
Powerlessness Quotes

There are 285 quotes

"Have you ever felt powerless? Do you have a hard time bouncing back from struggles? Do you feel like you're drowning? You must face adversity to become strong."
"We ain't got no power, but we got some beverage. Yes, so let's cheers really quick."
"If you can be in your own home and a police officer can walk in and just shoot you to death while you're sitting in your own house, having a tool or a symbol that is the opposite of that powerlessness, there's a seduction to that that I understand."
"The greatest scholar of depression today, Johann Hari, has found that conditions of powerlessness kind of cause our spirits to die."
"The basic fear that lies underneath the lives and minds of those people who expect disappointment, is the belief and the fear, in powerlessness."
"It feels humiliating. You feel like you have no power, no control in the situation."
"If it were within my power, I would let the New York Giants take this victory... Unfortunately, it's not within my power to decide who wins and who loses."
"You've seen The Dark Knight, right? Remember when Batman is punching the Joker, and the Joker is laughing? To the Joker, somebody like Batman is absolutely powerless. That's what I feel like."
"The most distressing emotion I've ever felt in my life is powerlessness."
"To afflict your soul is to come to the understanding that within your own power you will never ever be able to save yourself."
"I think like when you're rendered useless and Powerless for an extended period of time it really messes with your psyche."
"Many people today are trapped; when people lack power, their lives are kind of different."
"That's when they got you by the balls and you can't do a damn thing about it."
"People do what anybody would do if you're in a place where you feel powerless."
"You're nothing but a rag doll, you couldn't hurt anyone."
"Paul knew that he was powerless to stop it. The inevitability of the jihad haunts Paul throughout the series."
"I'm frustrated and I'm angry and I feel powerless."
"There's an immense power in powerlessness and there's an immense freedom in powerlessness."
"This is great and they're kind of upset because they had no power, that's okay though."
"Deep-seated insignificance leads to spiritual bypassing, as we seek power in our powerlessness."
"That feeling of powerlessness is just too prevalent in Overwatch."
"It's interesting to see how powerless you are really is in some of these situations."
"We're having this constant reminder that we as people really have no power."
"Children have no power, they have no voice, and they can be victimized behind closed doors."
"You're not in control. You have no power here."
"If you sort of abdicate responsibility, you're powerless."
"Information is power, and if we don't have the information, in many ways we're powerless."
"I would have done anything if I could have stopped him. I know I couldn't have stopped him. I tried to stop him." - Charlene Williams
"Elizabeth knows she has virtually no real power but is revered as a symbol."
"There's great power in that powerlessness... there's a humility in the process."
"The sense of powerlessness, the trauma this must induce in people, is a real problem."
"Despair demoralizes people, makes them believe they don't have any power, and they can't change anything."
"The reality of this situation is we have no power."
"From a principle point of view, that does kind of stink, but there's nothing unfortunately, you can do about it."
"The White Diamond reveal sets up a tone of powerlessness for Steven."
"I think it taps into that original horror of how little power any one person has in any of this, while having a conversation that really resembles the conversation between Candyman 2021 and Candyman 1992."
"You feel so powerless in that moment, probably just like you have zero power and over knowing no one's giving you respect."
"We're merely vessels; we don't have any power without almighty God."
"Terrifies me that we're helpless against those who have total power over us."
"It's inhumane what they're doing. You are so small, they just overpower you. And you're literally nothing."
"The feeling of having no power over people and events is generally unbearable to us. When we feel helpless, we feel miserable."
"When people feel powerless and animals they do exactly the opposite, they're sort of trying to make themselves invisible so they make themselves small."
"I am the body of Christ, and Satan has no power over me."
"Your voice doesn't matter folks. The whole thing's rigged."
"The wall can't stop the destroyer, the wall doesn't even put a dent into the destroyer."
"I don't have power over anyone. I barely have power over myself."
"Return that moon to its orbit; I have no powers, Q the ordinary, Q the liar, Q the misanthrope."
