
Digital Transformation Quotes

There are 439 quotes

"When we look back on this era, one thing it will be remembered for is how step changes in everything remote and the acceleration of digital transformation led to so many lasting innovations in business and technology."
"Digital transformation is happening across every industry."
"It is simply astounding that a media company can go from having a huge presence online to seemingly insignificant overnight."
"The digital transformation of peacekeeping operations could facilitate a better knowledge of their environment and the situation on the ground."
"What Amazon’s rise proves more than anything is that, like it or not, online is the new main street."
"The world is becoming more of a data-rich environment; the world's becoming a video game."
"Industrial companies are racing to digitalize and reinvent into software-driven tech companies, to be the disrupter and not the disrupted."
"The Creator economy...it's going to eat everything. I genuinely believe that."
"As digital transformation accelerates, we expect the number of smart devices we carry and use to continue to grow, bringing greater convenience and efficiency to our daily lives."
"Every successful investment idea in the 21st century was a digital transformation. Bitcoin is the digital transformation of property, gold, and energy."
"Humans communicate. Our world is going more digital."
"We're swapping out money, and then all of these other applications and protocols that we're accustomed to like nation states, institutions, they're all being revisited."
"The state of work is changing; things are going digital."
"India has become the world's largest open Internet economy."
"Nowadays, thanks to the internet, that's no longer how it works. You can do business from the comfort of your own home."
"Technology is a one-way street. I believe that this is going to digitize as an asset class."
"Imagine if... 100 trillion in real estate assets around the world were all on the Bitcoin network."
"More accessible, more divisible, more portable. If we're going to move our lives into this metaverse digital world, why would we leave the assets we care about in the analog world?"
"It's clear the way the world consumes politics and participates with it has changed irreversibly."
"The future of work will be more digital, more collaborative, and more flexible."
"The pandemic has accelerated our progress...people are really now demanding digital online services."
"The rise of internet and computer usage, the metaverse, autonomous driving, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and many other growth drivers."
"Every company from the airlines to Starbucks, etc., they're all going to have a token." - Tokenization's impact across industries.
"Virtual land fully belongs to you and you could choose to do whatever you want with it."
"Companies could stand to save billions of dollars by digitalizing products and services."
"TikTok has changed the internet; it's become the most popular app in the world."
"NFTs will completely revolutionize the internet in the future. Most things we own in the digital world will be NFTs: game items, collectibles, cool pieces of art, and even our metaverse gear. All of these have the potential to become NFTs."
"We live in a digital world now, we don't live in an analog world." - Dr. Drake
"It is possible to preserve the transformative power and promise of the open internet while at least mitigating the worst of its arms."
"You're not going to have central bank digital currencies if the entire industry isn't going digital."
"Digital is about forming a new possibility in societies."
"You're seeing this change from industrial to digital and Miami is the only city in America that got the memo."
"We see that the blockchain is the new type of a bank and when you look at the blockchain as the bank then everything else looks like other tools or applications."
"Anything that can be made digital and tokenized will be made digital and tokenized."
"We should look to move public broadcasting into the 21st century with a digital Cooperative."
"84% of employers are rapidly digitizing their working processes."
"Last year I put together a Nas that... became the single biggest upgrade to how I handled my entire digital existence."
"Digital transformation involves redesigning industries, products, ecosystems, paths to customers, and value propositions."
"You know if we go if we get into this metaverse thing if we get into this crypto thing we're going to attract the new generation."
"It's like the transition that the world went through in the early days of the internet and then social media."
"Big changes in communication: new alternative internet again."
"I cannot understate how game changing digital has become for title sequence designers."
"Everything is immediately available, but this is exciting for a number of reasons."
"It's a new world out there, NFTs are still taking over."
"Digital transformation is a huge opportunity."
"Humanity's greatest creation as the tool of our destruction, a digital rapture for the modern age."
"Ultimately we're trying to digitize the private bank experience."
"Nothing makes the bible come to life like going digital does."
"Digital adoption curves aren't slowing down, they're accelerating."
