
Rebuilding Quotes

There are 1304 quotes

"The tower gives you an opportunity for positive transformation and to rebuild bigger, better, and stronger than ever before."
"The magic obviously is in the people who show up."
"The people listening to this, yourself included, are the ones who are gonna have the biggest role to play in the rebuilding that's gonna have to come."
"What we need to do is actually rebuild social infrastructure in our country."
"It's in being broken that we learn to rebuild our world with the pieces."
"There will be peace for a time, during which we must rebuild Skyrim into the land it once was."
"It will highlight our commitment to come together and rebuild."
"It's not just about surviving the night; it's about rebuilding the next day."
"We are going to rebuild in a way that remembers the people who this tragedy has impacted and also do it in a way that honors the community it serves."
"Life will be filled with many opportunities, new beginnings, and chances to rebuild anew."
"And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations."
"Honestly, seeing everyone surviving out here, rebuilding the world... it gives me hope."
"Sometimes it's easier to knock down what I think is a poor foundation and build a better house."
"Vault 76 was America's best chance at restructuring society post-war."
"It's a process; we gotta trust the process, trust the rebuild."
"I think we need a reset, and I think the rebuild will take three years, maybe two."
"This is a terrible tragedy. It's horrible this happened, and we're going to rebuild as soon as possible."
"We won't just rebuild this nation, we will transform it."
"America broke, but it's okay; you can fix it. You can put it back how it was before, however you happen to personally conceive that before to be."
"On our journey to ascend the throne, we have an abundance of choice when it comes to how we wish to rebuild the crumbling world around us."
"When Joe Biden rebuilds the middle class, he won't leave anyone behind."
"We must rebuild this country for the future of our children."
"New Vegas isn't that; it's a post-post apocalypse game. New Vegas is about rebuilding."
"Rivet City is one of the few bastions of civilization left in the land. We're working to rebuild our society, to make the world livable again."
"This is really going to take a whole Community effort."
"If you're a local resident, find a way to take someone in from Maui if at all possible, because this rebuild is going to be extraordinary, but it's going to take time."
"This historic town has been completely destroyed. We do know that repair efforts will cost billions of dollars. Rebuilding will take a long time."
"When we do that, we will not only do the hard work of rebuilding this nation, we can transform this nation."
"A strong rebuild requires time, patience, and a clear vision."
"He attempted to build a new South Africa, one which was inclusive of all its people and would look beyond its fractious past."
"Building back the community is definitely key."
"Starting to think of this as the great rebuild."
"The war is over. We can finally start rebuilding the world we once knew."
"Let's build back better in a way that actually serves the people."
"The tower releases something negative in order to rebuild in a more positive, stronger foundation. So it is a positive transformation for your highest good."
"Let's not just reopen, let's learn the lessons and build back better."
"Let's rebuild roblox rebuild roblox let's go let's go let's rebuild let's rebuild let's go let's go chat let's go"
"It's going to be a complete, huge rebuild to get this squad back to anywhere near it."
"I'm in somewhat of a rebuild a soft rebuild... now it is a remodel."
"Rebuilding brigades takes years to do, and between now and 2025, that is fantasy."
"We will rebuild. We will be stronger. There is no question."
"We'll rebuild our economy and when we do, we'll build back better."
"Don't look back at the demolition, focus on what you're building."
"It's like Chelsea Football Club has been burned down and has been looking to be rebuilt."
"Sometimes you just have to suck it up and smash it and rebuild it better."
"Reflecting on his tumultuous past while striving to rebuild."
"We have a lot of work to do, a new world to make, towns, cities, and sites to rebuild."
"Would you rather have tyranny and this corruption for the rest of your life or would you rather pull the Band-Aid off and rebuild [ __ ] the way it's supposed to be?"
"Trust is one of the hardest things to build. Once it's broken, it's impossible to rebuild."
"We have an opportunity to rebuild ourselves right now."
"We have now rebuilt our military stronger than it's ever been."
"The structures of your life over the next hundred days might disintegrate and you have to describe the situation to find a new foundation."
"You have to burn the party to the ground, you have to start over. There's not a conservative philosophy here."
"The sooner the house burns down the sooner can be rebuilt."
"They return to a desolate land, but they will create great wealth."
"Ranyik's coming into this football club to rebuild and teach the director of football basically to help the new CEO on how to run a football club."
"This is the Mac Jones Patriots rebuild, so we're going to be focusing on him."
"A post-war rebuilding effort like the one in Western Europe or Japan following the end of the second world war is entirely possible in Ukraine and Russia."
"America faces a challenge, but if we face it together, we will rise to the occasion and build back better."
"Perhaps a push will be needed one day, but what's way more important than tearing things down is building to have something beyond that."
"Be willing to destroy whatever it is that you have in order to rebuild it into something better."
"The special status is over... reconstructing what we had before is impossible."
"Ukraine will build Bachman back better than it was before."
