
Madness Quotes

There are 507 quotes

"The line between heroism and madness is often drawn by the outcome."
"Sometimes it's only madness that makes us what we are."
"A madman is not someone who has lost his reason, but someone who has lost everything but his reason."
"It's like having the one ring. It drives people to madness."
"It is a tale of madness and treachery and is some of the best writing in all of Warhammer horror."
"This is the tale of a man who embodied both genius and madness."
"They always ended with spiraling into madness and disappearing in a mad chase after something."
"Madness comes from God, whereas sober sense is merely human."
"This is madness, mate, this is absolute madness."
"Great wits are shorter madness near allied, and thin partitions to their bounds divide." - Dryden
"There is no great genius without a tincture of madness." - Seneca
"The madman thinks he is sane, whereas I know that I am mad." - Salvador Dali
"This movie is the best at actually portraying the madness and how the madness intensifies."
"Destiny says that a clockman with the ability to predict the future would one day be born. He would want to use this power for good; however, it would drive him mad, causing the demise of his own allies."
"The most brilliant of minds can easily be warped and corrupted by madness."
"Do we just create a different kind of madness?"
"There is a very fine line between ingenious and insane."
"The power of love, even a love as twisted as that, can still drive people mad, it would seem."
"Madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push."
"By examining power corruption and madness through the character lenses of both Danny and Azula."
"This is another descent into political madness."
"There is a thin line between genius and madness."
"The entire game feels like a descent into madness."
"These people have lost their damn minds and we've lost our minds by not checking them."
"Reason can prevail over madness, but only if reasonable people speak up."
"There can be no bravery without madness. Your road will take you to hell."
"There's not a lot of difference between heroes and mad men."
"The vision was said to drive the person insane."
"The fear-tinted eruption was closer to the manic cackle of lunacy than anything else."
"The gods would destroy, they first make mad."
"Honestly, the biggest problem is people's diet and the lack of education."
"No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness." - Aristotle
"That you're better than someone else, that is the part that drives to madness."
"Madness: You aren't even safe within your own mind."
"A little madness is essential to be successful in research."
"Baxter Stockman: evil-minded mad scientist. Laughable repairman turned ruthless mad scientist, Dr. Stockman's one-bodied evil that's best to avoid."
"Let the descent into Madness begin." - Mad King
"But the way of madness lies in hoping that you could control how what you do lands in the culture."
"But hoie is crazy and it's this metha to his Madness."
"If we couldn't laugh about it, we would cry. We have a Mad King."
"The only real difference between heroes and madmen comes down to the same thing: faith."
"I have it in my power now to save them or destroy them. You're utterly mad. Is this the human condition of madness?"
"The final confrontation with Meredith is phenomenal though. I love seeing her descent into madness which is also partially fueled by her giant red lyrium sword."
"These worlds these institutions these places stay away from them they're just crazier worlds inside of this crazy world we already live in."
"It is one of the greatest and most moving, devastating even, insights into us as human beings."
"One of them was so insane, so outrageous, and so mad..."
"I do believe that mass formation in many respects should be considered a state of madness."
"It devolves into a dark horror short a woman gradually falling into madness as we all watch."
"He said a simple phrase but said in a way only a madman could speak: 'Go to sleep.'"
"No one who ever changed anything was seen as sane."
"There is no great genius without a touch of Madness."
"Men have called me mad, but the question is not yet settled whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence."
"He's driving diviners mad... don't let the devil drive you crazy."
"We are surrounded by people who have lost their minds."
"Level six is a pitch black level where the lights don't work and you go crazy."
"he's either absolutely crazy or he's a genius and he knows something i don't know"
"Madness provided it comes as the gift of heaven is the channel by which we receive the greatest blessings."
"The line between genius and madman is very thin."
"We all go a little mad sometimes."
"It was without a doubt one of the very maddest things I've ever witnessed and done."
"Really all this movie wants to do is entertain, and it does it in the most consistently insane ways imaginable."
"It's really unpredictable and it's just absolutely insane in a lot of points, especially Final Wars, which is just madness all the way through."
"A genuine smile, and now that's rare, that's the sign of a madman."
"Are we all mad? Is this what Madness feels like? I like it."
"Madness, as you know, like gravity all it takes is a little push"
"Yet thou serve with thine eyes clouded in chaos, thou bound in the cage of madness."
"So she begins her descent into madness."
"Madness is bliss compared to facing the horrors that dwell within Blackthorne Woods."
"Liberal education is one of the most important antidotes to a lot of this madness."
"Free DVDs are MADNESS; they're like injections of YIPPEE BEANS!"
"I wondered if madness isn't a little catching."
"This is not a resistance, this is madness."
"Boon wasn't a stupid fool because he had a method behind his Madness."
"Utter madness, and I love it for that."
"Azula's descent into madness evoked a sense of pity from her brother rather than facing imprisonment like her father, she was instead committed to an asylum."
"As you know, madness is like gravity."
"Targaryens have always danced too close to madness; your father was not the first king. Jaehaerys once told me that madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin."
"It's hard to say if he was truly mad; he was helping a lot of the common people out, but his actions were just not based in reality, and he happened to be a king."
"Who can also be said that their madness was a result of extreme circumstances."
"We're witnessing a world in a crisis of faith and trust, and a rise of madness."
"He's a madman with inside information."
"The moment Batman steps into the dark world beneath the city, it's as if he crosses a portal. a threshold into the madness that lies hidden underneath Gotham."
"Madness almost has to be in it somewhere, wouldn't you say?"
"How did you sleep at night? This is complete madness that was going on around. It's my worst enemy, he's our worst enemy."
