
Discrimination Quotes

There are 2326 quotes

"Essentializing and boiling people down to fundamental racial, ethnic, religious, or national characteristics as a way of making sweeping generalizations about them and using them as part of a broader narrative of control or opposition."
"God rules with two hands, mercy and justice. And that's that discrimination, you know, how bad discrimination is. It's like, well no, it's not. It's differentiation, it's judgment."
"Why hate yourself and why deprive yourself of having the most beautiful life possible because you happened to be fat or you happened to be a different color or you happen to be whatever, whatever's holding you back?"
"Fat people have to live in a world that openly hates them."
"All I really want is a world where people of all shapes and sizes can be free to be themselves without shame, make whatever choices they think is best for their body, and live free from discrimination."
"The classism, racism, homophobia that affects this sector even today."
"If you fall for arguments about dangerous trans people in women's spaces, you would have fallen for arguments about dangerous black men coming into white spaces to abuse white women, or dangerous gay men in schools."
"Because she's not white and because she's smart, strong, opinionated, rebellious, beautiful, happy, and has everything they never will."
"If you want to see institutionalized racism, if you're not a Muslim Malay in Malaysia, you're in a different tax band and there are different universities you go to, different employment laws apply to you."
"I think it's important to recognize that like, oh yeah, growing up in the society and the culture that we've grown up in, we do sort of automatically discriminate against certain groups of people."
"Discrimination still exists in America, and today's decision does not change that."
"If we have that respect toward others, it's the best antidote to racism, discrimination, mistreatment of others."
"Why is the white male Republican's judgment good enough but the black female Democrat's not?"
"Discrimination against Asian Americans and Asian immigrants during this time is unacceptable. Public health concerns do not target any group by race or ethnicity."
"Freedom does not wait on the comfort of the bigoted."
"You don't know what it feels like to be persecuted until you're mistreated for some intrinsic quality about you."
"Everyone has prejudices and discriminates, but structures of oppression go well beyond individuals."
"Humanity has a regrettable past of designing laws and systems which make humans not human, in an attempt to justify hating, treating poorly, or flat out killing them."
"Why are opinionated women seen as bitches, when opinionated men are seen as bosses?"
"We would like to bring attention to these disparities and discriminations, both legislatively and socially."
"My ultimate end goal for feminism would be an end to gender and sex-based violence and discrimination and oppression."
"No one should be discriminated against, not Blacks, not Whites, not Asians, not Hispanics."
"The crisis has also brought out the worst; we've all heard about the horrible acts against Asian Americans blamed for the coronavirus."
"The work clearly is not done, and we need to be steadfast in protecting against discrimination and horrific actions."
"The fear against trans people and trans women in particular is completely unjustified."
"Democrats only care about people who are not white, not American, and not from small town red America."
"I don't think it's okay to discriminate against sex workers or shame sex workers for what they do."
"Kids should not be discriminated against and should be able to play sports."
"A party where everyone could throw away hatred and discrimination, and instead indulge in joy and laughter."
"The system under which we live forcefully tries to group us based on our differences."
"The reason there is such a high prevalence of suicide attempts amongst the trans population is actually because of the discrimination they face."
"Chick-fil-A has never discriminated against a gay person in their service ever."
"I'm able to separate their hateful and ignorant attitudes from my own sense of self-worth."
"Stereotypes that contribute to bi-erasure, homophobia, transphobia, any of those things, no, get rid of them."
"You can be very much anti-discrimination and think discrimination is wrong and evil and bad, and still believe that the government does not have the right to compel people to violate their own personal precepts on things like association."
"I am in favor of freedom to decide what you do in your own life, and if that means discrimination, yes it protects discrimination."
"One of the beauties of the free market, if there's a company today that says I refuse to serve Jews, there will be another company that says I will serve Jews and that company will outcompete the first company."
"My pastor would be the first person to stand up in church and say, if you're gay, you're going to hell. That's something that was hard for me."
"Racism, sexism, and homophobia inform each other."
"The HOLC created residential security maps, and these maps - they're where the term 'Redlining' comes from. One of the most consistent criteria for redlined neighborhoods is the presence of Black and brown people."
"Discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation manifest differently for different individuals, and it often overlaps with other forms of prohibited discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of race or disability."
"This Supreme Court has used the First Amendment to allow racism, discrimination, and bigotry, and has now embedded it into our U.S. Constitution."
"The more that we know about the background, the evolutionary history of human variation, the less pejorative will be our discussions about discrimination due to variation in human pigmentation."
"In the face of discrimination and fear, true courage is standing up for your friends."
"Mutants are not hated simply because they are different; they are feared because of their powers."
"All people are equal, and inequality is the consequence of discrimination, and discrimination causes oppression."
