
Betterment Quotes

There are 1634 quotes

"The universe rewards you with something better."
"You look over there, you see lovely new canvas there and over here is the area where of my fittings will go. Of course, I like to paint thoughts and emotion, things that drive us to make the world a better place."
"You're either making the world a better place for my daughter or you're creating more problems for my daughter and her peers."
"You vote in the ways that you do, ideally, to make a better world for yourself and for other people."
"It's impacting people's lives for the better."
"Use knowledge in a transformative way to remake the world so that it is better for all of its inhabitants."
"We should try and be better to the rest of the world."
"The focus of Jewish faith is the betterment of this world, to help your neighbor, to love your neighbor."
"It's really about giving. When you have it, it's the transfer of information and if you can influence somebody for the better, that's what it's all about."
"It's making ourselves better so we can make other people better as well."
"The best thing you could do with your life is try to better other people's lives."
"We're going to use these resources to better education for everyone."
"What do I do to make this a better nation and to make this a better world?"
"I believe we can have a better future if we have a better government."
"I've always said we should help a Hindu become a better Hindu, a Muslim become a better Muslim, a Catholic become a better Catholic." - Mother Teresa
"Being invested in people's safety creates better communities."
"We have a tremendous responsibility to really carry that mission forward to make the world better."
"We need to really be trying to reform people."
"Raphael shows us the angels of our better nature."
"We could stop now and make the future much better."
"Make things better wherever you are, however you can."
"We only Build a Better World if we're doing it together."
"Their life is better with you than without you."
"The more information you have, often the better off you will be."
"We need to spread more kindness and make this world a better place."
"We have an obligation to the people of our country and our planet to use our abilities for the betterment of the world."
"It's really about how we can all be better people." - Elevation
"Move with the true children of God. Move with those who will inspire you to become a better version of yourself."
"Your life is going to feel so much better, you're going to feel so much more in control."
"That's how the world changes and that's how the world becomes a better place."
"New things are being born Moment by moment... to make our world better."
"Towards a better future for our children and our grandchildren."
"They definitely see you away from them as a better choice for you but it doesn't mean they don't miss you."
"No matter the obstacle and no matter your age, you can leave behind a world that is better than when you found."
"Life always does get better, life does make turns."
"I want the world to be a better place when I leave it than when I got here."
"I am promoting my moral compass and my values of just wanting humanity and the world to be a better place."
"If you want a better world composed of better nations inhabited by better states, that are made up of better counties, compose better cities illuminated by better churches, made of better families, we need a generation of better men."
"Space at the service of a better life on earth." - Arianespace CEO
"This is how our society evolves, this is how we get better, lessen death, this is us growing past you."
"Allah intended to replace for both of them someone better."
"Your purpose is to make the world better and awake in the world so with that let's get started."
"I'm praying and saying tomorrow would be a better day."
"Passion comes from wanting to help people lead a better life."
"Make a difference, make the world a better place."
"Ways to make the world a better place: this Hextech dream of yours has the potential to do that."
"To people watching here and home and around the world, in the words of my great colleague, we are better than that."
"Wouldn't you want to invest in that better world?"
"The more you help the whole human, that's not just a player, I think the better off you're going to be."
"This concept of harmony is the driving force behind Cathayan spirituality, the method through which all might find their natural place, and achieve the betterment of themselves and the land."
"Big life changes for you that may seem a little bit out of your control but I feel like they're for the better."
"Jarrod gave his life so that Malia could have a better one."
"For me, in retrospect, so many of the things that have ever happened to me or any of the mistakes that I've ever made, I'm actually pretty thankful for them because they've made me a significantly better host."
"You're the genuine article, bro. I mean, it takes a special kind of character to just hit the road and do what you do before any of the support or production or anybody."
"Strive to be better, but be of service to others."
"Fight for a better and more decent life in the future."
"The only way to get something better is to change what you hold within you about you and against you."
"Something is better than nothing always always always."
"Something has to change, and the governments need to transform into something better for humanity."
"These two guys aren't really that bad either; they're just kind of like your basic carnies wishing for a better life."
