
Spiritual Discipline Quotes

There are 261 quotes

"It has to do with denying the flesh, it has to do with submitting to God, resisting the devil, it has to do with yielding to the spirit and walking in the spirit."
"Fasting puts the nature of the flesh under the authority of your spirit."
"Fasting will bring protection for your family."
"By fasting, we control the passions of the body to free up our souls, our spirits. The flesh is not to control the spirit; the spirit is to control the flesh."
"We need to die daily... every little day, we could do major mortifications, but the greatest are surrendering our will."
"This is the month of Ramadan, O you who believe! Fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you in order for you to reach God-consciousness."
"Fasting is a preparation for temptation, subduing your appetites under spiritual control."
"Fasting trains your heart to control your body."
"Obedience is that you do it when he says do it; rebellion is when you do it when you want to do it or you don't do it at all."
"Godly fasting leads to godly living; legalist fasting leads to loose living."
"You cannot be a true believer and neglect prayer."
"Steadfast perseverance is key for prevailing prayer."
"I believe in science completely... in its methodology which is this error correcting mechanism relentless unflinching and it's to me kind of spiritual discipline."
"Prayer is supposed to be a discipline, something we do regularly, intentionally, when we plan and then engage in on purpose."
"Your battle, your warfare must match the victory of Jesus in order to win. This is why you can't afford to be casual about your prayer life, dear saint."
"Prayer without fasting is like a bird with just one wing."
"Toughening up, thickening the skin, fasting, praying, mortifying, and engaging this battle as if the future freedoms of our country depend on it."
"Obedience is better than sacrifice. So before you give out what you think he wants, how about you just do what he asked you to do?"
"Don't lose hope. Amen. Don't lose the discipline of the daily engagement with prayer."
"Responding with sabr is only for the believer, meaning that it's something that you train, it's a muscle that you work on."
"People need to be taught so they can keep the switch of faith turned on."
"Fast your insecurity, doubts, shame, guilt, jealousy, and comparison."
"Choose a place and schedule a time daily to have quiet time."
"If Jesus fasted, we should fast. We are Christ's ambassadors on the earth."
"Religion itself is preventing a United world and the kingdom from actualizing Here and Now."
"As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten; be zealous therefore and repent."
"Fasting shows you have the mental and spiritual capacity to overcome struggles."
"Fasting is a spiritual discipline for those who want to be empowered in a new year by the Holy Spirit."
"Read it daily, at least one chapter a day, and be filled with the knowledge that will build your faith and your relationship with Him."
"He actually prunes us with his word. It's called a sword for a reason."
"Yield to His Spirit and reject the works of the flesh."
"Revival is nothing more or less than a new obedience to God and then it's long obedience and the same direction."
"The will is the single measure of the rate and fastidiousness of the activation and balancing of the various energy centers... from the simple utilization of catalyst for evolution to the opening of the gateway to intelligent Infinity."
"Exercise dominion over your flesh... dominate this flesh."
"Jesus puts praying and fasting on exactly the same level."
"Fasting is bringing these bodily appetites into submission and saying, 'God, you're my all-consuming passion.'"
"God isn't obligated to chase us down and talk to us; we're obligated to slow down and listen to Him."
"Fasting and prayer brings surrender of body, soul, and spirit to our Lord Jesus Christ."
"We have to bring every thought into captivity of Christ."
"Being a Christian living a Godly holy life is hard work. You really have to deny your flesh, you have to say no to the world."
"The prelude to a life of power is a life of prayer."
"Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and we're supposed to keep our bodies holy."
"Fasting is something that God has ordained as a practice to create a supernatural force for you."
"Jesus said, 'However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.'"
"Fasting is a denial of your physical self, hungering and thirsting after God more than your own needs."
"Guarding the eyes, ears, and tongue is essential to protect the heart."
"It is critical that we make spending time alone with God a top priority."
"Denying yourself means laying down your own selfish will and ambition."
"We need to enter into penance, sorrow, and repentance."
"One lives as an Orthodox Christian by doing as Christ instructed by denying themselves taking up their cross and following Christ."
"Make dua for every single thing you need, constantly."
