
Acknowledgment Quotes

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"The secret is not to avoid the elephant in the room but to acknowledge it directly."
"Healing has to first start with someone being willing to bear witness to your truth, no matter how uncomfortable your truth is."
"Acknowledge people all the time because I've learned over the years it's not good just to focus on the negative and what's not working."
"When somebody high-fives you, you feel seen, you feel heard, and you feel like somebody has acknowledged you for the unique person that you are."
"They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."
"It's a compliment for our squad, it's a compliment for the academy."
"The awesome in me bows to the awesome in you. I'll see you tomorrow. Great work. Namaste."
"Acknowledging your mistakes is crucial for personal growth and healing."
"I was wrong about you." (said by the girl to Yi Chen, acknowledging her mistake in judging him)
"When you high-five somebody, you're affirming that somebody exists, you are saying I see you."
"It's actually very very encouraging but in a world that's rapid gratification... that doesn't acknowledge this."
"If someone says they're world-class, there's no debate."
"The bigger they are, the harder they fall. GG, Melon. I'll give you props for that."
"I do understand that minorities have been underrepresented; it's a historical truth, and I don't deny historical truth. In fact, I strengthen and support the truth."
"I'm leaving, everyone should acknowledge that."
"If you admit you're stupid, then sometimes you don't have to stay that way."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, uh, and thank you to everyone for supporting the channel."
"All right, well, that's a, that's a big accomplishment."
"Acknowledging the little stuff is incredibly powerful."
"Nothing gets healed until it's seen; you don't spiritual bypass, you don't pretend it's not there."
"All of humanity is in debt to the pioneering force of ancient Africans."
"We're coming to a point now where people are trying to acknowledge that we're potentially going too far right or too far left."
"We live in a society that acknowledges the mistakes made in the past, accepting those who have proven to change."
"We do definitely live in the most technologically advanced time, though, for sure, no doubt about that."
"I wish that people would acknowledge that you have a big impact on your audience."
"I've got a long list of people to thank, first and foremost you. Sincerely, thank you."
"You're right, I think that's a really good point."
"Disclosure has a very defined definition. It means the formal acknowledgment by the governments of the world of the extraterrestrial presence."
"What people really deny is evil, because if you acknowledge evil, you have to fight it."
"It's healthy to acknowledge that things are hard for us sometimes and it doesn't make us weak."
"Reward and acknowledge effort, not just accomplishment."
"Our society is man-made, and I think we have to give credit where credit is due."
"All the darkness is being brought to the surface by this influx of light, it's being brought to the surface so that we can recognize it, bless it, thank it, release it, let it go."
"Acknowledgment is the first step toward change, and this life review will help you see what needs changing."
"In order to correct the problem, you have to admit that there is a problem."
"The Soviet experiment must be embraced and respected as a huge monumental achievement in spite of its defects and flaws."
"Big Pharma got us out of this, not Joe Biden, not even Donald Trump. Big Pharma."
"I'd like to first thank all of you for taking your time to be here."
"Achieving perfection starts with letting perfection go."
"And though I cannot anticipate the conclusions of the current inquiry, I have learned enough to know that there were things we simply did not get right, and I must take responsibility."
"You can't transcend this without admitting it. In our personal lives, if someone commits a wrong against you, you can't have any reconciliation without an acknowledgment of that wrong."
"Healing is a journey. Sometimes things take a lot longer to heal fully, but at least acknowledging and starting that process."
"It's important for people on my side of the conservatives to acknowledge and recognize the importance of history in people's living situations now."
"Acknowledgment is the first step toward healing. You have to acknowledge what you do."
"If you acknowledge me before others, I will acknowledge you before my Father which is in heaven."
"You cannot improve what you do not acknowledge."
"The problem with that is you're not right, and things have to change."
"That should sound familiar right there, that should sound familiar."
"I think there's a lot of things that we need to acknowledge about Burger King."
"Amazed to know how quickly you can turn your entire life around once you admit you have a problem."
"If you'll acknowledge me before man, I'll acknowledge you before my Father, which is in heaven."
"We need to give credit for the progress that has happened."
"Sometimes, I'm just a genius. It's just how it is."
"Acknowledge the hurt and allow yourself to ascend."
"The pain you went through is very real and it deserves time to heal."
"It's the willingness to keep trying and trying new things and learning that's the thing to acknowledge."
"If you think that the policy that you're proposing will reach a certain conclusion, produce a certain result and it doesn't, I think you should acknowledge that."
"A historian is one who recognizes our painful past with factual evidence, looking back at our rich, vibrant history and at the times when our humanity was trampled on and our heritage was almost erased."
"After a long history of various individuals in the body denying the existence of climate change, I do want to say that it's very encouraging to see that there is some acknowledgment of the climate crisis here in the report."
"You have to admit you have the problem, you have to admit that you don't have power over it."
