
Philosophical Perspective Quotes

There are 372 quotes

"Contrary to what everyone knows is so, it may not be the brain that produces consciousness, but rather consciousness that creates the appearance of the brain."
"Life is better than death, health is better than sickness, abundance is better than want, peace is better than war, freedom is better than coercion, happiness is better than suffering, and knowledge is better than superstition and ignorance."
"The only thing that is real is love. Shift your focus back to love."
"Our consciousness is not our brains... Reality is much more complex than it at first appears to be."
"Consciousness is a simulated property; only a simulation can be conscious."
"I don't like to think of divine hiddenness as a response to theism as much as I like to think of theism as a response to divine hiddenness."
"In us, there's an innate drive for truth, truth not to liberate us, all the weight will truth not because it's interesting, although it is, but it's truth for its own sake."
"The fact that we're not basing it upon generative drive does indeed, I think, make many, many, and in fact, countless problems."
"The moral landscape is a landscape of peaks and valleys."
"We alone possess intelligence. What a piece of work is a man, how infinite in faculties, in apprehension how like a god."
"Reality is different than the way we thought before; it's subtler, it's more relational, and it's more beautiful."
"The history of the world moves by pendulum; there is progress, which is why we aren't giant toads living in salty tidal pools anymore, but it's nowhere near to a straight path."
"In order to appreciate the message of No Game No Life, we must begin from the inalienable reality that everything happens for a reason."
"Evolution by natural selection tells us that space-time is doomed; it's just a headset, an adaptive fiction that lets you play the game of life without knowing what it is that we're really doing."
"We're the same thing. We're like a river. Is that still the same river it was yesterday? It's completely different water, but the pattern has a continuity, so we call it the same river."
"What is death but a transition into something new?"
"Body may pass away, awareness will continue."
"Anxiety never lasts forever, thoughts always change, they're like the weather passing over a tall mountain. The mountain is strong enough to survive every type of storm. Your thoughts are just thoughts."
"Humans created god not the other way around."
"For us, as I've said often before, the end for us is just the beginning."
"All the evidence shows that design demands a designer at every level. At every level, design demands a designer."
"It's not about reality, it's not about moments like this."
"Reality as a whole is just this causal chain of creativity."
"Taking responsibility for yourself, your family, and your community is key."
"Money offers real solutions to imaginary problems and imaginary solutions to real problems."
"A different narrative is needed, one that is both scientifically sound and deeply insightful."
"Perhaps dreams aren't such bad things after all."
"Being open-minded about things is the only way human beings can move forward."
"There's another way of seeing things which is cyclical. Things are lost and come around again."
"The only thing there is is the individual and that's what we've got to focus on."
"Despair is the logical conclusion of atheism."
"If we can be even partially right... this whole subject becomes a much more pleasant subject."
"Our lives are significant. We have evidence from science."
"Optimism and pessimism two sides of the same coin but hope is a fact and uh that's something we can rely on."
"Money isn't everything, we need to just find a good person in general."
"One of the greatest tricks of the devil is to convince the world that he doesn't exist."
"Superman only makes sense in the context of a worldview where good is the default setting of the universe."
"There is a countervailing force at work always. There's a counterbalance to the badness. It's called goodness."
"There's more between heaven and earth than your scholastic wisdom can dream of."
"The history of humanity is not evolution but cycle after cycle."
"Nothing is either good or bad, only thinking makes it so."
"An atheistic worldview puts considerable constraints on you... we are the very privileged owners of a brief spark of consciousness."
"Blood is just a liquid, a dead body is a simple object."
"So, every crisis is an opportunity, they say in China, isn't it? Well, that's how the universe is. The crisis of the fallen angel was the one that allowed the universe to create what we enjoy now."
"It's a time frame that we're seeing from a spiritual perspective."
"Isabella is an outstanding and philosophical young woman, an intellectual princess."
"Feminine energy without the masculine is an illusion."
"The world is full of lies. There's no way of knowing what's right. All we can do is believe in ourselves."
"Death isn't always this like evil thing in a weird way death, I guess can represent life, right?"
"The cycle is an infinite thing, we go round and round again."
"Emotion in that sense is your sovereign master."
"All these synonyms seem to interact and agree that the whole thing of the whole project of being human is to be first and foremost an emotional creature."
"We're actually spiritual beings having a physical experience."
"Life is tragedy... but our capacity to thrive is more powerful."
"When a thing can no longer offend you, it ceases to exist in the old way."
"The Shaolin teachings are aiming to give you a better perspective of where you as a human being are embedded into this world."
"The fundamentality and primacy of space and time may stem from the fact that we have no alternative way of partitioning our experience."
"The day in which we fear as our last is really the birthplace of Eternity."
"Matter is alive. Everything has a spirit. We just haven't been able to summon it yet."
"It is far better to be an object of fear than of respect, for one is a truth of the soul and the other an illusion of the mind."
