
Media Criticism Quotes

There are 3572 quotes

"The news is not designed to inform you; it's designed to startle you."
"Most of the criticism that was warranted just comes from... feeding into the hype cycle misleading people."
"Our Legacy Media fails in that they are propagandists and not journalists. They don't hold truth to power; they hold back truth for power."
"It was like a cult...the mainstream media were all marshaled to brainwash people into accepting any amount of negative consequence because it was all for our safety."
"What's happening between Russia and Ukraine, it's not news... news is supposed to be new and unexpected."
"I'm all about data; I'm not into CNBC headlines and just summarizing crap. I want to give you the stuff that nobody else is giving you."
"Mainstream media reports on that .01%... I'm stunned how good people are. I love it."
"Nobody understands the human condition less than the people whose job it is to bring it to you on television every night."
"I grew up in a time where magazines were criticized for photoshopping models and celebrities, creating this unattainable beauty standard that we talk about all the time today."
"Just because Asian creatives are involved in a movie doesn’t mean it’s free of criticism or necessarily has authority on what it depicts. Asians are not a monolith."
"Despite being only 5 when he began acting and only 8 when he portrayed Anakin Skywalker in the Phantom Menace, Lloyd received a lot of backlash from the general public."
"The battle is won when the average American regards a corporate journalist exactly as they regard a tobacco executive."
"Enough of this talk about Gareth Southgate, enough of this media pile-on, enough of this nonsense. A line needs to be drawn in the sand."
"So essentially, straightwashing is when queerness is erased from content to appeal to a heterosexual audience, and this can take a number of forms."
"It's one long liberal MSNBC lecture of fake news by a bunch of judges."
"I remember a lot of folks praising 'Rent' because it represented pretty much everyone, even though a lot of that was kind of shallow or based in tired tropes."
"Astonishingly, the legacy media are still trying to amp up fear."
"The more you try to pull movies and television and video games and books from the festering corpse of their ideologically bastardized intellectual property, the more they will forcefully, violently fall from grace."
"Cable news is ripping us apart, dividing the country, making it impossible to function as a society, and making it impossible to know just what is true and what is false."
"This is extremely dangerous to our democracy."
"You see what they're doing? This is disgusting."
"I have a really big problem with what I feel on this show is a lot of anti-trans hysteria and fear-mongering."
"Despite its flaws, 'Drawn Together' was a show ahead of its time."
"In the end, 'Drawn Together' isn't timeless, but it's definitely a product of its time."
"What would happen if the news decided to show more stories of the positive qualities in human nature?"
"The content of tonight's program has been deemed dangerous by the mainstream media, Silicon Valley, and those members of the world economic forum."
"It's selective, it's distorted, and it's not the full truth of what's happening."
"Rest assured, the media is going to take this and spin it."
"If you think the stories that we're gonna hear right now about corruption and media are very important and people need to know about it, share this with them."
"It's not real news anymore. They are corporations that seek to make money off of infotainment."
"There is a huge demand for legit, bold truth-seekers. So, if you get out of the corporate media, you know people are going to want to tune in to you."
"Well aware of the double standard, Taylor even references Leo DiCaprio in the lyrics for her song 'The Man,' using him as an example to point out the hypocrisy in the media."
"They are effectively propaganda and they're supposed to be baked into the subconscious to get you to think one way or another."
"You spend your whole life and your career bending over backwards to say, 'Hey, maybe it is plausible that Prince Andrew was incapable of sweating,' and these people hate you."
"The media's outsized attention to impeachment is obscuring the fact that there's some deep systemic change going on in the United States."
"Don Lemon really exposed how little Elon Musk knows on the topic of DEI."
"We need to try and drag people's attention away from this constant bat screeching hysterical media."
"No one knows anything... when you hear folks in the media talking as though they know something... understand, no one knows anything at this point."
"As expected, once this movie was actually released, the mainstream media began to attack it."
