
Relationship With God Quotes

There are 356 quotes

"The relationship with God cannot be cognitive, it can't be intellectual really, it's got to be spiritual."
"When he said it is finished, the veil separating God from man tore from top to bottom so that we could have intimate relationship with the God of the universe."
"Authenticity is hard to find in our world, but the only way we can have a real relationship with God is if we're real."
"God say you treat me like this, I know what to do to get you back."
"If you leave your whole relationship with God relocated to an hour on Sunday mornings, you will be depleted and unhealthy."
"I would rather let... God ultimately have justice and His will be done because if I go the other way, it just doesn't sit well with me and God, and I want our relationship to be good."
"It's not a rule book, y'all; it's a love story."
"This worship is a posture; it's me coming into my relationship with God and saying, 'See me, help me to see myself and help me to see you.'"
"The central message of Christianity is the forgiveness of sins and having a relationship with God, which is found in only Jesus alone."
"Powerful women perfect their relationship with God."
"I don't want a superficial relationship with Jesus. I don't want to just accrue information about Jesus. I want intimacy with Jesus."
"Information about God is a really, really poor substitute for intimacy with God."
"God loves us, and He wants to have a relationship with us."
"Faith is the cornerstone of our relationship with God; it is the key to blessings."
"I'm staying with God, and it's that relationship that I enjoy too much to change the pattern in my life."
"I know my relationship with God, and God knows me, so we laugh all the time."
"Righteousness... simply means being right with God."
"Awaken to the importance of really living out our relationship with God and recognizing the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives."
"Your word says in James 4 verse 8, 'Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.'"
"Being a Christian is not about following all the rules; it's not about working hard to earn His favor. Walking with Christ requires us to understand that it's all about Him."
"Our salvation is not based on how many verses we've memorized; it's not about our church attendance or our theology; it's based on having a true relationship with God."
"Your purpose is not doing stuff for God, it's being with Him."
"Ibrahim (peace be upon him) shows us how to maintain a relationship with Allah through supplication, patience, gratitude, and trust."
"We don't spend time with God as if we're checking in time and punching a card; it is a relationship."
"Our God lives, He's alive, and He speaks to us. We have an actual relationship with Him."
"If you seek Me with all your heart, you’ll find Me."
"The abundant life is a relationship with God, abundant life is an eternal relationship with God."
"The time with God, if you have a relation with God in which you really do sense him talking to you and speaking to you and loving you, is a massive, massive help in times like this."
"You cannot live without the Holy Spirit; you cannot live without God's word. The men of God come to supplement; they don't come to substitute your relationship with the Lord."
"Christianity is much more than doctrine; it's a relationship with God, cultivated on our knees in prayer."
"He doesn't expect you to change and do things before you can approach Him; He accepts you just as you are, right where you are."
"When we are happy, we need to ask ourselves what is it that has made us happy. If it is the relationship you have with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, that is something everlasting."
"Knowing God results in every other kind of understanding."
"The God that I know is a God that cares for me and has created the possibility of a real relationship with me."
"The fundamental call is to adventure, not to happiness, and part of the relationship with God that's part of that adventure is wrestling with God."
"We're continually progressing in relationship with God, becoming, that this exaltation isn't something we just arrive at one day."
"The last couple of months something's been really opening my eyes to my relationship with God."
"You don't stumble upon a great relationship with God."
"He wants us to get to know Him, why? Because He desires that you and I seek Him."
"The greatest success strategy we can ever have is our intimacy with God."
"The most important thing is to have a relationship with God."
"Life is short...all that matters is ultimately that we are right with God that we have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ."
"Stop chasing the hand of God for what He can give; chase His face for who He is."
"We need to stop treating our relationship with Jesus like the little buddy that you talk to before you go to bed at night, and not be more vocal about all the things that God means to us."
"Jesus made a bridge for us to have a relationship with God."
"But if over the course of your life you are not seeing victory over sin, it is a good indication that you do not know God and God does not know you."
"Build a relationship with the Creator. Find spiritual grounding to navigate life's highs and lows."
"The road to heaven is a relationship with Jesus Christ."
"God knows exactly what amount of evidence and hiddenness is appropriate to achieve a love relationship with Himself."
"When you build a relationship with God, you become his friend."
"God is jealous about his relationship with you."
