
Public Safety Quotes

There are 1954 quotes

"Our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts."
"Welcome to the world-class New York City subway, where assaults and theft are sadly on the rise."
"K5 is a robot that will patrol the Time Square subway station in the overnight hours, equipped with multiple cameras and two-way communication intended to deter crime."
"They've seized enough fentanyl to kill upwards of a billion people."
"Of course, you can imagine the kind of panic that begins when you hear gunfire."
"It's often the panic that leads to more injuries than the shooting itself."
"It's important to point out how frequently our law enforcement officers are the ones running towards the threat."
"I'm doing what is right, I'm doing what is safe, whether it be popular or not, well that's for others to judge."
"For those of you running large entertainment venues... please require folks to get vaccinated or show a negative test as a condition of entry."
"COVID is still a problem. And you can pretend that you don't care about it, that you're vaccinated, or that you've had it already so you can't get it again. But it's something that is a concern for a lot of people and that's not something to be ignored."
"Policing is necessary, but it depends on how you police."
"The biggest question of all is whether this is a technology that should even be allowed to be beta-tested on public roads by early adopters who overwhelmingly seem to have a fanatical level of trust in it."
"Scholars have found that suicide barriers on bridges prevent jumpers and don't lead to a significant increase in suicides elsewhere."
"The police are the public and the public are the police."
"Over the past one or two generations, the rate of firearm deaths are down 50%."
"You cannot push someone on the track because people will not take the subway if they don't feel safe."
"The dangers of these chases, especially in surveillance mode, is that people don't realize there's a chase going on."
"We're just asking for some common sense here. We're asking that citizens be put first, that public safety be put first, that law and order be put first."
"The role of the prosecutor is to pursue justice... enforcement protects citizens from future crime but also offers some measure of satisfaction to the victims of crime."
"We are currently receiving countless reports of an unidentified hostile organism that we will refer to as alternates."
"The following message is transmitted at the request of the Texas Department of Public Safety."
"It is possible for us to build alternative systems to public safety outside of policing. It requires political will, it requires investment, and we are already doing it, and it works."
"Face coverings do make it harder for the virus to spread, so please wear one to protect others."
"A grown woman... zigzagging at what, 80 plus miles an hour in a residential area?"
"All I know is that we have a major public safety crisis."
"Our goal is a safer city with less violence, fewer guns, fewer victims, and fewer grieving families."
"The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it."
"These are not political issues; these are common sense efforts to keep our children safe, keep our country safe."
"California leads the state in individuals who are either hurt or killed as a result of these pursuits."
"It's just so dangerous when you consider all of the people who don't see this coming, whether it's pedestrians crossing the street or other motorists in this area."
"This is a very unpredictable dangerous pursuit."
"The proposed amendment includes raising the minimum age to purchase a gun from 18 to 21, implementing universal background checks, establishing waiting periods for gun purchases, and prohibiting civilians from buying assault weapons."
"It's a very disturbing perspective to me because you're seeing what's happening right now in Chicago, you're seeing what's happening right now in New York, where you have this massive uptick in violent crime because it's perceived that the police presence has been diminished greatly."
"The only way we can protect anyone is by protecting everyone."
"A reminder that investments in infrastructure are investments in public safety. Allegheny County has more structurally deficient bridges than any other county in the nation."
"Every second that this pursuit goes on, there's an opportunity for somebody to get hurt."
"Science should never put people's lives in danger, even if it can save lives."
"California leads the nation when it comes to common sense gun laws. We should all be ensuring the safety of our communities, not fighting against long-standing laws that improve public safety."
"By this point, there would have been massive panic and chaos inside the building and perhaps people were frightened to leave."
"Completely disregarding his own safety, Garcia stayed with officer Verbeck and radioed for help while the violence died down."
"We owe it to our police and law enforcement to train them properly; we owe it to the law-abiding citizens of this country, and of course, we owe it to the innocent children that are just trying to get their freaking education in school."
"The spike in violent crime is quite real, and that voters are very, very concerned about it."
"The rule of law that is fundamental to ensuring both freedom and security, and it is our more than 900,000 men and women on the beat every day who uphold the rule of law."
"I am satisfied that the security service and the police have saved thousands of lives and they have prevented a mass disaster that would change the world."
"This isn't about oppression, it's about Public Safety. This isn't about censorship, it's about protecting our democracy from misinformation."
