
Reliability Quotes

There are 18756 quotes

"He is the never-failing God, His mercy carries us."
"Your family, however you define that word, are some of the only people that you can count on no matter what."
"In terms of writing, nothing quite beats a pencil in terms of reliability."
"Why should you trust Him? Because He has never failed. He will never fail. He cannot fail."
"Despite popular belief, our memory is even more flawed with traumatic experiences."
"You admire people who keep their word who are honest and reliable."
"If you're doing what you're saying, and you're staying consistent with that, then you're definitely going to build trust."
"Science has been the demonstrably most consistently reliable method of accurately describing the universe in a way that is useful and productive."
"There's nothing more reliable than your intuition; it's not trying to sell you anything, it's not trying to hurt you, it's trying to save you."
"The American people have a lot of questions. They want accurate, reliable information."
"There's nothing more important than character... Characters are many different things, but if you tell me you're going to do something, you do it 80-90% of the time."
"Trust me, I've got your back, and I need you to believe and trust in me."
"If you're a person who can turn up on time with a firm handshake, who is genuinely competent and doesn't lie to anybody, you're going to be fine."
"No matter what happens next, we can count on each other."
"We will not abandon you. You can rely on us."
"I think I need a companion. Someone reliable, someone loyal."
"You're doing wonderfully, and I think that this reliability really speaks to you being reliable to yourself and being able to count on yourself."
"God is not a man that He should lie; He does not make promises that He will not fulfill."
"Sometimes a shield is good just because it does its goddamn job."
"Building the muscle that says I do what I say is crucial."
"Russia is no longer a reliable energy partner for Europe."
"You want other people in your life that you can rely on, that are good people and have honor and integrity."
"You're like the Avatar, bro. When the world needed you the most, you vanished."
"The greatest luxury car in the world is a relatively inexpensive car because you don't even have to think about it."
"Stenva always shows up when you need him most."
"In real life, the big gesture isn't enough. You need to be consistent, you need to be dependably good."
"Flying on reused vehicles on flight-proven vehicles is key towards greater flight reliability and lowering the cost of access to space."
"Every flight we fly with people on board and every test that we do towards those flights is lessons and data that we use to make flights safer and more reliable."
"The best solution is to build a strong and reliable friend group."
"Thanks for keeping honest journalism alive. You seem to be the most reliable source of mainstream political global news today."
"The cloud can be reassuring because it has so much DR built in, so much redundancy."
"Eyewitness testimony is probably the worst form of testimony you could possibly have."
"I will 100% have. I ever let you down? No, no, never."
"The first step is to simplify the code, have less code, have code that is less likely to go wrong."
"Reliability is a systems issue, not just a theory issue."
"The reality is if these things have been looked after and well serviced, they are incredibly reliable."
"When you're laying there, you can say yeah, I was a good family member, I was a good friend, I was someone that could be counted on."
"MP5...there is no sub gun on Earth that has a track record like the MP5 does."
"As far as guns you can bet your life on, Glock for sure is right at the top of the list."
"The Mossberg 590, in my opinion, is probably the most time-tested and the most durable and the most reliable pump shotgun."
"What is the most important quality of a defensive weapon? Is it weight? Is it size? Is it ergonomics? Is it accuracy? No, it's reliability."
"I think it's a way to keep the gun weight down... that's an important quality of a home defense gun: reliability."
"When God says something, he's a god of his word. I trust everything he says."
"People who are faithful are really great; that means loyal, reliable, authentic."
"If you want a reliable car, go get yourself a Honda."
"New cars are generally getting ever more reliable."
"Demographics are important... the average Consumer Reports subscriber is more interested in reliability than the average person."
"Bottom line, if reliability is your prime concern when buying a new car, then you should be buying a car that has been out on the market for a while that we already have data on."
"It's critical that your partner always feels like you're going to be there for them."
"He's reliable. Archaeologically speaking, whatever he tells us proved to be correct."
