
Algorithms Quotes

There are 1684 quotes

"Everything in social media is algorithmically controlled... if they have enough oversight on what the algorithm recommends to have a warning but not take down the material, that's pretty indicative."
"Expert-designed algorithms are crucial because you want to be safe in the environment."
"So, it's not just taking an existing program with a bunch of parameters and tuning the parameters, but it's actually algorithms that write code."
"Dynamic programming is one of the most powerful algorithmic techniques in computer science."
"The basic premise centers around the idea of solving a problem by first identifying and solving subproblems and then bringing these sub-problems together in some manner to solve the larger problem."
"Even in week zero, we saw the appreciable difference between these different categories of running times."
"The concept of heuristic and approximation algorithms to generate a reasonably good solution to a hard problem like the TSP is applicable to a variety of fields."
"A divide and conquer algorithm paradigm can solve a large problem by recursively breaking it down into smaller sub-problems."
"Algorithms help us solve problems efficiently, and employers pay good money for good problem solvers."
"Grab your beverage of choice, grab a notepad for notes, and be prepared to learn the five basic algorithms that every programmer should know."
"By official definition, an algorithm can be defined as being the current term of choice for a problem-solving procedure."
"Every algorithm has an input, well-defined instructions, execution of those instructions step by step, leading to an output that ends in termination of the program."
"When people post negative things... the algorithms in social media, if you click on something negative, you're only going to get fed negativity."
"Big O notation is used to classify algorithms based on how fast they grow or decline."
"In big O notation, when determining the efficiency of an algorithm, we only care about the worst case."
"In an ideal world, we want our algorithms to be super fast and scalable and take a minimum amount of memory, but unfortunately, that hardly, if ever, happens."
"What I love about the topic of graphs is just using a handful of different algorithms, you can cover the majority of graph problems."
"Evolution is an algorithm. It's really straightforward actually."
"An algorithm that has aggressively promoted adult behavior from substances to kinks and more, directing that content at children is now governing a live feed of broadcasters where underage girls are being showered in gifts to perform suggestive actions or poses."
"In dynamic programming, the value at each cell represents whether there's a match up to that point, considering both the text and the pattern."
"This algorithm shows that with the right approach, even complex pattern matching problems like regex can be broken down and solved methodically."
"What will be the meaning of human life when most decisions are taken by algorithms we don't even have philosophical models to understand such an existence."
"The world of algorithms is vast, but we can often split them into two distinct classes: those that are inherently useful and those that are just purely beautiful."
"If you have a soul, you feel a sense of wonder, a sense of awe at the elegance of such an algorithm."
"Algorithms offer a set of benefits that humans simply can't live up to, including the ability to cut out all emotion and follow strict rules."
"Algorithms that are very well optimized to perform at a single task fail to generalize and go beyond that to achieve a higher-order level of understanding."
"Turn off social media that only amplifies and encourages division through calculated algorithms."
"These algorithms don't spring from the ether; they are essentially computer programs designed by humans."
"An algorithm has moral weights. Just think about the algorithm that tells a car whether it should swerve to the right...there's moral weight to even the most routine program."
"I'm going to explore the traveling salesperson algorithm, a classical algorithm from the realm of computer science."
"What if you build a computer algorithmic system solving the optimal fastest solution and have it compete with a person trying to draw that solution?"
"Algorithms plus data structures equals programs."
"The goal of a searching algorithm is simply to give the algorithm a string or object you want it to find and have it return the index of the array that contains that string or object as fast as possible."
"If you want to be a world-class programmer, you can program every day for ten years, or you can program every day for two years and take an algorithms class."
"So, just having done analysis of algorithms doesn't automatically make you a good programmer. You also need to learn how to program and use these tools in practice to understand when they are relevant and when they are not relevant."
"Algorithms... they're also a little bit stupid sometimes."
"The algorithm has already gone through and figured out the event, the location, the time, the intensity, and traded oil futures before you've even had the page download."
"This is the world where machines read the news, and they know more about it than you do."
"A computer scientist would say that that third algorithm was on the order of, that is, Big O of log n."
"P equals NP or not, the sheer number of algorithms is beyond human comprehension. We know algorithms exist that we haven't discovered, underscoring the vast unknown in computational complexity."
"Algorithms are not a new thing; we have been living by algorithms and using them to enhance our lives for literally thousands of years."
"There is actually a class of algorithm called ant colony optimization algorithm that is used to actually optimize the paths that information or goods have to take on a network."
"The most important decisions about our bodies during our lifetime will not be taken by our feelings. They will be taken by external algorithms, algorithms that understand our own internal systems and that have statistics about millions upon millions of other humans."
