
News Consumption Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"The news is not designed to inform you; it's designed to startle you."
"Reading the news should be intentional rather than reactionary or default."
"Most Millennials get their news from social media, and TikTok is the top news source for Gen Z, and increasingly, is the most popular news source for Americans overall."
"Don't consume the news all day long; it's negative energy without substance and keeps your body in a constant state of fight or flight."
"If you get your news from memes on Facebook, you're probably going to be misinformed."
"Checking the news right before bed is a very bad idea."
"Moderates and conservatives are seeing the world in a similar way, and according to at least data, they have a healthier news diet than left sources."
"Flood the people with news, give them so much news they can't remember what was going on yesterday, let alone this morning."
"Most people will look at the headline and then that's it."
"Be careful about where you consume news because you can get spun and told you're a terrible person just for asking legitimate questions."
"Welcome to open source news. Don't forget to like, share, subscribe, and turn on the notifications bell so you don't miss out on real news."
"Many on the left watch mainstream news and don't watch independent alternative or conservative news."
"People are using Twitter and Facebook as their news feed; it's quicker, more diverse."
"Especially as like smartphones have like the news app and instagram and stuff like that and twitter and obviously newspapers are trash."
"Yo, I like this Tim Cast news website. They never tell me what to think, they just tell me what happened."
"It's important that you don't just sit here and listen to bad news all day; you actually go out and you learn your skills."
"You sitting around watching the news all day is an alcoholic sitting in a bar."
"That's why people aren't watching CNN very much anymore, they are not trusted, they are fake news."
"We learn to watch the news with a Discerning Eye, analyze their rhetoric instead of blindly taking on board their propaganda."
"News media is full of predatory algorithms that make sure you are fed news that only fits into your biases."
"Find your news from a reputable source." - Dr. Pierce
"Full stop completely correct... you would do yourselves all of you a huge favor by making sure you go and watch conflicting news."
"I would like the news to give me all sides of a situation and let me make up my own mind."
"You should hear the good news and the bad news, you should be concerned, you should not be panicked."
"83% of Americans who discussed politics several times a day report feeling angry at least once a day over something they heard or read in the news."
"It's extremely important to spend time away from the news."
"Seeing the headlines out there, this case has been extremely triggering."
"You're going to be helping Independent News, you're going to be preparing yourself."
"Millions of Americans receive their news on social media."
"Turn off the news if it depresses you." - Misha
"I'm having more fun just reading the news every day... than I ever had in my life."
"Try out a different flavor, watch or read news from a particular country or region."
"If you can't listen to news that might have an opposing view of your worldview, please go watch Fox News."
"The truth is a half the time I am actually the last person if not the only person who never gets to see a bad news about me."
"The key thing to look at when it comes to news: there is a difference between rumor and fact."
"Think critically about the news you consume."
"Sometimes news is stuff you don't like... go and read Spot the Dog if you find War and Peace too much for you."
"Nowadays our news isn't... given in little sound bites... we most of us now don't really trust much the mainstream news."
"Ground news offers us a way to step outside of our Echo Chambers and gives you the most context possible to actually understand what's behind the headlines."
"These news headlines try to scare you, they're monetizing your fear."
"It's lonely, it's isolating... So for many of us, the only way we feel like we can connect to others is to connect to the news."
"Most people can open their eyes and see a news report like the one that came out just today."
"If you're getting your news with somebody, they're telling you the truth because you know."
"Watching mainstream news makes you dumber, absolutely."
"Critical thinking with your news is what I'm getting at."
"He's taking advantage of the fact that the legacy media... would love to restrain themselves from even reporting on Trump but they can't because it's such good news."
"You're not a bad person if you tune out the news cycle and try to distract yourself from the stress."
"You have to look for the truth somewhere in between, just like when you watch CNN and Fox News."
"Ground News is on a mission to give readers an easy datadriven objective way to read the news."
"People don't trust most of the news most of the time."
"Artificial intelligence will know just what kind of news you're interested in, customizing your news feed to your particular tastes."
"Nobody actually told me this, but there was enough news reporting that I took in."
"Every once in a while, I like to step back from the firehose of news."
"With context and transparency, you'll have everything you need to think critically about the news and build responsible media literacy for yourself and others."
"Science supports it... the silo news people get dumber."
"Take a break from the news and set strong boundaries so that you can also live and enjoy your life in the present."
"If you're not looking at Fox News and CNN, you don't know what's happening."
"Be aware of the agendas, whether you're looking at cable news or online sources."
"Negative news proliferates because it is what reporters are drawn to report on and consumers are drawn to consume."
"The best approach generally with these things is to have a range of news sources."
"It's healthy to have a break from this kind of news every now and again."
"Stop using social media algorithms to curate your news flow. Focus on a multiscale news and information consumption."
"Daily, monthly, and seasonal scales of news consumption are essential for deeper understanding."
"But people haven't stopped reading the news, they just stopped paying for it."
"The greatest mistake people can make is reading headlines and not stories."
"Your best way to stay safe is just to stay off the news."
"What we quite frankly need is an informed and engaged electorate that knows how to understand and digest credible news sources, and that’s not something you turn on with the flip of a switch."
"I absolutely use the web for my news more than I do newspapers or television."
"You might hear something on the news and you're like, you know no that doesn't concern me like um that doesn't affect me you might you might have that kind of mindset like you just choose to you you're very much selective of what you led into your world and what you don't."
"personally I like my news with as much context and transparency and as little click bait as possible"
"I'm plugged in enough around the rest of the internet and I listen to the news every morning."
"If you read the news, subscribe to a digest... you can reduce the sense that there is always more that you could know or there is always something else that you could be reading."
"You spend your time watching something called Fox News and you end up statistically less informed than people who don't watch the news at all."
"The predicted death of newspapers as people increasingly access TV and the internet for their news."
"This makes it easier to become a smarter news consumer by gaining a deeper understanding of the complexity and nuance of different issues."
"In today's world of online media and news consumption, it can often be difficult to figure out where all the different news outlets stand and what biases they might have."
"Reading a lot of news, especially something that's technical, I find that the comments are a great resource."
"Stop consuming your news on this subject from cable TV."
"The technology is amplifying human nature, particularly our tendency to consume news that accords with our beliefs."