
Automation Quotes

There are 6003 quotes

"A few years ago it was okay for someone to send you a 25-page document. You actually had to read it to understand it. But with automated summarization, our machine learning models can now instantly summarize the main points from a long document."
"AI-driven automation is the future of advertising."
"According to our estimates, in the year 2035, because of automation and artificial intelligence, we believe that GDP here in the United States will not be 28 trillion, which would be if you drew the growth linear, but instead will be 40 trillion dollars."
"Will there be a day when you click to buy a product on Amazon and the whole delivery chain is run by robots, from artificial intelligence predicting what you want to buy to self-driving planes that deliver the goods?"
"Let the machines do what they're good at, then we can focus on what we're best at."
"The aim of the game is so that everything does itself, and it's all based on how you set that up."
"Generative AI could enable the automation of up to 70 percent of business activities across almost all occupations."
"A habit is a behavior that has been repeated enough times to be performed more or less automatically."
"I am a navigator, mapping our world one millimeter at a time and making even the largest vehicles self-driving."
"When you automate the majority of things... it frees people to actually do what they're interested in."
"In the same way, these little assembly robots I'm describing can make giant structures, at heart because the robot can make the robot."
"This is really where it's all headed, that you can just tell the AI to do something for you, pretty complicated, and it will be able to do it."
"The dream of artificial intelligence and machine learning in general has been to remove the human more and more from the picture."
"The very sorts of things that are hard to automate are the sorts of things folks tend to find mentally challenging and satisfying."
"This upheaval is being led by a second wave of automation, one that is centered on artificial cognition, cheap sensors, machine learning, and distributed smarts. This deep automation will touch all jobs, from manual labor to knowledge work."
"They had to stick up for their profession and hard work before they were effectively replaced by a machine."
"M1 Finance takes the emotions out of your investments."
"M1 Finance is a 100% free Robo-advisor or automated investing platform."
"The most interesting new feature of the photo section of your iPhone is Memories, which will automatically collect pictures from say the last week or the last month or places you've visited and put them into a slideshow without you having to do anything."
"Every company in every industry is looking to increase automation."
"Adding all the food to it, building tons of automatic farms inside of it so I literally never ever run out of stock."
"Air Canada decided to fire their customer support service and replace them with an AI chatbot."
"When we think about robots and automation drones, we think about things that are the 4Ds: dirty, dull, dangerous, or difficult."
"I don't think we understand what this pandemic combined with automation is going to do to unskilled workers in this world."
"Our own data suggest to us that two thirds of all jobs in developing countries will be lost because of automation."
"Use technology to help you save money automatically."
"Short term today I would go with automation or cloud. These are the things that will be probably in greatest demand in the next three to five years. Long-term, learn the fundamentals."
"Automating tedious tasks is the soul of software development."
"Everyone can enjoy a life of leisure if the wealth created by machines is shared."
"Imagine a world where you don't own a car anymore, you don't need it, you have automated systems."
"There is no wealth that is able to be created without leverage and/or automation."
"Forcing functions...have our done functions to clear things from areas automatically, which is very nice."
"What do we need people for in the economy? In a situation when it is likely that computers will be able to do more and more things better and better than Homo sapiens, this becomes a real question for the first time in history."
"We could be automating a lot of work a lot faster, but the societal limits to it, our fear of creating...means we don't do it, and we instead create lots of person-to-person jobs at very, very low value that probably don't need to exist."
"Universal basic income, or the state as the employer of last resort is the quick and dirty or slow and dirty, but still nevertheless short term answer to this problem of, how do we rapidly automate?"
"We're going to look back and say that human-driven cars were weapons of mass destruction."
"The ability to write down what we want the desired state of our infrastructure to be is given to us by infrastructure as code."
"A major study by Oxford University estimates that nearly half of current US jobs are likely to be automated or computerized with our current technological trends."
"Extreme automation under capitalism is disempowering for the many and inconceivably profitable for the few at the top."
"Automation and Python is gonna be huge. And I'll detail more on that later. So keep watching."
"Don't wait. I mean, we've been talking about automation for a long time. If you look at the exam objectives, like for example, the Enterprise core or the automation, some of the technologies like routing, switching, security, there's already books out there for it."
"A truly smart home is one that automatically adjusts and adapts to the needs of the people living in it, doing the right thing at the right time."
"Automation is a cause and effect relationship that happens without any outside intervention."