"Energy is not positive on earth or negative... it's neutral."
"I think that um maximalism uh is not true on a macro basis it can be true in a silo."
"Everyone is right and wrong simultaneously in equal measure."
"How far we have fallen from the medieval worldview where man was the literal center of the universe... this nihilistic."
"You know, they're carbon-based people, these are animals."
"There's no such thing as a contradiction that can't be overcome."
"The cycle is already written God wrote The End from the beginning."
"The world is a comedy to those that think and a tragedy to those that feel."
"I still believe that the default state of human beings is a state of war."
"If people live forever, they might not have been able to progress."
"Randomness, accidents... a convenient label for... that which they don't understand."
"I think it's incredibly sad that those are the ideas that are getting pushed and promoted as answers to man's problems."
"Everything exists because of you. You are the Divine witness of all."
"The problem isn't that we desire too much but that we desire too little."
"Chaos is merely a human construct. The world only knows its own natural law of harmony and order."
"Even losing arguments will become a victory that moves you toward the far grander prize of Truth."
"The truth is what works, what's practically beneficial."
"It's usually not the full black pill either in that sense."
"But we might also be in heaven, okay? We might be in heaven."
"The intelligibility of nature, the order of nature, and the contingency of nature."
"Sexual activity itself has an inherently marital meaning."
"The true reality is outside of space and time."
"The point is that it's not so much about Good and Evil here as it is about The Human Condition."
"Massimo says there are no stationary objects in the universe." - Elon Musk
"Morality should be seen, and I think in a broader sense, as how it is good to be and also what it is good to love."
"Madara's philosophy incorporated duality, making him different."
"Your dedication to re-evaluating, reconsidering, and reorganizing your basic assumptions about life has expanded the expressions of civilization itself."
"And yet the most confident claims about quantum mechanics seem to be the mystical ones."
"At times we must accept things as they are, there's no point trying to change that which is beyond our control."
"You are simply an aspect of that, an aspect of a thing contains the total possibility of the thing."
"Morality is objective; it's a physical fact about the universe."
"Life is what solves tragedy. It's the only answer to tragedy is life."
"His task is to be outside this realm of human drama."
"Everything is energy. You, me, this entire universe around us, it is all at its purest form energy."
"It comes through you, but not from you, and though it is with you, it belongs not to you."
"Love is neutrality in the sense that it looks on both the dark and light with total unconditional acceptance."
"Your wealth is going to be measured in time, not money."
"Things are not a storyline. Things will always remain gray."
"Every aspect of our being reveals the signature of an intelligent and purposeful design."
"If gender despite its anatomy and physiology is just a human creation and not a Divine One, well then it's not much of a stretch at all to think that morality itself is too."
"Nothing is either good or bad, thinking makes it so."
"I think taking that on board does not rob us of morality."
"There's rarely objectively good or bad people in this world."
"The West made freedom the end, not what freedom can get you."
"If there is a counterfeit, there is an authentic that we need to find and reclaim. Every time we see a masquerade, we need to look closely to properly discern what is being counterfeited."
"It's not just about the objects themselves, but the relationships between them."
"I don't think aliens would tend to all feel the same on that issue. So if they're out there in mass, they should be sharing their technology with us." - Isaac
"Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society."
"Relationships are primary. They're even primary to the things that are related."
"Evil is the same thing, it has the same nature, it's ugly, it's hideous, it is indefensible."
"Consciousness extends into the nature of reality itself."
"Everything happens for a reason... failure is a part of success."
"Separation is an illusion. You come from love. You are unity consciousness. There is no such thing as duality."
"This battle that we're in, it's a spiritual battle."
"There's no such thing truly as an ending, only a redirection."
"Catholic Christianity is not a religion of the book but it is a religion of a word but the word is a person a divine person the Word made flesh."
"Technology doesn't exist to make more money; it exists to make our lives better."
"Risk just exists. This idea that we can't do anything until there is no risk, that's risky." - Dave Rubin
"Because perhaps this is a meaningful universe, or this is a conscious universe."
"If there are self-made Purgatory's then we all have to live in them, mine can be no worse than someone else's."
"Truth is permanent and it happened not just in time but in eternity."
"Liberty is God's idea, not man's idea, and as his bride, we must contend for it."
"Truth is relative, it depends on context, on knowledge, and perspective about the world because the truth is, the only thing that you can prove is certain, is that nothing is certain."
"Death almost seems like the only real option."
"Each of us is the only infinite awareness there is."
"It is this intimate ordinary familiar and unlimited awareness that each of us is."
"Humanity is always going to be number one, even if sometimes we do stupid things."
"We decide what's good in the good book when we take our ethical intuitions to the text and read the golden rule."
"When you detach your understanding of morality from a Biblical framework...you shouldn't be surprised when you end up Head Over Heels."
"We are here to have conscious evolution, and that is exactly like how Evolution pushes forward is through Consciousness."