"Bitcoin represents like the first and the greatest instantiation of digital energy."
"In the last year, we've seen a significant shift in how the global financial ecosystem is thinking about new business models fueled by digital assets."
"It's time to evolve. We want our money to flow on digital networks as freely and easily as WeChat and Alipay."
"Leveraging digital technology seeks out ways to optimize organizational and individual performance."
"You're just gonna move to the digital version and so monetary policy doesn't change just a new technology upgrade."
"Art trade is about tokenizing every artwork on Earth, transforming physical artworks into real world assets on chain."
"We made a shift to like a new model of experience where instead of the internet being something we use it's now become a part of us."
"Digital currencies and the ability to respond in real time, it's astonishing. People don't understand any of this."
"We're moving to a world where everything will be tokenized... everything will be tokenized... run on the blockchain."
"What I like most about VV's NFTs is they're not reinventing the wheel, they're just buying invites to parties that billions of people around the world already know exist."
"Do I think that this choice will result in the death of the movie theater? I think that that is something that people always want to talk about."
"Just by everything Airbnb has become a billion-dollar company and one of the greatest business success stories of the digital age."
"Walmart Gucci McDonald's Nike are all setting up shop in the metaverse."
"People try and focus on Ready Player One and think of it as that but it's not, it's everything is being digitized and it's happening in an accelerating pace."
"Blinkist took an age-old technology - books - and brought it into this century."
"The software is eating the institutions we have used to organize ourselves."
"Digital technologies are making it cheaper, easier, and safer to do business with anyone, anywhere, anytime."
"Cryptocurrency is here to stay... the world wants digital currency."
"Cryptocurrency will be a major part of our lives in the next decade."
"Every interaction matters now, particularly in a post-pandemic or emerging from the pandemic digital-first world."
"Just their pure online sales have grown from one percent to 15 percent."
"The metaverse is where our economy is moving." - Crypto Stash
"Digital real estate is going to be just as valuable as the physical real estate."
"We are not going to be trading pieces of paper and small pieces of metal in 100 years from now. That's a zero percent chance."
"Tech adoption has been incredibly fast and it's getting faster."
"Jeremy's Jolly Games, where everything's going digital now."
"Digital transformation is here to stay. The pandemic will come and go, but the abilities that we have, the efficiencies that we gain, the capabilities that brought in, are what makes it so important to everyone." - Lisa Su
"Digital technology is enabling even the most established of industries to transform."
"Crypto as a digital money to all of us is like, 'Oh yeah, of course, that's obvious now..."
"E3 will return next year as an in-person and digital show."
"Digital innovation in the financial sector is here to stay."
"I think the pandemic is uh the biggest digital accelerator probably in history and i think it's i think in the space of one year did more than probably the last 10 years."
"The rise of the tokenized economy is all kind of ushering us into the digital age of the financial system."
"The future of an individual working will be fully digital."
"Memory of life before the internet will slowly fade out... like imagining life before the invention of the wheel."
"Future-proofing HR: A roadmap for digitization."
"Digitizing HR documents: making a difference for personnel departments and organizations as a whole."
"There will be no in-person E3 event this year... what we know of it is pretty much gone."
"Physical media is essentially in a death spiral."
"GameStop now meaningfully participates in digital."
"Gen Z revolution starting: the first generation born into an online world is now entering the workforce and compelling other generations to adapt to help them not vice versa."
"I think it will serve to a certain degree, but I don't think it will completely replace that experience of being in a concert hall."
"Socio's partnership with football associations signals a new era of digital assets in sports. Get ready for a game-changing experience in the metaverse!"
"Congratulations, you've been doing a great job."
"Decarbonization and digitalization of the maritime sector: a great opportunity."
"The best way to understand bitcoin is it's digital property for 8 billion people and it's going to demonetize other forms of property in the same way that digital books sucked the information out of libraries."
"People are not going to magically start buying everything in person again, online business and online e-commerce is growing and it's getting huge."
"This is Microsoft truly making the move of turning Xbox game pass into the Netflix of video games."
"Netflix aren't giving up though in addition to cracking down on password sharing Netflix are betting big on video games."