"We want to offer a flexible automation solution. Flexibility is key."
"What's the initial trigger or parameter that you want to start this automation?"
"With a couple of lines of code, we can now make a system that will turn on the lights at dusk and then turn them off again at 11 p.m."
"I like how universally everyone just accepted that robots should do the job of directing us in cars. No one concerned about that taking someone's job, 'cause people suck at giving directions."
"Automation could liberate people from the drudgery of work."
"Over time, machines, computers, smart algorithms are increasingly going to substitute for human labor."
"Smart contracts basically replace what people would do in any agreement... It's all automatic, done exactly as both parties had defined in the agreement."
"The idea of smart contracts... opens up a whole new world of automatic systems."
"Under capitalism, we continue to do menial labor when it is not necessary, but in an ideal system, which is pro-worker, automation would be done to service the needs of the proletariat. That is a good thing, trust me."
"Computing is the instrument of scientific discovery, the engine of industrial automation, and the factory of AI computing."
"Jenkins will then create a build of your code and part of that build process is actually going through and running through tests."
"Automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks allows entrepreneurs to focus on more important business activities and ultimately grow their businesses."
"Smart contract is a piece of code that autonomously runs and it's essentially an automated if-then statement."
"How do we evolve our jobs so that they go along with the machines? What new jobs will get created as these new machines get created?"
"We're doing less and less of things that are repetitive, and that's the goal of automation, to get rid of repetitive work so that we can focus on things we're really good at, which is more cognitive decisions."
"The important thing about smart contracts is it's a way of having an agreement between parties which can be executed automatically."
"The fact that you can turn this thing on, take it off, it will find you and then start following you...is fantastic and probably a game-changer."
"How do we think about jobs, money, the economy, if machines can do most things better?"
"87% of people surveyed said that they feel as though they are training their replacement through robotics and AI, but they don't feel they have a choice because if they don't do it, someone else will."
"This industry has been heavily disrupted by technology and automation."
"I am very excited about obviously the aspects of automation that make people that obviously don't have access to certain resources or knowledge, for them to have those that access."
"Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them."
"Computers right now can do the things that humans spend most of their time being paid to do, so now's the time to start thinking about how we're going to adjust our social structures and economic structures to be aware of this new reality."
"Automation transformed mass production, factories could now produce goods at a rate never imagined before."
"As we stand at the brink of this automation revolution, it's crucial to look beyond the immediate benefits and consider the long-term implications."
"The game is almost the perfect balance of mechanics that need to be paid attention to but once you have paid attention to them, they are basically on autopilot."
"Most of these people's jobs are going to be replaced by robots anyway."
"Automation in testing is not just a luxury; it's a necessity for scaling and maintaining quality."
"Learning to automate API tests is a step towards building more reliable software."
"In the world of software development, the ability to automate and streamline testing can significantly impact the quality and reliability of your applications."
"For me, artificial intelligence is the next big thing for automation in a production field."
"We are going to disconnect jobs from the economy. Once we no longer need human labor, we are going to actually...have so much plenty."
"Nintendo cannot take an emulator for their system down because there is legal precedent that protects this emulator."
"AI can already write articles, create social posts, generate images, make videos, generate human speech, summarize books or emails, and everything in between."
"If we can have machines to provide most of the goods and services and we can just figure out a way of sharing this great wealth so that everybody gets better off, you could easily envision a future where you’d really get to have a lot more time living life the way you want."
"We're not going to automate people out of the process; we will expand what's humanly possible."
"What jobs are going to be safe? What are machines not going to be able to do? What's going to be left for humans to do?"
"The car industry plans to automate the driving experience feature by feature, what some are calling Revolution by Evolution."
"We're trying to replace the need for more people with automation, because it's hard enough to manage the company as is, and I don't want to sacrifice quality."
"Anything a typical person can do with less than a second of thinking, we can probably now automate."
"Nothing feels better than seeing things just get fulfilled without you even having to touch anything."
"The appeal of free automated labor is far too tempting a business proposition for these ghouls to ignore."
"I use code generation pretty heavily here because this is just not the kind of thing you want to be typing by hand."
"This is going to be the decade of robo taxis... a self-driving car with no driver in the car that you can hail on your phone."
"The same technology that lets you automate a ship to need only a small crew also lets you automate the factories that build those ships."
"We'll see that everything automatically updates."