"It's so massive, there's nothing to fight against; it's just, you're done."
"Without Allah subhana wa ta'ala, you cannot do it."
"I can't do anything because of the powers that be."
"The neighbor's curses turned out to be nothing more than empty words devoid of the power he had attributed to them."
"I felt that I had no more power to speak or stir than if I had been myself a corpse."
"The incredible mystical paradox of recovery is how incredibly relaxing powerlessness is."
"Lucille rubs his powerlessness in his face."
"Ned kind of got screwed over by an entire long series of events that he didn't have any control over."
"There is nothing more poignant in storytelling than the feeling of powerlessness and smallness that we feel in the face of overwhelming forces beyond our comprehension."
"Sin is a dethroned monarch, it is powerless."
"My life had become a scream in the dark. I had felt like he was all powerful in that legal system and I was-had no defense whatever. I couldn't."
"When you're suffering, generally you feel powerless."
"Luffy breaks down at being too powerless to save his friends was enough to make the most stoneheart of fans sad"
"No matter how experienced any of us are, tornadoes are a force of nature greater than any of us could ever think to conquer."
"Walter was furious and devastated after finding out, especially because he was powerless to do anything about it."
"Twilight explores and to some extent celebrates powerlessness, and I think that's a really rare and refreshing thing."
"I was human and so powerless, and yet I was in those woods with him."
"You're in a crisis when you sense a powerlessness to change things."
"The mind gives strength or makes some powerless."
"Those things I can do, all those powers, and I couldn't even save him."
"You’re the victim of forces you can’t understand or control."
"I am living through a very terrible time," he said in a low voice. "I am the victim of a strange and awful power."
"Imagine being in their total power, tied up, not being able to do anything, a bunch of armed Viking Raiders."
"Fear is the emotion that we usually experience when we are in a situation where we are unsure of something, there's ambiguity, and where we have a sense that we have no power. Ambiguity and powerlessness, these are the ingredients of fear."
"Feeling powerless is a really good motivator."
"We don't want to do it anymore. We both would rather be powerless."
"Seeing both extremes contrasted like that really emphasizes the feeling of powerlessness."
"There's nothing they can do to stop that."
"Not even Zeus himself could overturn fate."
"A slow deadly rage surged in him, the fury of helplessness."
"I am powerless over people, places, and things."
"Sooner or later you're going to face a crisis beyond your power to control."
"Every single person who ever walked into an AAA meeting has come to the end of their power and the end of themselves."
"Even without the separation they would still be powerless against him."
"Why couldn't I save her? I know I could have. Sometimes there are things no one can fix. You're not all-powerful. Well, I should be. Someday I will be. I promise you, I will even learn to stop people from dying."
"The idea of being stuck in something forever is pretty scary. The infinite loop. I think I ask myself, what's the real scary thing? And I think it's the scary thing is that you have no power."
"Realize you don't have any power of the situation."
"Those things have no power if they face their fears."
"Perpetual homelessness was perpetual powerlessness."
"My blood turned to ice. I felt powerless. I felt paralyzed."
"There are no cool powers; you're just a regular guy."
"I have never felt so bad and helpless and powerless for two people before in my life."
"Society constantly tells people they're no good... it creates a very disturbing feeling of being powerless."
"When Satan sees the blood, he trembles."
"When you don't have anything, and you've tried to control your drinking and it didn't work, so you're powerless."
"... it's horrible when you can see what's going to happen to you and you can't do anything about it, isn't it?"
"How can you live your life knowing that if someone you love is about to die you are physically incapable of stopping that?"
"How does it feel to be that powerless at such a crucial moment? Um, I think it's excruciating. I find it excruciating."
"The horror of what is happening to him, he's doubled, simply because we know he's not in control of events."
"Ancient worlds and civilizations find themselves powerless against its relentless tide."
"You just look at them, you, oh my God, I'm completely powerless as to what you're going to do with your life but at the same time."