"It's kind of crazy that everything is going digital."
"YouTube has genuinely changed my life and everybody around these life."
"We need to have the tools in place to provide our clients with solutions for both their traditional investment needs as well as their increased digital needs."
"When everything goes digital, awesome."
"Crypto is an on-ramp for central bank digital currencies."
"Everything gets cooler when it makes the transition from analog to digital."
"The internet is reshaping how we assign value to things."
"Netflix blows up blows blockbuster out of the water and it's it's absolutely massive."
"We are witnessing a transition from Geographic power to digital power... bitcoiners will rule the cyberspace waves."
"But it’s not just how we speak -- these apps have not-so-subtly become embedded in our daily lives very quickly."
"I don't believe that I would just be papering over the transformations of the digital age to note that paper still plays a critical role in society."
"Digital property becomes almost digital energy."
"So everything is switching to software. Your phones, your iPhones, your Androids, your computers, the iMac that I'm using. Every single thing is switching to software."
"It's a great example of how you can take your stuff on paper and reformat it in a nice clean digital sense."
"They stuck to their ways too long and they tried to get into the internet game way too late."
"Whatever the future holds, it's pretty apparent that a single website has completely reshaped real estate."
"Eventually they're gonna come in this digital space those TV networks that are offering us the TV show."
"The tokenization and digitalization of everything is happening right now."
"Everything will be digitized; we're moving towards a cashless society."
"India's digital economy is projected to 10x."
"NFTs are going to eat up life the way social media did."
"I think within a year plus you will see companies much much more comfortable i mean every day something new is coming out that's making crypto more accessible more favored by people and so forth"
"The U.S. dollar is in peril, and the digital yuan will make transactions even easier."
"Traditional media is like a kind of sinking ship that will survive but not to where it was before, and YouTube is chugging along like an incredible ship."
"Our partnership will be a great Catalyst to make India the world's leading Digital Society."
"Crypto and digital assets are going to change a lot of things."
"Whether you like it or not, we're moving into a digital world."
"A 50-year transformation where companies across the world will use algorithms to create trillions of dollars in economic value."
"Digital museums in the metaverse is the best way to probably onboard anyone in the world into the metaverse."
"Instead of iTunes, we now have 4 different apps or 3 apps and a different change."
"Digital technology levels the playing field."
"Digital currency is going to dramatically change the world."
"We're living during a great revolution. It's called the internet."
"99% of everything that they've got to do is software."
"Misery doesn't have to have company, you can do bad all by yourself."
"You can just start seeing maybe if your field or a realm of your field is now available in a digital platform."
"The internet of value vision is to break down the siloing, to do for money what the internet did for information."
"Disney's future is supposed to be streaming, not theme parks."
"I think online comic cons are going to become a regular thing."
"This is the most significant technological innovation since the internet the first time around."
"We believe digital assets and blockchain technologies are going to become increasingly relevant for BlackRock and our clients."
"Covid-19 and digitalization: the great acceleration."
"The conventional web is giving way to the conversational web."
"Digitalization and globalization have sparked radical shifts in how we live and work."
"Life insurance through Ladder is 100% digital."
"Bitcoin really marked the pivot to the protocol economy."
"Blockchain technology is one of the four pillars of the digital age."
"Volkswagen needs to change from a collection of valuable brands to a digital company that reliably operates millions of mobility devices worldwide."
"Thanks for... thank you. I hope you enjoyed 329. Not coming back. No, I'm serious. I am serious when I say I am gonna use this full time as a monitor. That is not like me meming, I am serious. Alright, bye everyone."
"But really I think most of the gains are to be had in the digital realm."
"The future of money and securities are digital. 9 out of 10 millennials do not trust banks."
"The revolution will be digitized. Social distancing is just the manifestation of society's urge for distance. Virtual reality is the future, where we can dap each other without worrying about corona."
"Blockchain is here and can fundamentally change how you do business."
"This is the beginning of an entire generational shift to digital life."