"What will happen once we create an algorithm that knows me better, that understands me and my feelings better than I can understand myself?"
"Social media algorithms are designed to keep showing you what you engage with, and you become what you consume."
"I do not believe what's causing the divide in this country is leadership; I believe it is algorithms on social media."
"We can choose not to be swayed by algorithms, instead turn off the megaphone that is social media in favor of more thoughtful and meaningful ways to try to learn and come together."
"This process allows us to make decisions not based on democracy, not based on autocracy, but based on algorithms that take people's believability into consideration."
"It's now easy to take algorithms and embed them into computers and gather all that data that you're leaving on yourself all over the place, and know what you're like, and then direct the computers to interact with you in ways that are better than most people can."
"This topic wasn't really a serious avenue of study until the algorithms started to work well most of the time."
"He figured out like the algorithm early, and he still is ahead, and he probably writes the algorithm for himself."
"The subtle manipulation just through the data just through the algorithms is such an incredible weapon."
"These algorithms are designed to maximize your engagement with a particular service. They're not designed to deliver truth."
"Social media algorithms exploit a variety of cognitive biases that we all have."
"It's a very simple algorithm and the weights...are all shared."
"The algorithm works, and the snake is getting better and better."
"It's more of a belief in math and algorithms than in people because math won't backstab you."
"There's new better algorithms that can be implemented, new better methodologies and techniques that can be implemented."
"TikTok is where everyone's at. The algorithms are incredible for up-and-coming artists."
"The problem with Facebook is not about freedom of speech... it's that Facebook's algorithm is recommending radical content to people who otherwise wouldn't have seen it."
"If left to their own devices and funneled into algorithms designed to get people consuming as much content as possible, people will choose to stay within their own content bubbles."
"For example, the stories about people’s devices 'listening' to them and serving them ads on Facebook and Instagram. This is, of course, false. But the truth is more horrifying, which is that algorithms have done such a good job of constructing data sets about each of us that they can accurately predict our desires."
"Algorithms...can really help your logic, your critical thinking skills, your ability to solve problems."
"By definition, an algorithm is simply a finite sequence of instructions structured to solve a problem."
"The universal Turing machine could carry out any order provided the instructions were precise and finitely stated."
"Huffman actually solved this problem as a graduate student, and his solution was the Huffman Encoding Algorithm."
"The solution that Huffman created satisfies all these requirements."
"The trick is to develop these algorithms that can generalize. By generalize, he means think."
"Algorithms rule supreme. This is a general conclusion, which I like to bring up because people delve into details of implementation way too soon."
"It really-you know, it's sort of surprising that running such a dumb algorithm on um, vectors of numbers could capture so well the meaning of words."
"Big Tech had a huge influence in this latest midterm election. They're becoming a huge powerful entity that essentially controls what a lot of people see and think with their algorithms."
"The censorship built into these algorithms is absurd."
"A revolutionary solution... to support this new form, a new algorithm was created."
"Shorts have access to a separate algorithm from the rest of YouTube."
"Click-through rate should usually inform the algorithm."
"If you want to change your algorithm, you have to change it."
"Data is organized by algorithms and models... those algorithms are not created by or understood by the people they're telling stories about."
"A great thing you can point someone to and say hey, you know not only do I know how to use algorithms but I also can implement them into this cool visualization tool."
"The goal of this algorithm is to find the shortest path from point A to point B in a graph."
"Essentially, the reason the f score is just equal to the heuristic is because we do actually want to make an estimate of how far away this start node is from the end node when we begin."
"You go on Facebook, and this is the bigger problem I see with these big tech companies: It's the algorithmic feeds where you essentially have accidental world views being built."
"Freedom of speech is different than freedom of reach. And algorithmic reach is part of the problem."
"People have misconceptions about the algorithm."
"We're gonna have to figure out how to tell the truth in a more impactful algorithmic addictive way."
"Those algorithms are teaching us just like we're teaching those algorithms."
"It's a battle between human psychology and an algorithm."
"Data structures are essential, but they don't do anything by themselves. To do something useful, you'll need to code up an algorithm, which is just code that solves a problem."
"Take up arms, my friends, to battle against the algorithm."
"We're moving into an era of robots, automation, and algorithms."
"Every movement it learns is through trial and error — essentially running off its own version of natural selection."
"The XG Boost algorithm is one of the most popular algorithms on Kaggle when it comes to winners."
"So that's a decision tree, right? So what XG Boost does, it's a gradient boosting technique."
