
Self-critique Quotes

There are 347 quotes

"He didn't make any excuses. He owned the fact that he hadn't been playing well."
"I say most of it [my content] is also garbage because that's definitely true."
"Damn it. I was trying to get a cool shot through the glass, but the glass isn't in focus and you're not cool."
"Acknowledging weaknesses in your own work is good science and good tactics."
"Science is about bending over backwards to prove yourself wrong."
"Have you ever felt like your paintings were somehow inadequate, like they lacked the strength and certainty of cold, hard steel?"
"We are capitulation FC. We are, it's embarrassing."
"Before you buy a stock, it's important to create a thesis against yourself."
"The fact that Sonic Team is so able to confront their past failures like this is just such a fascinating thing."
"When I look in the mirror, all I see is those little flaws."
"This game was incredible. I've played such bad offense that it's hard for me to blame it on anything."
"DJ Howell, I'm a fake fan. Who invented 'War of My Brain'? It was so long ago, I don't remember. Was it Phil? A good idea, I think that made up for 'Toilet Tank' being such a flop, am I right?"
"I feel like this is my process every single time I do anything: I'm like, ew, I hate it, and then I just keep working on it, and eventually it turns out okay."
"It's amazing to me how, wow. And I would give that five stars what I just said, but no."
"Perfectionism is my ego not being able to come to terms with the many flaws of the human condition."
"The best growth in anything is when you are critical of yourselves when you're winning because there's always room for improvement."
"America is not the same as it was a hundred years ago or 50 years ago or even a decade ago because we fight for our ideals and we are willing to criticize ourselves when we fall short."
"What's real is we still had a chance and I didn't play my best after those two plays."
"I trust that I am NOT more dense than my neighbors but I was always oppressed with a sense of my own stupidity."
"The US should handle its own problems first before finger-pointing at others."
"It's the normal process, being critical and looking at stuff and saying, 'Okay, how do I make this better?'"
"I will say some of the controls in this game aren't the most intuitive, and combine that with me just being a terrible gamer in general."
"If I do say so myself, not bad for a hot mess express."
"What use does the least boring game series of all time have for making itself look bad on purpose?"
"Sometimes I don't win lane, the enemy just loses it for themselves."
"Xbox found themselves in the hilarious position of trash-talking their own game Studios and brand in an effort to seem like the underdog."
"We should always try to do that and finally in terms of eradicating the reactionary problems inside of our own heads we need to kill the cop inside of our heads."
"This is not who we are. We're dishonest racist authoritarians who slaughter babies and shake our naked asses at children."
"I called it. I literally said if it doesn't go through the 30s I'm the dumbest person on the internet."
"Your brain knows do I like it do I not like it yeah so how is it possible that you can draw something that you don't like?"
"No matter how good you are, even when I was winning tournaments I would still find hours worth of things I was doing wrong."
"This is going to be a really essential season for you to work with your inner critic and guards that are trying to keep you safe and keep the status quo going."
"We've devolved and as advanced as we think that we are and as pompous as we are to think that we are the greatest country in the world."
"Trump punches in every direction... sometimes he punches himself in the nuts."
"You need to take responsibility as a party as to why you were wrong."
"Christianity contains in its own story its own destruction and its resurrection right."
"I was wrong about fucking every— Why did anyone listen to me?"
"I want to make sure I can eliminate [mistakes] as much as I possibly can."
"I'm so phony, that's crazy how you bite your [ __ ] and always just sound like you're phoning yourself."
"The left is unraveling, the left is now eating itself."
"I was super super super super blonde like super blonde looking back I'm like sis that was not it you need some dimension in there"
"Like we're berating the coward inside of us that wants to hide in the corner when things get scary."
"He's almost like he's his own worst enemy with his consistency sometimes."
"I'm everything wrong with the industry, okay? I paid for convenience. I bought the magic bands or the genie pass or whatever."
"I don't mean be rude to yourself, it's more just like understanding the consequences of failing."
"Shed yourself of your elitism, realize we are our own worst critics."
"As artists, we're all going to hate our work every once in a while, and hey, that's okay."
"I don't feel that I've made a great film yet in my life."
"I've read so many terrible things about myself and just wanted to please this hypothetical."
"I don't know how you say his name, sorry I'm a degenerate."
