
Internal Struggle Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"Everyone is on a healing journey, no matter how nice their life looks like on the outside."
"I put a Band-Aid on that hurt that was within me because I didn't have anybody to talk to, to tell them how I was feeling inside."
"You are my mind, you're trapped inside, you can't get out, hidden like you're pacified."
"Sometimes, the most formidable enemy is not the one standing against us but the doubts within us."
"Dark Link has always represented to me... the timeless cosmic struggle being explored within the confines of Link himself."
"This internal struggle... is far greater than what people can imagine."
"Even if we want to do the right thing but do in our heart the wrong thing, we can't stand before God."
"The actual story of The Devil Wears Prada is about Andy's internal struggle, specifically how she is forced to change in order to cope with the difficult situation she has found herself in."
"I think that fear that he used on me was actually symbolic for the fear that he felt inside of his own heart."
"Berserk isn't about being seen as a hero externally, but about being a hero internally."
"There's the internal struggle with trying to not be defined by my accomplishments."
"The scream is inside me, and I don't hear the voices of the world loud enough."
"There's this other battle as well that is probably equally as consequential: the battle that's going on right inside our minds."
"There's an external tyrant that's trying to make you into a slave and an internal tyrant that's trying to make you into a slave."
"Speak up. If you avoid conflict to keep the peace, you start a war inside yourself."
"Unmanageability doesn't have anything to do with your external world. It's what's going on inside here."
"Sometimes, the greatest battles are fought within ourselves."
"The greatest battle is the battle inside the human heart."
"It's an internal game, but you're playing in a massive external realm."
"It's like internal, too, because you—it's almost like a nagging feeling."
"The heart is getting in the way of the mind."
"Success makes people into superheroes externally when internally you're just a regular person."
"He isn't sure if he wants to keep killing. He's conflicted about taking further steps towards revenge but finds himself constantly being compelled to it."
"The greatest battles of life are fought in the confines of the human soul."
"We can be successful on the outside, but if we do not address our hollow places, it will not be the circumstances outside that kill us but ultimately the hollow places inside."
"The ability to do what you want when you want with who you want for as long as you want is priceless."
"We're basically talking about human nature. We're a duality, there's a good versus evil dynamic that exists on the inside of each of us."
"Hell is not a torture chamber. Torture is imposed from without. Hell is more about torment where it comes from within."
"You're not allowing yourself to see the power you have... addressing your internal reality."
"It's really hard to be your kindest, most respectful, loving self when you don't feel good inside."
"The constant battle to control his inner demons as the central theme of the Hulk."
"Struggle against a deeply ingrained personal shortcoming."
"Satan is inside of you. You need to constantly battle the Satan inside of you."
"The struggle that I had was an internal one, it had nothing to do with the external factors of my life."
"Madness: You aren't even safe within your own mind."
"Establishing that internal struggle through external signs so quickly and relatably showcases the drama at the heart of Peter's story."
"Everything begins within. If you don't love yourself, then you're gonna go out into the world and... be miserable."
"The Christian battle is the first and primary battle every Christian faces is internal dying to yourself."
"Every man has a monster inside. A good man knows when to use it."
"This drive and motivation are so consuming that no matter how much your internal voice is crashing away, it's almost like somebody's turned the volume down on it."
"It's proven to me right now that you literally have to actively fight against what's inside of you if you want to do certain things."
"There's a war being fought inside all of us on a near daily basis between the part of us that wants to do the right thing and the part that would rather do the easy thing."
"If you've felt that gnawing inside of you that we all feel from time to time..."
"There's a war going on for sure and it's inside of every human heart."
"The real bucket was inside of him all along. It was incredibly painful, doubled over in agony."
"Maybe there's some energies that are not showing up to the surface much, you know? It was more of a reminder for me of, 'Hey, you know you're dealing with this thing, how about looking at those emotions you have inside there boiling up for it?'"
"When you feel something negative you don't say it, you let it grow inside."
"Internal activism is a process of looking inward towards the grief, anxiety, and depression."
"There are people who appear perfectly content and at peace with their life who are actually fighting internal battles."
"The real challenge is inside, it's not outside."
"In their heart of hearts, they have deep feelings for you. It's just they struggle to express it, they struggle to connect to it, and they struggle to feel worthy of it as well."
"The greatest battles are often fought within."
"Appearances can deceive—while you seem fine outside, inside may be a different story."