"No sorting algorithm can be considered the best or the fastest, as each is designed for specific types of data structures."
"Traversal algorithms are algorithms used to traverse or visit nodes in a graph."
"Linear search was big o of n, but binary search takes big o of log n."
"In the worst case, binary search takes big o of log n."
"The SVM tends to work better on smaller numbers."
"That is how algorithms are made: you break progress and then you restore it a different way."
"Algorithms favoring white creators over POC... it's just wrong and it's just horrible."
"Direct all human attention, that's the thing right? Whatever the algorithm is, it's going to direct all human attention."
"Knowing this parity alg makes you feel like a boss and also like a complete loser."
"The SE finds its multiples of primes using multiplication, not by performing a division operation like trial division."
"Alpha Dev uncovered new sorting algorithms that led to improvements up to 70% faster."
"Supervised learning was this machine learning problem where I said we're going to tell the algorithm what the 'right answer' is for a number of examples and then we want the algorithm to replicate more of the same."
"If he hadn't been watching those pranks, the algorithm wouldn't show them to him at all."
"This chunk of code implements our A-star algorithm. It's not very much, but the two crucial parts are whether we're checking if our neighbor is an obstacle and updating the heuristic."
"The algorithm is slash negative two negative four slash negative one negative two slash negative three negative three slash... and you see now we have a cube."
"Algorithms are so freaking cool because it's what your brain is doing, right? Like, what is your brain doing? It's doing that. That's the true thing."
"It's about algorithms--introduction to algorithms."
"When you smash that like button, you are forcing the YouTube algorithm, the same algorithm that suppresses our videos, to push this video out to potentially thousands of more people, letting the truth be known far and wide."
"You have to let us have discussions. The algorithm is not interested in truth."
"There's no appeal process. There's no real appeal process. And so your post gets blurred out and then it gets buried into oblivion by the algorithm."
"Why the f*ck is Twitter programmed currently to show you the least popular opinions?"
"You just smash that like button... it pushes us further out into the algorithm."
"Taste that real thing, ever tasted a sweet algorithm?"
"It's undeniably important to know exactly how these algorithms are dictating what people are exposed to, and ensuring that they're doing so responsibly."
"Twitter specifically didn't use an algorithm that would crack down on white supremacy, because they knew Republican politicians would be affected by it."
"News media is full of predatory algorithms that make sure you are fed news that only fits into your biases."
"Algorithms really are just a set of instructions."
"The real genius of TikTok, however, and what sets it apart from Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook, is the part you don’t see - the much-alluded-to, guarded-like-a-state-secret algorithm."
"The formula to these websites isn't simply that you are following something and then as something pops up from that account it shows it to you."
"It's an engaging way to understand how computer algorithms work, and once you got that down, the coding syntax becomes a lot less intimidating."
"Content is so important, especially with these new algorithms."
"I never know if it's my fans that don't like me anymore or if it's YouTube's algorithms."
"It's all title and thumbnail... title, thumbnail, and watch time... that's what's going to determine whether the algorithm pushes your stuff out or not." - Thomas Frank
"The algorithm is your marketing; you don't need billboards."
"The internet allows us to divide ourselves into factions and to have this crazy evolution of arguments which is facilitated by the algorithms pushing us ever further apart."
"The algorithm is ruining the minds of children."
"Your comments are a sacrifice to the algorithm God."
"YouTube is not one algorithm. Get that way out of your mind."
"Personalization and recommender systems use the same principle."
"It might amaze you how many algorithms are working quietly behind the scenes in our everyday lives."
"Hit that like button, yada yada algorithm, you know the drill."
"Binary search... takes something that's linear... and turns it into logarithmic search."
"The overall complexity of this algorithm is theta n log n."
"2D peak finding is exactly like 1D peak finding, except you have a 2D matrix instead of a 1D array."
"I guess we should figure out what's the running time."
"If this thing, it's an algorithm that's been optimized to trick people basically."
"We're almost about to cross another thousand threshold again, help us get there, it does help with the algorithm."
"The YouTube algorithm is like a woman, never going to fully understand it. It's just true."
"Union method: combine sets to get all unique values."
"Instagram is not going to change and if you want to make Instagram your platform you have to succumb to the algorithm."
"Smack a like on the video if you're going to enjoy it, that actually massively helps out in appeasing the unhinged Beast that is the YouTube algorithm."
"Smash that like button, leave a comment, because that helps with the algorithm."
"They're just algorithms, designed to survive at all costs. They're just the passenger."
"There's no list of words or key words that is going to go into our classifiers making an a priori decision about whether videos monetized or not."
