
Treasure Quotes

There are 2463 quotes

"Gris protected Rudo not because he was a sky person, but because he acknowledged him as a comrade who could treasure both things and people."
"The real treasure was the memories we made along the way."
"The intrigue, strange treasures, lost archaic echoes of the most mysterious race in Tamriel's history, the Dwemer."
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
"It was good to be home. I had spent days and days and days getting all those diamonds."
"For where your treasure is, there will your heart also be."
"As Cyril sets out with his three dragons, he educates them about the Treasure Trove."
"A treasure that could quite literally connect the world as one piece."
"What if I told you you could get your hands on some gold from one of the most iconic shipwrecks in United States history?"
"Could The Money Pit hold untold riches and secrets, or is it all just a wild goose chase? The answer may lie buried deep within Oak Island's past."
"Lupin says that this is a treasure for all of mankind, and not something that can be taken or kept to oneself, not even by a master thief."
"It's like finding a treasure in an abandoned gold mine."
"Step out of your comfort zone. That's where you'll find your treasure."
"A royal treasure lost forever has at last been found."
"We don't treasure this enough we don't realize what we have."
"Israeli teenagers made quite the discovery: a clay jar stuffed to the brim with gold coins dating back 1,100 years."
"Companies had already insured the ship's cargo over 100 years earlier so they all decided to divide the treasure with almost all of it going to the companies."
"Considered the world's most valuable shipwreck, the Nuestra Señora de Atocha was loaded with tons of gold and silver taken from South America destined for Spain in 1622."
"According to some experts in ancient history, biblical treasures stolen from Jerusalem’s Second Temple by the Romans in the year 70 could be hidden underneath the Vatican to this very day."
"Fenn treasure: A cryptic poem leads to a fortune."
"A treasure worth millions found by a medical student."
"A tale of mystery and espionage in treasure hunting."
"Tank collector shocked to find two million pounds gold bullion."
"The gold keys are underwhelming. It's weird because when you see these ornate doors protecting some secret or another it makes you think that the treasures inside are going to be amazing."
"The kingdom of heaven is like a man who found treasure."
"Not all treasure is silver and gold." - Virulent Viper
"Since 1795 people have been trying to get to whatever is under there and no one has been able to. Hmm. Wow."
"A shipwreck filled with lost gold is solving a mystery from the 16th century."
"A map connecting Templar strongholds reveals a Templar cross pointing to a remote monastery. Could this X mark the spot of where surviving Templars escaped from France with their treasures and relics?"
"What the actual [__] we just got an elite clue out of an oak tree."
"Shipwreck Holy Grail: two ships found near Spanish Galleon full of gold worth 17 billion."
"Every treasure is valuable, but what about a find of this magnitude and importance? You're definitely talking six or seven figures."
"And there, but inside the chest, there was the mythical gem. Exactly what I was looking for."
"Most importantly, I finally got the mystical gem."
"Isn't it dandy, Jim? I hunted all over time to find it."
"Let's go dude, this is my first time selling anything throughout the entire journey and it looks like we've accumulated over three hundred thousand dollars worth of treasures."
"God is going to give you the treasures of darkness."
"Amazing treasures that were found by accident."
"I was treasure hunting a small Beach on the Amalfi Coast when I got a nice signal I dug it out and found an extremely beautiful silver and gold Signet ring."
"From a long-lost treasure chest worth a whopping 7 billion dollars."
"There is likely goods, artifacts, and perhaps even treasure still sitting at the bottom of the sea."
"Sometimes you can find treasures beyond the imagination."
"Most players are not going to mind or argue with getting inordinate high amounts of treasure, but in the long run, it's not going to give them the same satisfaction as if they were slowly amassing all of that treasure over time."
"Oh my gosh, in these archives... multiple gold books!"
"Brother 12: the enigmatic cult leader who vanished with buried treasure."
"It's thought there's over $200 billion worth of gold down there."
"I'm gonna hoard all this treasure like a dragon. Actually, I think I might be a dragon."
"Look at all the great loot down here - bunch of ores including diamond!"
"Maybe there's like a clue or something, like maybe there's like a box of diamonds in here."
"It feels like I went on a treasure hunt and finally got it."
"Templar and the Freemasons believed that the treasure was too great for any one man to have."
"You always gotta walk through a little bit of junk to get to the treasure."
"You may not come across buried treasure anytime soon, but there's no greater gift than knowledge."
"The chest could be anywhere now it seems like."
"Whether or not Forrest Fenn's treasure is tangible, or, in fact, the gift of knowledge remains up for debate."
"Number 5: Couple finds 10 million gold coin jackpot in backyard."
"All you want is the feeling, the happiness, the commitment, the joy, all the things like that glow that you have. That's the treasure for them."
"The treasure that joy boy left behind on the mysterious island of Laughtale... and yet we still don't know what it actually is."
"The One Piece treasure really does have it all: material wealth, secret forbidden knowledge, ancient weapons, the power of friendship and fate."
"Otherwise it would be an awful big coincidence that so many treasures from so many different civilizations ended up on a random island off the coast of Canada."
"Dumpster diving: finding hidden treasures in unexpected places."