"The Boogeyman, which is a really scary monster in this movie, is also all the stuff that's lurking inside of these people."
"This is someone who would love to be able to give you the whole world, but for whatever reason, they're more grappling within themselves with their own facade."
"There is such a difficult fight that this was called the great war against itself."
"Kakarot, listen to my voice. Don't let this beast inside control you."
"Evil is in all of us and it must be constantly fought against."
"The great journey of life must continue, though we've got to face that beast within us."
"Dharma is like a hack to let you overcome the shit that goes on within you."
"I'm having one of those days where no matter how much you do your hair and your makeup and you put on an outfit you love, you still don't feel cute because internally you don't feel cute."
"As above, so below - it's time to face the darkness within to eradicate it without."
"The enemy is the quiet divide between what I do and who I long to become."
"You are a victim of your own internal tyranny."
"Even though someone looks happy and successful on the outside, something else entirely can be going on in their head."
"Looking calm and collected on the outside, crumbling on the inside."
"Each one of us has to accept... the monster isn't other people, it's within us."
"It's like there's this constantly shifting river flowing inside for those who struggle."
"When you are broken internally, nothing external can fix it."
"They're dying inside right now because they are not taking off that mask and just coming forward and being true to themselves."
"It's like metastasizing inside of me and like not helping me be like who I used to be."
"So you have so much pain inside yourself that you try and hurt yourself on the outside because you want help but it's the wrong help you're asking for."
"They're literally battling their mind, okay? Like their mind is battling their emotions, their mind is battling the intuition."
"As an insect lover, it was really hard for her to use her knowledge to fight those insects and kill them."
"...attacks him internally rather than externally."
"Temptation is not an attack from without, it arises from within."
"There is definitely an internal occupation with tension."
"Just because somebody appears that they have it all or that they're happy, they may be hurting deeply internally."
"I was still internally as scared as I was."
"Secrets destroy you from the inside out."
"Both stories chronicle the rise and fall of a man who struggles for control over himself and others."
"Some of you could be dealing with internal struggle, challenged in the situation."
"The Hulk is his own being and they both hate each other, vying for dominance over Bruce's body."
"I had to deal with these two idiots in my head and trying to figure out what you want to listen to on a given day."
"You fight this battle within your own head."
"Perhaps the greatest battle in the green goblin's history wasn't fought on the pages but behind them."
"Literally just act like I'm confident even though inside I'm just terrible. That's my whole life."
"I put a big smile on my face to make everyone think that I was okay, but inside my heart, I felt like I was dying."
"Tuning into his voice will help quiet what's raging inside of you."
"Mion's battle is not one against the rest of the world, but against herself. She grapples with loneliness, pain, and regrets."
"You're never going to feel pretty because no matter what you do to change yourself, it's an internal battle."
"I burned inside and out, my family, my friends, just fading memories."
"That energy that kindliness, generosity, kindness of spirit... gonna make everybody feel good... let's keep going... it's like... it's like an internal struggle of just like, you know, how do I deal with this?"
"Everything looked okay on the outside, but again, I was still depressed and struggling on the inside, you know, suffering."
"It's an inward wrestling match, it's a mind thing, it's something inside you don't want."
"All conflict is not external; some conflict is internal."
"Which forces will win within us? The battle is ongoing."
"I would give anything to be free of this torment," he murmured to himself.
"I'm never going to preach another sermon, but I can't stop it, burning in my bones. I've got to let it out."
"I cried on the inside. Did I really cry? No. That's the best way I could just explain what was going on on the inside."
"I thought I'd lost my supports on the inside."
"The battle for the soul is fought first at the level of our desires."
"It's a battle between your heart and your mind."
"Your heart should never rejoice on what your mind rejects."
"The human condition is the bout of these forces within ourselves."
"Fighting is at its essence an internal battle that's all it is."
"Weight loss is not just about physical weight loss. It's about weight loss that's internal, resolving everything in your past that could be a hindrance to you."
"What gets to me about Spider-Man 2 more than any other superhero movie ever has is just how perfectly it understands that the biggest battle a hero needs to face is the one inside of them."
"The book confronts the idea that although you can be successful on paper, internally so many other things could be going on."
"Resistance is it's an internal Sensation that is more powerful than any external force in stopping you from achieving your goals."
"You cannot fix internal pain with external accomplishments or accumulation."
"Remember, although life may seem perfect from the outside, on the inside I feel empty."