"I really think we need government regulation on AI to ensure public safety."
"It is intolerable and it is unacceptable for us to have in the state anybody who would kill little kids in our schools."
"This is a case where you have a very serious danger to the public, and therefore there needs to be a public body that has insight and then oversight to confirm that everyone is developing AI safely."
"Public safety is the protection of people from harm."
"It blows my mind that someone gets swatted multiple times and the police don't do something to try to avoid that."
"If you advocate for violence, instruct people to commit violence, you should be censored."
"Preparations by companies, emergency responders, government authorities and the public are critical for reducing injuries and saving lives."
"The worst thing we could do is rush into reopening."
"Now is not the time to be lifting restrictions."
"We are going to be absolutely vigilant and fierce about not squandering the tremendous sacrifice that Canadians have made."
"America's gun free-for-all is a symptom of the takeover of our nation by a radical extremist minority."
"Lives are at stake. This is not a time for political opponents."
"We will bring jail and not bail for repeat violent offenders."
"The primary responsibility of government is the protection of lives and properties."
"Protecting the health and safety of the American people is the most important job of any president."
"The fire produced a huge plume of black smoke, leading to the evacuation of a portion of the city of Superior."
"Our smartphones are loaded with our intimate conversations, our financial data, our health records. They're also loaded with the location of our kids in many cases. And so it's not just about privacy but it's also about public safety."
"We need to disarm the population to a certain degree or cut the circulation of guns that are currently in the market."
"The number of plots and attacks are at the highest level we've ever seen."
"In my opinion, with someone like Peter Bryan, who's repeatedly offended... they show full intent to do it again."
"We want to ban guns. We don't want so many guns in our country and folks to have such easy access to guns that endanger our children and our safety."
"I think allowing these people to carry in a place where... people are sitting ducks is a step in the right direction."
"What do you think happens if the police departments are all gone? A lot of people think it's going to be rampant crime everywhere."
"Nope, you can't have a curfew. The night belongs to the rioters, to the people burning courthouses, not the people who'd like to be safe in their own homes."
"What's been very powerful is...neighborhood policing strategy...building relationships."
"The COVID alert level has five levels, each relating to the level of threat posed by the virus."
"These are weapons of war, they're weapons of mass destruction, they have no place on the streets of America."
"Law enforcement officers are sworn to protect the public, and when someone calls 9-1-1 to report an active bank robbery, they are going to respond to protect lives."
"Burlington, Vermont, reeling from the highest number of homicides in decades after defunding police."
"They believe that they can contain the threat without triggering a mass panic."
"People were afraid to go out; they were scared. They were afraid to go shopping, they were afraid to go to football games, they were afraid to go to church."
"We need to reimagine how we are achieving public safety in America."
"Public safety is the prerequisite to prosperity."
"I heard shots fired here as well, with people running."
"I do not support defunding the police. I've been very clear about that."
"Whatever is safest for people on public roads, those are the laws that are going to be in place."
"Competence... just keep people safe and make the education system work."
"Generally, in favor of whatever, you know, keeps people from dying to guns. And if that, if the solution is more guns, I'm okay with that. If the solution is less guns, then obviously I push that."
"The question is not whether or not to reopen. The question is how you reopen smart."
"These tactics actually create more danger than they ameliorate."
"Making clear among other things, that even very public guarantees of safety and clemency may in fact guarantee nothing."
"The incident was unacceptable and preventable, and they urged the police to review their policies to ensure that nothing like it ever happens again."
"Decarceration and depolicing is leading America down the wrong path."
"I've been saying we need to abolish American policing as it currently exists. It doesn't work."
"We have to do whatever we have to do. The priorities are life and safety, and then the economy."
"The most effective weapon against crime is cooperation."
"Intentions from results and if public safety is dropping down, if people are feeling unsafe not as a matter of perception but hard reality, that demands action."
"You're breeding reactionary forces politically. This is just about actually public safety. This is about protecting people."
"Keep guns out of the hands of those suffering with mental illness."
"These are quality of life crimes, and people have the right to be safe and secure and happy and content."
"We do need to look at everything from emergency shelters to radio masts for emergency broadcasts, earthquake sensors, tsunami warning buoys, weather radars, and a deep space radar for meteors."
"When you have a career criminal like myself bringing the alarm and saying, 'Hey, this is a problem.'"