"Just be real with God, have a real relationship with Him."
"Doctrine is relational because right beliefs about God are beliefs about the God you have a relationship with."
"Any relationship with god is going to evolve you over time."
"Let God be my judge and my love relationship with God is steadfast and assured."
"All true ministry is just an overflow of your relationship with the Holy Spirit, all true ministry is an overflow of your prayer life."
"To know Jesus Christ intimately, we want more than Redemption, we want a relationship."
"Keep going to bed with God and come up pregnant with God's ideas."
"Study the Word of God to maintain an intimate relationship with Him."
"You let God go, he'll let you go. You come back to God, he'll come back to you." - Bill Winston
"God wants to have a relationship, not just religious adherence."
"Seeing God in our everyday life helps us realize He's always with us, making our relationship with Him stronger and more real."
"Cultivate a flourishing secret life with the Lord."
"When we prioritize anything above God, it's like betraying him in a relationship."
"Serve me by loving me, that's all God wants."
"Jesus Christ is the bridge for us to get to have a relationship with God."
"Jesus is God's way of saying 'I want to know you and I will make the way for that to happen even though you failed.'"
"Don't trust God right now, just get to know Him. Then you'll trust Him, then you'll start to fall in love with who you trust."
"Doctrine is not an end, it is a means to knowing God."
"Evidence is not a substitute for faith, choosing to seek Him and build a relationship with Him."
"It's just isn't religion, might be, but your relationship with God isn't. That's maybe how it starts off but ultimately it has to be a love based relationship."
"God has a purpose for us as humans, his first desire is for us to have a relationship with Himself through Jesus Christ."
"Christianity is not about religion but about a relationship with God."
"When we get the relationship right and understand God's grace, obedience happens."
"It's an amazing thing to get up in the morning time and before you can open your mouth and say good morning Holy Spirit, he's already talking to you. It's a real relationship."
"The power's in the relationship, the proximity to God, and the pattern of living after entering those covenants."
"Your relationship with God should not be based on what he gives you but rather on who God is."
"This is a chance for you to get closer to God in your relationship."
"Come on, you're getting closer to the day where you're going to marry Me, and I want you to experience Me now."
"Giving is an individual situation between you and God that you love him so much you want to give."
"We know how to do church, but we don't know how to do this relationship with God."
"God loves you so much; he is madly in love with you."
"God doesn't want puppets, he wants people who will fall in love with him freely."
"Remember, it's not about finishing, this is about you developing a friendship with God."
"The best evidence of a relationship with God is a transformed life."
"Prayer is proof that God is looking for partners."
"Miracles boost our faith in God and deepen our relationship with Him."
"An individual journey, it is your relationship with the Lord Jesus."
"It's about God simply wants to be in relationship with us, redeeming, establishing, and perpetuating the Covenant, coming into God's presence, and learning his law."
"God wants to talk to you. You're His sheep. He wants to lead you and to guide you. He is a game-changer in your life."
"Solidify your relationship with Allah through consistent prayer and understanding."
"When we learn to wait on God, He will show us hindrances in our relationships with Him, so that we can be free of them in order to love and serve Him better."
"Truth is not just some list of ideas that the Church has pounded on people, it's knowing a person."
"God doesn't validate based on performance. He validates based on relationship."
"Your relationship with God is the most important thing on this earth."
"I don't speak about Jesus just because I believe, I know him."
"Prophecy is meant to move people closer to a deeper relationship with God," she explains.
"Dear God, I wanna begin a friendship with You today."
"Your relationship with God will cause confrontation."
"Perhaps you're starting your relationship with the Lord or you're renewing it in some way, but we're preparing now for the new beginning that Jesus has for us."
"What I believe isn't a religion what I believe it's a relationship right?"
"The Holy Spirit does all of that; he makes God daddy again."
"Christianity was never designed to be a religion. It's supposed to be a relationship."
"The healing starts with the spirit and your relationship to God."
"Praying in tongues helps build a deeper relationship with God."
"I'm offering up my heart to God... I want to have a pure heart when it comes to you."
"But what I want you to know is that there is a God, that He loves you so much He wants to have a relationship with you."
"Our Father... yeah, God, you are my father."
"I hope you take time to get out, enjoy creation like I am today, but even more importantly than enjoying creation is seeking the Creator, get to know him personally, develop a relationship with him and seek his will and apply it to your life."
