
Narrative Control Quotes

There are 416 quotes

"Essentializing and boiling people down to fundamental racial, ethnic, religious, or national characteristics as a way of making sweeping generalizations about them and using them as part of a broader narrative of control or opposition."
"It is imperative that we control our own narrative. We have to speak on our own narrative. We have to control our own narrative."
"I like the fact that we can get stuff done and we can handle our business and we can tell our narratives, put things in our words, and handle things on our level without bowing and scraping to anybody."
"It's all about empowerment with us over here, and we're going to have to start taking control of our narratives."
"What about if three players agreed to throw in their inspiration, they can overrule the dungeon master...and then change the course of the narrative?"
"The narrative must be protected at all costs. What YouTube and many of these other big tech companies want is they want to homogenize perspective."
"Revealing all of it was their way of setting fire to a narrative they didn't control and letting a new one emerge."
"You're the master, not the puppet, at the end of your story."
"AOC is really good at controlling narratives and putting out messages."
"We need [platforms] like this... we get to tell our story. We get to control the narrative."
"We live in a complex and unfair world, where the way things work don't make much sense. Those in power tell stories to keep us blinded and distracted from this cruel reality."
"China doesn't want the real story to be told."
"There's nothing better as an athlete than having your own platform and being able to control the narrative."
"Let us cultivate the Inner Light so we will not be slaves to their narrative."
"Hold her accountable but don't create and spread false narratives."
"What a great look by the way; they were chanting at Rand Paul 'say her name.'"
"At this point in history, it's time for us to stop allowing the victors to tell our history."
"It raised a lot of doubts or questions in a lot of people's minds of how many other incidents in the past had been shaped or sanitized by the cops."
"Monika's response to awareness: to fight against the constraints of her world and rewrite her reality."
"The Division: influencing timelines and bending even the Weeping Angels to their will."
"We know that the rules that we are forced to comply with are according to one narrative only, and you're penalized for going outside that box."
"Gaslighting creates a narrative that the victim is inherently bad and broken."
"The hiss got to trench first, turning the key that let chaos into the oldest house."
"It starts with you because you control the narrative and then everyone else gets to spread it."
"The cartels are the ones that are creating the narrative and controlling the activities all along the 2000 miles of international boundary."
"Donald Trump had that power to sway the narrative and force people to focus on issues, he can do it whenever he wants."
"You either control the narrative or you let the narrative control you."
"Burdened with glorious boredom you know I can imagine how I mean while being in touch with the timelines and seeing every single story that is unfolding you know God of stories allows for a bit of a narrative control."
"You've got to get the truth out, but how? So nobody is controlling the narrative but me, right? Well, the only way that you can possibly do that is to put it out in a documentary format."
"The media always have the narrative, so they have the narrative."
"Framing is everything. You can take a story and twist it to fit your narrative."
"It's not even just walking the tightrope, even if you regurgitate the narrative back at them, they still have the indecency to try to destroy your livelihood."
"We have to be, we have to control the narrative, own the narrative, and set the agenda and not let somebody else edit."
"We controlled the narrative, we control the direction of what's going to be done."
"Being able to define the narrative becomes critical because in an authoritarian dictatorial system is really what they are now a fascist dictatorial system."
"There's something to be said about choosing the time and the place of the fight and writing the narrative."
"I'm taking control of my narrative this year."
"They would not need to censor if they felt that their narratives could withstand the pressure of truth if they felt that their narratives could withstand open debate and could withstand people questioning it they would not need to censor people."
"Steven's refusal to admit guilt, changing narratives, and dismissing certain details as irrelevant underlined a desire to control the narrative to protect his image."
"Whether you think he's up to something good or not, he's definitely a puppet master behind the narrative for disclosure."
"This is the new narrative: if anyone attacks Elizabeth Warren's cadence or her performance, it's because you hate women."
"Personal sovereignty is about maintaining your narrative space... defending that space from outside invading narratives."
"They say Joe Rogan speaks a narrative that defies the corporate press, therefore you are the enemy."