"When it comes to long-term change, simplicity is the more reliable factor."
"Trust is essentially answering the question, 'Will you be there for me?' in all kinds of different situations."
"You can trust this book; it's right about the past, it's right about the present, it's right about the future because it is God's Word."
"For about 33 percent of drivers, the field sobriety tests may suggest that they are drunk even if they are not."
"You can hardly think of anything more important in life than being reliable for the people who trust you."
"If you're talking about a self-defense weapon... the most important feature that it has is to be spotless in reliability."
"TypeScript helps you make more robust, more reliable, easier to maintain applications."
"Science's self-correcting nature is at the core of why science works."
"I like to think that everyone that I've ever been friends with knows that they could always call me even if things went bad, and I would always answer."
"You've got to have someone there behind you, backing you up; otherwise, it's just loose."
"God never forgets, he never falters, he never fails to keep his word. Never."
"He is reliable, trustworthy, unfailing, unwavering, constant, steadfast."
"God is a faithful God, that is, he will do what he says he will do, how he says he will do it, when he says he will do it, and there are no exceptions."
"Beans can consistently be relied upon to provide a variety of essential nutrients."
"LWRC talks a pretty big game with its M6 series of rifles, but everything I've seen from shooting this one in the Nutnfancy project, it delivers. Accurate, 100% reliability, fun to shoot, lightweight, piston-driven."
"We don't need more information, we need the ability to sift through the information to tell the difference between reliable and unreliable information."
"Reliability of every tiny joint is the factor that can spell the difference between failure and success."
"Leadership is best expressed in understanding, but reliability can only be achieved by the constant attention to every detail."
"I decided that day two things: one, that I would never get a house with a bedroom over a garage or a remote start for my car; two, that I would be the kind of person that people instantly knew something was wrong if I didn't show up when I said I would."
"I think immediately they saw you as somebody very solid that they would want to build something with."
"Friends are always there for you when you need them."
"The scientific method... is the single most reliable, consistent, self-correcting method for discerning truth."
"And with the recent failure of the power grid in Texas and brownouts in places like California, energy storage is becoming necessary to keep power up and running."
"This drone has been in my bag since it was released a year and a half ago on every trip I've gone on and has been fantastic."
"Another thing that's amazing about this drone is the range and the signal link quality. I have never had dropouts with this thing, even when I've been flying in dense forests or in ice caves."
"I never worry about it crashing, and that's hugely valuable to me."
"The value of the promise depends upon the promiser."
"The U.S. Postal Service has always been a critical lifeline for communities."
"We want the world to know that we're dependable. We can be accountable."
"That's okay, Wolfie showed up eventually; you didn't let me down in the end."
"They're gonna be very stable and reliable as well."
"Doing the vital repair work to keep these heavy-metal wonders of industry alive."
"The laws of physics: one thing we can all rely on, at least you know that things fall downwards and nothing can go faster than light. A little comfort in an otherwise crazy world."
"The measure of reliability is how likely is it to make a mistake, and there's not a single thing that you can point to that is more consistently reliable than science."
"God has never failed me. Never. Not one time."
"I'm glad you got me on this show with you because you need somebody that's always right."
"There's no safer transportation system in the world."
"Integrity, being your word, actually doing what you say and being somebody people can trust."
"In the arms market, your reliability as a supplier is a key selling point."
"Doing what you say you will do has to be the cornerstone of your policies."
"Like billowing clouds that bring no rain is the person who talks big but never produces."
"If you've ever felt your judgment seems compromised... your intuition will never be off."
"One thing that you can count on us for is the truth and nothing but the truth."
"Lester never [__] up the endgame, not ever. He's the best there is."
"Norms should be reciprocal and reliable, and if you have one party not being reciprocal or reliable, you really don't have a norm in the end."
"Not one single promise has been forgotten. Not a single promise He's made has ever been broken."
"Induction is a method that consistently produces reliable results."