"People that are great gift givers are either extremely thoughtful and creative or they put a lot of time and thought into things, and I have neither of those capabilities."
"I'm going to celebrate me and make it look like I'm critiquing me on the way to celebration."
"Our inability to be self-critical will have terrible consequences for us and much of the rest of the globe." - Andrew Bacevich
"I have a confession to make. I am so annoyed with myself and disappointed. I have become a coffee snob."
"What's more pathetic like me with all my flaws and faults or the people that obsessively research me only to waste their fucking lives writing petty little vitriolic blog posts."
"I'm not gonna lie I'm really garbage at building."
"Writers are notoriously bad judges their own words."
"Refusing to produce yourself because you don't like blackness, that's self-hating too."
"Now we have enough for him we have more than enough for him you know we have the car to do it and I'm now I'm not losing on the chase I'm losing on the lead by making these silly mistakes."
"Hope you guys enjoyed the guide. I may have been a little bit all over the place but I think the material is good."
"There's a part of you that has crazy faith... and another part that's lazy as an old dog sleeping by the fire."
"He thinks he could have done better. That he didn't put all of his strength into it. But he drew what he wanted, despite the flawed execution."
"We need to call a spade a spade and speak the truth, even if it's against our own selves."
"I don't care how good you are at art there's always something you can improve."
"Incredible, one of the worst performances of my career and they never doubted it."
"My gameplay this weekend was good but not great, I've got a lot to improve on, a lot of holes in my game that I really know I can get better at."
"Oh my God, this is bad. We want to actually get to... okay guys, I'm throwing, I'm throwing."
"Oh you know what, I could have just done this move, I didn't because I'm silly but not taken."
"The Tesla we see today, at this very moment, is the most inefficient, least-optimized, most cumbersome, dumbest Tesla we will ever see."
"I realized that the growth, how fast I grow and how successful I am, has never been a result of how much self-hate I have or how much I've compared myself to other people."
"I feel like I've harped on the origin a bit too much."
"This is more than a missed opportunity. This is self-harm."
"Seek high quality but not Perfection. It's okay to have high standards but be absolutely ruthless in your self-analysis."
"A lot of us complain and complain and complain. I'm not confident in this. I'm not doing this. I need this. I need that."
"Can't nobody ever be harder on me than I am on myself."
"I guess he was aware self-aware enough to just be like, 'No, no, not me. I'm actually a bad guy.'"
"Self-love is like drinking yourself into a stupor — it makes you feel good for a little bit and ultimately leaves you with a bad hangover."
"We're not a well-researched show that's not like people don't come here for actual information."
"At the end of the day, I can't complain. The only enemy I have is me and my own big head."
"If you leave here feeling good about yourself, you didn't get it."
"We absolutely 1,000,000% deserve to win this game even more than the last one. I couldn't score to save my life."
"Realistically though, it's quite hard to honestly criticize your own work."
"It really helps me to keep pushing the design aspect as well and I think everybody's guilty of it."
"I wanted to come here fresh, but of course, I'm the worst one."
"It's not typical of what we are capable of as human beings."
"I know if I'm never happy with the job I've done then there's always room for improvement."
"I never win when I'm the imposter... there's nothing I can do."
"We are always ready, all of us on this side, to be self-critical, to have a war within the war, which among scientists, among those who believe in innovation, evidence, hypotheses, and their testing."
"It's over... and it's like I'm relieved, but also really angry at myself."
"I'm the king of misplays right now, that's for sure, and I'm the king of M plays you already do that nope that was a good one good everyone liked that one."
"Your greatest fan and your greatest critic. Be there for you, but don't let yourself get away with good enough."
"If you're an artist and the moment you finish the drawing you hate it, that's actually a good thing because it means you're still hungry."
"I do find every year I look back at any code I've got and think like, oh that could be so much better."
"Nothing ever stays dead. All her fears, all the negative self-talk, it keeps coming back."
"I'd rather you be honest: 'Hey, I'm lazy and I'm not gonna take action' versus 'Oh well, I'm an introvert or I don't understand social media.'"
"The West has always been willing to criticize itself philosophically."
"Practice makes progress, you guys. The more you do it, the more constructively criticize your own work."
"The bad part of being too self-aware is when you focus on your shortcomings and don't allow yourself to celebrate the areas in which you're good."
