
Oversight Quotes

There are 806 quotes

"Everything in social media is algorithmically controlled... if they have enough oversight on what the algorithm recommends to have a warning but not take down the material, that's pretty indicative."
"Inspectors general play a critical role in keeping the public informed about how their government operates and in ensuring taxpayer money is used effectively and efficiently."
"In all of the confusion and the blur and the haze that they create for you, you forget the people who are being hurt the most."
"Citizens are now policing the police because we've seen that the police cannot police themselves."
"I'm sure we're missing something that is right in front of our noses."
"There's no communication between the bar and the dining room, so people get served drinks but no one remembers to charge for them."
"There are no such things as side effects, there are simply effects that you have not thought about yet."
"Not a single word about the resistance, Sangonomiya, or the situation on the front line. What about the soldiers who gave their lives on the front line or the hardship endured by the people? Do they deserve no mention? Utter disregard for human life."
"It was an accident that had many, many warnings that there was something wrong, and that it might sooner or later go off, and the warnings were disregarded."
"This is a case where you have a very serious danger to the public, and therefore there needs to be a public body that has insight and then oversight to confirm that everyone is developing AI safely."
"Fair and effective oversight is number one: does it serve to make government work and function better on behalf of the American people?"
"Turning congressional oversight authority into a weapon to harm a political opponent is never appropriate."
"When congressional oversight is abused, history doesn't treat it well."
"At the end of the day, somebody in this town gets the backs of the American taxpayer, and the one entity that I believe is making an effort to do that is the House Oversight Committee."
"Playing on Survival, I forgot about the carry weight stuff."
"The hardest things to see are those that happen right in front of you. When you're inside something every step of the way, you don't see the big picture; you just see one step at a time."
"How are there any live rounds on set whatsoever when there are real guns on set?"
"Isn't it amazing how Hollywood can spend millions of dollars making a movie, but not bother to proofread their script?"
"And somehow they've been almost entirely left out of this entire conversation."
"You don't have the fishing trinket equipped, what are you talking about? Oh [__], you're right, holy crap, thank you!"
"It's probably accidental but it is evidently in existence and it needs to be addressed."
"It is astonishing how much trust and power is invested with people with essentially no oversight and how little we do to check their behavior."
"Make sure that you're not missing something, look at the small details."
"It sure seems that they didn't think this one through."
"You knew something was wrong, what stopped you?"
"The forgotten dirt slab: an overlooked building block."
"This challenge was in the bag. I was about to start celebrating but I couldn't help but think I was forgetting something. Carlos."
"I find it very odd that neither I nor ambassador Taylor nor ambassador Volker ever received a detailed readout of that call with the Biden references."
"People think there's somebody that's checking their signature. Like, nobody's checking any of these things. Nobody's looking out for you but you."
"They don't know you're the only one who knows so if you screw it up they don't know you screwed it up."
"Do you realize that on this album we only realized it over the weekend Ringo hadn't got a song?"
"We took for granted the fact that yo, he's still just nine years old, like he still needs to be checked on and looked after."
"But beyond all that the thing that really chaps my ass is the fact that our government has enabled Scientology to grow into the colossus it's now become."
"Complete disregard for opponent's counterplay."
"Huge reason why Amanda was able to get away with what she did for so long was because at least at the time California didn't have that same type of database and this just allowed Amanda to hop from hospital to hospital without detection."
"How in the world did 11 franchises just turn their heads with him on the board?"
"U.S. rule over these territories today may be hidden to us on the mainland but it's not hidden to the peoples living there."
"Thank you so much, I'm sincerely absolutely mortified that there's some super chats that we missed."
"There needs to be oversight. Somebody needs to investigate the investigators."
"Rooting out waste, fraud, and abuse will be the primary goal of a Republican House Oversight Committee."
"We really haven't looked closely enough at the broken systems."
"If you believe in the Democratic process, there has to be oversight."
"It's a systemic issue because of poor school oversight." - "It's a systemic issue because of poor school oversight"
"Judge Meta's ruling was a sweeping and systemic rebuke of the President's claims that he is above the law and not susceptible to congressional oversight."
"I just realized, imagine you accidentally leave the door open."
"The simple solution is staring at you in the face, and you just miss it."