"This is the absolute gold standard poll of the first in the nation caucus state."
"All this is going to do is instill more trust with the consumer."
"The guard dog Rover, this thing seems to never ever overheat."
"Trust is defined as an assured resting of the mind on the integrity, veracity, justice, friendship, or other sound principle of another person."
"An important fact has been overlooked: that scientific studies in this field have a very good track record in getting their projections right."
"We designed Google Cloud to virtually eliminate downtime, to keep your critical applications running and available."
"A routine like this is always nice to have... your set go-to products that are really reliable, easy to work with, you know, things that kind of do all the work for you."
"Everything I work on in my program is that there's no games or gimmicks or tricks or magic, and it's really the fundamentals."
"The backbone of the SP5 is its roller delayed blowback action, legendary for its accuracy, reliability, and smooth operation."
"Thank you for being a source of unbiased scientific information in such an uncertain time."
"Sultans, presidents, and ayatollahs come and go, but there's a beauty out there that can always be relied upon."
"We need it to be robust, we need it to be consumer friendly, we need it to just work."
"We know that relying completely on randomness can be very frustrating, and with gear mattering once again in PvP, we want to make sure that people have a reliable path to the gear that they want."
"SpongeBob always felt reliable. It was always there, delivering quality entertainment."
"We know that science works. We know that if you follow scientific principles, you can get to Pluto... and it works over and over again."
"This Toyota Camry Hybrid, specifically, it's a hybrid, and there's a really good reason why these cars are so well known for having tons and tons of miles."
"The Bible hasn't been wrong yet; you can bank on it being right."
"Keep your promises. Whatever they are, the one thing people remember about you."
"The thing that stands out continually about the Hilux is just how solidly proficient it is at doing what it needs to do."
"Whenever there is question about the reliability and the validity... we clearly communicate not only that there are limitations to our opinions but we also need to provide the fact finder with information about what the potential implications or impact could actually be."
"I feel like they see you as a very stable and rock-solid part of their life for sure."
"A lot of people often talk about EJs being fragile, but in my experience, that's people who've gone and doubled the boost on a stock EJ20 turbo and wonder why it's gone."
"Without a working, reliable subway system that's safe, with trains that run on time, the city is not going to be able to function."
"This person will be genuine... It is actions that you can trust."
"Almost always if you don't see anything go wrong, that means everything went right."
"Grab Loba if you want to be heavily relied on and if you want to be a legend everyone loves to have in the team."
"Gibraltar is such a relief to have on your team."
"Sales for me has always been it's like a hammer for a handyman like I know I can rely on that and I can get it done."
"Always, not sometimes, always. It can never fail, always."
"You've got to start by being the person that you'd want to be able to count on."
"We're giving you facts backed up with evidence after evidence."
"The stereotypes work sometimes, but a lot of times they don't work, they break down."
"And you know what we'll end the video here because I don't want it to suddenly break down and it to suddenly be demoted to a one out of 10."
"Ensuring utmost reliability and safety during operation."
"Once you get past 22 years old, everything you do in life is going to be based on your reliability."
"Precision engineering: you've got to have this absolutely right or it's going to be either jamming up or leaking."
"I've never had a problem. It was easy to set up and once it was set up I could count on it always."
"The giant radiator together with the giant front grille and this very large step plus fan probably means that this engine will never have issues with overheating."
"The KS 47 is reliable, I think it's cost-effective effective and it's very very accurate from what we see."
"Fortunately, we can't rely on mainstream games media."
"I'm a man of my word. I make a promise and I keep it."
"Power supplies have kind of plateaued these days to the point where no matter what I'm building, I would expect five or even 10 years of trouble-free service."
"They require consistent training and early socialization to make them a dog that'll stand by your side."
"At the end of the day, what science does is it comes up with the most reliable models and theories."
"Basics are better than most of the lands because they just do their thing and no downside."
"I wouldn't count Savage Ventmaw as a ramp card... I think part of the problem is reliability."
