
Battlefield Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"The battlefield is a crucible that forges legends in the fire of adversity."
"Paladins have a reputation for being great leaders, particularly on the battlefield."
"You can have the best of intentions break down on a battlefield if you don't have officers who are willing to listen to others and use them in a manner that they can be best used."
"Battlefield will always have better graphics and better sounds, significantly higher quality."
"Vertical gameplay is more prevalent in the Battlefield 4 map designs than any other Battlefield game I've ever seen."
"Ukraine has shown it can achieve victories on the battlefield."
"A dual wielder is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield."
"I think this could be an incredible Battlefield battle well experience."
"Gettysburg is the site of the largest, costliest, and deadliest battle of the Civil War."
"In the chaos of battle, courage shines brightest."
"There was no room for kindness or forgiveness on the battlefield."
"He wasn't yet qualified to stand beside Ming Yu on the battlefield but aspired to be one day."
"The gameplay trailer is coming on Sunday - get ready to witness the evolution of Battlefield."
"None are more special than Gettysburg, Lincoln called Gettysburg hallowed ground consecrated in the blood of the soldiers who struggled there."
"The worst day on the battlefield beats the best day in the classroom."
"This is what a samurai battlefield would have actually looked like."
"Faith is both their shield and their weapon, advancing across ruined battlefields and shattered cities of humanity with righteous fervor."
"The F-35 excels in the battlefield because of its networking abilities."
"That's a proper only in Battlefield moment right there."
"That's a great feature and that was in Battlefield 5 at launch I believe."
"This is the first wave of soldiers that just died on the battlefield."
"Around 1200 BC, hundreds of soldiers fought at what's considered Europe's oldest battlefield along the Tollense River in northern Germany."
"Lost Battlefield... cursed by the men who lost their lives."
"Precision artillery, ATGMs, kamikaze drones, and drone bombers - all exploit vulnerabilities of armored vehicles."
"I was supposed to die out here on the coveted battlefield like my father and his father you took that from me you took that away from me."
"And can you just imagine the insanity of an entire battlefield of marines and pirates turning to see this madman dropping in from the sky?!"
"Leading from the front in the heat of battle."
"The battlefield of today and the battlefield of tomorrow is going to require that you take responsibility and start implementing low technology solutions for communication."
"The tank earned itself the title 'Queen of the Battlefield'."
"The battlefield is relatively untouched apart from the great Earth Monument built in the 1840s, the Lion Mound."
"Controlling your enemies on the battlefield has a huge, massive, potentially encounter-breaking power to it that more damage might not really be able to compete with."
"We're not going to cut you any slack just because you're old. This is a battlefield, you old geezer."
"He quickly distinguishes himself on the battlefield earning a reputation as a fearless leader."
"The vast majority of people on the ground understood with great pride the communication, the coordination, the camaraderie that was everywhere on the battlefield."
"We're back in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on the actual battlefield where 165,620 men duked it out for the fate of the Union and the Confederacy in July 1863."
"Of the three houses, Hador was the strongest, largest and most formidable on the battlefield."
"The advantage they have is being so precise, a unique kind of Battlefield advantage."
"They are monsters on the field of battle and demons when they have been wronged."
"We hope you have a better understanding and appreciation for September 18th, 1863, here on the Chickamauga battlefield."
"The battlefield bore witness to the destruction of numerous enemy tanks, a testament to the skill and bravery of the German Panza divisions."
"There's no more important piece of information on the battlefield than where you are. If you don't know where you are, it doesn't matter where the enemy is."
"This place is a battlefield, not a party scene, not a place to live casually."
"...introducing Advance battlefield technology into consumer products for the whole family."
"It's wild being on a battlefield. Just to think what the men were going through right here 160 years ago. Pretty wild."
"On the battlefield, it is an honor to kill a worthy opponent."
"'If you dare to ask why to an enemy, then you've already lost. It's pointless to seek meaning on the battlefield.' Kota realizes this was planned."
"Constantine was a brilliant military strategist and tended to win anytime he was fighting in the open battlefield."
"The best way to really experience the battlefield is obviously to be here, to get boots on the ground."
"Heroes are those who didn't come back from the battlefield."
"...I've spent a lot of time and I think I've walked just about every corner of the battlefield that's on public land I I learned that I really only have one rule when I talk about the Battle of Shiloh and that's the rule okay."
"There are two things that are really contagious on a battlefield: courage and cowardice."
"I hope to never die on this battlefield but I hope to never leave alive."
"He's out on the battlefield now, but stays cool."
"An impressive weapon means little if you cannot produce it in the numbers needed to shift the balance of power on the battlefield."