"As you focus on building a closer relationship with God and living according to his principles, you will find that the things you once chased after pale in comparison to the joy and fulfillment that comes from Walking In step with the almighty."
"God said to me, 'Be a self-feeder. Don't depend upon anybody for your relationship with God because that's enslavement. That's how religions get a hold of people — they become lazy.'"
"We were created to know him, to grow in a relationship with God."
"I think that for a lot of us, we grew up knowing God as father, Lord God Almighty. But we need to stop. He's just father. So can you ask your daddy questions?"
"...the first thing I think of every morning as I say my prayers is thanks for wanting me to come back to you so much..."
"...God loves us so much that he did everything that's going on is happening because he wants us to have a close relationship with him..."
"We better be using that time to cultivate a friendship and a stability with the Lord."
"If someone comes to me and says, 'I have a new relationship with God,' based on 1 John 1, the first thing I ask him is, 'Do you have a new relationship with sin?'"
"If you're going to really have a full-on relationship with God, you might as well get ready for some rejection." - Joyce Meyer
"Are you viewing God as an authoritarian figure that doesn't want you to have fun or are you viewing God as a father that loves you and this is a love letter to you to help you?"
"At the heart of it is we want to know God better through his word."
"The faces of men and women who walk with God and who talk and He walks with me and He talks with me, that should be real, not just a song."
"We as Christians, we're truly privileged that we have a relationship with a God that is alive and well, understands our language whatever it is, doesn't care what language you speak, he's God."
"If you could build a relationship with God, then you would never say 'Father' in the name of Jesus."
"Happiness biblically is knowing that you are in right relationship with your creator."
"Righteousness just simply means that you've been made right with God."
"God really loves you more, like he adores you guys and he wants he wants a deep relationship with you, he wants an intimate relationship with you."
"God wants a real relationship with you."
"He's calling us to Himself, and if He's the way and He's the truth and He's the life, and in the secret place, we are truly yielded in walking with Him, those things, they don't have any flavor."
"For those of us who know the Lord, let's fall back in love with Him. Let's give Him more of our hearts. But those of us who don't know Him, give Him a try. Fall in love with Him."
"The joy of the Lord is the joy we find in our relationship with God, which is an eternal relationship and an unchanging relationship."
"He's like, 'This is going to be the best thing for you that I do this for you, that I allow you to experience this because I want you to come to know me.'"
"Religion is worse. I'm just a man of faith. I believe in God. I have a relationship with God. I don't do nothing about no works. I don't do nothing about no works. Salvation is free. Have faith in Jesus."
"...to know God as a friend, a forgiving and loving father rather than as an enemy or vengeful judge."
"God wants you to fast for your ministry that you have as a mother, as a father, as a grandfather, as a businessman, as the person of influence in your community and in your family."
"Sometimes He will scream in our pain but He doesn't want to scream. He wants to develop a close relationship with you where He can whisper to you and you can hear Him."
"God does not want to surround himself by robots."
"...it is hard to show off when you call God daddy. It's just hard to be pompous when you call God your papa. Perhaps this is the point... the first purpose of prayer, a daddy prayer is to define the roles: he's the father and I'm a child."
"The Bible is not how to do it, it's how to know Him."
"The most important thing is our relationship with God."
"The meaning of life isn't just hoping to please your wife so when you go to heaven, she'll be proud of you. That's closer, frankly, but this is talking about a person that comes into your life and says, 'Know me.'"
"He waits to be wanted, He longs to be desired and He wants to have that with you. That's so incredible."
"It is coming into a new relationship with God, that relationship of faith which is so very important."
"May I suggest to you that what you have with God is greater still, is greater than what Moses had, because as much as Moses loved to commune with the spirit of the Living God, that very spirit dwells inside of you and me."
"Trust in the Lord with all of your hearts. Now notice, it's not a proposition I'm asking you to trust, it is a person. It's not a formula, it is God himself."
"Condemnation pushes you away from God in shame and fear; conviction draws you to God in repentance and humility."
"Abiding is a decision. You don't have to teach me how to go be with Jesus; just be with him."
"The first principle of truth and of the gospel is to know for a certainty the character of God and that we may converse with Him the same as one man with another."