"The movement of freedom looks bleak if you watch the news and believe it, but if you turn the news off, open your eyes... the movement of freedom is fucking powerful."
"Being careful that we're not calling black journalists lazy... The issue is don't fall for clout culture but actually do your due diligence."
"We've got to make a progressive change in this country; we've got to call for this stop; we've got to stop being spoon-fed by the mainstream media."
"The relationship between media, big business, and political parties prevents any real change ever happening. That there is no reason for hope or optimism from any of these figures, that they're never going to offer you any change because change is not what they're contemplating."
"There will never be a socialism that the New York Times editorial page will approve."
"The toxic revolving door between political operatives and mainstream media."
"Increasingly reporters, editors, and media critics argue that the concept of journalistic objectivity is a distortion of reality."
"Fake news, yellow journalism, and propaganda have been around for a long time."
"My tinfoil hat tells me Kyrie Irving is loathed by globalists and their corporate media puppets because the system is doing everything in its power to prevent Irving from inspiring other athletes to think for themselves."
"Our media has a tendency to focus on all that is bad, leaving you with the impression that everything is bad, without the metric of how many things are better."
"The media pushed President Biden as the most normal person who has ever normaled, but there is only one problem: his policy, not normal." - Ben Shapiro
"We spend billions of dollars promoting a completely insular media space where we are utterly removed from the consequences of our economy to the rest of the world."
"Piers Morgan...had his CNN appearance cancelled because he criticized the media for not talking about the Biden laptop scandal."
"Don't have anyone on who would dare criticize the machine, and they are chasing after an audience. That is corruption."
"I think there's a tendency on the part of the media to suggest that personal problems are actually societal problems and societal problems are actually personal problems."
"It's really important to keep remembering the people who lived through the weapons of mass destruction craze and witnessed the American media manufacturing consent for war in Iraq."
"Hugh Hewitt is a pseudo journalist that couldn't conduct a quality interview to save his life."
"For the first time since 1948, the media is struggling to uphold the narrative that Palestinians are not human."
"We can debate opinions, we can debate other things, but what I cannot tolerate is to watch television or listen to radio and hear people just flat out lie, make stuff up."
"As always, please keep in mind that it's entirely possible to be critical of some aspects of a piece of media while still finding other parts valuable or enjoyable."
"You can tell there's like a board of male writers being like, 'Oh [__], better have all the female superheroes gang up for this bit.'"
"For one final time for me on this channel, remember, say it with me now. Boy, hey, that's just a theory. A Food Theory. Bon Appetit."
"Making content for a modern audience is not how you make something memorable or even fun. That's how you make something generic, homogeneous, and forgettable."
"Advertising occupies a strange place in our collective imagination: we revile it when it interrupts our beloved YouTube videos, we talk about it way too much when it's Super Bowl season, and frequently ignore it unless it features Kendall Jenner single-handedly ending racism."
"We expect too much from what the media has been producing."
"Instead of encouraging free speech and the viewing of multiple sources, the media keeps doubling down on stupid."
"Noam Chomsky described this as 'manufacturing consent'."
"The media is owned by six major corporations, and part of their agenda is to keep people in a fearful state because when people are in a fearful survival state, they're much easier to control."
"Everything I know about news cycles, talk shows, social media, and politics tells me the film was instead a documentary."
"As always, remember that it is both possible and even necessary to be critical of the media we enjoy."
"CNN has devolved into overt performative trash."
"Without a healthy media, we're in trouble, and we don't have one."
"The ultimate irony here is that the news media misframe your video about misframing."
"Cable news will always, above all else, exploit people for cheap views."
"Between television, computer games, you literally gain not a single thing useful. It's a waste of time."
"It's both possible and even necessary to simultaneously enjoy media while also being critical of its more problematic and pernicious aspects."
"God bless the parallel alternative dissenting media here, dissident media. We're going to find out precisely why a growing number of pundits out there believe that these scandals will indeed end up bringing down not just Biden, not just the Biden crime family, the whole lot of them, but the whole system itself, the deep state, three-letter agencies as well as the pathetic Marxist media itself."