"Our greatest War really is not with the devil and his demons."
"It's interesting because it expresses the times how all of this social structure seems to be fine and how it can really be destroying somebody on the inside."
"When we're running from the demons... it's exhausting. There's a war going on inside us."
"There is a scale inside every man with good on one side and evil on the other."
"It's about the struggle of good versus evil within every one of us."
"What they need is going to be in conflict with what they want or think they want."
"Lack of spiritual value causes internal suffering."
"Resistance is not a peripheral opponent; resistance arises from within. It is self-generated and self-perpetuated. Resistance is the enemy within."
"The tension that drives them is more often found in small moments of internal struggle than in mighty deeds of renown."
"Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members?"
"No matter how happy the world was, I felt shattered inside."
"There's a constant battle taking place inside of our hearts of who will rule and who will reign."
"She's trying to maintain her facade while inside she's starting to feel pieces fall apart."
"People you know have things they fight with inside, and sometimes they just can't conquer them."
"Just because somebody verbally says they're over something doesn't mean internally they are."
"For the sad same word 'rebellion' did divide The action of their bodies from their souls."
"She's like inside, you know, they're really struggling with everything."
"There's this empty hall of sadness and depression inside us."
"The battlefield is within us; we recognize it in feelings, thoughts, intentions, and sensations."
"The film was all about Luke's internal struggle from his actions at the beginning of the movie."
"...it is as the melancholy Jekyll observes, a struggle and debate as old and commonplace as man."
"Sometimes none of that matters when inside you're broken."
"Victory over sin involves more than overcoming external acts of lawlessness; it includes overcoming the chief sin of the heart which is pride."
"I can't lie, my mind keeps finding time to fight myself."
"It's like that thing that you have inside you called hatred, it just like never stops growing."
"The toughest fights ever for Batman are really the fights Bruce Wayne has to do against himself."
"I believe that we need to heal from whatever trauma and pain we're dealing with internally."
"For while many Irish men and women were willing to fight and die for their independence from Britain, tragically many of the people they fought were often their own."
"What we naturally want is often in conflict with what we ultimately want."
"The license has to come from inside, and we struggle with this."
"Addiction is like an iceberg, above the waters you see the symptoms, but that's not what we focus on in MyTuskier because that's the symptom, that's the acting out, the problem is acting in."
"You've been fighting with yourself."
"We feel sympathy for Jekyll because we all fight these impulses."
"The lingering darkness within you is resisting happiness."
"Loneliness has less to do with what's going on around us, it's so much more to do with what's going on inside of us."
"It's not always external bridges... a lot of those bridges might be internal battles."
"You don't get to be a mean girl without there being pain inside of you that's unexpressed."
"The voices in my head, the ones that hurt me, the ones that tell me to come back from time, they're pulling on my thoughts."
"There is an invisible or internal part, the urge, that is often quite distressing to the person even if they appear calm and tick-free on the outside."
"We all go through moments of vulnerability, we all experience moments of weakness, we all have those internal struggles on a day-to-day basis."
"If a man deletes himself, that means he had demons that he was fighting."
"The fiercest battles they'll ever fight in this world are not at your workplace, they're not in charge, they're not your neighbors, they're not in your siblings, it's within you, between your head and your heart."
"Susanoo's fight is not truly against those foes, but within himself."
"The demons aren't the ones on fights, the ones on the inside, yeah."
"We're a world that needs to fight slavery from the inside out."
"You have an enemy, Arjuna, each one of us has an enemy within, and it is the enemy of lust."
"You have so much pain inside yourself that you try and hurt yourself on the outside because you want help, but it's the wrong help you're asking for."
"No matter how great things might seem on someone, whether it's finances or family, all those things, you truly never know what's going on on the inside with them."
"The Book of Revelation is not talking about struggles and Armageddon outside; it's talking about struggles and Armageddon inside."
"They say that those that sometimes display the most happiness and joy on the outside are those that struggle the most on the inside."
"Almost on a daily basis, I fight with myself in my head about the situation because I let it in, and I feel a lot of guilt for that."
"People's behavior is not a reflection of me, it's a reflection of what they're dealing with internally."
"Everybody experiences some doubt and fear when they're making life-changing decisions, but they usually handle them internally."
"Everyone is fighting their own internal battles whether they say it out loud or not."
"If you have been dealing with something internally, like you're suffocating, you are being supported."
"I'm fighting myself and myself is winning."