"You gotta fight this flesh every single day and crucify it."
"Our commanded mornings are not just a personal ritual, they are a catalyst for change, a beacon of hope and strength in a world that desperately needs it."
"Are you at least making an effort to pray five times a day?"
"Japanese monks: rigorous training for self-mummification."
"Prayer is more than just wishful thinking. It's discipline. It's warfare. It's how we fight back against darkness." - Harris Faulkner
"Obedience to His voice increases the volume of His voice."
"Obedience increases the volume of His voice."
"Celibacy is a discipline, but it opens you up for the most fruitful ministry and intimacy with Jesus Christ."
"Stay alert, be in prayer, so you don't wander into temptation without even knowing."
"Prayer is not sending God to run on your errands. A Christian must get on his knees before he gets on his feet."
"The Bible did not say you should just pray. The Bible told you to watch and pray."
"One of the perennial temptations in prayer is distraction."
"The fasting isn't causing the Deliverance; the fasting is starving out the thing that even demonic entities feast on."
"Your heart shouldn't be how much could I get it, it's literally like Lord how much can I restrict, how much can I eliminate, that's where the heart of fasting comes in."
"I'm gonna pray the rosary every day and I'm gonna read the Bible every day and I'm gonna go to confession every two weeks or every month"
"It takes much more than a couple of hours per week to be a godly Christian who makes an impact on the world. It takes sustained time in His presence. How true is that?"
"You have the faith and the discipline to surrender to things that you cannot control."
"People must submit to external reality and conform to Revelation to become holy."
"Biblical fasting was part of worshiping the Lord."
"The essence of fasting is discipline, patience, and obedience to Allah."
"Prayer is one of the most exciting and powerful things that God has given any of his children."
"How bad do we want it? The power of fasting."
"So taking charge of the elements is the most fundamental form of yoga and all yoga, whatever kind of yoga, everything is an offshoot of Bhuta Shuddhi."
"Consistency in recitation of the Quran, in giving sadaqa, in visiting the sick..."
"The routine of prayer is crucial. It's not just about praying once in a while, but having a set time and place for consistent prayer."
"Maintain your connection to Allah, curb your desires, discipline your desires, and try to have perspective in your difficulties."
"The struggle for us as Christians is centered around the question: how do I walk habitually in the Holy Spirit and not in the flesh?"
"Demons don't do the sinning for you. So stop blaming some demon and take responsibility for not using what God gave you: self-control."
"Happy are those who follow His commands, who obey Him with all their heart."
"This is the manual this is where the flesh of man has to be crucified so that you don't live out of your own nature or tied up in the sinful nature."
"If God is calling you to a certain life, there is a certain discipline that upholds it."
"Christ says if you love him you're going to keep his Commandments you're not going to make excuses you're not going to cherry pick scriptures you're not going to hold on to the traditions of men."
"You cannot resist the devil until you submit to God."
"The most obvious and minimum manifestation of taqwa is listen to Allah and the Messenger (peace be upon him)."
"Take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ."
"Fasting is not easy, but it's a life and death situation."
"Prayer and fasting are both an important part of your walk with Christ."
"For the grace this week to intentionally limit ourselves by making a decision to love God and the people who have been given to us."
"If you feed the flesh, it will rule your life. But those who feed the Spirit, reap life."
"Prayer ensures God is not forgotten throughout the day, bringing knowledge and awareness of God, and strengthens faith."
"If ever there is a time when one needs to pray, it is when he does not feel like praying." - Charles Finney.
"Guarding our tongue is not a mere suggestion, it's a Divine directive."
"Obedience is the servant of the faith, not of obedience."
"Hold on to your dean, your way of life, Islam, submission to the creator not the creation."
"Christ said pray always, and eventually, we can achieve that, but it's very few people who do it because they have to be willing to sacrifice everything in their life to achieve that."
"Watch and Pray so that you will not fall into temptation; the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." - Matthew 26:41
"Staying focused on the purpose of the fast is crucial."
"It's not easy, but when I read scripture, it's pretty clear: deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow me."