"There's so many albums and that's the component that's kind of missing, you know, from albums because everything is digital and everybody doesn't offer like on their streaming services you can't just swipe through the pictures and stuff."
"Cryptocurrency represents the changing face of money, and money is already mostly digital."
"The crisis is speeding up the move to digital payments."
"Libraries follow their readers everywhere. The library isn't a building, the library is a community."
"This is like hyper-charged new version of the internet."
"With so much change aiming for a digital transformation, don't forget about your online reputation."
"Cryptocurrency will have even more impact than the internet."
"I'm going to be working hard trying to position myself for the inevitabilities ahead, the digitization of our society, the proliferation of AI, and of course the rapid devaluation of the dollar."
"This may be the biggest use case of web3 Technology ever and nobody is talking about it."
"Algorand is part of OMfif's DMI, the Digital Monetary Institute. I do think that's a huge deal when you're alongside AWS, Ripple, Microsoft, IBM, Goldman Sachs, Accenture - huge for digital transformation."
"Every company in here sees the writing on the wall for a digital future and they're becoming a leader of their own space in a digitally native way."
"Half the world's population will experience the benefit of digital monies in 2024."
"It's kind of funny to think about how these legendary yokai folklore and now essentially basic net-con."
"Bitcoin upgraded money and now it's contemporized with the rest of the software-driven world that we live in and if we're not going to go back this is here to stay."
"The way we consume content is just changing, so I think that the whole landscape is really radically changed."
"Digital currency looks like the next step to currency evolution."
"Trade flows is an important keyword... we're going to digital trade flows in today's environment."
"So much of everything we do today... is because of the internet."
"Seeing them with animations is like a whole different ball game frankly."
"I'm thrilled to witness Pakistan's digital transformation."
"I believe Ripple net in fact is the new digital arm for Swift."
"The digital economy is the big winner of this crisis."
"Every currency in the world is going to be digitized."
"The metaverse will be an 8 trillion dollar market that will replace the mobile internet."
"The console generation after that might actually spell the end of traditional retail games."
"The next 10 years are going to be incredible. Everything is going digital—digital robotics, AI, Kathy Wood talks—everything converging, smashing together at the same time."
"Adoption is happening right in front of our face." - Brad Kymes
"The reason that I'm so obsessed with NFTs is that it is going to change the world in the same profound way that the internet changed the world."
"Advanced technologies are helping to bring together our physical and digital worlds."
"I couldn't be more excited to see it all unfold digital perspectives we're going into the freedom Zone not Financial advice from me or anyone else."
"A hundred percent of people will be making payments digitally."
"Digital worlds will change not only the way we architect the physical one but the tools we use, where we design it from, who we design it with, and maybe even the concept of design itself."
"Digital is the most beautiful thing that's happened to sport."
"I think that in the next five years, all equities in the United States will be digital and will run on the blockchain."
"The digitization of the build world is a multi-billion dollar business."
"The digital transformation is taking place right in front of your eyes. Most won't see it, and by the time they catch on, it'll be too late."
"The NFT play by a lot of these large mainstream recognizable companies is very very smart."
"Technology right now is massively disrupting traditional industries, traditional forms of intermediation, and allowing this process to happen."
"Innovation at the edge is going to be the key engine of innovation as we think about the digital economy."
"Even there's really thousands of companies are gonna be doing events on Zoom. That's gonna be a new revenue stream that's part of the Zoom platform."
"Ledgers are going to take over the world the same way databases took over the world of record keeping on paper."
"I don't want YouTube to turn into TV because I don't watch TV anymore."
"Tomorrow is more digital than today, and tomorrow more people will use blockchain technology than they did yesterday."
"Tomorrow is going to be more digital than today."
"This is going to fundamentally change the internet."
"Security, overall, as we get into more digitally intensive organizations, which all of us are becoming, data security, information security is going to be key-key-key for all of us."
"We're in the middle of a major transformation to a fundamentally computational representation of the world."
"The integration of Microsoft Power Platform with Microsoft 365 apps and services allows businesses to streamline their processes, increase productivity, and gain valuable insights to drive their digital transformation journey forward."