the same time."
"Every one of you's standing here all set to crucify - all set to find a scapegoat - all desperate to point a finger at a neighbor."
"Suddenly the women were ashamed; they had not wanted to hurt the baby, they only wanted to drive Joanna off the street."
"Oftentimes when you listen to the mob, you become a part of the mob."