
Fears Quotes

There are 246 quotes

"Life is the dance between what you desire most and what you fear most."
"The insults that somebody chooses almost always expose the hidden fears of that person."
"It's going to help get rid of any illusions, any fears that you had."
"Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart."
"The horror that we consume is reflective of our fears as a society."
"My biggest fear is heights. I really don't like roller coasters and stuff like that."
"Fear and the basic fears... fear of poverty, fear of criticism, fear of ill health, fear of loss of love of someone, fear of old age, and fear of death."
"I've been sleepwalking, just driven by desires and fears."
"Fears of World War III are growing by the day, and the United States is taking them very seriously."
"We create our own demons. These demons might be our fears, our insecurities, or our past."
"Your doubts are traitors to your dreams. Your fears strangle your hopes."
"There's two parts of the human experience: there's wanting more, and there's being scared and trying to protect what you have."
"The view from halfway down is an exploration of Bojack's psyche, his fears, his insecurities, and it's the culmination of everything that's defined him as a person."
"Healing is the key to unlocking the true potential of our desires and goals."
"One can only imagine how much further we could all march if we were not forced to carry our fears on our backs."
"You gotta get a handle on your fears and insecurities"
"Make sure you are speaking your desires and not your fears."
"What is your fear... that I'm not gonna love you?"
"Most people's biggest fear when it comes to cycling is crashing."
"HTML is the basic programming language that is used to create web pages."
"Kaiju let us cast nebulous invisible fears as skyscraper sized giant monsters, which is useful, because it's easier to think about a giant monster than a disembodied fear."
"Celeste is a game about climbing a mountain, but in actuality it's a game about climbing the metaphorical mountain in all of us. It's about overcoming fears."
"There are three fears that we struggle with the most... Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of judgment."
"Even a big tough guy like you is human and had fears growing up."
"Communication is good between the two of you, but I'm seeing a big fear of abandonment."
"The scariest thing about a second Trump term is that there will be no guard rails."
"Take some of your worst phobias, talk to your worst fears, and force yourself to take risks."
"Start downplaying all of these fears around covid."
"He likes to sleep with the light on at night... poor kid, that's so traumatizing."
"This can bring up relationship fears, relationship patterns, things you've been through in previous relationships."
"Having that as a goal didn't really matter... what really mattered is that I actually confronted my fear."
"I ratted on him, but that closet scared me more when I was out of it."
"Confronting your fears... with this new moon."
"Deals a lot with fears... everything we don't like to confront directly."
"Spiders might not be most people's favorite thing, but Spider-Man is one of the most popular superheroes."
"Facing your fears is the start to overcoming them."
"My fear of being broke is what drove me, okay my fear of losing drove me, my fear of not being accepted drove me, that's what made me who I was."
"The truth and the greatest love is always found locked behind your greatest fears."
"It's the worst fears that aren't talked about and addressed."
"Being thought of as boring is particularly scary because it means that even though there's really nothing like offensive or wrong about you, you're just a void of excitement that people don't want to be around."
"The number one scariest thing in the world is losing the mental, losing the mind thinking something there when it's not really anything there."
"Oh my gosh, that's scary. That is my biggest fear, I do not like it."
"Hidden fears and insecurities are blocking our connection."
"What are you actually scared of that drives the passion?"
"You cannot set the boundaries on an emancipatory Movement by the unreasonable fears that people have."
"Fear of failure, fear of success, and fear of judgment cause us to doubt ourselves."
"So, you're actually confronting fears at this time, and maybe fears of financial insecurity."
"For somebody who's afraid of drugs, I have tried them all."
"I remember early on when people would ask me, 'Are you afraid of being typecast?' I was like, 'I worry about not eating. This is my job.'"
"Young girls are more afraid of being fat than they are of getting cancer, nuclear war, or of losing both their parents."
"My greatest fears are failure and rejection."