"Literally a money printer, an automatic money printer."
"We can just leave this now; it's not particularly fast but it is going to automatically get stuff for us."
"With Python, you can save your time and increase your productivity by automating repetitive tasks."
"Android's Private Compute Core enables things like Now Playing, which tells you what song is playing in the background, and Smart Reply, which suggests responses to your chats based on your personal reply patterns."
"A content calendar helps you plan ahead and automate publishing."
"Molly isn't just a robotic chef... it's an entirely robotic self-contained kitchen."
"Automation is an issue because it gives an excuse for people who have the power to give those jobs to further rescind themselves from any obligation to give back to society."
"A UBI is often proposed as a solution to the problems of automation."
"Very few tasks we need to automate should ever require or even benefit from a human-level intellect, smarter often slows things down."
"Automation anxiety has been spreading lately."
"Robots will be able to do everything better than us."
"Forty percent of all jobs could be replaced."
"It's really effective at segmentation and automation to make sure that you're getting as much money as possible from your traffic."
"Repeating tasks and projects are also a form of automation I use."
"Can AI actually start auto-generating websites for clients, lowering the demand for web designers?"
"Artificial intelligence is unquestionably the most powerful automation force the world's ever known..."
"So I implemented some more automation, which really helped out."
"The system detected the storm warning and automatically charged my battery up to 100%."
"The future is actually going to be people who know how to make the machines make money for them."
"Automate this so I don't have to do this no mores."
"Self-driving cars will just be a normal thing, like self-driving elevators."
"Automation becomes less expensive than labor when you artificially raise the price of labor."
"So that's where 3D printing is automation for aerospace."
"The boat now works for you instead of you working for the boat."
"Man, and now that we got that, the whole process is automated."
"I think those things will get integrated they'll get more automated and they'll be just way better functioning products that way more people can use and take advantage of."
"NodeMon makes development easier. It's a tool that helps develop Node.js based applications by automatically restarting the node application when file changes are detected."
"The beginning of the end... computers are probably better off if they build themselves."
"Automator compatibility is really cool for automation."
"Instead of mutation and updates, we use a process we call reconciliation... automatically updates your views."
"Macro Factor will take care of all this for you."
"These jobs allow you to have a job in the coming years as well without any concern when it comes to automation."
"I guess I'm confident based on my understanding of the technical roadmap...it's now not remarkable at all for the car to completely drive you from one location to another."
"It's not that full self-driving will be as good as a person, it will be much, much better."
"I think some kind of a universal basic income is going to be necessary. Now the output of goods and services will be extremely high so with automation, there will come abundance."
"Supercruise included, completely hands-off driving on mapped roads."
"Technology has already eliminated a lot of middle-income jobs."
"GFA is at least an actually real business actually applying Automation in a real way."
"Any excuses that we make for not automating things properly is just a setback."
"In the payment space, the key thing is that you're getting rid of that intermediary and you're trusting automation and contracts."
"Tesla's FSD is an expensive software costing somewhere around 12 Grand and it's emerging as a new Breeze in fully automated driving for electric vehicle models."
"Ford has just unveiled a new prototype charging robot that automates the rapid charging process."
"We can start doing things much faster than humans can."
"Smart contracts automate transactions, reducing human error."
"Of course here in 2020 we know the point at which it is no longer okay to hit robots with your car for fun has now been and gone."
"We want to write code that finds these rules for us and improves over time through examples and experience."
"Factorio is a resource management game where you gather and collect resources to build machines and create factories that will pass around their goods in an automated fashion."
"The automated investing tool on Lending Club makes the investment almost completely passive."
"There'll be less need for workers...that will free us up to follow our passions."
"We're moving into an era of robots, automation, and algorithms."
"No more time wasted and having to manually export-import-reimport whenever there are changes made in the model."
"Our machines increasingly do our work for us."
"Automation creates wealth by allowing us to do more work in less time."
"Azure Machine Learning: train, deploy, automate, manage, track."
"I want to show nine, so basically what should be selected automatically... Notice this is nine, what should be selected is b is 15."
"You don't have to pay attention anymore." - George Hotz
"Passive investing is essentially now where you are going to create an automatic system."
"The Bionic bar pours the perfect drink every time."
"Wouldn't it be amazing if we could automate all the boring and tedious tasks in a process, and instead focus on being creative once again?"
"Are you building your own worldview or allowing bots to do it for you?"