"If CNN is fake news and Fox is fake news, then who the hell's flying the narrative?"
"If you want a happy ending, that depends on where you stop the story."
"My thing is if we don't get the narrative right now..."
"As long as she keeps rewriting the narrative, I'll keep bringing up the real narrative."
"One of several things happens: I start to get really interested in the character and then I sidebar that character. I'll do something else with them later because if I let them go now they will overtake the narrative."
"Do you think the Legacy media and state agencies sometimes cooperate in order to create a narrative?"
"Eventually, you do decide to tell the full story."
"We got to take control of our narrative man."
"The alternative to calling out an active smear campaign is to let the spearmeisters control the narrative about their target."
"History is written by the winners." - Bill Barr
"Every time the left is pushing some story like this... it's because they don't want you to be looking at another story." - Michael Knowles
"This is how all of this works: an attempt by the left to suppress narratives they do not like."
"If you can control the narrative, then you can achieve real-world objectives."
"Strategically choose the narratives that we tell about what happened."
"The world stage has become a battleground of narratives, and Ukraine is winning."
"She's entitled to to speak her part of the story and that's exactly what she did she didn't hold anything back." - Empowering Ashanti to speak her truth
"A dragon doesn't get to kill you. You don't get to kill you. Only I get to kill you."
"History is written and imposed by the victors."
"If we don't write it, someone else will write it for us."
"This is the time for black women to control their own narratives."
"Living your life according to someone else's narrative is a prison."
"We've really [ __ ] up here and we want to just create a narrative that can kind of confuse people and get people to blame each other rather than us."
"We have a chance to take control of this narrative."
"The thought that an international organization could Mark the establishment of one of its member states as a catastrophe or disaster is both appalling and repulsive."
"We're kind of in this spell right now in American society where they are pursuing this plotline everywhere that the villains are actually the heroes."
"The 2010 movie's themes feel more relevant than ever as our culture grapples with how untrue narratives can still possess great power to shape people's minds and thus the resulting reality."
"Guess what? No! What are you doing, Stanley? Please, I'm asking you not to take this away from me."
"I think the apocalyptic narrative is incredibly dangerous and is a means of political control."
"If Elon Musk really was doing this just for the sake of trying to regain control of the narrative, that means we won."
"I don't trust pollsters for anything other than knowing what they want people to believe."
"Rewrite your story for yourself—rework yourself around an empowered story."
"Whoever controls the narrative will be able to tell the story of what really happened."
"Power or chaos to change the story's outcome."
"Democrats are losing control of the narrative." - Michael Knowles
"The terrifying beauty of the adversarial process is that if you don't tell the whole story, your adversary will."
"Isn't that the story of the West in general? They spend huge amounts of money and time and energy trying to shape narratives with lies instead of investing in the actual means to shape narratives through action," - narrator.
"You can't control the narrative if you're constantly refuting yourself."
"I want to have the whole narrative, like I want to be able to produce our own [ __ ]."
"They thought they could control the narrative but now on social media and social networks it's not so easy for them it's too easy for people to see the truth"
"Every time we hear bad stories like this and every time there's like this bad development it's intentionally bad."
"The media was successful in putting out a narrative and they kept hitting that narrative."
"We lost a fight with the people who wanted to tell a different story, which was the story of the wickedness of Western civilization."
"I love how legacy media reports we are losing viewers because of all the misinformation on the internet while for the past 20 years it can be demonstrably proven they twisted stories to suit the narrative they wanted."
"I think we're looking at yet another example of narrative control being exerted by the national security state."
"Play The Narrative but don't let the narrative play you."
"Discover a world forged by players and your choices; write the story."
"FATE monitoring, controlling, and guiding them and their descendants through the records of fate."
"You're mine now Forge Master, you have nothing left but me."
"We just have to stop letting them put their narrative upon us."
"I'm glad that they did that, because if we didn't, then it would have changed the narrative."
"He's being the hero of his own story, he's telling you what a great guy he is while he's slamming this other guy."
"I think that this has been a narrative that's been not really pushed enough I think that it's just it's taken in a position that makes it makes men look like they're always the abusers."