"Self-improvement is very very important, so you can be the best that you can be."
"Show your enemy they're in the wrong by being the better person."
"Gonzo for its own sake is okay, but gonzo because it makes sense is even better."
"We're all born individuals, and if we can start seeing each other that way, we'll all be a lot better off."
"The only hope we have is if we step up into our better selves."
"Let's grow every day and become better people."
"Expect that there's gonna be a better day or better tomorrow."
"Let's ignore for a moment the far extreme right and the far extreme left stuff and let's focus on making America a better place for everyone."
"We need to find peace, we need to find good in this world."
"Hopefully, we can all come together and make the world a better place."
"So we can rest in that and simply do the next right thing while also doing everything that we can to make the world around us better and safer and more orderly."
"The best we can do is strive to do better and correct ourselves when we can."
"What we want most is to pass a better world and better country to our children."
"Your life will change a bit but all for the better."
"We can always renew ourselves, make our lives better, be a better version of ourselves."
"Maybe we are going to be returned to a world where we'll be better versions of ourselves."
"I'm begging you guys, man. You guys are famous, you got a platform, we got to do better."
"People do need to be encouraged to bring out the better angels of their nature and sequester their inner demons."
"Use it to better the world and the communities you're a part of."
"We can all be better people and we can all be more productive at things."
"I care because I want to live in a better world."
"If everyone was guaranteed Healthcare, housing, and education, this would be a better place for everybody."
"Sharing information in a capitalist society is not bad; it's actually a good thing."
"Allow yourself to be pulled into a better situation."
"Your latter end shall be greater than your beginning."
"Stand for something different, stand for something better."
"I implore you, try. Try to make the world a better place."
"If we really get to that unconditional place of loving everybody, we're just in a much better space."
"The reason people live is to try to make a better world for others to live in."
"There is something better out there for you."
"We can still build a better tomorrow for everyone."
"This change perhaps delays as well as making room for the soulmate for something or someone that is better suited for you."
"Do what they want and I want them to have better than me."
"Anytime people are inspired by what I do I find that nothing but flattering we need more people doing what I do hopefully people who do what I do even better than what I do."
"If we put our faith in Christ, things will be a whole lot better."
"A collective effort for the betterment of society."
"At least you tried... at least you did something to make the world a better place."
"We can pave the road for a better world...for the children."
"Let go of an inferior version of faith, not just because it's right, but because it's better."
"Innocent people will be better off without either of them."
"My children's life depends on me to build them a better world."
"Some work that you've been doing in private is coming to a close. It was not easy... but here you are, in a much, much, much better place."
"Live life right and work as hard as you can they are the basic rules to make sure that you will find success."
"They strive towards a greater good, theoretically to try and make the galaxy a better place for all."
"The deepest love will change you into a better person."
"He concluded, 'Faith did not receive what was promised... God provided something better for us.'"
"As we build our economic policies, the question we have to ask ourselves is, will this make the life of the people I represent better?"
"It only makes you happier. It only makes you love more. It makes you a better person."
"I'm a better person than other people in general but me as an individual I am a better person than I ever was before."
"Being filled with the Spirit helps us to love God and love others better."
"It's not judging is not lowering the standard Jesus is saying what I want to show you is another way a better way to get people to reach it."
"We have an opportunity on November 6 as a collective, as a state, to say we deserve better. We want better." - Andrew Gillum
"I just always just love being a better human being."
"Certain things might be purified... to serve a better good, a higher good."
"It just felt so nice, you probably become a better person being there."
"If he can teach you how to grow and evolve into a better person."
"You've got to make the world a better place yourself."
"People are aching for something better, and let's show them the way of Christ."
"He's the kind of person that makes you want to be a better person."
"Building a better country and a better future for my kids."
"Your latter day shall be greater than your former day."
"Trying to make the world and the fun space for our kids a better place."
"Superman's Son of Kal-El is about truth, justice, and a better world."
"Use our imagination to create a better world that we can then work toward manifesting."
"Choosing you is going to be the better choice."
"2022 is actually a much better year for Pisces."