"Click like because the algorithm of YouTube seems to think that if you all click like this content is good and it'll push out to more people."
"The algorithmic process... where they were the most advanced, most complex processes that had ever been used in history of the world."
"The greatest thing about algorithms is instead of some gatekeeper choosing you, if you use smart strategy, you could draw connections between you and other artists algorithmically."
"It helps me out a ton, the algorithm. We're shooting for 1k likes in the first 24 hours."
"One of the worst things we can do in life is fail to be grateful to the people who've been wonderful to us."
"Overcoming the epidemic requires collective action and personal sacrifice like not panic buying and staying at home when you're told to."
"This is not speculation. These are the secrets of the algorithm delivered by the people who made it themselves."
"Hit the thumbs up, heck hit the thumbs down, hit whichever one that you like if you don't like the video hit the thumbs down it's all about the interaction for them and their algorithms."
"We're moving toward an era of greater dependency on algorithms and machines."
"Instead of people paying attention to a negative algorithm, they should pay attention to a positive one."
"It is not acceptable that the decision about someone's life and future be entrusted to an algorithm."
"Just hit that thumbs up like button, that tells the YouTube robots that this is a good video and that other people should watch it."
"Circumnavigating the algorithm is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life."
"I noticed about half of you watching these videos on the reg are not subscribed... but it really means a lot in the YouTube algorithm to subscribe."
"A* search is an algorithm that is known, and you could write the code fairly easily."
"How do I get people to see my videos in the algorithm?"
"Comment below and hit the like button because that helps with the algorithms."
"This approach is called Flat Shading, and it’s the most basic lighting algorithm."
"I'm not going to pretend that all of these tactics can be found through some algorithm I know that people look for that it doesn't exist."
"There's a magical thing about randomized algorithms."
"The more engagement and buzz is created, the more the algorithm pushes the content."
"Understanding how you can use big-O notation is incredibly important because it's going to calculate the time and space complexity of your algorithm that you're writing out."
"If you have a real deep understanding of how these subproblems catch up into each other then you can do this problem without needing to see the code."
"The more complicated thing you're trying to model, the more likely it is that you can design really good algorithms."
"Recognizing common patterns in algorithmic complexity can help you reason about efficiency."
"Something that grows logarithmically with the size of the input. It's a slow growth."
"Blessed be the algorithm for the blessings it has bestowed upon me."
"Ultimately, it's the same content: data structures and algorithms. And once you cover the basics, it comes down to being good at interviewing—it's the equivalent of being a good test-taker in college."
"When you understand how the algorithms index premium, discount, or raising price, you can see what price has already done. This is the game changer for me."
"Really helps me out in this godforsaken algorithm."
"The algorithm is better at discovering new audiences when something is more consistent."
"Bitcoin is not governed by Satoshi Nakamoto; Bitcoin is governed by algorithms."
"So the idea of marching squares is what would be some algorithm to find contours and patterns in this array of numbers."
"When you push the buy or sell button, there is a high probability that your trades are being front run by high frequency trading algorithms."
"Relaxation is a fundamental operation in all shortest path algorithms."
"If you have an algorithm that uses relaxation, then it's safe."
"Dijkstra's algorithm mimics, to some extent, the demo with the balls and strings."
"Depending on the problem, algorithms can be more or less complex."
"Defying expectations throws off their algorithm."
"Whether you realize it or not, you do the exact same thing. Everyone's algorithm is different, and there's no right or wrong, just data-driven decisions and opportunities to learn from them."
"People should decide what goes viral, not an algorithm."
"If you can understand these core algorithms, you can already do quite a bit of very interesting stuff."
"Make sure you hit the like button guys and comment down below. I know it sounds like super cheesy and super youtubery but it really is all about the algorithm today."
"By weaponizing algorithmic noise and pouring small amounts of algorithmic favor into one single video they can make that video pop up above the noise amplifying it to a signal on your watch page."
"Algorithms are designed to reinforce existing beliefs."
"Algorithms are already being used throughout our lives."
"The expected running time of hashing with chaining is constant for constant load factor."
"Algorithms are just patterns, sets of rules to obtain expected output."
"There's just gonna be more of this because this sort of stuff is getting promoted by the algorithm!"
"Algorithms enable censorship without the public knowing."
"The algorithms pick up a lot of their nasty [__] and they don't care if you like that specific thing or not."
"Algorithms are responsible for more famous people than any talent scout ever."
"Specialized Hardware plays an important role but also the algorithms itself."
"The YouTube algorithm tends to reward exciting and snappy content."