"Dreams of buried treasure come true: Mike's discovery astounds experts."
"I came for the angel keys to all creation, but I stayed for the buried treasure, the alchemical ciphers, and of course, the angelic prompted wife exchange program."
"The ancient city contains unique loot and hidden rooms underneath the warden statue."
"Getting a shiny in the first place is amazing and getting a shiny to see what is in that chest is also exciting."
"Wow, they gave us money and gold in a secret vault, and whacked all my days on that. Literally my reaction, they knew how I was gonna react."
"Tutankhamen's treasures hold many clues that may help explain the existence of a curse."
"A marvelous treasure awaited there – more rare and more intoxicating than Gold."
"The Spanish galleon San Jose: sunk off the coast of Cartagena with billions in treasure."
"I found a ship that was near the house and holy mother of loot."
"I found a ship and there was a chest that was absolutely stuffed."
"I cannot even begin to fathom where Madarame's treasure may be."
"There's an old wasteland legend that says somewhere out there, there's a fabulous treasure from before the war." - Malcolm
"Maybe the real treasure is the friends we make along the way."
"Where your heart is, that is where you will find your treasure."
"There's a big box of treasure at the end of it."
"Great treasure waits for the worthy adventurer."
"Memories are the biggest treasure that we bring with us when we transition on to the other side."
"Isn't that kind of Shiro's, you mean his treasure?"
"With nine million dollars of gold money and diamonds and artwork, geez."
"The treasure is right at spawn as well so yeah that's pretty weird but also simultaneously awesome guys."
"Number 3: Staffordshire Horde. With its long history of kings, queens, Sherlock Holmes, and Monty Python, we shouldn't be surprised that England has so many buried treasures."
"It is a treasure, it is a treasure of a novel."
"As a kid, I always used to dream that I'd find buried treasure. Well, he might as well create it."
"But for those who are willing to make that risk, treasure awaits."
"The Lost Treasure of the Romanovs continues to fuel speculation and intrigue."
"A box of golden treasure at the end of the world."
"The cave that you fear the most is the one with the greatest treasure." - Rick Levine
"The tears we cry to Allah are actually the greatest treasures we have for our hearts."
"I mean just look at that, that's worth its weight in gold right there."
"He realized he had stumbled upon an incredible treasure."
"The chest of legends is among the most valuable pieces of loot you can find on the sea."
"Every pirate's dream: bringing treasure back home."
"Almost all of the coins are silver, but four of them are gold."
"We stole the fabulous Idol, which looks like a log of wood with some carvings in it, but anyway it's still fabulous and that's all that counts."
"You're my greatest treasure, Abu. You know that?"
"You can always rebuild the road, you can never refine the treasure. Put that on my tombstone."
"Have you heard the greatest treasure is here? Behold True Perfection."
"Sinbad notices the floor of that valley is covered in diamonds, then he remembers the methods the old merchants used to harvest the precious gems."
"One of the largest coin hordes in the entire world."
"The Lost Bactrian gold is worth billions of dollars."
"This Rhoda treasure is a horde of fantastically valuable silver and gold coins."
"A couple refurbishing their house was surprised to discover a large sum of money and a treasure hunt inside a 50-year-old safe hidden in the wall."
"Could you imagine finding mysterious treasure underwater? From hundreds of thousands of coins to fistfuls of gold coins..."
"Uncovering treasure beneath the surface lies great bounty."
"Here are 10 treasures found by a complete accident."
"The largest anglo-saxon treasure ever found on a farm."
"Treasure, precious jewels, it's the stuff of cliche fantasy fiction although in this case it's real."
"With no signs of anyone having visited the property in years...this house remains cold and abandoned a trove of treasures lost to time."
"7 grand for the trip, 9 grand coming out of piles of gold found looted throughout the wilderness and we are looking strong."
"We've hit the jackpot, we found the gold at the end of the rainbow."
"When you think of ancient temples, you kind of think of, like, is there, like, hidden jewels or something inside it?"
"Caches with countless treasuries were uncovered in its basements totaling more than 20 billion dollars."
"Goddess of the shadows, what you perceive to be your dark side is a hidden treasure."
"It is something that you need to treat with the greatest reverence and respect. It is a treasure, it’s more valuable than any earthly treasure that you can ever possess."
"Roger, this is all your fault, you son of a... if it wasn't for you claiming there was this treasure, we wouldn't be dealing with this stupid batch of new idiots right now."
"The mysterious treasure that Joy Boy left behind caused Roger to laugh like crazy, leading him to name this island Laugh Tale."
"Jesus is my treasure, amen, amen, that is what matters to me."
"My simple kitchen is something that I just treasure and it will always stay that way."
"They are the real treasure of the kingdom."
"The gem had a value similar to that of a national treasure."
"There is always treasure to be found."
"They explain that the bags he has crafted will be considered beyond the National Treasure level if people found out."
"It belonged to my grandmother and it was passed down to me."
"If you ain't excited about 4,000 worth of gold, you ain't alive."
"Beyond the gates lay the final resting place of the Lord of Sian, buried 1700 years ago and surrounded by gold and jewelry worth millions of dollars."