"When it comes to the topic of aliens there is one thing that scares me maybe more than anything ever in the world or out of this world and that is alien abductions."
"What are demons but reflections of our fears and shame, things we bury within us, hide from loved ones, even as they poison our hearts until we finally heal our adversary by embracing it."
"I'm terrified that they're just gonna [] assassinate Zelensky and institute some [] mega-right-wing psychopath."
"It's being open with yourself about what your fears are."
"Black eyed anything is [ __ ] scary so I get why people are so obsessed with this this topic."
"Those fears aren't your intuition, they're echoes from the timeline you've shifted out of."
"I don't have any tattoos, man. I always made the jokes I'm scared of small needles peptides and all that."
"It's worse to live a life without you than to face their fears."
"I do not fear computers; I fear lack of them."
"New Lilia is going to be about conquering her fears and anxieties and doing things anyway, especially if it makes me happy."
"To me, the moon says yeah, there are fears... but you should do it anyway."
"Somebody who's got unfounded fears, I think it's unfounded fears."
"A lot of these guys in the manosphere can't even talk to women, they're terrified of them."
"Being attacked by monsters and being trapped in an alternate reality is pretty scary, but not as scary as having your online activity tracked."
"Face your fears and grow stronger, listen to your intuition for accurate guidance."
"Potential bullies, potential boyfriends, that's a father's nightmare."
"When we were young, I really needed to pee and my brother was already going to the bathroom, so I told him that if he sat on the toilet for too long, a piranha would come and bite your butt, then I started believing it myself."
"I'm sorry but I don't like being alone... I'm frightened."
"They're working on releasing burdens that scare them."
"The heaviest things we lift are not our weights but our fears."
"You fear showing up and ain't no water there, empty parking lot, locked doors, won't get the recognition you deserve."
"All your fears on stage... everything happened to me."
"The past is returning to your life, but there's a lot of fears about what happened the first time."
"What you can actually do with that down the line is the stuff of dreams and nightmares and everything in between."
"Sometimes you just need to distract yourself from your worst fears and the paranoia of the things that lurk just outside your window."
"This lunar eclipse is showing you where you are so attached to fears scarcity insecurity in your life."
"Conquering your fears, expressing doubts, accepting hard changes, and self-improvement."
"Her main fears were death, sharks, and needles, and lobsters, but her worst fear of all was relapsing."
"We should be more afraid of getting someone who isn't match for us then in scaring away someone with our interest."
"It's like they're like horror movies, you know, they tap into our darkest fears, except that the monster is real."
"Face your fears and hidden enemies to find comfort and healing."
"Congratulations, you described the fears of like 90% of all people."
"Conquer your fears, dude, why not."
"Be decisive, don't take too much counsel of your fears, be thoughtful but not paralyzed by indecision."
"There are two things that Donald Trump fears more than anything: going to jail or being broke."
"My feelings and fears are still valid."
"We are all encumbered by baggage, fears, doubts, limiting beliefs inherited from our past."
"Towards the end of the year, you could be guided to really contemplate what subconscious fears exist within you that are blocking you from stepping into the leader and the creator that you want to be within the public eye."
"...their fears have turned into truths and they know the power of this connection, they believe in the power of this connection."
"Don't allow your insecurities or your fears to intervene with the great things that you could have in life."
"You've got to trust your voice in the midst of all the fears."
"They want to work through fears and find liberation."
"...dreams of myself laying in bed at night and a figure of someone just walking in the room and standing over me."
"Why does it have to be spiders? Why can't it be butterflies?"
"Your dreams are bigger than your fears."
"Their head might be in a little bit of a different place due to certain beliefs or fears insecurities."
"It's just the little fears through the growth of this that can pop in and they can cause all sorts of disturbances, you know from a mosquito bite to a freaking lava kind of a thing."
"His fears were confirmed when he accidentally touched a flower and watched it wither away in his hand."
"If you can overcome your fears you can move forward and you can move on with your life."