"Sexual immorality doesn't begin in the heart; rather, the heart is involved in a later phase."
"Building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost."
"Establish that discipline and make sure that you're making decisions every single day with that time with the Lord in mind."
"If we have gone through this or going through it, and God begins to slap us around and correct us. That's love."
"Every branch that bears not fruit, he takes away."
"Overcoming our passions and desires is essential in spiritual life."
"Help them to set time aside every single day with you."
"I want to do religion. I want to have things that are required and that are hard, and I found that in the faith."
"David said that word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against you."
"Our private disciplines yield public rewards."
"If he can trust you with praying 10 minutes in the spirit, he can trust you with hours."
"Teaching not only shows you how to put the helmet of salvation on, but it also shows you how to keep it on. Keep it, because when you're like a running back, man, when you get the handoff, the objective of the defense is to go after you."
"Repentance is the posture of a Christian. Repentance is our daily fruit, our hourly washing, our minute-by-minute wake-up call, our reminder of God's creation, Jesus's blood, and the Holy Spirit's comfort."
"Chastity is an inner ordering of your entire sexual appetite from your mind and your spirit all the way down to your body."
"I'd always spent my life alone in some fashion or another I was familiar with it when I began studying spiritual discipline you learn at solitude spiritual solitude is a huge component and self evolution"
"To deny yourself is to refuse to allow the flesh to have the right to rule over you."
"Every morning, God wakes us up, and we must make a fresh determination to seek Him."
"Fasting is like a rehearsal for the time of my death. I still want to be able spiritually to pray, to orient myself towards Christ, to fight depression and fear, and always find reason for hope, looking ahead to the approaching moment of judgment."
"The word of God stays sharp by use, use it in the morning, use it in the afternoon, use it in the evening, use it when you get in your car."
"I've been careless about what I think about. I thought you could just serve God and then let any thought come in and out, and then I wondered why there's such an up and down in my spiritual walk."
"We're going to believe God for 12 to 14 minutes of time in the word every day."
"We're going to spend 100 minutes a week in prayer, 100 minutes in the word, and a hundred days of sacrificial gifts of generosity and random acts of kindness."
"Without Christ we can do nothing. You must at the very beginning make a decision, make a commitment to guarding your devotion, guard your prayer life, guard your holiness, guard your devotion to the word of God."
"Intercession should be characterized by brokenness, fasting."
"Just repent and make a promise to stick within the scriptural boundaries of intercession."
"Are you doing that? If someone were to visit you and spend several days at your home, would they see that your strength comes from the nourishment of the word of God, which is a daily part of your life?"
"Worship is war. When you're tempted, that's war. If you choose holiness, that's worship."
"You keep reading about Jesus, you keep talking about Jesus, you keep dying to yourself, you keep fighting your flesh."
"Men ought always to pray and not offend."
"The key to seeing miracles is surrender and obedience."
"If you were kidnapped by bandits and they were sawing you in half limb from limb, if you give rise to a thought of hatred towards those people doing that, then you're not following my teaching."
"Living a true Christian Life actually looked like."
"They abstained from a lot of the things that were happening in the modern culture to find a way, a narrow path so to speak."
"Neglect of prayer is one great cause of backsliding."
"Abstain from distractions and focus on Allah. Discipline yourself to fulfill obligations and stay away from harm."
"If you immediately obey, you will never make room for condemnation, guilt, or shame to touch you ever."
"Spiritual discipline is everything."
"Your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, there are certain things you just cannot engage in, and this is non-negotiable."
"The word of God must abide in you solidly."
"There's no excuse for us not to have the word of God abiding in us."
"God is a God of order. We have to do things God's way."
"If you love God, you won't disobey his word."
"Faith and patience. It's the name of the game when you're walking by faith."
"I don't think it's a secret. I really think that it's almost like a spiritual discipline of sorts or a psychic discipline."
"For us to submit ourselves... to God... our level of pride and how open we are to God's discipline... it's very telling about our level of pride."
"The only reason why Jesus was able to fast for 40 days and 40 nights and be under intense temptation with God is because he spent intentional time before that, alone in the wilderness."