"Despite their fear and horror, the townsfolk were powerless to stop the evil of the bell."
"All those things I can do, all those powers, and I couldn't even save him."
"Poverty is not just about having no money. Poverty is about having no power."
"...missiles are like a slow Silent Hunter that forces you to sit there and watch DEATH approaching unable to do anything or really even enjoy the action scene."
"Maybe Forrest was right, and there wasn't anything one person could do."
"It was terrible for me to see how I failed again and again and again. It doesn't make any difference to go to the priest and to make the confession because if something is like I don't have the power."
"It does actually add to the player a sense of powerlessness as no matter how good you are at the game, you're always going to be stuck looking left and right."
"It doesn't matter. The powerless have no choice but to bear their lot in life."
"The devil can't even lock his door."
"The Earth has some serious issues, but most people feel powerless."
"Honestly feels like we're pawns on a chessboard, hoping for the best."
"Human beings were powerless over their own fate."
"I wish I had superpowers and could stop all this."
"I crumbled to the ground feeling powerless, trapped, and afraid."
"Despite all her best efforts, Shoko still attempted suicide towards the end of the movie. This not only showed the flaws in Yuzuru's ideology but showed us just how powerless she was to change the outcome of things."
"No one will ever be able to rule the world, because no one can stop death."
"I have tried to convince Ingram to turn him over to me, but he refuses. He'll execute him tonight, and I fear I can do nothing to stop him."
"...it is a scary situation to be sitting in when you're in prison and you realize you're in a situation where you are guaranteed to get in trouble and there ain't nothing you can do about it you just have to sit there and wear whatever is about to come to you."
"We're all just mice that a cat has by the tail."
"Secrets being revealed, they know there's nothing they can do to stop it."
"They lose a kind of attachment to life because they have essentially no power."
"Ignorance is bliss because every day all I think about is these things that are happening in life, these horrible truths that aren't going to stop, and I have no power to fix it."
"The Council of 13 moved from being 'we can take him' to actually being terrified of him because everything they've tried has failed completely."
"Absolutely, nothing you can do against Mother Nature, man."
"The most painful anguish that mortals suffer is to understand a great deal but to have no power at all."
"Acknowledge your powerlessness. You must acknowledge your powerlessness. This is the first step in Alcoholics Anonymous and the treatment of all addictions."
"Some of us would rather feel guilty than powerless because guilt implies we could have done something about it."
"Even the Infinity Stones do nothing here."
"But to whatever position she moved a hand or arm, it could not be hindered nor controlled by even the strongest person."
"Demons become powerless the moment they manifest."
"Sorcerer Ponders whether we have any true power over our own fates and definitively, aggressively answers no."
"This is fate. It has no care for us. What comes at sorcerer's very end is not so much a final cruel twist but the world's final assertion of its power over all our lives."
"Abel said, 'You know, I spawned daggers out of thin air. What is that going to do in the face of obliteration?'"
"With near unlimited power with the Omnitrix, Ben's completely powerless to help his grandfather."
"...that fear that anger that feeling of powerlessness that's what turns good men cruel."
"CeX will not be hers they will not be together they will not be happy he belongs to the goddess and she is powerless here."
"Now these people know they're powerless against him, they'll never think of coming back."
"He's big. You should see him. It's crazy. I just don't have the power."
"I was so happy to say I'm Judy, I'm powerless."
"You do not have the power or the ability to change anyone's mind."
"Somebody knock your [__] off you can't do nothing about it."
"Death had its own way when our Lord went out from Jerusalem carrying his cross, but when by a loud cry from that cross he summoned the dead from the underworld, death was powerless to prevent it."
"But the haters had more power than me, I guess."
"Complaining is a subconscious way of expressing that you are powerless to change your circumstances."
"Man in homemade tank destroys small town, helpless police have no way to stop him."
"You're afraid of his potential, no real power."
"He couldn't stop the human spirit. It was powerless against love."
