
Comradeship Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"Gris protected Rudo not because he was a sky person, but because he acknowledged him as a comrade who could treasure both things and people."
"Why does it require war for us to feel intense comradeship, absolute solidarity with each other, and total loyalty?"
"It doesn't hit you until they come back, and the guys are crying because they felt like they didn't do enough to bring everybody home."
"In the ninja world, those who break the rules and regulations are scum, but those who abandon their comrades are even worse than scum."
"I may fall, but I do not die, for that which is real in me goes forward and lives on in the comrades for whom I gave up my life."
"Kiba is loyal to his comrades and will do anything to protect them."
"The companions could make the choice to be honorable and stand by their brothers and sisters, they could choose to fight by their side even to their very deaths."
"The protagonist proposes that they become comrades."
"Never to abandon a comrade and never to abandon his place in the battle unless to recover a weapon or to save a friend."
"Above all, he felt the weight of responsibility to protect his comrades."
"No one can replace our comrades. When we find a way to cure them, they'll rejoin the legion."
"Every soul who survived that battle will never forget how it was to fight beside them. We are proud to call them our comrades."
"You are here because the god emperor wills it, dear friend, warrior of his own blood."
"Seeing his comrade like that gave him the proof Hiro needed."
"Never let my comrades die, no matter what happens."
"Not leaving a fallen comrade, that was part of the warrior ethos. And never quitting."
"Haku and Zabuza showed him the importance of protecting comrades one found important."
"I was absolutely a supporter of the queen... but it was more about your mates and your Band of Brothers that you went to fight for."
"'Soldiers that die without a cause are not really soldiers. A true soldier can only die for the sake of his comrades.'"
"...easy company wasn't one of the most effective infantry units of its time because it was comprised of heartless killing automatons, but rather because it was made up of men who loved and respected each other on a deep and profound level."
"We few, we happy few, this Band of Brothers."
"I know of two dead and at least two wounded in our squad of nine, three of five close friends are dead."
"I don't want any Japanese Survivor to think that I'm trying to lord these medals over them. Our opportunity is we have a common ground—they are survivors of the same action that I am a survivor of, and I just like to say a welcome brother."
"The boats themselves have a limited working span in the water just a few decades, but the experience, the comradeship, and the spirit of people working together like this in the Viking age must have lasted a lifetime."
"His legacy lived on in the hearts and minds of all those who had fought beside him."
"From this day forward, you all are my comrades."
"Gone. Gone. Jedi he'd fought alongside, studied with, laughed with—a roll call of the dead."
"Soldiers on the front understand what it means to take back a piece of land soaked with the blood of comrades."
"There's not a day that goes by that I do not think of the men I served with who never got to enjoy the world without war."
"Those who break the rules are trash, but those who don't take care of their comrades are worse than trash."
"It tells such a great story of war and comradeship."
"She sees him as her comrade instead of a lover."
"That joy, you know, to see these guys that are dealing with death and dealing with combat, to just have a [__] smile."
"Here we are 50 years and five months since we met on a battlefield in the central highlands of Vietnam."
"America was founded, and when it was founded, everybody was on an equal basis. Each man was just as important as the other man, and we had a feeling of comradeship and helpfulness. Everybody helped their neighbor."
"I don't abandon my friends for anything. I don't see you as power sources, I see you as my comrades, friends, or whatever you like to call it."
"The comradeship that existed from the CEO right down to the messman or the cooks was marvelous."
"Alas," he cried, "my comrades, partners in my adventures, shares of my fortune."
"The life of a comrade is in danger. Duty calls."
"Those who disobeyed orders were trash, but those who abandoned their comrades are worse than trash."
"They'll never let you forget. But it's those wounds that prove your comrades live on inside here."
"Sharing the bonds of brotherhood or whatever you want to call it uh with someone you know I don't know if there's a chemical change that you know if you're in combat with someone regardless of race creed religion or color but it kind of bonds you together."
"...you get the sort of deep sense of solidarity, of comradeship, which is an enormous source of strength."
"He will work hard to lead his comrades."
"The highest tradition was to try to save those comrades of the sea."
"My allegiance to this great country of ours, to our sovereign, but also to my comrades and wanting to achieve the best for us."
"All men are enemies. All animals are comrades."
"I did not go to the battlefield for the sake of humanity, but because I did not want to see the deaths of my comrades."
"The others see him as a comrade, so he shouldn't look down on himself."
"In a ninja's world, those who violate the rules and fail to follow orders are lower than scum. However, those who do not care for and support their comrades are even lower than that," said Kakashi.
"It's really a day of commemoration, and for us, we think about our shipmates, those that have gone, and those that have been lost in conflict."
"The victory this time wasn't just due to strength alone; Kamito felt he could win because he had great comrades."
"I promised that I would never let my comrades die, never again."
"Could he protect his comrades if he did not have the power to do so?"
"Look, I'm not saying we have to be friends, but we are comrades."
"I will never leave a fallen comrade behind."
"Those who abandon the mission are trash, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash."
"You're bad men, but you're our bad men."
"Naruto is right, I refuse to abandon my comrades."
"In the face of imminent danger, who always put his mission first. He never quit. He never accepted defeat. And above all else, he never left his fallen comrades."
"I will never leave a fallen comrade."
"Comradeship is a great antidote to fear because it gives a man friends."
"The only regret one has, and it is a very sincere one, is that one has lost so many gallant comrades."
"That men afterwards stand by him, willing companions when battle may come."
"Protecting his comrades was paramount, far outweighing any titles or status."
"Those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash."
"The sea imposes its own brotherhood, the comradeship of the long living tradition."
"The spark of divinity is the basis of a comradeship that can never be broken."
"Stay strong comrades, we're all in this together."
"He saved his comrades, who meant more to him than life."
"In the world of the Ninja, those who violate the rules and laws are called trash, but those who don't take care of their comrades are worse than trash."
"You went from being bitter opponents to true comrades, so you both are winners together."
"I won't let my comrades die no matter what happens."
"Believe in the comrade that believes in you."
"Those who don't cherish their comrades' memory are even worse scum than that."
"All of our fallen comrades haven't given up, so why should we?"
"Our comrades froze to death during the night."
"A soldier never leaves his comrades behind."
"He saw the lives of his comrades being taken and realized how useless he was at not being able to prevent them from dying."
"Their bond began by being Sensei and student, but it has quickly evolved past that to fellow comrades and friends."
"I don't trust Marley, but I trust the comrades I've fought along with for years and years to come."
"They would never betray their comrades."
"You told us those who break the rules are trash, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash." -Naruto
"Comradeship... that arose out of the war, developed into the finest thing that though that that arose out of the war."
"Men, we have fought through the war together. I have done the best I could for you; my heart is too full to say more."
"Completing a mission is important, but never jeopardize the safety of your comrades."
"Men who take enormous risks for their comrades."
"Solidarity forever, absolutely comrade."
"The nation is always conceived as of this kind of deep horizontal comradeship."
"Every one of those men was a hero in his own right, every one of them displayed uncommon valor against a vastly superior enemy."
"Those that break the rules are trash. But those who abandon their comrades, are worse than trash."
"The young man was already on his way with his comrades, almost to the other side of the world."
"I will never ever abandon my comrades and I will always protect those precious to me."
"Your fellow hell divers rage against the enemy's tyranny."
"Rangers never leave a fallen comrade behind, no matter what the odds or the enemy."
"Become stronger so that no other comrades of his have to lose their lives."