
Professionalism Quotes

There are 12965 quotes

"He's an absolute pro, a great competitor, and he's brutally honest with himself."
"Just because it's fun doesn't mean it's not a job."
"If you're doing your thing, if you're doing your job, feel me? As an actor, do you approach the set confident, or do you approach the set like nervous? Have some confidence."
"It's imperative that you don't burn bridges."
"If you look at how it is, every single professional sport is a show."
"He's also a professional live stream host. I don't know if anybody else could help. Steve has been doing this for decades. He is extremely experienced and natural."
"Amateurs practice tactics, and professionals practice logistics."
"In the world of professional wrestling, if you're not evolving, you're standing still."
"In this arena, we don't just fight our opponents; we battle our limits."
"This has to be resolved in a calm, responsible, and professional manner."
"Never before in the history of doing this channel in accident investigations have I ever seen such an egregious lack of professionalism, lack of adherence to standard operating procedures, and lack of crew resource management by any professional airline aircrew."
"I compliment you for the professionalism and dignity you have shown over the last 865 days as you have endured threats against you and your family as well as unjustified attacks in the media and on your reputation as a lawyer."
"Professionalism today is the most sought-out kind of a behavior by every employer in the world today."
"It's different for sure, cutting different types of hair, but is it harder? Nah, I'm a professional."
"Think of all the terrible movies you've seen; they're professional, doesn't mean that it's good."
"You will be in contact with highly professional decision-makers; your knowledgeability and skill set will be recognized and appreciated."
"He was just a great all-around guy that enjoyed his craft, worked hard at it."
"Endowed with materialistic pleasure, scholar of shastra, and purity of art will be there; professionally highly successful."
"After 12 years in the business, you really want to be good at it, you immerse yourself in it, and it's a way of life."
"I don't party anymore, I don't drink anymore, I am a professional and I am here to win the Champions League."
"You can't draw on the skin, you can't lay out a good tattoo, you can't be here. It's that easy."
"This does not look professional, but it's really tasty."
"It's not just any average haircut; this is the big leagues we're talking about."
"Every master was once a beginner; every professional was once an amateur."
"Look for stability, the business owners, the professionals, and you'll see a whole different set of men."
"Prosecutors are expected to assume a role beyond a mere advocate for one side and must make decisions in the public's interest, not their own personal or political interest."
"I understand very well because as a professional, you have to take accountability for everything."
"There's enough room in the middle of the court that you never have to play out of bounds. Stay ethical."
"Outstanding job taking care of the electrical failure, the tenant household was pleased with your prompt response."
"You don't play in the first team unless you end up having that obsession of your craft."
"Thank you for being so professional and welcoming. Your customer service is just beyond awesome."
"Economists... should be like dentists, humble and competent people whom you go to when you have a problem."
"Look, I don't need my personal life invading my professional life."
"If you don't seem like you care about your work, why should I?"
"This is not the money game; this is the integrity game."
"The world doesn't need a hero, it needs a professional."
"The fastest way to become a professional is through unguided development, where you create something based on your understanding and research."
"Be accountable. Have a sense of integrity and honesty in your work."
"Always stay in the zone, like always stay in character."
"Thank you, guys, so much for your time. Have a good day."
"We need to have a standardized process to handle intimacy just like we do with stage combat, with stunts, with dance choreography."
"At the end of the day, we just have to focus on our work and let that stand on its own."
"Professionalism, for me, always comes down to this simple statement: It is doing what is expected of your job, turning up at the right time, putting in the right effort, and providing a certain level of quality."
"In any job, being dependable is not just about showing up; it's about being there when you're really needed."
"I will always defend him on his professionalism. He's a professional footballer, one of the most professional footballers I've ever seen."
"A lawyer is someone who smiles, no matter how bad it gets. Especially when it's bad."
"Humility, integrity, professionalism, and intellectualism... should be easy individually; they're hard together. You make it look easy."
"Thank you, Andy. You've been just amazing. You always did it with good cheer and level-headedness."
"We are so lucky, and we work with the coolest people in the world. Our team is hands-down world-class."
"A properly trained officer may reasonably be expected to exercise a higher degree of restraint than the average citizen."
"He's not going to divide a dressing room, he's not going to throw his toys out of the pram."