"The DFEH says that the women they spoke to likened working at Activision Blizzard to working at a frat house."
"I believe there shouldn't be any discrimination, no matter who the person is."
"It goes without saying that it's completely unacceptable that anyone at the company faces discrimination and harassment."
"Morals cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated. The law cannot make an employer love me, but it can keep him from refusing to hire me because of the color of my skin."
"If you judge a man because of the way he talks, you are no better than a man who judges somebody based on the color of his skin."
"We need a balance, and everybody needs to be paid properly. Nobody should be illegal in this country, and nobody should be discriminated against."
"Like conservatives will do this, like it's so easy to get an ID. It doesn't matter how easy it is if there's no reason to have a voter ID law, which there isn't, then the effects of a voter ID law would be plainly discriminatory."
"Singlism: the stereotyping and discrimination against single people."
"Whenever there's a Xinjiang person there, they're all like, 'They treat them as if they're sub-human.'"
"As you watch this film, it is important to always distinguish clearly between the good and hard-working people of China and their repressive communist government now victimizing both American and Chinese citizens alike."
"Halle Berry's Best Actress Oscar win overcame decades of discrimination against black women in the film industry, albeit briefly."
"The U.S. economy has lost a staggering 16 trillion dollars over the last twenty years because of discrimination against families of color."
"There's no logical reason that anyone should be discriminated against on any level because of the texture of their hair or the style of their hair."
"You're punishing them because of the color of their skin, that's racism."
"The argument for supporters of the Voting Rights Act is... it was discriminatory, but that the Voting Rights Act is not race-neutral; it is actually supposed to help with systemic racist policies."
"The darker the skin, the more likely the conviction... that is what we call implicit bias."
"Resumes with white-sounding names get twice as many callbacks as identical resumes with black-sounding names."
"I am tired of communities of faith being weaponized and being mischaracterized because the only time religious freedom is invoked is in the name of bigotry and discrimination."
"People are absolutely sick of being tarred as racists untethered to the facts."
"We should celebrate our diversity and, in doing so, we must acknowledge that the rich variety of cultures, faiths, and colours that make up this country could not have come together and thrived as they have unless we had fought together against discrimination and prejudice."
"If you're going to give anybody anything, and not give it to black folks, you're violating the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendment and the civil rights laws. And that is unconstitutional."
"The court holds that they had to reject it because the simple fact is that the free exercise clause requires non-discrimination between religion and non-religion."
"We're not going to remain silent, and if you want to not hire me because I couldn't answer your dumb question about how I'm ending systemic racism in America, then guess what? I'll just go work at a different bank."
"Discrimination occurs by and against every race, every gender, every sexual orientation, yes, including white heterosexual males."
"Bigotry doesn't know color; bigotry is bigotry."
"I started asking what he meant and he said to me that he was like, 'You're black, I'm assuming you had decent grades, you could have just attached a smiley face and you would have gotten into the university.' So I was livid by that."
"It's the policy of the Biden-Harris administration that all students should be guaranteed an educational environment free from discrimination on the basis of sex."
"Despite being the victim of discrimination...he has pushed through and proven that these complaints are not valid because of his rare wholesome nature and overall positivity."
"Anyone who's dealt with homophobia, biphobia, by erasure knows that's where they get you, right in the heart."
"If the current society wants to outlaw discrimination by sex, hey, we have things called legislators, and they enact things called laws."
"We absolutely have to fight against any attempt at saying that the most important differences between us are our skin colors or our ethnicities."
"Racial discrimination is not inherently racist. The defining question is whether the discrimination is creating equity or inequity."
"His willingness to attack people on the basis of where they came from or the color of their skin was completely inappropriate, and we need to put that chapter of American history behind us."
"It turns out that anglo-american jurisprudence is about the rights of the individual... those people tend to be victimized along racial and religious lines."
"The second line is when people are no longer equal."
"I would just be pissed if I won the greatest award you could win in my craft, and all they reported was my ethnicity. How about she was just the best one?"
"I've heard situations where dark-skinned girls have told me that they haven't been allowed in clubs or events because they were dark-skinned."
"There cannot be... kind of compromise on basic human rights... discrimination, racism, sexism is simply not acceptable."
"Our campaign is not only about defeating Donald Trump, the most dangerous president in modern American history. Our campaign is about redoubling our efforts to end racism, sexism, homophobia, religious bigotry, and all forms of discrimination."
"Making some deference as to people's religion makes sense, but giving religious people the right to discriminate against anyone they don't like, based on their religion, doesn't make sense."
"They do have the right to not serve anybody that they want, but what people don't get is that people also have the right to protest against these assholes when they don't serve people that live lifestyles that they don't like."
"Public accommodations law...essentially say that if you act in business, then you 'cannot discriminate.'"