"Evan McPherson has been outright automatic for the Bengals."
"Stability and structure are foundations you can rely on."
"For more than a century, fingerprints have proven themselves a reliable and irrefutable way to link criminals to their crimes."
"I'd rather have one incredibly good friend that you know do everything with that I'm can count on any time of day then having like 20 acquaintances."
"He just flat out doesn't give up deep balls very often."
"Bitcoin is the king of digital property it's optimized for integrity and durability over long periods of time."
"You are my best friend. You are my brother. I can always count on you."
"There's a peace of mind that comes with it because you know then your favorite artist, people that you look forward to their careers in the future, have a very reliable backbone to it."
"People know what they want: energy that is available, affordable, and reliable."
"The Telluride is the winner here and it also is the winner when it comes to reliability."
"Nuclear is the safest way to make reliable power."
"If we say we're going to do something, we follow it through."
"Consistency has this really fascinating value."
"Trust NASA Spaceflight for all your accurate news reporting."
"Thankfully justice was served in this case, which can't always be said."
"You quickly become somebody that people trust."
"Positive changes and developments that you begin to see in December will stick. You'll be able to count on what is around you."
"Make sure that the commitments you're making, you can keep."
"Communists cannot be trusted because they have a particular set of interests."
"You demand Perfection and that's where my bookie delivers."
"I won't let him down. I won't let anyone down."
"Quality and reliability - the cornerstone of innovation."
"If I had to recommend anything, it would be Prusa. I have never had a printer that just worked other than Prusa."
"Both Eddie Huff and Linda Ortega had the same or at least very similar stories to tell."
"A chain is only as strong as its weakest link."
"Either they'll just turn around and say oh I know I give you my word I'm going to vote for bill back better and that we'd get the details worked out but um I'm going back on it I'm not gonna do it sorry."
"The hard-to-explain accuracy of these predictions remains unsettling."
"I'm giving you the numbers that we believe are very indicative."
"They're Bulletproof... not the fastest, not the sexiest, but they're bulletproof."
"The main thing is to have a reliable fixed blade belt knife."
"The one millisecond response time claim is spot on."
"The broader predictive models that scientists have been looking at and refining have been correct. They have been on point."
"A faith that's been tested is one that can be trusted."
"Of the hundreds of thousands of engines I've seen built and the thousands that I've torn down, none of them have ever failed because they were too clean."
"Brandon hasn't really disappointed many people ever... you're probably going to get another win out of this."
"The error has been corrected, and that is important."
"Call on Mickie James when you need to see a solid match."
"It's super safe and strong... one of the safest ways to do it."
"All that matters is that he got through without any gremlins and didn't get that incomplete."
"The molten salt reactor... earned a reputation for reliability."
"The court therefore cannot rely on the declaration of Lynn Spears as a basis for suspension or removal."
"Maxing out at 11 hours through normal use, this is great for those who need a reliable machine for the entire day's work or school."
"My eyebrows stay so put and feathery ever since I discovered Benefit brow products."
"Final Shine Attack: Reliable, powerful, and always a top contender."
"I'm not always there when you call, but I am always on time."
"The numbers tell you the winner and the loser for the most part. The numbers don't lie."
"The plane can fly if one engine fails but with reservations."
"I realized that faith is not a reliable method for determining truth."
"Prove it so well that you can no longer disprove yourself."
"Aces bring new and when you get pentacles that is about someone who is solidly investing in a future with you."
"Government provides police and firefighters you can rely on and trust."
"He's like Mr. Stable and Mr. Reliable, which is, you highlighted, is great."
"Jennifer Aniston is a Hollywood household name who will always be there for you."
"You can't get out of bed when you say you're going to if you can't put in your mouth what you say you're going to if you can't reach the contacts you say."
"No one has ever lost any money if they've bought and held an S&P 500 index fund for more than 20 years."
"Build it simple and then double up on as many components or systems so that if one fails, the other will take over."