"I wish that I could say that I was surprised. I wasn't very surprised. This isn't the first time we've seen a major Cable News Network or News Network in America platform someone who has unabashedly lied and propagated lies and disinformation."
"CNN has a couple of problems, big ones. One is they think their brand is news, but their brand has changed over time."
"I think there's been this really insidious sleight of hand in the media that has conflated Washington bipartisanship with actual bipartisanship."
"We're increasingly looking into a camera and saying, 'How could anything this dumb wield this much power?'"
"Glory be to each of the 4.9 million awakening souls refusing to live on a daily diet of tripe and slime pumped out by a media machine that wants you stupid."
"It's so bad that in 2013 the free press advocacy group Reporters without Borders gave a serious downgrade to America's standing in the global free press rankings, rating the Obama administration as worse than Bush's."
"Instead, 'Shark Week' has become commercialized, sensationalized, and all the educational content has effectively been stripped right from it."
"This is, in essence, the clear and present danger that PragerU poses."
"When you have an authoritative broadcast somewhere, rich people control it and dictate what the masses can see and hear."
"Everybody has to understand, their content literally isn't made for everyone."
"These reporters are either dangerously inept in their reporting or intentionally misleading in their reporting, or both."
"They’re making profit from polarization hand over fist. And what they’re selling isn’t ads. They’re selling us. We are the products."
"The problem is, the news today, it's not about the news anymore. It's about the people giving you the news, so it becomes a show, a circus, two gladiators in the Coliseum, two pigs fighting in the mud."
"I do really like Tulsi Gabbard... she had some good points... she called out CNN and the New York Times for their smear job on her and other veterans who want to end these wars."
"I don't like to say political stuff, but I will gladly say that I absolutely hate all 24-hour news networks."
"Despite repeated humiliations for all involved, prominent outlets have proved to be a consistent vehicle for laundering pro-war disinformation to the U.S. public."
"Glee gave us all language to talk about the problems we were seeing in media that we may not have seen before."
"American media is bad at nuance. Everything has to be good guy versus bad guy, and every bad guy is the same."
"The media didn't see it coming. That shows you that the media has already lost whatever shared truth with the public."
"Modern media, of all forms, is an attention economy where in almost all cases no one cares if it's true or not, as long as it gets people's attention."
"The media are a herd of puppies and Trump's the master with the red rubber ball."
"The fact that he was constantly going after the media, the fact that he would not accept their premises, was very good."
"Not a single journalist will do an ounce of investigation, not a Google search, not a phone call. How is that journalism?"
"As if we just realized 10 minutes from the end, 'Oh [ __ ], we just made our movie propaganda for the oppressive, anti-feminist bourgeois elites of the 18th century.' Quick, make it empowering at the end so they won't notice."
"I think the best content is just not being a marketing wing for these companies."
"We have a stupid idea of how adult relationships are supposed to work, largely promulgated by the media."
"We need more...long-form conversations and growing your attention span so that you're not this 'Brave New World' type of brain."
"As humans, we do have the ability to differentiate, but I feel that that's often forgotten by the media."
"Watchmen divides its ire between savaging the very idea of costumed vigilantes as a force for justice and decency, while also specifically framing them as avatars of Nixonian, Thatcherite, and/or Reaganite authoritarianism."
"It is both possible and even necessary, to simultaneously enjoy a piece of media while also being critical of its more pernicious aspects."
"The British media is collaborating in what appears to be a potential genocide."
"Viewers who stuck around found that Shield Hero handled its tough subject matter with finesse and maturity."
"Japan sinks 2020 serves as a nice reminder that you don't need to put an entire paragraph in your title to tell people what your story's about."
"I don't think youtubers are corrupt. I think the system is corrupt, and I think some youtubers within that are going to be like they're gonna take their audiences for a ride, and some of them are gonna do the right thing."