"The US government, the best propagandist in the world, knows how to control narratives."
"Choose to become player one, choose to take back the narrative of this story."
"If you make mistakes, you can always change the story."
"Instagram also has dictated what the storylines are in hip-hop."
"Hijack the stories they want to publicize with the one they don't."
"In our industry, who pays you is who tells you what narrative you're allowed to use. And I'm not paid, so I own my narrative."
"What's really interesting is the way that Putin... attempt to take control of the narrative."
"Once you control the narrative you basically control the arguments that can be had."
"The hot mess is often the narrator of her own story, making us see everything through her eyes."
"The fastest way to organize and direct individuals is to give them a rally cry and point them at an enemy."
"Control the narrative if this does not explain to you how the left operates."
"Women's stories are sacrificed and rewritten for male egos."
"They have to tow that party line and sing the song of allegiance to the approved narrative because if they don't, they'll either lose their job or never get promoted or just never get hired in the first place."
"Tell the story of your life the way you want it to be."
"When it came to him and his antics they shut him down they said you're not gonna do that you're not gonna push that type of narrative that young white girls are [ __ ] to just be used and disposed of like garbage."
"Disclosure can come out with genuine control over the narrative by an elite group."
"Rewrite history and you will have written us out of the book completely."
"Control your own narrative. This is where the bag is now."
"Kronika is the architect of every single event in Mortal Kombat history."
"Elon is just being opportunistic here and pretty creatively using this poll as a way to shape the narrative."
"We got to start taking control of the narrative."
"We've got to get a handle on speech and on our narrative or else we're gonna have a completely different country if we don't already."
"The occupier and colonizer is losing the war on narratives."
"Be a victim in your story or be a hero in your story."
"Let's take back our power, let's rewrite freaking our story, and let's change this whole paradigm working with this dragon energy."
"As black people, we gotta stop letting people tell us tell our stories and control our narratives. We're not the sum of one mistake we're the sum of all our mistakes in the sum of all our experiences."
"She is controlling her narrative on social media perfectly."
"Whoever tells the story controls the dialogue."
"You cannot rely on the propaganda machines for your narrative."
"A certain amount of railroading is necessary in order to create a cohesive narrative."
"I think what Putin is doing is continuation of this ploy into grand narratives to foster support for the Russian actions."
"If you don't like your story, just change it. It's that easy."
"Jaime has the freedom of choice to write his own white book entry, meaning he has the freedom to define his own life essence and destiny."
"It's very frustrating to see how people have managed to hijack this narrative."
"It's not just about misinformation, it's about controlling the narrative."
"The government can't control the phenomenon. They can only control the narrative."
"I want to introduce you to something dope, something provocative. See, this is Church's Money Entertainment, and we specialize in creating opportunity and controlling narrative."
"Nobody's going to tell your story the way you want to tell it."
"You have to tell your own story, because if you don't they're not going to tell it for you."
"Bitcoin is a story that can't be rewritten by those that wield violence."
"Everything they thought they knew or felt, even sacrifice or love, was all pre-scripted by Tsumugi herself."
"You get to decide what you call it and what you call that kind of moment matters. It's a superpower."
"The world doesn't get to tell the tale, we do."
"The media should not be ignoring [Taliban's good deeds] just because they want to push forward a certain narrative."
"One of the reasons why to answer your question kind of where did it shift for me it was that moment when I began to realize that unless I'm writing my own narrative someone else is going to write it for me and it's not going to be to my liking."
"Every word she utters is with this secret smile and conspiratorial, 'I'm letting you in, telling you I'm confessing. It's so embarrassing, guys.'"
"She's decided she's going to own these words, she's going to control the narrative, she's going to try everything that you're throwing at her."
"Naval called it the 'narrative industrial complex.'"
"I worry because when I encounter the way Koreans are perceived in the world by non-Koreans and diasporic Koreans, I find that the Koreans don't get to tell their full story."
"Control is a good thing scientifically speaking, but it has come to mean something else I'm afraid, which is the ability to control the story, the ability to make the data set reflect something that it in fact shouldn't reflect."
