
Healing Journey Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"Everyone is on a healing journey, no matter how nice their life looks like on the outside."
"Healing is a journey, it's not an event. It's about progress over perfection."
"What I found throughout my own healing journey... is that it wasn't about getting self-love right, it was about acceptance."
"Awareness is the first step on any healing journey or any journey towards positive and healthier change."
"You've been on an incredibly healing journey for a significant amount of time, but it's feeling complete or it's wrapping up."
"Your healing journey is the most amazing thing you'll ever do in your life."
"My quest to help him heal is not going to be over until he can walk pain-free."
"Don't be scared to go on the journey because you've got to go through that to truly heal."
"There is hope for healing and we can find purpose through our pain."
"Eating living foods is a huge component of the healing journey on this lifestyle but it's not always about the food."
"Rebecca will share all of the details regarding what she has healed and how she eats now as a three-year carnivore."
"For the first time, I feel like there's hope, there's health, there's healing. It's an incredible place to be. Thank you."
"From trauma bonds to self-improvement: a positive shift."
"Your symptoms are not your fault. Knowing this is the first crucial phase of healing."
"You always have a choice. Despite the symptoms you have today, you can move one foot in front of the other toward the healed life that you deserve."
"Be mindful of who you share your deep healing journey with."
"You're going to have the understanding and everything you need to finally come into a place of healing."
"Feel your feelings, fill them. That's the only way to be present, it's the only way to heal, and it's the only way to deal with what's happened."
"This is an entire evolution, a journey that you are on, and healing as well. You're going through healing - New Moon in Scorpio is healing you of your past, don't let that hold you back."
"Your healing journey is about the discovery that not everybody is bad."
"You'll always have to go back to the beginning of your wounds in order to heal them all."
"You're on your path to healing; keep moving forward."
"Your life path is unfolding. Stay true to your entire healing journey because it is working."
"Significant inner healing is taking place...you are on a powerful healing journey."
"The Angels’ first message for the solar eclipse cycle is all about Life Changing Healing."
"You have to the pain will come to the surface again you think a lot about those things but your ultimate goal by the time saturn moves from your fourth house by in 2023."
"It's about learning to trust your intuition and using this Transit as a time to heal past wounds or to better explore past lives."
"This is going to be a big healing in victim Consciousness... the purpose of it is to step into leadership and sovereignty."
"All this healing that you're going through is preparing you to receive unconditional love."
"Believe in the mystery of how the conscious universe finds ways to support us in healing."
"To return to the true basis of health, which has to have a spiritual connection, is part of what I would think of as a healing journey."
"You were meant to be here babe, there is definitely a big need for you to heal."
"Healing is an unending process and that's okay. You're not alone."
"Be brave with your healing and with your heart because I promise when your childhood PTSD gets better, everything is possible."
"Soul healing is about reclaiming Who You Are because you are already good enough."
"Forgiveness begins with forgiving ourselves for holding onto hurt for so long."
"Enjoy the journey, you are healing and change is coming here for you."
"There's this beautiful balance of this character who not only is helping to heal troubled horses but allowing those horses to help heal her."
"Your happiness is what's crossing door to happiness and healing."
"Healing and change are possible if you're willing to put in the work."
"Healing is a process, a journey. If it wasn't, we would all be whole. But we're human."
"Truth will set you free and also deep, deep healing."
"You can't be great without having peace and without going on a healing journey."
"We can still belong and I think that that is one of the most healing understandings that we can have as part of our own individual journeys."
"Black magic won't cage you in; you keep growing and healing."
"Forgiveness is the decision you make before you even start the journey of restoration and healing."
"Accept, 'I have these miserable feelings and they're miserable.' Well, that's probably going to feel pretty miserable, but it is part of the path towards healing."
"We're about to be undertaking a healing journey over the next few months."
"Wondrium hopes that these powerful stories will help motivate and inspire and provide you with both personal and clinical perspectives that lead to the path of healing."
"Someone knows something with Clarity. They see into the darkness here and you are healing."
"And for the sake of this exercise you're not doing it wrong if you still feel that red inside you sometimes. It'll take a little while."