"Domestic abuse, violence, emotional violence, emotional abuse does not discriminate. It can happen to anybody."
"Presenting autistic people as childlike is a form of discrimination."
"You supposed to be the Congressional Black Caucus. If anything, you should be telling Joe Biden, 'How is it you let everybody else in here, but them Haitians can't come in on asylum?' That's racist, Joe."
"The scourge of rising racist, xenophobic, discriminatory, and anti-Islamic rhetoric can only be defeated by common will and efforts."
"Trans people are a population of people who have a right to equality and to freedom from discrimination. We are not an ideology that's up for debate."
"It's vile, it's horrible, it's cowardly, it's usually sexist and racist."
"Truly realized utopia: no racism, sexism, or discrimination."
"The Ministry basically just turned into Nazi Germany. Wizards are interrogating other wizards, trying to weed out any muggles in their family tree."
"It is against the law for your employer to separate you, to segregate you. That's the language in the law, and to classify you. Are you with me? Please repeat that in a comment."
"Our privacy can, in far too many cases, be the only barrier keeping us safe from violent bigots."
"If we're going to group people like this and treat people according to their group without any reference to their behavior, that is racism, sexism, and bigotry itself."
"If you're making fun of Doug because he's black, your issue isn't necessarily with Doug, your issue is with the blackness."
"The idea that universities are encouraging this is disgraceful."
"It's almost like there is a level of bigotry that is kind of acceptable and normalized in society."
"It's not enough to just be like I'm homophobic and that's why I don't think gay people should get married."
"Calling someone a bigot because they have differing opinions than your own is bigoted."
"Being attacked for who you are is probably one of the most stressful things."
"We are not the first society to single out a group this way, and we know where it leads. It doesn't lead anywhere good."
"I don't think you hate all religions equally. I think you have an extra hate boner for Islam."
"Anti-semitism is never just about picking on an individual jewish person it's about the whole of society."
"When people bring out this casually throw around the word racism, it makes me angry."
"You shouldn't be discriminated against based on your health decisions."
"AI McDonald's in Fort Worth, Texas, has come under fire for racism." - News clip
"Giving someone a spot not because of their skill but because they were born a certain gender is sexist and it causes division."
"It matters if your boss is just a regular white person or a [ __ ] klansman."
"It's amazing that a straight white able-bodied woman equates consequences for a selfish Choice with the kinds of discrimination faced by people solely for who they are like race gender sexuality or disability."
"Do you disagree with Pat Narduzzi or did Pat Narduzzi make the mistake of being a white man over the age of 50 stating his opinion?"
"Most of the problems in your life are solvable by you, and if they are not solvable by you, if somebody is actively discriminating against you, that is illegal and we should all fight that."
"For employers to say you are wrong about your own beliefs is both arrogant and discriminatory."
"And how we treat people is based on who they are and not what color they are."
"Evanston will make reparations available... discriminatory housing policies."
"You'll just take their customers because discrimination is always a bad move."
"I think people are just tired of being dismissed as fill in the blank phobia."
"Individuals do. Disagreement is not discrimination."
"When we use the word 'transphobic,' we're describing something that's presenting a false understanding of science and data that perpetuates dangerous myths."
"First thing I would do as president United States I'd rejoin the Paris climate Accord."
"We need to have a real conversation about the racism and sexism behind electability."
"The answer to racial discrimination is to stop racially discriminating."
"Anyone can be racist, anyone can be a victim of racism, that's a fundamental basic fact that we need to get back to."
"Racism means discrimination or prejudice against someone because of their ethnicity."
"Stop treating brown and Asian kids differently, stop treating black kids differently based on the color of the skin."
"There also have been many cases of people discriminating against Chinese people."
"Ableism is deeply embedded in everything. It's the root of aism."
"For these individuals, having a gender identity that does not match the sex designation on their birth certificate can result in confusion, possible discrimination, harassment, and violence."
"He's just trying to mess with me because of my skin. How humane."
"Overwhelmingly that there is a racial bias even when accounting for other factors."
"Police violence is rare, but when it does happen, it is disproportionately impacting certain groups of people."
"The only way to stop discrimination is more racial discrimination."
"The cruelty is a part of politics specifically the way that it is used to demonize certain groups so you can justify denying people their basic rights under the constitution."
"Racism, bigotry, and discrimination are problems in American society."
"The proposal lists specific areas for reparations: mass incarceration, discrimination, unequal access to high-quality housing and healthcare, and environmental injustices."
"Racism is basically any discrimination that is inherently based on race."
"Racism is discrimination for or against someone based solely on the arbitrary color of their skin."
"Pointing out that you've been investigated for racist hiring and employment practices dozens of times and just haven't been cracked down on it yet is a pretty weak defense."
"Forget about the other parts of my body but because of this face the moment you see this face that is the problem."