"It's a very serious matter when these substances have the potential to kill people it transcends your pride it transcends your personal ego when the goal is the greater well-being the greater good of your fellow human."
"The science tells us that we have and will continue to have enough tests to safely go into Phase one."
"Every responsible gun owner, every single person, no American wants their kid to be in danger."
"We could cut gun deaths in half this decade."
"The heroic work of some of our state law enforcement officers. They undoubtedly saved lives with their actions."
"Biden wants to regulate ghost guns, which are guns that come in kits and you can assemble yourself. Although if you ask me, that should be the only type of gun that you can buy in America." - Narrator
"He killed six people, drove down a parade route in my hometown... can we stop acting like shocking him will be the end of the world."
"Defund him for what? As soon as one of our kids come up kidnapped, we want the support of the police."
"You know this issue that drove us to the well was trying to say that we don't want our children gunned down in schools."
"Once the criminals know that the cops are not on the streets and not responding to calls then see how it goes."
"None of us should feel safe until we figure out exactly what is behind this terrifying affliction."
"The first incident to really bring bath salts into the forefront of the public conscience was an incident known as the Miami cannibal attack, or more casually, the bath salt zombie."
"Your passion and dedication to safeguard the public was evident."
"Some TikTok trends are leading young people to make poor choices— and some trends even encourage them to commit crimes."
"Every day in Bay Area News you can read stories about car theft, retail theft, robberies, and more."
"And all while following COVID guidelines to ensure everyone's safety. We love to see it."
"Cutting the police budget is the most counterproductive thing pretty much ever."
"The issue is not too many guns. The issue is too many thugs, hoodlums, and savage criminals on the street."
"Hopefully no one is hurt, but if you're a criminal who broke the law, then we are going to remove you."
"There's a really fascinating conversation... about how much public safety do we thrust on people in exchange for how much."
"Based on the current information we have available, I think there's gun safety issues here."
"The work that is being done by Homeland Security Investigations to combat this human trafficking scourge isn't unbelievable."
"You can't yell fire in a crowded movie theater." - Joe Biden
"Government is forced to make sure that we're protected from those who seek to harm us."
"I used to think the air we breathed, the water we drink, and the food we eat is safe. I no longer think that at all."
"We don't believe that guns everywhere philosophy as Americans is consistent with our heritage and certainly isn't consistent with our Public Safety."
"Incidents less than a week apart, now fueling concerns about America's aging infrastructure."
"You're not gonna come in here and kill additional Americans."
"The present time, the risk to the American public does remain low."
"When we are confronted with a need to close a public facility it will be to protect the safety of all DC residents and it will follow the best science that we have."
"This conversation is about bump stock it's not about ar-15 it's not about Zoloft it's about the potential of evil in every single human being and how to safeguard against it."
"Cops need to be better funded, better trained."
"Taking money away from the police just makes everything more tense, more dangerous."
"We're just asking President Biden to do his job, to protect Americans and enforce the laws that have already been passed."
"If cops are trusted on four hours a year, we can do some damage in two hours."
"You can't blanket treatment this whole thing, look at the economy, look at the elder, you have to look at the crime and then allocate resources."
"Our country should be more fearful of white men across our country because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country."
"Only 4% of the budget is spent on public safety."
"It was bad for businesses, it was bad for the police. It's bad for the community. It's bad for everyone."
"I want to see the National Guard on the street when people are trying to firebomb a building. I want them stopped."
"How many more police officers and how many more families need to make the ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them?"
"Any move right now to reduce levels of testing by changing guidelines is a step in the wrong direction."
"First responders going toward the danger to help their fellow New Yorkers."
"It gets a lot harder to get to the point where you can feel confident in reopening."
"We believe in public safety, and that means the safety of everybody."
"Is it equality fair or freedom if one group can't go out and march because they'll be attacked by another group"
"This legislation is fundamentally disturbing... enhance potential censorship on the pretext of safety."
"This is happening too often. I've been noticing it for a long time, this uptick in just missing persons cases ending with terrible press conferences like this."
"We cannot risk ignoring the experts further."
"We let assault weapons be sold in this country with no background checks."
"It's demonstrably true that where there is gun regulation, there are lower gun deaths."
"Keep taking precautions in public places: wearing a mask, six feet distancing, avoiding crowds, poorly ventilated spaces."
"Someone has died already, a woman child died from carbon monoxide poisoning while trying to stay warm in Texas freeze."