"If you've been on the wrong side of some fire superiority, you're not winning anything. But if you get aggressive, then that's one of the most powerful things on the battlefield."
"We don't care who they are. We don't care where they're from or what they've done. Titles, labels, brands mean absolutely nothing on the battlefield."
"It was often said that the hussars were only good for one day of fighting, but that one day would be the decisive one."
"He was so good at this that he went from having to resolve fists fights in like latrines to 'can you guys stop having kids we are in the middle of a battlefield right now.'"
"Trying to escape, trying to run downhill, which is an obvious thing to do if you're wanting to get off the battlefield, but in running downhill, it really sealed their fate."
"You know, if anything I taught them helped them, great. If it didn't, I want to learn from what they learned on the battlefield."
"I couldn't wait to actually get to do my job on the field of battle."
"King Harold chose to position his men on a low Ridge in open country near to the London Hastings Road."
"Take the time to crisscross this battlefield and explore it because the park has done an excellent job of helping you understand and walk through it chronologically if you're willing to take that time to zigzag."
"To understand the battle of Shiloh, you have to understand the battlefield. You can't understand the battle unless you understand the terrain."
"The highest type of leadership is on the battlefield because it has to be exercised under conditions of great difficulty and considerable danger."
"His participation in battles showcased not only his bravery but also his leadership on the battlefield."
"The most important six inches on the battlefield are the six inches between your ears."
"Battlefield is no place for a lady and yet you're sticking around."
"As long as it's legal, interact with your battlefields the way you see."
"Another antagonist type I'd like to explore is a minor CIS general or Task Force Commander. Our Jedi character and him or her share some sort of rivalry and meet on the battlefield often."
"David was always the first on the front of the battlefield."
"...just a really interesting perspective to have on the battlefield..."
"Once he tried the black broth, he realized why Spartans were so willing to die on the battlefield."
"Accurate fire on the target translates to victory on the battlefield."
"These are some of the only walls on the entire battlefield actually built by soldiers."
"This is such a great experience to be here on the battlefield on July the 3rd."
"Junior leadership on the battlefield is probably the single most important factor in winning."
"The man understood war and the man understood what happens to human beings when they are put on a battlefield."
"Showing no fear on the battlefield and treating defeated enemies humanely."
"I've held friends in their final moments on the battlefield."
"For a battlefield visitor, it's good to get back there and try and see the ground and you can really appreciate what it looked like in 1915."
"The battlefield belongs to proud warriors, to die there is a sacred aspiration."
"No troops in the world would dare advance into the horror of round shot and canister that the guns poured into the killing ground."
"It never ceases to amaze me how you can study a battlefield... but until you get your boots on the ground and see how rugged this place is and how vast and unforgiving, it just doesn't compare."
"You can only understand a soldier's story really by being out here on a battlefield, walking in their footsteps and seeing the ground that they saw."
"Richard's crown was found beneath a thorn bush, retrieved, and placed on Henry's head by his stepfather Lord Stanley on the battlefield where he was proclaimed as King Henry VII by his men."
"This rifle has been proven on the battlefield."
"The names of some battlefields are forever tarnished by the sheer scale of the suffering and the tragedy that occurred there."
"It was at this moment that the battlefield was plunged into darkness due to a solar eclipse."
"The beautiful thing about a battlefield is that it can teach you a lot."
"We were determined not to leave him there on that battlefield, no matter what it took."
"The battlefield requires soldiers who can think and act independently; who can make calculated, decisive and daring use of every situation."
"Although outnumbered, the Allied Forces were soon to prove that they were perhaps the finest mechanized force ever committed to the battlefield."
"Snipers will always be a part of the battlefield."
"A warrior who dies in the battlefield protecting brahmanas, women, children, cows, and his country will attain ultimate liberation, moksham."
"All battlefield humor is dark by nature."
"I know this guy can probably walk out on a battlefield and take some names."
"The moment she flew out of the pit, she looked down upon the entire battlefield from above."
"The Leopard tank gives commanders a full picture and better real-time understanding of the battlefield."
"Such warriors can go on to live for millennia, until the battlefield claims their lives in a more final manner."
"These pianos were often air-dropped into battlefields to provide a sense of solace and home amidst the chaos of war."
"We are at the Chickamauga Battlefield, this was one of two battlefields that are very important Civil War historic sites."
"Nothing rattled this guy; he always kind of was clear-headed and knew what to do and never seemed to be shaken by what was happening on the battlefield."
"It is possible to be spiritual in the midst of the battlefield of life."
"Look ahead to that one day, a battlefield in the sun when thousands become one."
"It's a natural thing for a warrior to choose a battlefield that's good for them."