"I'm scared of becoming physically disabled - blind, deaf, paralyzed, amputee. Any of that."
"I surrender all my worries, fears, and concerns to you."
"I just felt really alone and all of a sudden I had a lot of existential fears."
"It presents the really authentic, relatable and pervasive fears of all people who create things; ‘Fears About Yourself’, talent, perfection, imposterism- which I feel like I made up but you know what I mean."
"You're gonna come face to face with your worst fear before you reach your destiny."
"Many of us find comfort in horror. It's a therapeutic way for us to safely face our fears and learn something about ourselves."
"The last thing you wanna do is shield them from small reminders. In fact, the only way to get over the Pavlovianly-condition fear is to let them be exposed to small things and then nothing bad happens to them and that how the fears subside."
"You were born to live your dreams, not your fears."
"It seemed a tragic and avoidable end to the prolific author's life, but it would be revealed in 1984 that his fears weren't as outlandish as everyone had assumed."
"The six most effective fears are the fear of poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of love, old age, and death."
"Relationships are scary, and the more the brain fights against it, it's like they're trying to sabotage the relationship because it seems way too good to be true while at the same time being terrified of making a mistake and losing it."
"When helping children talk about their fears and talk about how they can cope with their fears, have children generate some of those solutions themselves."
"You may stop drawing in these toxic people into your life who are manifesting your worst fears."
"The biggest fears are the fear of death, the fear of abandonment, the fear of criticism, the fear of loneliness."
"On the other side of your fears is what you really want."
"Do not again impose or project your fears, your stereotypes onto another person."
"The hurdle that I feel like I was the most fearful of, and most people are probably the most fearful of when they're tackling this journey, they're like, 'I don't want to deal with the poop.'"
"The next album is not my fear. It's my daughter's friends' parents, and me having to hang out with them is my biggest fear."
"Don't let your fears get in the way of your dreams."
"She fears abandonment, avoids getting close to her boyfriends, feels very lonely, and withdraws from people."
"May your choices reflect your hopes not your fears."
"As we explore these facets of human nature, we not only reveal truths about others but also trigger a mirror reflecting our own vulnerabilities and fears."
"It's another example of how a safety behavior can actually backfire and could create a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy where our fears actually come true as a result of using the safety behavior."
"Life does not only not you; it puts you face to face with your fears."
"If doubts or fears or negative thoughts come up, just recognize them for what they are: old limiting beliefs that want to stay around. They have no power over you."
"The legend of the Qiqirn is a representation of the unseen fears and anxieties that can overwhelm individuals in such environments."
"Your biggest fear as a dad forever was that my my kids my especially my daughters because of course it's worse somehow if a woman has sex than a than a young boy or a young man."
"There's a lot of people projecting their own fears and insecurities onto you."
"Most people are governed by their habits, their fears, and their opinions of others."
"...it represents everything from the simplest misgivings to the deepest fears that we have about ourselves."
"I get nervous for because gen z is so strong-willed that like they're going to go out and it's gonna be you know in the wrong place or you know I'm terrified of shootings and everything..."
"kind of exactly what they would state as their biggest fear which is um like quite ruthless very self-interested"
"Our nightmares reveal our deepest fears and desires, lurking in the shadows of our subconscious."
"Dreams are the canvas on which our deepest fears and desires are painted in vivid, unsettling strokes."
"Nightmares are like dark mirrors reflecting the twisted landscapes of our innermost fears."
"Start learning what are their greatest fears. These are all important things to know about your partner because these are the things that trigger us."
"This is about conquering my fears."
"The scariest things on earth: Darkness, clown sharks, killers, death, not feeling your phone in the pocket."
"You can be led by your fears or you can overcome them."
"Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears."
"Face your fears and rise above them."
"We actually know something about the person, like what their hopes and desires are, what their fears are."
"Gazing at the sea, he wondered if she had any fears that her own children would treat her with such hostility."