"Faith is trusting God's design and not letting the instant gratifications temptations of the limbic brain mess that up."
"You breathe or you die, you study the word or you die, you pray or you die."
"Fasting is not just about food; it's about going without."
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness."
"Some demons don't come out except by prayer and fasting."
"Live a life of prayer and fasting, your life will never be the same."
"Fasting has something within it that is way beyond our maybe our intellectual understanding."
"And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure."
"We're surrendering ourselves each day to the only one who can actually do it."
"Exercise daily in God; no spiritual flabbiness, please."
"May the fire on my altar never burn out, make me a house of prayer."
"Spirit-empowered warfare can only be spirit-empowered when we understand Ephesians 5:18 spirit-filled submission to God and one another."
"We will follow our religious principles and never forget the true virtue of humility."
"The continuing of rejoicing always, that's the hard part."
"Pray without ceasing and give thanks for all things."
"By the grace of God, I fulfill the precept to pray without ceasing."
"When you are full of faith and have faithfulness, you will yield to the voice that tells you to obey God."
"The unwillingness to endure hardness makes it impossible for us to be true soldiers of Jesus Christ."
"To follow God, you have to foster memory, you have to fight against forgetfulness."
"Spend some time with the Lord in prayer and fasting, and trust that He'll give you the answer."
"Fasting is something that you can do to get closer to God and it helps with temptations."
"How much time are you spending in the Word of God and prayer?"
"Bring every thought, word, and deed into subjection to Jesus Christ."
"If you are going to prosper in the prayer enterprise, then you must be someone that is conscious of the fact that God operates from the secret and the inward paths."
"We seek the word, we seek the kingdom, by making special arrangements to receive it."
"Daniel's prayer was based on God's word that he was reading."
"Waiting upon the Lord is a reverence, there's an awe."
"When one stands up for the Salah, he's interacting with his Lord."
"Only the word of God can regulate the mind, only the word of God can control the thoughts."
"I was told, 'Come to the Bible every day, and God will connect with you.'"
"And bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."
"Remember the whole point of the Daniel Fast is to deny your flesh but to be intentional about spending time with the Lord and feeding your spirit."
"You will actually find it nearly impossible to follow Jesus if you don't have some practice of getting by yourself."
"I now live by faith, lean on His presence, walk by patience, lift by prayer, and labor by power."
"The one who wishes to learn in the spiritual school of the Gospel must keep firmly to three principles: to blame himself, not to trust in his own reasoning, and to hate his own will."
"We are to remain under the blood covering through both faith and obedience."
"Pray without ceasing; if we do this with all the care possible, for unceasing prayer is the most important aspect of the rule."
"When you don't have a prayer life, Bible reading life, you're not going to church... you're spiritually lazy and you're lukewarm."
"How to make a good confession is to actually do what your spiritual father says."
"Prayer helps you to conquer yourself and to conquer the flesh."
"The fast is not just about tarq, abandonment of certain outward actions, but is about the tarq or the abandonment of certain inward states as well."
"Pray unceasingly, for every single Christian is to learn and to acquire unceasing prayers."
"The practice of the Buddhist teaching is something that you have to undertake for yourself."
"Every thought would be brought and taken captive to the obedience of Messiah."
"We're reproving each other as iron sharpens iron, and we're growing in holiness, greater freedom, and what comes from with greater freedom is absolute joy."
"Do not give up, keep on going at it, return to the word of God every day."
"Help me Lord to obey your word always."
"It's really important to spend that time, and if you can develop the habit of getting up early and reading and praying first thing, it makes your day go smoothly."
"Your word I have hidden in my heart."
"Stay away from sinful people, delight in the law of the Lord, and meditate day and night."
"We wake up without it. Our natural, our sin nature is to be proud. The only way you can be humble is to put it on."
"Moving in silence is not merely a practice of discretion but a profound spiritual discipline that strengthens our core."
"God said I got you in a season of silence, be quiet, keep your mouth closed, walk in silence, move in silence."
"If you desire to grow spiritually and you are not prepared to spend time in the Word of God, you are deceiving yourself."
"The primary assignment of prayer is to change you."