"Together, I really think that we can make a better world out of the wreckage that's going to happen. It's going to be hard, it's going to be a catharsis, and it's going to be the most meaningful years of Our Lives I think."
"We need to build back better to reset. A true recovery from COVID-19 will not be about putting things back together the way they were."
"We just need to get the best out of Ronaldo now while we rebuild."
"Let it go. We don't need it. We can rebuild it. They can't."
"We have to do more than just build back better, but bill back. We have to build back better."
"Rebuild dreams together, leaving the past behind, for a future filled with happiness."
"They both won the NBA lottery, meaning they were going to be able to hit the restart button on their franchise."
"To deconstruct everything is to rebuild it again stronger."
"They begin to gather what few leaders of the rebellion remain so they can rebuild and continue the fight against the First Order who takes control of many of the major systems."
"The whole idea is to use this crisis to destroy the economy as we know it and build it back better."
"We're rebuilding our country, recognizing that so many people have died. That's the one thing we can't do anything about."
"Future Trunks leads the future with Trunks and rebuilds it day by day. No one can stop the awesome power of both Future Trunks."
"Devastated yet unbroken, they have rebuilt civilization from the ashes of the old world."
"Poland lithuania's victory is almost too good to be true, surviving total annihilation and rebuilding civilization."
"I think it's important when it comes to rebuilding the loss of trust... you've got to fix that by starting with transparency."
"Beauty is not fearing the rebuild, it is the rebuild."
"It's not enough to just build back, we have to build back better than before."
"The establishment of order in Europe and the rebuilding of national economic life must be achieved by processes which will enable the liberated peoples to create democratic institutions of their own choice."
"Worker power is essential to building our economy back better."
"The only way to win is to rebuild, rebuild better, stronger, and more beautiful than before."
"Thousands of people were trying to make a home within the rubble."
"There's a tower that is coming down, something has to be broken down and rebuilt."
"Optimizing your approach... you can do it intuitively."
"And when the fighting has stopped, and the fallout has settled, you must rebuild."
"This is a month to repair, rebuild, resolve."
"His priority is first rebuilding our partnerships and alliances around the world."
"We have to find a way to look forward, not to wallow in the end of our civilization as we know it, but to look optimistically upon the future and what we can build anew upon the ruins."
"It cannot be fixed... we need to start over and build it up."
"Don't sweep it under the rug, navigate, rebuild."
"I just wanted everything. I just wanted to rebuild everything like my entire fitness foundation. Let's just build that back up, you know?"
"I think we should all be uh keep this incredible thing going and I built it once and I'll build it again."
"The path to rebuild in this moment is going to be rooted in data."
"Move forward, don't settle. Reform, reshape, and rebuild for true strength."
"It should be all or nothing for that drastic rebuild."
"Seven years ago, the world we knew ended, but a better one was built."
"One of the most enjoyable rebuilds I have done yet."
"The most insane rebuild we have done yet comes to a conclusion."
"We need some people in this football club above the manager who can build the club again."
"We're gonna survive, gonna build your better world."
"What a season, what a rebuild this has been."
"Rebuilding a dumpster fire of an organization."
"We're gonna build back better, you could say."
"Sometimes you have to be broken down so that you can learn to build yourself back up."
"Putin stopped the collapse and he stabilized the situation and he began to rebuild the Russian state."
"This rebuild is proving to be a proper grind but the progress is steady."
"I think we'll unwind this very quickly. The bad actors will get flushed out relatively quickly, and we'll build back a lot stronger."
"To rebuild institutions, it must be from scratch. It is the first time in human history that we are alone."
"As the New Republic worked to fill the power vacuum left behind, Luke Skywalker, last of the Jedi, became responsible for the creation of a new Jedi Order."
"We're going to focus on the pitch, we're going to rebuild, we're going to get football people in."
"Rebuilding the middle class is something that is an urgent need for the country."
"It's stunning to me that anyone would ever want to live there again and I would think frankly that that structure ought to be destroyed given its history."
"If that can't galvanize, if that can't bring black people to a place where they say we would love to rebuild this country, then they don't deserve freedom."
"Deconstruction is beautiful if we're going to rebuild."
"Trust the process of rebuilding, restructuring, and reforming."
"It's like I've got all I can out of the rubble now let's build something new."
"Capricorn, rewrite your story with hopeful optimism and strength. Build upon new and solid ground."
"The tower ultimately represents something that you've built up really hard in your head that needs to crumble down so that you can rebuild on a firmer foundation."
"You're rebuilding from a stronger foundation."
"It's almost like a retooling more than a rebuild."
"I'd say keep blowing it up. What are you really that far off from the playoffs?"
"Resilience allows us to rebuild from the ashes."
"As these ideas burn to the ground, we should be actively trying to build up something better."
"Deep transformation is the key to rebuilding."
"They recognize now that there needs to be some rebuilding."
"You can't plan to build a new house without demolishing the old one."
"I feel like we're in for a nice tranquil period of rebuilding."
"Deconstruction is beautiful when there's reconstruction."