"True worship is one who lives to please God, whose lifestyle reflects that two-way relationship with him."
"Religion will not give you the strength you need. It has to be a living relationship with God."
"We please God the most not as employees but as children."
"Church is for God, not man. The pastor is still a man. It's about your relationship with God, not the people in the pews."
"You've got to be the kind of person that, if you believe in prayer, when somebody needs prayer and sometimes a minute or two is okay, but you literally have the kind of relationship with God that you can say, 'God, David needs you right now.'"
"Do not think so highly of yourself to presume that God needs you to do anything. God doesn't need me or you to do anything, but by God's grace, we get to have a relationship with him."
"the worst four words anybody could ever hear is Jesus saying I never knew you"
"Prayer is really about our relationship with God."
"Prayer makes it explicit that everything is about our relationship with God."
"Because it's in my relationship with God that promotes my desire to want to be better for him."
"God wants you to pray, even though he already knows what you're about to ask because he desires an intimate relationship with you."
"Sin doesn't make God hate us, sin makes us feel awkward around God."
"God wants you to know Him more than you want to know Him."
"Your desire is a calling from God and is thus your personal relationship with God."
"The god of the universe wants to actually know you. And you can walk with him."
"God is our Father, and the implications of that is we have the same father."
"There is a God, there is a Jesus and he wants a relationship with people."
"The best thing that will preserve you from sexual temptation is a real and vibrant relationship with God."
"God says if you're a person and a man or a woman of Prayer who understands that it's about me and you, I'm gonna have a reward unlocked over your life."
"The Christian ought to be trained and disposed to consider that during his whole life he has to do with God."
"Under a lesser Covenant, he knew God face to face."
"How does job's approach toward God affect the way that you stand before him?"
"Your relationship with God right is not about you living perfect or saying the right things, it's all about who has your heart. Will you give Jesus your heart?"
"It is the cream of the crop, it's the gold standard Muslim, it's the highest part of your relationship with your Lord. Excellence."
"Believing in God doesn't make you a Christian; belonging to him does."
"You didn't adopt God into your life. God adopted you."
"Can you allow God to take delight in you?"
"He wants me to know him, and he wants you to know him."
"They had achieved a relationship with God. They had merited by their religiosity and their self-righteousness acceptance with God."
"Struggling with getting along with one another...part of how God is calling you into a deeper relationship with Him."
"You are searching and longing for a relationship with God through Christ. Nothing else will satisfy."
"God is the only one I know that can gift you so well that it challenges your relationship with God."
"I'm excited about Him even when I'm upset with Him."
"More importantly, I'm known by Him. That's the priority in my life. For me to be known by God is different than me just knowing God."
"You have to just fully get a relationship with Jesus, you know? It's not about being in church every Sunday, it's not about being a better person, it's not about X, Y, and Z, but it's like all those things will come, those will be fruit that you bear."
"God's purpose in creating you in creating me is that we enter into an intimate relationship with God that improves for eternity."
"I don't want religion I want relationship I want connection I want to be hooked up with the one who died for me."
"The church is supposed to connect you to God, teach you how to have a relationship with God."
"What made sin sin to Joseph was that it involved his relationship to God."
"God wants authentic relationship, not just transactional benefits."
"Please, God, I know we haven't always gotten along."
"Walking with God is designed to lead us into an intimate, living, passionate, fiery relationship."
"You do not have to be a Jew in order to have a relationship with God."
"You have to know the lies that you believed were truth or lies. You have to know how God really sees you. And now this opens the door for you to run to Him as your best friend, as this most loving father in the whole world, and you're the child. Just run to Him like that."
"Whatever God reveals is for the sake of me walking in closer relationship with him."
"In the Lord I take refuge. He is my friend, my partner, one in whom I have relationship with."
"God is interested in more than your obedience; He also wants your devotion."
"It's not enough to simply obey; God wants your love."
"What relationship with God should look like: intimacy, friendship. It should look like real relationship. It should not be robotic, it should not be just going through the motions and reciting prayers, but it should be real intimacy."
"...this is relationship, that He's with me, and we're doing this together."
"All of the aspects of ourselves to bring our whole lives into relationship with him, nothing is out of bounds."
"The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, and He will show them His covenant."
"I don't want your sacrifices; I want your love. I don't want your offerings; I want you to know me."