"True freedom is not about getting what you want, it's about not wanting anything."
"Life is a duality... no good or bad inherently."
"Democracy lies in the hearts, not just in heads."
"It's subjective and doesn't confine to any quantifiable standard."
"The only right thing to do is to be in tune with the existence and the creation."
"Humans are nature. Think of a flower. We are a garden."
"Transcend the idea of death. It doesn't exist. People can move elsewhere. They do move elsewhere. That's what death is."
"Everything that it takes to be a human being is there at the moment of conception."
"There are no problems in this world, only situations."
"Greed is purely rooted in unbelief and fear."
"Not racist is not only a real category but in fact, I would argue, it is the only long-term basis on which society can properly function."
"Bringing it back: as above so below, as within so without, as the universe so be."
"Anything that happens... always happened in the first place anyway."
"Evil is anything that hinders your survival."
"Every person has their own set of reasons as to why they believe what they believe."
"Most people live in a universe; to me, it's a multiverse."
"You don't have to create it, it already exists. Choose it from that perspective."
"You can't kill evil. It will always be around, no matter what."
"But I think that too many people are thinking it's the end when I believe it's the beginning."
"What matters isn't whether or not they happened but the significance they convey after all you're watching a movie none of it is real."
"The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
"The fates told us that the beginning of our end was an ending of its own."
"The world itself is denser than it is large."
"Once you have sympathy for the devil, then they cease to become your enemy."
"We must understand... absent a transcendent moral order, your perspective of what is right is wrong becomes a mere opinion."
"Fairness is a much more important tangible thing than equality and all these sort of things."
"Humans will be secured in their existence forever just like the cow with the best evolutionary strategy."
"Everything is connected, the so-called butterfly effect, and I do believe it."
"Loss integrates into the broader narrative of our ultimate good."
"Science and Christianity, far from being at odds, are actually marching in lockstep... You can almost say that science is describing the how and religion is explaining the who and the why."
"It is better to have attained to perpetual gladness than to have become the crowned monarch of an entire solar system."
"Naturalism is far and away the winner when it comes to cosmological explanation."
"Nothing that decides whether or not something can exist or not. There's nothing that controls it. You don't need a cause for something to exist."
"I would much rather live with human error than human interference."
"He was not interested in what things were. He was interested in what things were doing."
"Our lives should be burdened by punishment, not bolstered with longevity."
"Truth is a thing of this world and every person who claims to have the truth is really basically doing a power play."
"While there is no God, there is no Free Will, and nothing happens for a reason, you can still massively improve your life."
"Everything is Downstream of biology and ideas."
"The enemies of free speech are the enemies of the process that turns potential into habitable order."
"The great truth is that there isn't one and it only gets worse since that conclusion."
"Time is an undirectional flow pushing us forward."
"You are the sum total of 14 billion year chain of unbroken cosmic evolution now thinking about itself."
"Love can be a form of knowledge indeed we might call it the ultimate form of knowledge."
"As humans, the human experience is the breadth of the experiences."
"Isn't it dangerous to categorize anybody... we are all powerful creators."
"Blackness is the essence from which all things come."
"We're all one overall, also having our individual experience which is amazing."
"Superior beings define their reality through misery and suffering."
"There's no meaning in anything, not inherently."
"When you look at the scale of human suffering injustice hypocrisy and greed it's easy to relate to the Joker's commitment to proving we're not as noble as we pretend to be heroic either and he isn't supposed to be."
"Persons exist for one another merely as representatives."
"Consciousness is a screen; it's not happening to you, it's responding to you."
"At least with this path the ideas that control us can die instead of us."
"You got masculine image you for a reason and you got feminine energy for a reason and we need to stop acting like that they're both the same thing cuz or not."
"You can't have materialism in the field of spirituality."
"Reality is just information, comprehended through the lens of information."
"Everything is important, either that or nothing is. I prefer the former."
"If you don't honor its logos, its reason for existence, its design, what the designer put into it, if you don't honor it, it can't reach its potential."
"God isn't always like that... God's sovereignty means it's impossible everything, including evil itself, will serve God's good and perfect ends."
"All life is sacred, even the contrast in comparison to something that's even worse than death."
"We are eternal, we really don't go anywhere."
"For what it's worth, the universe waits. Halfway, the half the universe away, you know, to the half that remains, the universe is a better place."
"There really isn’t anything new in this world. It’s all old, it’s just the past."
"Consciousness is so rare, so precious, that how could it have been an accident that it came out of nothing?"
"Linear time was made by the ego to keep you from knowing who you really are."
"Past, present, and future is not actually reality. It's actually an illusion."
"Every single person is playing the most important role everywhere anywhere that could that it could possibly like from from somebody that I've never met that's the most important person in the whole universe."
"We can alter our destiny, it's not written in stone."
"Faith is believing in something when you have no good reason to believe in it, when you don't have evidence but you decide to believe in it anyway."