"You better have the mental fortitude to be a pro player."
"If you're being paid, at that point, you're a professional."
"The professional has the intention of making money; the amateur is more interested in self-gratification."
"You're a pro photographer if your intention is to make money from the pictures that you're taking."
"There's a difference between professionals and amateurs."
"It's called Production Tales From Hell and honestly, it is professional as it explores all the problems and what-ifs behind various horror productions."
"Passengers on the ship were buck naked and I had to perform with my clothes on. I did not participate in this craziness."
"Determined and professional, the German soldier of World War II would prove his ability again and again."
"I don't want everybody to program my airplane controls or the car controls. I want that to be done by engineers."
"A language like C++ is not for everybody. It is a sharp and effective tool for professionals."
"Don't be a douche. It's gonna make for a way better film and it's really good for business."
"So, who wants to talk about someone blatantly misunderstanding things like, oh, I don't know, commissions, copyright ownership, legal transactions, and the concept of professionalism?"
"Why are you expounding on how unprofessional the artist was based on all of these things that are pretty heckin' common in commission exchanges?"
"A professional actor has control over his emotions and can come out of character straight away."
"He works too hard and is too professional for it not to kind of turn around for him."
"You have to be smart; you have to be competent at what you do."
"I'm leaving it at that, class act as always."
"He has always been genuinely fair, loving, considerate, and always the consummate professional."
"Members have a right to political beliefs but you don't have a right to make a job-related ceremony political in nature."
"Act in a manner benefiting the uniform that you wear. Nothing less should be tolerated."
"At the end of every interview, regardless of how well it's gone, always say something along the lines of, 'Thank you very much for interviewing me today.'"
"Aperture really is your most powerful creative tool for making your photos look much more professional."
"I'm not here to mess around, right. This is not a job for me, this is a career."
"If you're trying to work in these corporate settings, you have to play the game in order to get to where you want to get to."
"Black men, if you want to move up into upper management, you are going to have to become clean-cut and represent the brand."
"Boundaries when it comes to your business are very important."
"It's not a small amount of work to remove an epilepsy trigger... it was marvelously professional of them to remove it as quickly as they did."
"Practice equals confidence, and I think confidence is key when we're working in the salon."
"How do you make your games fun? Pro tip for anyone who's just getting into game design professionally: we don't like the word 'fun' very much because it's too amorphous, too broad, too hard to define what exactly you mean."
"We all know what professionalism looks like, what decorum looks like, and devoting ourselves to the rule of law and proper advocacy."
"Only take on work if you've got capacity for it."
"How you handle hecklers is kind of an important part of your job as a public figure."
"Show them that you're not careless, have zero mistakes in it."
"A prosecutor's job is to do justice, and you try to keep the emotions out of it."
"The certified ethical hacker certification helps reinforce the fact that ethical hacking is a unique and self-regulating profession."
"Treat it like you would treat any other business."
"Most police officers are doing the right thing. Most police agencies are holding people accountable. We have the knuckleheads out there like you would have in any profession that make us look bad."
"Social media influencers, while popular and engaging, are not professionally trained and many may not always communicate the ads messaging in the best way."
"If you're going to be a plumber, man, be a good plumber. Otherwise, all you do is go out there and cause trouble. We don't need people to cause more trouble; we need people to solve problems."
"The most important thing is to become more productive. If you're a great doctor, a great nurse, a great accountant, you're a great anything, and you're really the best at that, it won't matter what happens with the currency."
"I take my job seriously... I'm able to keep my personal passions and my professional obligations separate."
"It's passion and professionalism, trying to find the balance between that."
"We use that fantastic and much undervalued commodity called judgment."
"They use their training, their minds, their experience, and most of all their hearts to deliver the best possible care to their patients."
"True medical professionals and public servants help people and often save their lives in the process."
"You can be an independent reporter, 100% absolutely, you can be, and you can be an independent journalist, reporter, whatever you want to call it, and still be professional and credible."
"Don't take yourself seriously, but take your work very seriously."
"Do you know what the civil service is saying about you? That you're a pleasure to work with."
"These are upstanding, courteous, kind people that were very, very detailed, polite, and just amazing."
"Very pleased to be here...trying to play my best Cricket wherever I play."