"Ryan's back right now. Ryan's reminding everybody why he's been the greatest fool for this long."
"It's not a crazy goal to change your life in a year. Some parts of your healing are going to take longer, of course, but if you're ready and you're willing to do what it takes, jump in."
"The wounds that are healing are where the light is most active within me."
"This person is very much on a healing journey. But I think so are you."
"This next chapter, it is going to be such a long journey of healing but that's okay because I'm giving myself the grace and compassion to just go with it."
"The more that you focus on your own personal healing journey, the more you're going to attract people that align with that."
"It really was such a healing transformational time."
"It was this beautiful process of self-rediscovery that the medication was the missing piece for me, the thing that made it possible for me to get to this place of three and a half years sober today."
"The healing from trauma is not a simple, clean, and tidy journey."
"Thanks for showing up true to yourself... for being on the healing journey as it's a constant journey."
"...create a whole new life and a whole new set of routines and habits where I was able to truly start to build a fully realized life surrounding my own healing journey."
"Therapy really did change my life and it was the pivotal point of starting my healing journey."
"The healing journey is not linear. Every time that my stress was under control, I was doing better."
"People may assume that you've been on a deep healing journey."
"So, don't look at this as a setback, this is part of your healing journey."
"A lot of the work that we do together now is about recognizing what our individual healing journeys need to look like, empowering other people to recognize theirs and giving them the tools to find their way along their healing journeys."
"Thank you again for joining us and being part of the healing Journeys today family."
"The path to healing is not always linear."
"There is a path from trauma to victory."
"Don't condemn yourself, shame yourself; let it be helpful information for your journey for your healing and freedom journey."
"Begin that restorative process, begin that recovery process."
"Having a therapist during your healing journey can just make life a little bit easier."
"When people are healing... it could maybe exhibit to the naked eye narcissism, but it's not; it's her finding herself."
"Recovery is achievable, and when you finally get there, you might not notice right away."
"We're going on this journey to heal the places where we've been hurt, so then when we go back to prayer, this healing happens."
"...the first part of the journey is revealing the injury, where's the harm, what has occurred, what is the trauma or the abuse."
"It reconnects you with your soul, it makes you face all your fears and trauma."
"Spend some time with yourself, you got some healing to do."
"To truly understand and heal the suffering of others, first I must understand and heal the sufferings of my own."
"You're the only one that can take care of yourself and make yourself heal and strong again."
"Once you have healed properly... then you slow things down, you remove toxicity from your life, you take your energy back."
"I deserve to continue to heal and go on this journey."
"What mattered the most was the path of healing and new adventures."
"Healing is a lifelong journey, so this is just another aspect of my healing journey."
"Your job isn't to heal people, your job is to do what you can to be with them on their own healing journey."
"Love yourself so much that you start healing."
"Embrace this period of healing as a sacred and necessary part of the journey, signifying the shedding of old energies and the preparation for a vibrant and balanced reunion with your twin flame."
"The purpose of this journey is to face all the pain as a grown woman and to set the little girl inside me free."
"As you walk the path of healing, pause to marvel at the simple wonders that surround you."
"Part of the crossing over into your authentic self and who you have always been is to go on a healing journey."
"Healing is a lifelong journey, it's this journey we go on, it's not a destination."
"Be patient in this healing process, for just as the seasons change, so does the soul's healing come in its own time."
"Door to personal healing and happiness."
"You're looking quite determined to heal, quite determined to learn, quite determined to move forward."
"We are always on our healing journey; we come here to heal."
"If we don't heal our inner child, we live a life where we feel like we're not worthy, we're not whole, we're not complete."
"There is a way out. This is my path from trauma to profound freedom and inner peace."
"Keep your vibration high baby, because you've done a lot of healing."
"Healing is icky, healing is gross, but you still got to go through it."
"Everything is coming into balance for this healer."
"Once you walk through the door of personal healing and happiness, either path is the right one for you."
"Your focus right now is healing the wound of separation and coming into your heart and unconditional love."
"From pain comes healing, from Silence comes movement forward."
"You guys have healed beautifully and you're going to amazing places."
"You're going through a beautiful awakening, healing on this path."