"She was brought in, and this reality was created for her."
"No one owns or controls this narrative, no one."
"Crisis PR expert Molly McFerson said, 'The consequence of not telling the story is that other people tell it for you.'"
"We need more people who are pushing out, who are telling the progressive story on our terms."
"Until my lions learn to write from their own perspective, then every story will be glorified by the hunter's perspective."
"We have to pop sort of the top off of these things and we have to tell the truth about them and understand why the scope of certain groups of people, people of color, why their story, the scope of their pain has been minimized or retold."
"Once you claim your power in this situation and realize you are the creators of your own story, then the ending can be anything that you want."
"The humanities control the narrative of mankind boss they determine what scientific progress was determined by the church why did the church know better science no right."
"There's a responsibility to understand the power of our creations and the narratives they serve."
"We are only allowed to talk about Palestine through the view of the colonizer."
"The state no longer has a monopoly on the narrative and on information."
"Fake science news is controlling the narrative."
"It's clear that the cover-up is very tightly controlled... we are seeing a scripted narrative... fear sells."
"She's straight up spreading misinformation and a false narrative."
"Republicans pounce is a leftist tactic to turn attention away from the actual news story."
"This is important, Stanley. Walk through the red door."
"White people shouldn't be the ones telling you what success looks like for our community."
"The power of the media to shape a narrative to suit their needs."
"With preparation, Dora can preemptively prepare the script and plot before it even starts."
"Empowering families to tell their own stories."
"When you control the narrative, you control the power."
"The only thing keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself about why you don't have it."
"We were forced to share our side of the story because other people try to create a narrative for our life."
"Rewrite your own ending to your own story... It literally allows you to take control of your story."
"Silence creates a conspiracy narrative that sinks in, soaks in, and takes hold."
"It's a war of narrative and what you can get people to believe."
"It's so easy, you could change the narrative all you want."
"Your actions will shape how the story unfolds."
"Only a fool would underestimate his ability to dominate and control the narrative." - Tim Pool
"It's up to you to decide just how honorable Arthur is."
"This technological power also ties into the film's theme of control."
"We're taking the gatekeepers out in terms of now you don't get to speak for us anymore."
"The fact that it's a story train can be interpreted as a message that Rick's own narrative is taking him down."
"You need to tell your own side of the story."
"At the end of the day, those who were pushing for war didn't want anything to do with it because it messed with their narrative."
"I am the protagonist and this is my story, and you're merely just living in it."
"It's the censorship... it morphs in order to protect official narratives... at other major tech companies."
"The first four seasons... George was more hands-on, so it was more his vision of the story."
"They're trying to create and produce a narrative. They're trying to tell the people that we're about to be under an alien invasion. They've been doing it for a while, and I'm gonna prove it."
"You now get to play through and have agency to fix everything that went wrong."
"Trump literally tells bold-faced lies to push certain narratives."
"Tell your story before your enemy does, build credibility."
"Don't you interview these doctors that disagree with our covet narrative because we will go through your past and find the one two or three things you've done that in retrospect are horrible and we will smear you."
"They're generating all this language that were psychopaths telling the story."
"You can get a great ending if you make the right choices."
"When you change the story you're telling yourself about the person you see in the mirror if you change the actions."
"We're the ones that's pushing the narrative, we're the ones that's running this mug, and we're proving it in no limit of time."
"We must tell our own story control our own narrative uh and be willing uh to speak truth to power when other folks uh don't like it and so that's why black owned media."
"I decided from the start what a given character is allowed to do and what they aren't."
"We need to be able to control those narratives."
"We have to build our own media and our own narrative."
"These campaigns consistently Advance narratives promoting the interests of the US and its allies while opposing countries like Russia China and Iran."
"Migration is no isolated part but is part of the system... it's all down to what job you want narratives to play."
"This is why it's important for us to control the narrative."
"If Yogg-Saron did end up with control of the undead through a puppet Lich King, then you know what? He would be pretty damn right to call himself the god of death."