"How's this kind of shit get like it's just unbelievable there needs to be some more oversight with the damn corners and people need to pay an invention demand more answers like now be satisfied with."
"I forgot, I didn't even check on him, my bad."
"Usually has disastrous results but no one seems to have picked up on this yet."
"The Attorney General works for the American people, and the special counsel is just one more step removed from someone who was appointed by the sitting president to, in this case, investigate a prior sitting president."
"It shocked me that, considering there was no parallel in the civilian population, the Department of Defense didn't feel a need to stop and reassess."
"The White House has been far more aggressive in its claims that congressional oversight can be limited, curbed, and constrained by the executive’s desire to keep things under wraps."
"Every piece of food that enters people's mouths in this building."
"Most people get preoccupied with the foreground, forget the radical importance of context."
"The best movies of last year, not a single one was nominated."
"How could this have been going on for so long without anyone finding out?"
"To make sure that capitalism is working as it should work."
"Even good people can miss it and always have."
"Nicholas's failure to recognize the public's animosity toward Rasputin... would eventually lead to the downfall of the Russian Empire."
"We had lost sight of waiver completely before the pit stop."
"It's easy to overlook some of these small things."
"Republicans are domestic enemies... those of us that serve on oversight... should be outraged."
"If you are diagnosed with low thyroid function... your doctor may be missing something."
"Can't believe he opened his mouth again... smile, you're on CCTV."
"Something is definitely suspicious about Mushoku Tensei not even being a nomination."
"There's these background screens that go through months of revisions and notes and changes and conversations just for people to overlook it because they just think it's a background screen."
"I want to make clear what my oversight focus is and will be holding the justice department and the FBI accountable."
"Congress has oversight and there's no reason not to have a 9/11 type commission."
"We need a civilian review board to ask questions about police shootings."
"They got so caught up in the logistics, no one stopped to ask the question: Is it actually enjoyable?"
"Are we scrutinizing things or letting them slide?"
"How did I let a killer slip into the neighborhood?"
"Our job right now under the Constitution is to continue to do oversight, continue to get the facts, continue to get the evidence."
"The abuse of power by Nancy Pelosi's January 6th committee is a sign of desperation."
"This never would have happened if roblox mods noticed the red flags he showed on twitter."
"We're not the type of members of congress who just go away we're going to continue to show up and press these issues because whether it's access to evidence or treatment of people we have a job to do here to conduct oversight."
"Human being first... we just want this man... to be okay."
"The same way you monitor these young 20 plus year olds... the same to the people legislating our lives."
"The death toll does make someone look bad because it could have been easily avoided... it was because there was much more attention paid to those states as opposed to Puerto Rico."
"It's becoming increasingly difficult to rule out that models might be able to autonomously gain resources and evade human oversight."
"Oversight itself isn't a partisan game. It's about making sure that we're closing the gap between what the law says it does and what it actually does in people's lives."
"What I hope to see from the oversight committee, what I think Americans deserve to see, is us looking at what we can learn from the experience of this pandemic and the government's response to it to prepare us for what might come next."
"Evidence points I missed: no old people on the axiom."
"There's no accountability, there's no oversight."
"Judicial Watch is front and center, standing in the gap, conducting the basic oversight that Congress refuses to do, the media doesn't want to do, and government obviously doesn't want done at all."
"The person who's being asked to sign it doesn't read it, glances over it, is under duress to sign it, wants the job so badly, they're willing to sign anything."
"The closest thing that we could do to preserving the institution of the police as a transitionary step while actually ethically dealing with the problems they currently have is third party oversight for every major police department in the country."
"We're losing sight here of what started all this... the Russian interference in our election process."
"It is possible there could be Americans who have not yet contacted us who we don't know about."
"He seemingly fixes the leak, thinking that he’s solved the problem.. but if we jump ahead for a quick second, we’re reminded that it was never actually fixed at all."
"We've been missing out on the bigger question."
"How can something so blatant, something right in front of our eyes, be completely overlooked?"
"At no time during the construction process did anyone ask me whether I wanted a doorbell."
"Twitter failed to take action allowing the content to be viewed over 167,000 times."
"By cutting out the history of all of these dramatic and sometimes terrifying military encounters and sometimes, none of this, very little of it I should say, seems to be getting much attention in our conversation here."
"I was so focused on that line I literally forgot to wish this."