"And then, big thanks to the amazing team here at the Command Zone."
"Much of American culture and society and wealth has been built on the backs of blacks, and it wasn't acknowledged properly."
"We have to actually recognize the ugliness of our history in order for us to move forward."
"This peak would not be as high as this peak, and I was right about that, apart from the fact that I was wrong."
"Your instincts serve you well, Peter, or should I say, Pierre."
"There's no way to get rid of guilt until you first of all acknowledge that you've done wrong."
"I gotta give you your flowers because you were amazing."
"We are not going to get past our current state of racial injustice until we acknowledge the history... Every police department in this country has a story, a confession to make about the multiple times they have acted in ways that are racially unjust."
"Exercise a little self-compassion... acknowledge how far you've come."
"I have a lot of respect for him coming out and talking about this. Props to him."
"Kakashi is deeply impressed by the Rasen Shuriken, and tells Kakuzu that the previous generation being surpassed by the next was perfectly natural."
"The truth is the truth. You can't change it, man. It simply is."
"I consider it very important to give credit to those who help you."
"I owe so many of you an apology... I was wrong. I'm sorry. She's much, much worse, and we're going to talk about it."
"Well done, cheers to you for navigating through this crazy year that's been 2020."
"Thank you to everybody. It's been wonderful. Hell yeah, hell yeah."
"We can appreciate the good things people did while acknowledging the bad things they did."
"Never forgetting to say thank you, I love you, or I appreciate you."
"You're lowkey inspiring. Like, I'm not kidding."
"I for one salute our new corporate overlords."
"It's so important to acknowledge what our history is because that defines who we are and where we've got to." - Brian Cox
"Thank you so much, Nina, and thank you to everyone and anyone who is watching this."
"Kudos to HQ, they're being proactive, they're making the plays."
"Credit where it's due to HQ for having a fantastic performance."
"Thank you so much for your service and your sacrifice to our country, man."
"People need to be held accountable for their actions and what they have said; they need to acknowledge their mistakes."
"Your boy is back, and my senpai Roberto is here somewhere."
"Thank you for giving up your time to speak to me and to us. As I said before, the work you're doing is incredible, and so many people don't know what you do on a day-to-day basis."
"I take full accountability for making that mistake."
"It's like fear management, but it's important to acknowledge the risk."
"Sometimes life is bleak, right, and we have to acknowledge that."
"This represents an acknowledgement of where we have been and a will to get to where we need to be."
"They do know that but... they're not planning on being vulnerable enough to be able to admit that to you."
"Acknowledging systemic racism will make most of us a little uncomfortable, but it need not leave us feeling guilty or powerless."
"Hearing Mike talk about fear made it easier for me as a competitor to acknowledge it's okay to feel fear."
"A lot of people did die of COVID. I don't think any of us would want to misrepresent that."
"You really defeated me. I was not expecting that."
"Sometimes we take you for granted... I hate to say that, but sometimes we do."
"I say this so that we may acknowledge God for who He truly is: the Almighty."
"Wars are long things, and there are back and forth, and I just think there needs to be more of an acknowledgment that that is a possibility."
"We have to acknowledge the reality of the world that we're in."
"History obviously has consequences, and to deny that racism exists would be similarly idiotic."
"It's not about me; it's about these people... The job this group is doing."
"Thank you, guys. Thank you. I appreciate that."
"Without her, none of this is possible. She's the real all-star."
"I was like, no, it does look phenomenal. You did a great job."
"Just concede, yes, we both need to work on things because it's impossible that everyone's perfect."
"If we don't acknowledge the issues, we'll never get the services we need and if we don't acknowledge what's working we can't build on those things either."
"We have to acknowledge that reality exists and then you have to work around what reality is in order to make a better society."
"How can a nation truly heal if it takes no action towards acknowledging the full scope of pain?"
"I've been taking you for granted. I'm sorry."
"I made a mistake. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry."
"I took you for granted and I regret that now."
"Healing... for me looks like, and starts with, acknowledgment."
"Everything I have right now is because of you."
"We don't make excuses for that stuff. You just go, 'Yeah, we dropped the ball. Sorry. We'll do better.'"
"We have to work twice as hard. That's just the reality."
"We don't get a chance to sit back and celebrate the great things we've been through and the joyous moments we've been through because it's always what's next."
"Congratulations and thank you for telling these stories that are necessary to be told."
"Because he said yes, and if that's all Kelsey ever did, I am so thankful for that yes." - Mara Brock Akil
"I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who's been a part of this."
"And an amazing thing happens when you give an inch, when you acknowledge something that the person said."
"Can you come back from a violation of trust in a deep loving relationship?... until you acknowledge and you admit 'I did these things wrong,' none of the latter things... will matter."
"Toxic masculinity is a big problem. Absolutely."
"I'd like to apologize. I was not familiar with your game. You are definitely not overrated, you're a dog. My apologies."