"What fears or insecurities are preventing you from pursuing your goals?"
"The gateway to change is unshackling ourselves from those imaginary monsters."
"I became one with the light and all my fears and anxieties melted away."
"It's about personalities and dreams and fears."
"It's powerful to share your deepest fears with someone who doesn't take them so seriously."
"I can't believe I'm finally moving through my fears."
"Listen closely, the labyrinth shows us our deepest regrets and fears. Stand fast, none of it is real."
"It knows what you're afraid of, it knows your insecurities, it knows your deep dark lies."
"80s horror films... brought us a chance to face our fears in a safe environment."
"You're gonna overcome your fears."
"What if we think of our fears as a kind of unintentional storytelling that we do to ourselves?"
"Most of the old moles I know wish they'd listened less to their fears and more to their dreams."
"There are very realistic human fears and wrestlings and things she grappled with."
"Just because you're a grown man doesn't mean you don't have fears."
"The moon does a great job at hiding things, especially fears."
"We tend to do those things in our dreams that we're afraid to do when we're awake."
"The biggest thing I want to conquer is my own fears and insecurities."
"Vampires have become a metaphor for some of our deepest fears and desires."
"And all the fears you hold so dear, will turn to whisper in your ear."
"You're making your excuses and your fears more important than what you love."
"I am letting go of all my worries and fears."
"Thank you for allowing me to get over my fears."
"You can't run from your fears forever, which is why you've got to get the jump on them, give them a whack right in the face."
"People discover that they're bigger than their fears."
"If you just learn to live in the One Eternal Moment, that just puts to rest all these doubts and fears."
"Your fears and your doubts have been put to rest."
"The things we were scared of as kids are odd, but perhaps they tell us more about who we are than we realize."
"I'm 35 years old and you're still scared of a little thunder."
"I write down all of my worst fears: fear loss, fear change, fear losing my peers."
"Reassure typically means removing doubts or fears for someone."
"Everyone has silly things they're afraid of."
"Snakes, spiders, and lizards, oh my."
"I'm afraid of anything bad happening to my family, and I'm afraid of failing in my career."
"What are our biggest fears that are holding us back?"
"All of us have a handful of lurking fears, deep dreads, they occupy our hearts like uninvited guests."
"I'm not scared of spiders. I'm not scared of the dark. I'm scared of failing."
"Keep a journal about your fears... so that you can revisit these thoughts and ideas."
"We'll be talking about fears, bad dreams, and how you deal with people who spread lies about you."
"You know, sometimes when you face your fears, you find out that they're not as bad as what you thought they were all along."
"We all have to face our fears eventually."
"What scares you the most? This is a time for you to open up and speak about that stuff."
"Alfred Hitchcock was afraid of the dark, crowds, and solitude."
"Allow any fears, hesitations, or doubts to melt into the mat or pass like fireflies in the sky."
"I'm definitely just trying to get out of my head that I shouldn't do things that scare me."
"You reveal your innermost thoughts, your fears, you're trying to work it out."
"At least your fears are put to rest, and you don't have to worry about it anymore."
"I'm scared of lots of things, but it's mostly age and not appreciating things while they're here."
"It's about dying to your old assumptions, dying to your limiting beliefs, dying to your doubts, dying to your fears."
"It's okay to face your fears and be open with someone."
"You need to face your own fears, you need to face your own insecurities."
"What's your biggest fear? It doesn't have to be common; it can be weird."
"What are my actual hopes and dreams and aspirations? What are my fears? What are my illusions?"
"You actually need to get up and face your fears."
"We definitely want to see what your character's greatest hopes are and get a sense for what their greatest fears are."
"It's all about facing our fears and moving through with what Saturn's lessons are bringing up."
"I'm going to stand and fight my fears."
"We're not weaving punches today; today, you're weaving fears, doubts, concerns, anything that's keeping you from being happy."