"Listen to your inner condescending teenager. She hates herself for meritocratic reasons of self-improvement, and that's why she's so sharp, that's why she's so lovable."
"You're incredibly intelligent, but you talk yourself down a lot."
"You just had bad offense. You just f***ed it up yourself."
"I'm prepared to be called the worst Hokage in the history."
"Hopefully I can pull off a better picture because the one I got right now looks like a mug shot after a drunken night."
"It's the only good one I've done this video, no no no."
"If we end up winning this run, it's so undeserved."
"Robin de Banks: 'Cats versus Cuomo.' I love to see the left devour themselves."
"She is so unwilling to look at herself critically that the she can find to make money is to become a criminal."
"We kind of have the best score ever written and we're the best, you know? We're the worst performers of that score."
"I'm stupid. Only big-time freedom chains as I see here."
"But now that it's actually gone through a couple rounds of editing, I'm thinking you know what, this is actually not bad."
"I feel like I should probably be a little bit more prepared with some stuff down there."
"I hate my art too, so we can hate our art together."
"Spending hours trying to analyze how to make my titles my thumbnails my videos better and then making myself miserable when that doesn't work."
"That draw was insane! I'm drawing like an absolute clown."
"If you die as a Fury Warrior it is your fault every single time."
"He's feeling true anger at himself for not being able to defeat this guy, but also the fact that Cooler's here threatening them."
"Mistakes and poor choices in my personal life are only on me."
"Hope you enjoyed watching me drive in a mediocre fashion across this Rally Japan stage."
"The plot, the plot, the plot! Stick to your plan and see it through, only then can you sit back and go, 'Yeah, that was complete rubbish.'"
"It's totally normal and fine to finish a spread and not be a big fan of it, but I highly recommend taking a break."
"Let's fly up the charts because look, people often learn, our music's crap now, doesn't mean anything."
"I found like five different things... I could have done better."
"I always try to be my own Devil's Advocate."
"I just did probably the worst manicure of my life."
"I'm my biggest fan and my biggest critic."
"Mindful practice... keep your brain open, observe what you're doing, and if there's something in your drawings that you're actually not happy with, you got to make a note of that."
"I have been writing a lot of books over the last few years and every time I think I've nailed it and then either I or someone else points out that no you haven't quite got there yet well this is my best shot at it."
"By striving for perfectionism, you're selling yourself short and being extremely inefficient."
"Critiquing your own art as well as being proud of what you make are both extremely important in progression."
"During the training, it's so important to take care of these things: awareness and your ability to criticize yourself."
"It's been about two hours on it, but as I listened to this song and looked over my words, I just felt like what I'd written didn't do it justice."
"Shia LaBeouf himself offered his opinion on the movie's failings and he basically blamed himself."
"My problem with Christianity, particularly Adventism, is that we need to critique ourselves. If a system is immature to criticize its own self, well it's not worth being part of it."
"Nobody's going to have the aesthetic standards that you do about your own work."
"I'm constantly critiquing myself and pushing myself to be better."
"...try not to judge the work as you're creating it... the making, the process of it is not the time to actually be judging it."
"You really talk now about the shots that you've missed instead of that you talk about the shots that you make."
"If I'm a carnal person when I begin to look at others I will look at others with a critical spirit because I'm a critical person."
"A lot of you guys are just serving mediocre sandwiches and I think if you spent a year eating your own sandwich, you would immediately see all the things that are wrong with it."
"I don't know I I I'm really proud of this video."
"We should always have confidence in our ability to critique our own work."
"If you can't come to terms with the flaws in your work then you're never gonna truly love your work."
"It's a weird combination of being your biggest fan but also being your biggest critic and understanding that you have to play both sides of that."
"Stop getting in the way of your own success. Because we are our greatest critique. We have to trust ourselves."
"I got to the point where I was looking at the bodice and thinking, 'This is not right, it's not looking right, it doesn't look good, it's not my style, and it's just all wrong.'"
"I know I'm hard on myself, I hope you guys all are the same way, that's how we keep improving."
"I don't want to watch my own video."
"I just can't help but look back on that work and I'm and go like I could have done better than that. I feel like I can do better."
"I went to see a film... and I so hated my performance... that I begged for the part."
"I think it's just that there's always something you could do better, right? Like, even with Jake's thing, like, I'm like, 'Oh, I should have added, uh, because we had, like, some extras in the scene to make it look like it was, you know, a normal street.'"