"No hate. I've carried hate. I know what hate feels like. It's sickening, it's tiring, it makes you feel worthless, it makes you feel powerless. That's what hate does."
"When something just comes and it breaks you, you have to just acknowledge like, 'I'm so powerless, I don't run the world.'"
"See it, all those things I can do, all those powers, and I couldn't even save him."
"The law is powerless against love."
"Do not be afraid of them, for they cannot do evil, neither is it in them to do good."
"We have to face the reality that people die and recognize the limits of our power."
"You're nothing if you define yourself by your power to take life, the desire to dominate, to possess; then you have nothing."
"He fought for the powerless when the powerless didn't even know they were powerless."
"Listen, in the physical world you may have money and power and all these great things, but I'm telling you, you actually hold no power."
"I tried everything in my power, but I cannot restore Korra's bending."
"Every day it was orbiting the Earth 16 times, and every day it was passing over American territory; there was nothing they could do about it."
"You can't fight the devil in your own power."
"Trying to do the works of the Christian life without the power of the Holy Spirit becomes very frustrating, actually impossible."
"We had no control over the powers of nature."
"I'm slowly losing power, has it only been an hour? No, that can't be right."
"She has been connected to power that she can't use and shackled to a bloodline that wants to use and abuse her."
"These powerless and deeply troubled people look to exert power in any way they can."
"We all face weather... no matter how powerful you are, how sophisticated you are, no matter how rich you are, you cannot control the weather."
"So many people like doing noble things but lack the power and the resources to do so. Such a pity."
"Without the Spirit of God, we can do nothing. We are ships without a wind, branches without sap, coals without fire."
"You have no power to change anybody."
"Cyber bullies strike out because they feel powerless."
"No man has power over the day of his death."
"God stripped the enemy of his power, he's a toothless lion with no power."
"If you can't safely drink without getting drunk, and if you can't keep from drinking, then you become absolutely powerless over alcohol."
"The Rakhi has no ability in and of himself; this is barakah, blessing, healing which Allah sends down."
"Uncertainty and feelings of powerlessness may significantly influence the strengths of beliefs in conspiracies regardless of partisan orientation."
"I knew I was powerless. There was nothing I could do, so I just had to let go."
"The demons that intimidate your life are powerless in the face of Jesus."
"We are powerless when the driving force in our life is beyond our control."
"The first step asks us to admit two things: that we are powerless over our addiction, and that our lives have become unmanageable."
"The inner Gods could never defeat the outer gods."
"There's nothing as beautiful as being in a powerless situation and hearing the roar of the motorcycles in the background as your brothers are bringing you a generator."
"I don't have any powers, but I do help."
"No curse can touch Jacob; no magic has any power against Israel."
"I watched her die. I could have saved her."
"Even the gods cannot override the goddess of death."
"It's a vicious cycle, and I as a small creator on the internet feel powerless to break it."
"In liberalism, I had no power; in legalism, I had no peace."
"You want superheroes to protect you, and make yourselves ever more powerless in the process."
"Even with all our power, we can't do anything to change."
"The old gods have no power in the south. The weirwoods there were all cut down thousands of years ago."
"I was powerless, trapped by a spell cast by an amateur, with no concern for the damage he had done to my realm."
"We give the impression of being in office but not in power."
"Admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable."
"When we feel powerless in one relationship or environment, we oftentimes compensate in another."
"You just feel so powerless watching; that's why it's terrifying."
"He saw, once and for all, that he stood no chance against a man with a club."
"Let us go," said Scrooge. "I understand you, and I would do it if I could; but I have not the power, Spirit! I have not the power!"
"One of the single most powerful moments of the entire Wheel of Time book series was one where Rand, despite all of his magical ability, he's not able to bring back to life a child who dies as a result of an attack on him."
"Lack of power, that was our dilemma."
"Powerless in the face of something you have no comprehension of."
"In the midst of being powerless, we can always be faithful."
"We're not powerful enough to destroy these things."
"Without your power, you're basically just a baby in a trench coat."