"Honey is the free-to-use shopping tool that finds the best promo codes whenever you shop online."
"Terraform apply will actually take a look at your code and then figure out the changes that will take place."
"Terraform is very intelligent, it can figure out what needs to get created."
"I hope to eliminate lots of dumb, meaningless, mundane, dangerous, and horrible jobs that nobody wants to do."
"Passive income where not only are you sending broadcasts but like I already showed you you have that email follow-up sequence that is selling for you man it just sells for you."
"My overall goal is to remove myself from my own business so it can still run like clockwork."
"Most of this system does work very intelligently all by itself."
"Automations is another one that is actually incredibly powerful and it's something that I really like to use."
"That's an overview of how you could start a new power automation or a new Flow from blank."
"Come on clicker, make me proud! Oh my god, okay so buddy, click, I think we may be 10 this time. Come on auto clicker, I believe!"
"The entire process of making a vehicle is just super seamless."
"You'll see some cool machinery and unique automatons floating near the roof fixing pipes but never know how they quite work."
"If we get to the point that maybe our twitter production from automation maybe doubles about what is right now that would probably be enough."
"Automation is the one that offers us the biggest chance of really getting up into space, really having that civilization we all want."
"Start that automatic wealth-building process."
"As a reminder, there is still time for you to automate your wealth building process at this point in time."
"We're in the middle of the fourth industrial revolution and the automation will take the jobs away faster than new jobs are created."
"Pistons, introduced in version 1.3, revolutionized redstone contraptions and automation in Minecraft."
"Linux is almost built for automation of tasks."
"After turning the machine on for the first time, I was surprised to find that the spreader and the stages started to home automatically."
"Set it up once and it does all of the work for you."
"I want to take that brain out and put it in a robot and make it make money."
"Instead of talking about automation and our future, we're up here with makeup on our faces and our rehearsed attack lines playing roles in this reality TV show."
"One of the best ways that you can ensure that you're saving more... is by automating as much as you can."
"The more you can put on automatic, your savings, your investments, the more you can live your life on the way to, you know, because you literally trade and then go on about your business."
"Workflow automates the set of processes that you set within the app... you're really going to see very quickly the power of this application."
"Automation is extremely important and in the future it's going to be able to get rid of the type of errors that occur when you put massive pressure on a human being to be 100 perfect."
"Say AI is taking over, it's going to do the job better than us."
"Eventually, robots are gonna take all of our jobs."
"Each one of these pages has already been created for us automatically. The database is in the background."
"Anything that we can do with this computer, we can make a command to do that."
"Machine learning allows systems to naturally learn and improve themselves by using experiences to predict outcomes without being explicitly programmed."
"Once you upload your course to those marketplaces all the marketing is done for you."
"Having it just happening inside this plug-in and automating all of that for you is really going to save you a lot of time in your production."
"Automation is not a bad thing. It doesn't have to be a bad thing."
"There's no better consistency than through automation with robots."
"Autohotkey helps automate repetitive tasks like typing."
"Let's be cool, let's be collected, let's be like robots. Let's use our 'if-then' statements. If this happens, then we'll do that."
"Wouldn't it be nice if we could just have something else do it for us and still reap the benefits of them being just as successful? Well, that is exactly what I did."
"These no-code automation tools go a long way in making just about anything possible."
"Incogni can do all that long, messy work for you automatically, and Incogni helps you protect your privacy and take your personal data off the market by reaching out to data brokers on your behalf."
"These AIS will not need to be prompted by humans for very long and will instead auto-respond to the ebb and flow of the internet."
"Just by giving one command to Bixby, it turned off the volume, turned on Do Not Disturb, and also turned off my phone."
"The more automated things become, the more the onus shifts away from the player to learn."
"It would be tremendously beneficial and it would really cut out some of the annoyance of having to sit there and babysit the car when you're doing such a simple task that a machine should be able to do with no problem."
"Humans are straight-up obsolete, I can do all of your jobs."
"Automate your taxes with WooCommerce, ensuring you pay correctly no matter where you or your customers are."
"I just hope there's something left for us humans to do."
"Knowing that it was used for the next two to three hundred years, besides you and I will be automated by then."
"Bixby Routines is extremely powerful and allows you to set up various routines depending on the time of day, place, device connection, or specific event."
"Free humanity from the repetitive mundane and arbitrary occupational roles."