"Everybody, if you can get out of this realm of judgment where you're always critiquing yourself, you can actually do some really great stuff."
"Thank you, y'all. I have to critique myself. Wow, yeah, I think I could be better at managing the stream. I could probably be better at managing these tasks separately. I'm getting a little lost."
"You're never satisfied. I mean, I walk away from things all the time and I'll kind of, a part of me will go, 'totally nailed it.' Another part of me goes, 'I should have.'"
"Like it kind of was bad I I definitely shouldn't have been that soft and probably should have just qualified as I thought were fast like I'm just gonna swallow the no calling pride."
"This look looks really sloppy but...I'm just running."
"I had moments where I wrote stories that I looked back on after I was finished and was just like, 'This is [ __ ] awful.'"
"He missed the X, you missed it, you idiot!"
"It's impossible to be your own critic, and so I would drive myself crazy just... I didn't know, am I good enough or am I kidding myself?"
"I'm daily tormented by the lack of personal growth that I've been putting off and the collateral of broken relationships that have been amassed over the past 14 years."
"I considered it a kind of a personal failing."
"I don't watch it. All I see was the mistakes."
"The number one perpetrator, the number one reason for the sick condition of this world is damaged minds and damaged hearts, because there are a lot of things that have been done that have been evil by people that call themselves Christians."
"I'm a huge critic. Of everyone's music, including my own."
"I guess I suck or maybe I'm super whiny and I'm not up to the task."
"My last six or seven performances have been like, okay. Does this word make sense here? It gets old."
"That was not a five-star match, I was anything but."
"I love talking [__] about myself."
"Chad decided to fake everything, which makes sense because his music wasn't really good."
"I am a perfectionist, to a fault at times."
"I'm never happy with anything, very rarely I'm happy 100% with any job I do."
"The inner critic is a voice in our head that is, guess what, critical."
"I try to be just as critical of myself."
"If we are simply prioritizing our perspective without being thorough in our critiques of ourselves, it'll be very hard for us to attain the things that we want."
"I just don't think I did it that much justice, but here's the Masaki drawing and the sketches that you saw earlier."
"You never tell someone else, 'This is a piece of crap I've written,' but you tell yourself that to make yourself rethink everything."
"Constantly you need to be looking at how you can make your work even better and never settle with the level that you're currently at."
"I don't have a problem speaking out against my own side when we don't have it right."
"As a researcher, you must be the first critique of your own research."
"Some of my fans find this hard to hear, but I cannot watch content pre-2018. I think it's a childish version of myself. I actually can't believe it's the same person."
"You can either be your biggest supporter or your worst critic. Choose to cheer for yourself."
"I have convinced myself that most of my research is wrong, and I'm trying to remedy the situation."
"Self-love and self-forgiveness because the hardest critic is yourself."
"The self-evaluation process... is like, bruh, there's so many people in the world that won't criticize themselves."
"The critic in my head... it can take you to some dark places, but then also it is beneficial."
"It shows a lot of fortitude when you start to critique yourself at that level."
"I hate everything I made more than six months ago because hopefully, I'm growing and adapting and changing."
"There's a certain amount of 'I suck, I suck, I suck' that you have to tell yourself to push to the next level."
"What he wrote down was his most famous piece, the best thing he had ever written, and he said, 'This is shite compared to the original.'"
"Learn to analyze your own work... become sort of hyper critical of your own work, not in a self-depreciating way, but just to learn to analyze your work."
"When I looked at my image in the mirror, it looked horrible, and I discovered that you look at an image that you're creating in the mirror, and you see it in a new light."
"I don't like me sometimes, and I am me."
"If you can't look back at a performance and figure out what you could do better, then you are failing your job."
"It's even more effective for leaders to actually criticize themselves out loud and raise problems in their own leadership and areas that they're trying to improve in."
"It's okay to recognize that you don't like something about your painting."
"If you have something in common, it is the dissatisfaction with everything you do."
"We're not always the best judge for our own work because we're so close to it."
"I'm my worst critic, but I'm so invested."
"I think the obsession with being right is the worst trait in human beings."
"You're a kind of a piece of work in yourself and there's probably some stupid things you could stop doing that would make your life better."
"The reason that Detox didn't come out was because I didn't like it. It wasn't good."