"Donald Trump believes he is beyond the reach of oversight if he is too powerful as president of the United States."
"I've been streaming for 10 whole days, we just figured out we hadn't turned it on though, that was our bad."
"Albedo knew that for every major incident that occurred, 29 minor ones and 300 irregularities would go unnoticed."
"I was stunned at what little thought was going into the moral and ethical ramifications of the technology that they were working on."
"The small things end up being big things... We missed it or ignored it the first time."
"The games industry needs to be regulated by government bodies who can have some semblance of oversight over the games industry's monetization models."
"What an idiot. He wasn't thinking about this alarm system and how significant it would be."
"Have you ever got to camp and realized, 'Oh, I forgot that small little thing' or 'Oh, I wish I would have brought that'?"
"I bet I will have missed something, the curse of recording stuff is searching like this."
"I'd miss all the red flags, I'd be so blind."
"Everything would be fine but I'd want to make sure that all the other bits and pieces were supervised well, you know like Beck's has a good handle on communication."
"That's your son! What I find extremely entertaining about this situation is he has an entire team around him and not a single one bothered to correct him."
"There's no way in this world or off this world that these banking regulators miss this."
"How could they possibly have missed all of the evidence?"
"Granting intelligence officials this kind of power because of flimsy pretext that they themselves might even have generated."
"It's usually not that the procedures aren't there, it's that somebody cuts a corner or doesn't pay attention to the procedure."
"There's simply no way that Piers could not have known what was going on on his watch."
"It's all about the control buried towards the end of this report is this nugget on who would control these transactions."
"The Department of Justice under William Barr should be taking this up and should have tons of resources on it."
"Has our passion for these creatures also blinded us to their natural instincts?"
"The basic nature of these vulnerabilities amounts to complete disregard of fundamental security principles."
"Oh, he just got mated, men. The old matin - you forgot f7 was hit."
"This man just ignored the biggest political story of the week."
"How was it possible that all of these people around her missed the signs of demonic possession?"
"Nobody thought that was a problem even though they knew the law was 980 for this ship."
"You need to make yourself your own mental point of origin."
"There's a willful knowing blindness in the American media... not to look at extremely credible, well-documented allegations."
"None of this stuff that was happening with soldiers and with government employees that night raised red flags."
"It is constitutionally our duty to do oversight on an administration that is the most corrupt, divisive, deceitful, cruel administration that I've ever seen in my lifetime."
"The judiciary doesn’t like people disobeying the law or making up laws like executive privilege to really try to avoid proper oversight function."
"He failed to consider the most important element of his entire plan: the human element."
"You're gonna stop by like, every week or so or something to check on the business every four hours?"
"I kind of set up these recruitment focuses and then forget about them."
"There needs to be some checks and balances in there."
"That's what's scary and and to be clear do we now know for a fact that the people on that call knew about those threats and didn't mention them to you?"
"There are over 80 passages in the New Testament that warn Christians not to lose what they've got in Christ. And most of them are ignored or overlooked or not preached about." - Unknown speaker
"Hopefully she doesn't notice but she noticed listen he is putting in the work he's doing his best."
"A new hope ends with a ceremony in which Princess Leia gives Han Solo and Luke Skywalker medals for completing their mission and for some unknown reason Chewie just doesn't get one."
"The sheet never got reconciled to fix this issue obviously so it turned into a rather dramatic error."
"These sneaky bastards have flown under the radar for far too long."
"It was right there, how did we miss that, bro? How do we miss these?"
"It was like a blind spot right in front of me that I never thought of, I never thought it would be a bad idea to tell people how to improve their bomb making which is absolutely idiotic."
"They're without any oversight, you know, like... Yeah, it's true."
"Well, all right. Aaron Rodgers didn't get a vote."
"It's sad that he was allowed to get away with this for years nobody said anything people look the other way."
"Victor Oladipo, you didn't mention his numbers."
"If the FBI was in possession of this evidence and failed to alert the White House, that would have given even more weight to the president's legal defense."
"This oversight is just unacceptable and it is so disrespectful and you would have to be literally blindly ignorant to not be able to acknowledge what happened in this situation."
"We will not surrender our constitutional responsibility for oversight. That would make us delinquent in our duties."