"The Holy Grail has bewitched treasure hunters for over a millennium."
"Be loyal. Friends and family are your treasures."
"He gave me something heartfelt that means the world to me."
"For a dragon will guard his plunder as long as he lives."
"The treasure of Lima is reported to have been a collection of treasures, artifacts, and riches worth roughly 160 million pounds."
"This could be my single best find in the entire house."
"Thaddeus Wendell's greatest treasure is out there and it's up to Young Mage Crimson Wren and the crew of a rundown Airship called The True North to find it."
"This is a goddamn national treasure."
"It was the one thing he treasured the most, especially now that he was all alone in the world."
"The friendship that we have is the most precious, most special treasure trove."
"Imagine a multi-billion dollar lost treasure out there waiting to be discovered."
"How much of this now twice stolen gold remains hidden somewhere, still waiting to be found?"
"You dig so many empty holes, but then every once in a while, there's one full of treasure, and that's when it all pays off."
"Sailor stories told of a Spanish treasure galleon wrecked off Florida 300 years ago."
"There's so much treasure on the Atocha, it's incredible."
"Much of the treasure attributed to Egyptian pharaohs has yet to be found."
"I'm investigating the possibility of Egyptians bringing treasure to America."
"It reportedly states that seven men will die in the search for the treasure before it is found."
"Without a doubt, some of the greatest lost treasures of all time are those from ancient Egypt."
"The temple itself is a lost treasure of the ancient world."
"It meant to him because it was the gift that was left for him by his wife."
"The real treasure is being able to immerse myself in this beautiful wilderness."
"All treasure ain't silver and gold, mate."
"I've got kids, they're the richest treasure man can have."
"Legend has it that his heart was placed in a special golden box."
"Kappas believes that this is the cave in which pirate captain Thompson hid the treasure of Lima, and that Treasure Island author Robert Louis Stevenson discovered it 70 years later."
"You've been an absolute treasure, darling."
"The dark bristling outline of the Christmas tree perched over it like a slumbering dragon protecting its horde."
"What treasure could possibly make the Pirate King himself laugh to the point of tears?"
"It's the ultimate Treasure of Joy boy, the sign of strength and friendship that can persevere even after you're nothing but bones."
"You got to walk into these secret rooms sometimes to find the treasures."
"This might be a gold mine of a storage unit."
"It was such a surreal moment and a moment that I will treasure forever."
"The arrival of 36 vessels under Luis Fajardo, sailing from Seville... was enough to ensure the safe arrival of the treasure."
"What a haul this is, what a find."
"What a find, what an absolute beauty of a coin."
"These little bits of history that I’ve learned over the decades, they're a treasure."
"A child with a father is like a treasure."
"My fortune is yours for the taking, but you'll have to find it first. I left everything I own in One Piece."
"The scepter of Dagobert is one of the most valuable treasures in the world."
"For now, the search continues for the legendary riches."
"What a find, he'll go in our lead toy collection."
"He couldn't believe that he actually got a three months' worth of his salary just by getting in and out of the dungeon."
"I thought that was just a great little find."
"I always love finding thrifted finds."
"This is one of my personal holy grails."
"You were the treasure you were already the treasure."
"What is a real treasure? These are people and nothing else."
"What makes the difference between something that can be considered treasure and something that can't often it's the financial value of the discovery, but cultural importance can make something worthy of being called treasure too."
"He digs up his treasure and finds the cosmic astroblade, a treasure that can turn back time."
"Of all the many treasures that were cleared out of the tomb of the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun... the boy king's elaborately decorated ostrich feather fan is the one that's most often overlooked."
"The gold is inside; it isn't outside."
"An astonishing treasure trove of gold and silver hidden in a field in Staffordshire."
"Most of those items are trash; however, there are historical treasures just waiting to be recovered."
"My treasure, if you want it, you can have it. I left it all in one piece."
"This really is a treasure location, you can just tell by the diversity of the stuff you find."
"This person is going to help you find your own inner treasure."
"She is a treasure with a magnificent legacy that has revolutionized music history."
"That's where all the gold is waiting."
"The legend of Yamashita's gold in the Philippines is huge and it hasn't died. It endures because it's real."
"You're going to be discovering treasure, you're going to have a true gift."
"The shifting ship revealed the treasure chest containing the Grail."
"The real treasure is spending some quality time with your kids, or finding an awesome assistant, even if he looks like a cave man wearing flip-flops."
"At the end of the journey, I'm gonna find the ultimate treasure, the one piece, and become king of the Pirates."
"The real treasure in life is what money can't buy."
"I'm calling it right now the gold is in here this might this looks like gold I'm not joking this looks like gold."
"The cave you fear holds the treasure you seek."
"This might actually be the best find of the entire haul."
"This lowkey might be the best find of the entire haul."
"...finding an unknown long dead civilization was like finding the Holy Grail in a field of four-leaf clovers."
"The cave we fear the most is the one that holds the greatest treasures."
"My best ever charity shop find to date in my life."
"Have faith in your journey. Half the treasure is the journey on the path to finding it."
"I'd take the gold over knowledge any day. It's a shortcut past the grand line."