"Colorism is deeply woven into our society and history."
"Restoration is going to inherently be discriminatory, but not all discrimination is bad."
"These racists and white identity extremists are joining the military and the police so that they can get the training to better oppress black people."
"This is about targeting women of color in the United States of America."
"But I think it's really clear in one point that the American people understand very clearly, they understand that there should be an end to discrimination on the basis of preexisting conditions."
"If one person treats another person differently because of the color of their skin, to me, that's racism."
"Straight white conservative Christian men are the most hated species on this side of heaven."
"Small slights and significant structural impediments both matter."
"We must link arms and stand publicly against anti-semitism against homophobia against Islamophobia against anti black racism and ladies and gentlemen against white supremacist ideology and all of its ugly hateful form."
"Playing Valorant as a woman is a different game than playing Valorant as a guy."
"When you begin to judge people based on race creed call a sexual orientation a country of origin that's antithetical to what American values are."
"Section two still fully intact... to target intentional discrimination."
"Everything exists, okay? There's racism in America against black people, there's racism against white people, there's racism against dogs."
"Voting discrimination remains a real and ongoing problem."
"When you attack people for who they are, you're challenging the very principles that we hold near and dear in this country."
"I'm talking about systemic, a system that is designed to elevate one group while marginalizing the next."
"It is mean, hurtful, terrible, and unacceptable to ever place someone in an outgroup based on the way they act or dress."
"It's like, imagine if a store was like, you can't come in here because your legs are broken, you know, we don't want to risk the lawsuit if you fall and get hurt."
"You cannot do that because you're separating people based off race, that's literally racism literally."
"And if you were discriminated against as a fellow disabled person, as a real service dog user, or for any other reason, know that you're not alone."
"And what the court decided in these three decisions was we should not discriminate based on skin color."
"He's a racist, sexist, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic germophobe."
"It almost feels like a promotion of homophobia."
"It's a free country, yeah, it's a free country, but it doesn't give you the invitation to treat people like [__]."
"Why would I choose to be discriminated against, to be ostracized?"
"Discrimination based on the color of skin makes zero sense."
"Fat people are being discriminated against purely on the basis of their body size."
"This comes amid allegations that uniformed officials that Ukraine's borders are mistreating refugees of color with new disturbing video alleged to show officials kicking and targeting black people."
"Ultimately, I think these gun control laws are gonna be used disproportionately against young men of color."
"Why are people of color being turned down for loans so much more than white people?"
"It's frustrating, hurtful, and insulting to constantly see women of color be tossed to the side."
"The hijab ban is a ban on Muslim women," says Iman Amal Rani. Well, I notice.
"We should work to get rid of discrimination."
"Trans people need help they are one of the most targeted groups for discrimination."
"It is sheer absolute Sikh garbage to suggest that if a Muslim lives in your neighborhood, that Muslim deserves to die."
"It's the original sin of Man attacking people on the basis of things that they can't control they were they were born with like you can't do that period."
"I don't think that this is about his race I think this has a lot more to do with the fact that there are a bunch of women as in dozens of women who came forward with credible allegations all of which backed one another."
"Critical race theory ironically embodies discrimination under the guise of fighting discrimination."
"You can't say that everybody of that race is this way or that way."
"Viewpoint discrimination... the highest sin you can commit... in First Amendment land."
"They separated people by color, and just like now they're separating people by your vaccine passport status."
"Let's not take one discrimination which is bad and just replace it with another discrimination which is far worse."
"The entire drama of caste discrimination narrative is what the Prime Minister is looking at ending."
"The right answer to stop discrimination of race is to stop discrimination of race."
"Jim Crow laws systematically stripped black citizens of their rights."
"Christ would not be supporting a tyrant, Christ would not be supporting people who literally hate others and make it their duty to hate others and make sure that we know that they hate us."
"Colorism conversations continue and people continue to abolish annihilate and eliminate the stereotypes and disparities that come with being a brown or dark-skinned woman."
"We need to stand together in solidarity against discrimination."
"Politics is just so... can we just leave bigots in 2020?"
"I said well what about you know we're going to make sure humanity is okay here... and then he called me a speciesist."
"The government has just started winnowing out separating the wheat from the chaff."
"It's no more discriminatory than people in Hollywood saying we're not going to hire white male actors anymore."
"This is a human rights issue, and every American and every person on earth has the right to breathe fresh air, and to segregate somebody is completely inhumane." - April Moss
"Let's be clear, this is a desperate smear rooted in racism, misogyny, and Islamophobia."
"All white people in the front. Yeah, and you know why they do that? All the white people in the front, I'm gonna tell you why they do that."
"Autistic people have suffered long enough from many forms of discrimination."
"Economics definitely needs to address issues of discrimination and representation with proper policies and accountability."