"A total of seven persons were killed as a result of this morning's incident."
"It's nothing personal. I think your dance moves are awesome but they're hurting a lot of people so you have to stop."
"Swatting is a terroristic activity. You're putting cops and potential harms way. You're putting people in potential harm's way. People can get killed. It's not a joke."
"Political correctness doesn't just mean good manners; it has consequences, and one of those consequences was the abandonment of thousands of girls to years of abuse for fear that tackling the problem would look racist."
"It is essential that the National Crime Agency launch investigations into any place where credible allegations of grooming gangs have been made."
"Safety is, in my opinion, the number one issue that is driving a lot of those things."
"This case was insane and getting the drugs off the street likely saved countless lives."
"I'm just pissed the fuck off about the shooting in Texas."
"Why do we have over the last 10, 15 years terrorist attacks on the streets of London that are almost inevitably always committed by someone who's a Muslim? I think that there's real issues in terms of social integration."
"I definitely think that we need to ban all assault rifles. They have no business on our streets."
"We're marching to try and stop gun violence, to stop people from being murdered en masse."
"Let's make it as difficult to murder a bunch of people as possible."
"You stop it by not defunding the police. Let them do their jobs and prosecute the criminals. It really isn't that complex."
"If anyone out there is thinking somewhat clearly about feeling a little bit more safe when they walk down the street, they should be in favor of universal basic income."
"Americans got to keep asking the question are we safer in the dark." - Safety in the dark.
"It's like the house is burning down and they just refuse to throw water on it."
"America is worth protecting, and the men and women of DHS ensure every coming day is more secure than the one before."
"One of the things I was proudest of years ago when I was in the Senate, I was able to get these weapons and the weapon of war magazines outlawed."
"Nobody's gonna come to live work visit or go to school in a place where they're not safe."
"Injustice of America's rape kit backlog - why do we need a charity to get these kits processed when it's the literal job of the police to investigate crimes?"
"The president wants law and order, which is the best way to ensure peace on our streets."
"There are lives being lost in these cities needlessly."
"Weapons of war belong on the battlefields, not in our schools or our churches."
"The existence of law enforcement is not a violation of your rights."
"What's the alternative? Do you just set them loose on the street?"
"The violent opportunists engaged in dangerous acts of violence such as arson need to realize there will be grave consequences."
"Serious crimes of this nature go beyond mere property damage to the courthouse and endanger people's lives."
"Chicago has had 2278 homicides and over 9 000 people shot."
"This is a big problem please share this information with anyone that you care about because it could save their life."
"Americans are under flood alerts and the wet weather from this slow-moving system is not over yet."
"Public awareness and detection are our first lines of defense."
"More guns as we've seen is not the solution to gun violence in this country."
"Folks, today I tested positive for COVID again. This happens with a small minority of folks. I've got no symptoms. I'm going to isolate for the safety of everyone around me. I'm still at work and we'll be back on the road soon."
"If New York wants to abolish the cops, let 'em do it. I don't live there. Let the people see and you see how it's going."
"There are things we know that work to reduce gun violence and violent crime."
"The big story of the day is the looting and burning in Minnesota, and that follows hard on what is another video of an awful incident involving the police."
"The good of a surveillance system, if it's operating within ethical bounds, is that it could protect the populace."
"Overall, the idea that vaccinations are unnecessary and dangerous is ill-informed and dangerous in itself."
"How do I defend myself and my children against guys who have AR-15s? Tell me how."
"By the time that the phone is calling 9-1-1 in most shootings, it's too late."
"Crime is getting ridiculous, and more and more people are starting to realize that the best way to defend yourself and your family is to conceal carry."
"The fact that we had people fight this attacker and prevent him from doing further harm really, I think, speaks to the true spirit of Tallahassee."
"This is sick, folks, and it's hurting our state and endangering our people, and it's got to end."
"We have a fire going on and we've defunded our fire department to put out the fire."
"I believe they are overwhelmingly worth it to slow the spread of the disease, to reduce the peak, to save life, minimize suffering, and to give our NHS the chance to cope."
"There's a way for us to work together to have social distance and safety for people."
"There's nobody reasonable in America that would look at that six-year-old bringing the gun and killing their teacher and say that's all right."
"Trump was implicitly threatening the nation with violence."
"We are losing our lives while the adults are playing around."
"Prioritize self-defense and less rioters will place less people in self-defense situations." - Wolfgang Deo