"Create a professional-looking email for your CVs."
"One of the best pieces of advice that I've ever received is: Take your job seriously, but don't take yourself too seriously."
"Always keep your station clean when there's downtime."
"It is somewhat important when you are doing business to be able to hand someone your business card."
"It's a business. You have to respect the client, you have to respect your coworkers, and you have to respect yourself."
"We are currently in contact with law enforcement and the Atlanta Bar Association to ensure justice is served."
"What mistakes do is they chip away at your illusions, the false impressions of what a true career is, what it means to be a true professional."
"It's an adrenaline rush. I like doing a job properly."
"I'm so sorry I almost killed you. I swear I'm an okay zookeeper, just not that good."
"The nobility of the profession is supposed to come out of people being self-sacrificial, showing higher principles in demanding situations, being the better person when they can despite all the things they've seen and all the things they've done."
"Never buy an at-home waxing kit; go to a professional."
"I'm proud of the extraordinary commitment of our Embassy staff who performed their duties with courage and professionalism."
"The level of unprofessionalism is far too unprofessional."
"I love rule of law. I am sworn to uphold it, and I do it to my utmost ability."
"Most are good professionals who want to do well, but some think about number one first. Most think of the club, but some think about number one first."
"I handle stressful situations professionally and patiently. I have had experience with stressful situations at work."
"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet."
"Calm, cool, collected. We're looking at a hired gun, no two ways about it."
"As we mourn, we remember Captain Casey as an outstanding journalist, a journalist who turned her talents to the forces. She will be remembered for her professionalism, sense of humour, and kindness."
"If you have a medical concern, please go see a licensed professional and seek their individual advice."
"My first impression was, 'He's really on his stuff.'"
"I have a lot of respect for the pro golfers, man."
"Maintaining a good relationship with her clients is important."
"All I really want people to do is to recognize that this is serious work, and there are serious people working on a common project and it's a legitimate project."
"First of all, remind yourself whose office you're in before you start barging in screaming your mouth off."
"The mental strength of these players... straight away to jump back on it, players like Mason Mount and Reece James... to put in such a mature performance."
"No matter whether he is a blacksmith, a shoemaker, a farmer, banker or lawyer, so long as his business is legitimate, he may be a gentleman."
"Didn't think I'd be able to do that. Look at me, huh. Professional."
"Don't resort to passive-aggressive behaviors like eye rolling, the silent treatment, stalling tactics, or sarcasm."
"Victoria is a professional teacher; she helps people to speak like native English-speaking Americans."
"It is imperative that officers behave professionally and respectfully when faced with challenging situations."
"Amateurs wait until they feel inspired to do creative work. Professionals do it on a strict schedule."
"If there's any occupation that is invested with exceptional authority, they must be invested with extraordinary standard of accountability."
"Anyone that's a professional trader has a strategy that consists of conditions, entries, stops, and targets."
"The thing that separates a professional trader from someone that tries this trading strategy a few times is that the winning trader knows how to handle losses."
"No one wants a half-price brain surgeon. I think a lot of us are willing to pay a little bit more for the guy who builds the bridge into their town or the doctor who operates on their kid who had a car accident."
"At every stage, there was an a remarkable degree of professionalism and a testament to what it means to have a real work ethic and to have values clearly defined."
"His tactics were deplorable and that made him in some opinions a good lawyer but in others a dubious character and damaged his reputation."
"The most famous office in the world... it's very smart, it's very tasteful."
"Judges must respect and honor the judicial office as a public trust and strive to maintain and enhance confidence in the legal system."
"This is a hospital, people. Serious work happens here."
"Marty reassured me a positive outcome was his only focus, no intention of doing anything to disparage me or my work."
"I think this is going to really step up your game, and allow you to create some incredibly professional looks."
"I was initially skeptical about it...but it turns out that this was a more professionally developed product."
"Music is the only profession I know where people don't feel like they have to be professionals in order to make a lot of money."
"I just want people to take their job seriously and I want them to be passionate about what they're doing."
"Thanks for having us in your facility today."
"We do have professional standards that require that we utilize instruments that are relevant and appropriate for the particular setting and that we substantiate our opinions based on data that is reliable from tested accurate reliable tests."