"How is it in 2023 technology that the crew could go mile after mile after mile without knowing that one of his cars is on fire?"
"All things that you see if you have a proper inspection program. All things that you miss if you choose not to pay for inspections and choose to send those dollars up to corporate executives or stock buybacks."
"Rare forgot to get permission to include classic Bond actors in GoldenEye 007."
"I forgot to heal my PowerPoints heading into the battle, and I can even equip Aleppa Berry to give me more rock tombs since we probably would have won if we had them."
"We need watchdogs to hold government accountable."
"The intrusion of the federal government extremely light." - This quote touches on the balance of government regulation within the healthcare system, suggesting a lack of oversight in certain areas.
"If you want to have an earnest discussion about who the best pitcher in baseball history is and you're not including Pedro Martinez, then you're doing yourself a huge disservice."
"The fact that all of this has happened and not a single police officer has been named in this conversation is insane to me."
"You're missing something, there's something important here."
"House Republicans remain focused on providing critical checks and oversight on the Biden Administration."
"Sugar made a terrible mistake, she forgot about the contract."
"It's a shame that there are no temperature gauges here but also the kind of person this was aimed at i don't think they really would have cared."
"It is tremendously sloppy, but it also, I think, more importantly, shows that they believe they’re operating in an environment where they didn’t have to be careful."
"How many more are slipping through the net? How many more are they getting it wrong with?"
"They're using the fact that he's so wealthy and that he's a corporation to do things politically that politicians couldn't do without oversight."
"Joe Biden ignored the reports, the findings of his own intelligence agency."
"Nintendo has to have great oversight of these projects."
"I missed it obviously... I just forgot about the Sword of the Animist trigger."
"It's just funny to me that the dude were supposed to be experts at this literally couldn't see something that was supposedly right in their face but their own fans could see it."
"They have the most influence over the United States's monetary policy and operate with very little oversight."
"Every time I look at my big board, I'm like, why do I not have Dorles higher?"
"It is the responsibility of the subcommittee to hold these institutions to a higher standard."
"Oh no, her paw was hurting again and I hadn't even given her painkillers that day."
"I forgot to send you the report. It slipped through the cracks."
"Your species deserves to live and to thrive, however, you need supervision from other words than yourselves. I will do this for you."
"Is it ever appropriate to turn congressional oversight authority into a weapon to harm a political opponent? No." - Mr. Williams
"They didn't think about teeny tiny things when they built Star Destroyers."
"Inattentional blindness... we can miss something more important that's right in front of our eyes."
"The problem is those four horsemen have no governance layer."
"They've looked at this and they've tried to put limitations on it."
"If you don't have oversight, you don't have a democracy."
"If someone's going to take the time to edit surveillance footage, why wouldn't they remove the red box too?"
"The IG's involvement is a positive step to compel the military to take the issue more seriously."
"We need public advocates, public representatives, public oversight."
"It never comes down to 'I didn't know.' I saw it, but I didn't read it."
"As long as we're there, they were allowed to not care." - Narrator
"Childbirth is not nothing. Childbirth is something that everyone just conveniently skips over in this conversation."
"The bottom line in my opinion is he wasn't keeping track of and/or protecting his kids."
"I think there's something about them which is being overlooked by everybody so far."
"Oh no, Phoenix, Phoenix, I knew I should have kept an eye on him."
"These documents are there to limit the scope of authority that public officials have over you the people."
"Regulators have made the same mistake they made with subprime."
"Project managers should have a full view about a project and what it has to accomplish."
"This a special Vault for management where we will oversee all of the other vaults."
"Sometimes we become so concerned with little dangers that we don't see the bigger one right beneath our feet."
"We need State Supreme Courts to have the power to step in and interpret state constitutions and protect voters."
"Who should guard the Guardians? Not no one."
"It's all so academic that a lot of the time the big thing they're missing is like the big obvious thing or the human factor."
"I genuinely don't understand how this movie went under my radar."
"Mistakes and oversights occur from time to time and when they do they can be hilarious."
"A tough game, totally wasn't seeing a lot of stuff here."
"Who leaves the bathroom without flushing? This guy."
"What's required is good functioning governance and oversight."
"Who watches the Watchmen? That's why a system in place for handling justice makes much more sense."
"Oda was closely monitoring the scripts, acting, and general production of the live action."