"Nobody likes overtly preaching messages in media meant for adults; it feels kind of patronizing."
"Disney and Marvel have created such an insufferably devoted cesspool of fanatics that will digest any garbage they turn out."
"People like Tucker Carlson and alternative media outlets get views because people are sick and tired... of the mainstream liberal media."
"Friends don't let friends watch the mainstream media."
"There's no world in which a sane rational person looks at what Tucker Carlson does and says he's making this up."
"I want you to understand the absurdity of the situation." - Charlie Chester
"Why am I being criticized by the media when I'm following the law to the letter? This is how insane things are."
"They kind of shot themselves in the foot in at least for their narrative not creating a little more Jeopardy on poor old Vince's business and Company going into the thing before it was a raving success."
"To be honest, I would only want to judge any remark on any program in the context of the program."
"When you give the patina of objectivity to a subjective decision to ban prominent people, what you are actively doing is deceiving the public."
"YouTube, you guys either play favorites, you are racist or it's a mix of the two. These are the three options YouTube, which one is it?" - Corey Kenshin
"Cable news is ripping us apart... But the good news is they are failing and they know it."
"Demonizing an entire group of white teenage boys just makes it worse."
"The mainstream media doesn't even know it; they're officially Joe Rogan's best publicist."
"We're defending a tool that has saved so many lives and it's a shame to see the amount of media surrounding a man that was choked to death."
"Democracy dies in darkness." - Chris Cuomo, CNN
"If there is a decline in institutional trust in America... it begins with the media." - Ben Shapiro
"Large corporate media is not just dead, it's in hospice."
"This game was warning us about the advent of fake news."
"The media is freaking out because they're losing their privileged status."
"Most importantly, I think the key takeaway is it's time that you get educated or be enslaved."
"Everything we talk about when it comes to news is wrong."
"Fear is a good grift, and it's the same reason these hyperbolic stories about microwave lasers, dangerous street drugs, and dwindling white populations circulate every single year."
"Ellen Show emerged as more employees past and present say that they were working in a toxic environment."
"If anything, he represented the worst of late night, the most unappealing portrait to younger viewers."
"Lauding the idea that a piece of art should be removed from sale is something that the games media frankly should never be taking a part in."
"It really is the thing I have to urge people if if you haven't watched the movie and you're listening to this segment by any chance go in with the correct expectations."
"I was laughing at the media portrayal of what was happening. I thought this is absurd."
"A population of people whose primary source of information keeps them stuck perpetually at the tippy-top of a roller coaster... ready for something to break the suspense... might make America great again... all of it will happen any day now."
"Why every movie coming out of Hollywood is showing alpha masculine black males in a negative light?"
"Hopefully once the current anger surrounding the show has passed people will only have room to laugh and make fun of the series like it rightfully deserves."
"Kaboom! On her show, Joy Reid gets sunk by critical race theory critic."
"Half the time Insatiable isn't sure what it wants to say and the other half what it does have to say is not great."
"The boys has come in at a perfect time to deliver a fresh twist on a well-known template."
"That's the most shocking thing about modern Star Trek, isn't it? The dumb, the dumb, the dumb."
"YouTube is a platform where outrage has a 140 head start on actual news."
"The media has been lying to you, and because you've never really heard the actual stats and data."
"The media have just been, when folks say honestly when folks say that the media is unbiased I don't know how you could possibly say that."
"Locking down schools and making people stupid to believe anything that network television tells you."
"The only time Christianity today has ever received a kind word in the press ever is when they came out against Trump."
"Media is the prism through which reality is refracted, and if it's not giving us an accurate representation of the world, we can't begin to solve our problems." - Fox San Antonio's Jessica Headley and Ryan Wolfe
"What if Kanye is right? In five years, we've seen it. CTG was wrong in the past versus Kanye here's the thing."
"Fortunately, we can't rely on mainstream games media."
"The mainstream media is ignoring the story, the Ohio train derailment on the major media networks. Total Blackout instead focused on fake UFO Invasion."