"Visual effects is all about having a good eye for details."
"We need to preserve the possibility of good faith disagreement without dire professional consequences."
"You can't just turn it on and off. I think you carry who you are at home into your job."
"No one cares. Just put your head down and come in every day ready to work and try to win and compete."
"This is objectively a customer engaging us respectfully and professionally. Any response from our company needed to be respectful and professional."
"You just have to be mindful there are professionals in this world that are targeting us in certain ways."
"Worry less, be safe more, go home, relax, let the professionals do their work, help out any way your community needs you to."
"Ineos are Furious with those players. They want to implement a professional, Elite, mentality Sports football club."
"Copying and pasting the code one more time is an act of criminal negligence."
"The CDC is full of health and medical experts including Dr. Walensky who would be the last person to characterize herself as political."
"Edinson is an experienced ultimate professional, always gives everything for his team." - Ole Gunnar Solskjaer
"This is a seasoned Pro who immediately knew how to bring that confidence up."
"We first want to apologize for accepting your application and not doing our research beforehand."
"I'm just here to solely do business the proper way."
"Do your job, you're a Manchester United player."
"Amateurs talk strategy, professionals talk logistics."
"As has been said, amateurs talk strategy, professionals talk logistics. So let's talk logistics."
"I am the chef here and I do not like nicknames. Please enjoy lunch."
"Professionals must always put their lives at stake to save the day."
"Our work is going to be more essential than ever."
"If you can't get up for wearing a Manchester United shirt because there's no fans there, you shouldn't be wearing a Manchester United shirt."
"You're welcome in my clinic, man, woman, NB, I don't care. I will see you if you have the parts that I need to take care of for you."
"If you're looking for an 'attaboy,' you're in the wrong line of work."
"Position yourself as their agent, the solution to their problem."
"DaVinci Resolve hands down the most professional, most advanced video editing software out there for free."
"Establishing yourself as a professional in a new space can be daunting."
"Dedication to his trade, passion for learning, infectious positivity, and championing his colleagues were Scott's day-to-day standard."
"I was so tired of having random people explained my job to me in company spaces where I had to just smile and nod."
"Top-notch interview, you understand me? So you put stripes on my resume to be able to hold a conversation with somebody as great as you that's been doing it for a long time."
"We usually do more work by eight o'clock in the morning, as most of you know, because you start calling us usually around 5:00 a.m., and we try to respond to emails and phone calls about 24 hours a day from you guys." - Ms. Sanders
"We enforce the law equitably fairly professionally regardless of who's in the White House."
"It's good to be the person who comes to work 15 minutes early and leaves half an hour late."
"Sometimes it's worth it to trust the professionals especially these guys."
"Hannah demonstrated remarkable dedication, professionalism, and talent."
"If professional is your zone just go and play professional... it's more worth getting the win and getting the points then trying too much and losing."
"Determined to never be second to any other power in the world, the US began to nurture what would become one of the most professional fighting forces in earth's history."
"Go in there, keep your head down, do your job."
"These names came immediately to mind... Robin Roberts, Andrea Kramer, and Susie Colbert... There's a reason why they were mature."
"Remember, amateur investors say 'Is this a good deal?' Professional investors say 'How do I make it a good deal?'"
"You don't associate professionalism with a lack of means."
"The only way to be a professional is to work harder than everybody."
"Structure your letter correctly: follow the format. Address, opening sentence, paragraphs, closing sentence, signature."
"It was extremely out of character even when Jeannie was away she was working she was on top of it she was on her computer making calls and even checking in with her employees."
"Being on top of your mental health game is so important as you know I'm a practicing trial attorney."
"We take what we do seriously but we don't take ourselves serious enough where we're not laughing."
"You're watching professionalism at its greatest."
"First and foremost, we are safety professionals. Anything that can happen on the ground can happen in the air."
"You my agent, you my agent. You're my assistant, you my sister. If you my massage therapist, you, I don't mix business and pleasure. I never have, I never will."
"Send me a link to your work, video of your work. That's your resume."
"Professionals are predictable but the world is full of amateurs."
"And I'm very lucky neither of my kids has ever been very sick. But if they were, and the doctor came in and went, oh my god, your kids are sick, I'd want another doctor."