"You're so freaking lucky. I don't even know if you know how lucky you are."
"You can't change what you don't acknowledge."
"Spirit is saying they want you to honor how far you have come on your journey."
"I'm going to give them credit where credit's due, but there's also stuff here that I think I need to be critical of."
"Admitting 'I was wrong' shows that this person is brave enough to admit they were mistaken."
"The fundamental conclusion is there's an extraterrestrial presence and we absolutely must acknowledge it as soon as possible."
"My bad, I present to you guys Life Theory, last piece of the puzzle." - MatPat, owning up to mistakes
"That's an amazing testament to it, no two ways about it."
"I hear you, I see you, and most importantly, I believe you."
"Sometimes people just want to not feel as if they are walking on eggshells and they want some acknowledgment that life is messy and that all of us at any given moment can say things the wrong way or make mistakes."
"Noah Wallace, thank you. I appreciate it. Now moving on, so far we've covered the presidential election but the congressional race is just as important."
"Tier number four is 'You Tried (affectionately)'."
"Life isn't just all rosy because life isn't like that."
"Acknowledgment is the first step toward reconciliation."
"A little bit of emotional acknowledgment can do wonders for everybody."
"Under no circumstances do you, in fact, have to give her credit."
"Thank you for all the work that you're doing."
"Thank you for the birthday wishes, thank you for watching."
"Let me make sure we thank some people here because we have gotten and um incredible support here."
"The first step to solving a problem is admitting that you have a problem."
"I'm being reflexive, your point was much better than mine."
"Shout out to my best friend, that's my best friend."
"God bless them with some great genetics they shouldn't be punished for that."
"You will never solve a problem in life that you refuse to admit."
"This is a nod to Sally, and I hope that she sees it."
"That's a wash people, full on. My only ask for all this free information I'm providing you is that you honor the source."
"For those who have eyes to see, savor your triumph, Dovahkiin. This is not the last of what you will write upon the currents of time."
"Everyone wants to be heard that they're favorite but when Tyler tells you that you're the favorite then you know it's true."
"Just say sorry, just say you're wrong. It's not that hard."
"We've done a great job... the professionals have done a fantastic job."
"Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that he is Lord."
"Shout out to everybody man that's having like mental health issues, I know that [__] is not easy."
"Shout out to the babies out there listening, man. Big Ups to the babies."
"We don’t understand this. This is the best we got right now." - BRANDON SANDERSON
"You're the single most educated generation in American history- not a joke."
"Learning to live with it because he's never said he said he's dangerous."
"I am not suggesting there are issues here. There are issues here, Paul, as there have been for the last 100 years."
"You're about to receive rewards... For all your hard work and dedication."
"From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for a wonderful year."
"There's nothing wrong with acknowledging my shitty behavior and saying it is shitty behavior."
"If you want people to improve, when they do, you need to make sure you are acknowledging this."
"We black people influence everything, and we are the creators of so many different things."
"I see it, you know what I'm saying? That that's what started everything."
"Recognizing when you're wrong makes you a better human being."
"It was clear to all of us, that that person was Rick Thompson."
"I'm wrong about this, I'm very wrong about this."
"Even if it's something we'd rather forget, it's good we can always look back on what's happened and what has been made."
"For every Amazon customer out there and every Amazon employee, thank you from the bottom of my heart very much." - Jeff Bezos
"I understand and I completely applaud him taking accountability"
"Arise, say it in your own language, give props to your foundational black American ancestors."
"You don't love someone by pretending they don't exist."
"Don't simply write to those who do the fighting on your behalf to thank them."
"I want to give shout out to Evan for being the glue in the background making sure everything runs smoothly."
"And remember to give yourself credit for your mental health wins."
"You've got this highly qualified pilot talking about it on film. So really kudos for getting that."
"I absolutely love Ed Mitchell for doing that."
"Instead of confronting realizing he's right they'll just pretend they didn't hear it."
"It's kind of excellent, you know. There's like, there's some truth to what they're saying."
"There's more information in the description below and as always you guys are amazing."
"Acknowledging the impressive display and expressing their amazement."
"Firm handshakes, that's some doctor disrespect shit but seriously, like such a great stream dude."
"You have one of the most important roles in the world."
"We owe that family a huge debt of gratitude... what a Grace note."
"Thank you all for coming out, I appreciate it."
"There is a real phenomenon here, there's no question about that."
"Even in their criticisms, they acknowledged the Quran's power."
"The only way that you can fix a problem is if you acknowledge it exists."
"If I were wrong, I will admit that I was wrong."
"True, actually true. The boomers are impressing me."
"That's politics. Yeah, that's cool. That's politics."
"It just lets people take a deep breath when we acknowledge that."
"The Holocaust is fucked up and wrong and obviously it happened."
"I just want to thank you for your professionalism."
"Can we just recognize the glimmers of goodness?"