"Let's make the world an even sweeter place with gratitude."
"These are the people that make our society a better place."
"The moment that you start to wonder if you deserve better, you do."
"What are you going to do today to make this world a better place?"
"You gotta be a better person. You gotta do better around your kid, man."
"It's not about good or bad, it's about doing better."
"You learned what you don't want in your next situation; it's preparing you for something better."
"There will be better out there when you let God lead you in the right direction."
"We have free will and there's something on us to choose a better world."
"Stand up for each other, the world would be a better place."
"I hope the world can be a better place."
"Every single day choosing to wake up and like making it a day better than the previous."
"Our parents made the world a better place, and we hope to continue that legacy by passionately loving people and pursuing Jesus."
"Walk in the spirit... when you become more spiritual, you actually become a better human being."
"We are here altogether; we want to see the world become a better place financially."
"Makima tells him that she wants to use Chainsaw Man to create a better world for humans."
"Create social change to make a better world for everyone in it."
"A true hero is someone who tries to change the world for the better."
"We're always better when we're together."
"You know you deserve way better than what you've been getting here."
"When we're going through stuff, we imagine ourselves in a better place."
"I'm trying to change my ways. I'm trying to be a better person."
"Life's better with people, life is better when you have a community."
"...the world would be a much better place if we all took a moment every now and then to think about what we're doing and how it might affect others..."
"You'd just be yourself, but better."
"For those of us who feel that way, our only option is to take tiny steps in the direction of what feels better and in the direction of relief."
"I want the world to be a better place."
"I just wanted to be better, I wanted to feel like I was doing something for a better cause."
"Your life only gets better when you do better."
"You're just recognizing that you deserve better."
"To have self-worth is about looking after yourself and really committing to the energy of 'I deserve so much better than this'."
"Remember, there's always something better for you."
"I can't pinpoint one specific thing that made me say, 'I got to be a better human being, I got to be a better man.'"
"She needs to change society to make it a better place."
"They were actually very insightful and sought to make the world a better place."
"It's really about changing the world and about making the world a better place."
"This experience completely changed my life for the better."
"If we could be the men that Picard and Riker are, we would be better men."
"When we think for other people, the world becomes a better place."
"I'm surprised by how much more enjoyable of a film this was."
"This is my contribution to making it a better world."
"It is the essence of being a better person."
"You just want to be you but better, so do better."
"Fifty percent of something is better than 100% of nothing."
"Sometimes you hear about a person who makes you feel so good about humanity you can't help but wish you were a better person."
"We are the better because God has sent this man to be our leader."
"if we can make the world a little bit better through our art then that's what we want to do."
"The goal is to leave it better than you found it."
"Let's make the world a better place with a little bit of music."
"We can make a simple change to better the world."
"And it's gonna be people like you that make the world a better place."
"Leave it better than you found it, and that's what we're doing today."
"The world would be better without wars."
"If you want things to get better, keep improving yourself."
"They make men better people than we'd ever be without them."
"We seek only to work together for the betterment of all," Dr. Ryder stated, emphasizing their peaceful intentions.
"We're gonna try to make it a better place for them."
"These micro moments of positivity lead to a better human being showing up as more of our better selves more often."
"We say we want to be better, but in order to have this better world we're talking about, we must be better ourselves and be better to each other."
"I care and love for everyone, I want to make everything better for everybody."
"Each act of kindness contributes to making the world a better place."
"We are not better because we have more, but because we give more."
"The world is better off if every so called type, in the world, is better."
"If this is crazy, this is a lot better than the crazy when I was living in the world."
"What I found out is in the end, what God has for you is always better than what you had before. It's always better."
"Relationships all around vastly better."
"I just want the betterment of Manchester United, whatever it is."
"There are so many possibilities and ways that people can improve, people can get better, people can improve the lives of those around them."
"We're just trying to do better than what is already there."
"...I just wanted people to be better off, that's all I wanted."
"You need to be the better version of you."
"My mom always wanted better for me."
"There's no shame in this. We're making a better world." - Dr. Mathias
"Economics is people and it's about making the world a better place."