"You can get more truth in a movie now than you can in the news."
"What they are actually saying is we wish to shut down streams of information we don't like."
"I feel kind of scummy. This article is scummy to me."
"There's a difference between sweet and surface level, and 'Heartstopper' is not the latter."
"The media just ran with the false narrative."
"It should not have taken this long for this information to have come out and I really think the media needs to do a better job."
"Netflix brazenly and deliberately lied on Nona G's career for the cheap and cynical purpose of heightening the drama, but that's not malicious."
"Star Wars finally did something right recently... for a change."
"If the media covered any of this stuff in even-handed fashion, the gap would be smaller." - Ben Shapiro
"It makes me think a lot about the way the media chooses to cover those who are missing and murdered."
"A leftist TV host calls presidential debates a threat to black life."
"The female gaze seeks to empower women. It recognizes that authentic representation is a powerful tool."
"YouTube is more honest than mainstream media."
"It's really not that deep. Like, you may hate this song, but at the end of the day, to say it's degrading towards women and ending women empowerment, you've got to be a bit of a Sweeney Hut Jrs."
"Overwhelmingly, the audience says we should not be less critical."
"There are very few people the amount of people who now will read the New York Magazine article on huberman and be like my God he's a bad man we better tune out."
"Responding to a satire is pretty far fetched."
"Could there be a political bias? Yes, I think that's absolutely obvious."
"It's about media outlets failing in the basic function of educating and informing citizens."
"It's not the role of our news media to perform for us."
"It's what we've been saying for a while, these are not content moderation, this is actual curation."
"No, I think Ryan Hillier was wrong for suggesting that or stating that in his tweets." - Viva Frei
"CNN's coverage of the Israel-Gaza War amounts to journalistic malpractice."
"The lack of media coverage on significant foreign events raises concerns about the American media's ability to report on major global developments."
"You can still enjoy something while acknowledging its flaws."
"Maybe just maybe it's because even in a trite cartoonish way, it was saying something people didn't know they'd gone too long without hearing."
"No respect whatsoever for truth is a concept which is not something you want from a journalistic organization."
"The press has gone through this long period where they were objective... that has gone by the boards long time ago."
"Words matter, and when he talks about fake news... that gives aid and comfort to authoritarians around the world." - Jeff Flake
"Democracy dies in darkness... Perhaps the slogan for the entire media right now ought to be North Koreans die in darkness." - Ben Shapiro
"The mainstream media is not the same as Fox News; Fox News is worse in some regards."
"CNN is dying and CNN is deservedly entering into this terminal state on account of its negligent reporting during the pandemic period."
"Yesterday's conspiracy theories are now mainstream CNN articles with opinions by the US government."
"In applying these corporatized therapy programs, the producers shift attention away from the exploitative apparatus that is inherent to their show."
"Thankfully, these attempted attacks and dividing people are starting to backfire on all these websites and the journalists who cling to them like flies on people are waking up."
"The video game industry needs a course correction. It needs to stop attacking its audiences with stupid braindead articles and tone-deaf opinions."
"Let's go Brandon ladies and gentlemen that is it yeah all right and finally."
"There is not enough people in the media who are fearless about the paper tiger threats that come from Scientology."
"The seventeenth century was the key moment in history, as England became the world's first bourgeois society."
"An ex-president playing golf with his friends is not news, but when you write the headline in such a way, people think it is."
"You know something definitely is going on that's not being addressed by the mainstream society."
"If you want to understand how the rest of the world lives and how we've been lied to in the mainstream media."
"The profit motive of the media has led to some really bad coverage of sensitive issues."
"Nowadays so many people don't realize that you can enjoy media but still think that it has flaws."
"The country isn't as divided as the magic light box makes you think it is."
"The mainstream media is finally calling out all of the Republicans that enabled Trump and are calling them to resign or be voted out of office. A little late, but I agree, I do love to see it at least it's better than nothing."