"The Celtics have undergone one of the most masterful rebuilds I think I've ever seen."
"To build something new you must tear down old."
"The collapse of a civilization is not just the replacement of rulers or institutions with new rulers and new institutions. It is the destruction of a whole way of life and the painful and sometimes pathetic attempts of rebuilding amid the ruins."
"Bricks have fallen but we'll rebuild, we're gonna build back better."
"We have won a Champions League title and successfully rebuilt Huddersfield Town."
"The Flyers seemed to have been pivoting towards a rebuild there's only one issue with that they've been winning doing a lot of winning to the point of being serious playoff contenders."
"He began to build. His work was a building work versus a tearing down. Babylon tore down, and now Persia's inviting them to build back up." - David Butler
"A well-deserved win and a great rebuild; the squad we have built is insane."
"Prayer was the beginning pathway of me being rebuilt properly."
"This is our chance to rebuild everything and make it really good."
"I am so happy with this rebuild, honestly I really, really am."
"What a waste of time it is to try to make something better that isn't going to get better when you can tear it down and build it up again!" - Marshall
"You have to destroy old foundations in order to rebuild something new."
"So this lets us know that the purpose of Vault 76 and its inhabitants is to then rebuild the world."
"It's a revolutionary strategy to break it down to late or perhaps build it back up."
"You're rebuilding a foundation... you and someone are maybe rebuilding a life together."
"We built it once, we're now building it again, and it's gonna be even more successful."
"There is a word from Isaiah that speaks to all of us at times like this: The bricks have fallen down but we will rebuild."
"Out of the ashes of this broken system, the human beings in this place called United States of America are going to build something different."
"If you destroy or damage a building, that can be rebuilt, but lost human life or casualties is something that can never be healed."
"Europe needed a new roadmap, a blueprint for the future."
"The plan for today is to tear this thing down and then build it back up."
"I am rebuilding society. That is my duty at this point."
"Innovation comes from taking things apart and building something new."
"You have an opportunity here to rebuild from scratch."
"This department should be dissolved and rebuilt from the ground up."
"A beautifully drawn and animated game about a king who's trying to simply rebuild a kingdom."
"Lord, my altar's broken down. But here by faith, I rebuild it tonight. And in your presence, I'll keep my vow. Forgive me where I fail."
"The tower needing to open up more, or something like that. Maybe you've already had a tower moment and you're rebuilding."
"Ready to build something better than we've left behind."
"You have the ability right now to restart, to rebuild something."
"You must use the power within you to rebuild, Buildrick, my child."
"He said destroy this I just I just build it back."
"It's out of these ashes that we can build something beautiful."
"Things had to fall apart for something better, things had to fall apart for you to build something better in its place."
"We're happy to start over. We're not gonna build a house again from scratch. No, we're not doing that."
"Sometimes we have to tear that construct down to rebuild it in a healthier way."
"It is the hour not for despair but for courage and rebuilding."
"It's going to be a unique opportunity not only to become a master builder but to be built back up again."
"Build back better, it's a huge opportunity for Ukraine."
"You have to rebuild a new compelling future."
"We will not let the apocalypse define us. Humanity must be rebuilt no matter what."
"We're gonna start from zero and we're gonna build it back up. It's a new era."
"Reality check to everyone, hey are you still here, are you still alive, are you still building."
"A big theme is rebuilding the entire industry from a standpoint of Bitcoin-focused principles."
"Rebuild from the ground up with something a little bit more solid."
"We succeeded in bringing back civilization from a wasteland."
"Life isn't over even if you filed bankruptcy... it can always be rebuilt."
"We're going to rebuild it, that's what we're going to do."
"When everything's burned to the ground, you get to rebuild the exact and precise way you want the damn thing rebuilt."
"One of the best decisions that Kent Hughes made was fully going in the rebuilding direction."
"It's time to start building from here. There's no more working backwards, taking things off. From here, it's just putting the car together."
"Realizing you are a power tower that you have the ability to like totally rebuild your life."
"Seven years ago, the world we knew ended. We built another one, a world to be proud of."
"You're moving forward and you're facing the total collapse of how everything was and embracing the rebuilding of everything that now is."
"You're rebuilding, this is what you want. You got assets, so draft picks, young players, this is how you start over and rebuild."
"We must really rebuild to give people the future that the human rights movement has declared."
"We can rebuild our economy and we can become the modern brilliant Britain that I know we can be."
"You have to learn how to love yourself again and build yourself back up."
"I love what we're rebuilding, I love the momentum, I love the love."
"The world is empty waiting to be rebuilt, hope is on the horizon."
"Sometimes we need things to fall apart so that we can rebuild."
"Rebuilding is the funnest time of your life, and you're always rebuilding."
"I was able to put one foot in front of the other and rebuild my entire life."
"It's not just about power; it's about giving us the hope to rebuild and reclaim the world we lost."
"The world can be rebuilt on the bones of what came before."
"The world has been utterly destroyed, but now they're ready to start rebuilding again."