"Crazy is part of the method to the madness."
"For the love of God, this is madness! It's madness, I tell you."
"It feels like a serial killer type [ __ ] where you're like oh he did this for no discernible reason other than he's just out of his [ __ ] mind."
"It's more insane than anything we've ever seen."
"Their Madness if that is what it is is not without purpose or value of its own."
"Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, take the wheel. This is madness!"
"Madness and genius are often two sides of the same coin."
"Great artists and Geniuses are often deranged, and not everything that the genius does is genial."
"...I am complete and total Madness I am fear."
"It is just chaos, anarchy, apocalyptic level madness."
"Ah yes, first of all that we least expected as well yeah yeah Madness although this morning."
"Madness creeps in little by little."
"Madness may be a fear that breaks you down but it can be a reinforcement of your insane ideals to push you forward."
"Madness represents the human heart's ability to either push against the situation it's facing or fall apart due to the honestly unfair weight of the world."
"As your son kept saying, madness has its rules, its own logic."
"Madness in great ones must not unwatched go."
"Creativity is a type of divine Madness."
"The intensity of love between two human beings can be so great that people actually go mad."
"If you're not mad, if you don't feel mad, then you're not doing it right."
"It just borders on absolute insanity... why is no one stopping this madness?"
"This is a mistake, a terrible mistake. They've gone too far. This is madness."
"Sometimes we get so caught up in our madness, in our anger, to where we miss the moment."
"Sometimes there is a method to the madness."
"Join the family, we're all mad here."
"They are cunning, but they are called crazy."
"All the best people are mad. Afraid so."
"It was a city of lunacy to the normal eye."
"Stricken with grief by the loss of her own children and empowered by an energy source known as the life force, Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, went mad and launched a series of attacks on her own teammates, The Avengers."
"There's more stubborn Madness in those who are unwilling to believe in what they know not of and deny that such exists than in those of our blood who have been guilty of terrible practices and blasphemy against God and worse."
"You're going to do madness if all you're looking at is madness."
"With nothing left, judai succumbed to madness, his inner darkness taking control as he became a tyrannical maniac."
"I love you so much that it's driving me crazy."
"Madness is not an illness and it's not a disorder. Madness is the abyss, it's the experience of utter annihilation, total fragmentation of the personality."
"When someone goes mad with power, you don't then order your men to set you on fire."
"We will not allow you to do that, Hal Jordan. It is madness."
"The distance from sanity to madness and back again can be a very short one."
"Madness grew in the eyes of the capering vus and was reflected in the eyes of the Watchers."
"Most new fish come close to Madness the first night."
"...I've never met anybody who went so mad and so sane."
"Devils danced on the roofs of Arkham, an unnatural madness howled in the wind of the fevered town, a curse which some said was greater than the plague, and which some whispered was the embodied demon soul of the plague itself."
"How many million dollar cases will be in our game tonight? That all depends on our players and what happens inside the multi-million dollar Madness chamber."
"In short, this is what I think's going on with the mad disorder in Mandela Catalog: otherworldly beings telling people about their place in reality, and us humans are just unable to comprehend it which leads to a sudden and tragic end of our lives."
"Are you happy?" "Yay! It's mad, isn't it? Are you happy?" "Yeah, yeah, um, I should be teaching a class right now. That's how mad this is."
"Just as many of us know we are doomed we like Ahab and his crew rationalize Madness all calls for Prudence for halting the March towards environmental catastrophe for sane limits on carbon emissions are ignored or ridiculed."
"There's a lot of that in Apocalypse Now and I think the further they go upriver I think the more the the movie emphasizes that it's kind of like this weird psychedelic acid trip where everyone's like losing their minds."
"Gwen breaks free from his hypnosis and manages to put an end to his Madness."
"Did you enjoy it? Yes? Well then you absolutely are as mad as you seem."
"Malkav persevered in mind and spirit and blood, the Antediluvian persisted in the form that the clan knows as the Cobweb or the Malkavian Madness Network."
"Madness, as you know, is like gravity, just need a little push." - Batman
"Christmas time, a time when young children dream and adults, well, they go mad."
"I can't wait for people to listen to it. It's gonna be madness."
"King Goll is a mythical Irish ruler who goes mad in the heat of battle."
"The car is a mad machine, it's supposed to be absolutely ridiculous, it's supposed to be out there, completely extraordinary, and completely mad."
"It's Madness the whole thing is madness."
"Call it boldness, call it Madness, call it fortune or the will of the gods or the Caprice of dragons who can know the mind of such a beast."
"The madness that crept into my mind and the intoxication made me dream up a horrid display of terrible visions, and I was thrown into an abyss of nightmares."
"Whose providence should have kept short, restrained, and out of haunt this mad young man."
"Genius and madness are two sides of the same coin."
"Terrifying journey of madness, murder, and truly haunting visions."
"I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness."
"He felt hopelessly lost and alienated, he seemed to be drifting on an unknown tide of madness and nightmare, companioned by something that was more frightful than corruption itself."
"The general thesis of the politics of experience is that we live in a mad world."
"Madness: the mad person wants a total solution even when, especially when, there is no problem."
"If anyone is thinking that Italy is overrated, you're actually mad."
"Being here was fine. I could do this. Lame had the power to drive humans and shifters mad."
"Man, the madness that goes in with them and the habits of people that use them, they're too much."
"Nothing great was ever accomplished by someone who wasn't considered crazy at some particular point in time."
"A just world is a sane world. There was nothing sane about Chernobyl, what happened there, what happened after, even the good we did, all of it, madness."
"War is a form of madness in itself."
"All that's left is volatility and madness."
"To the king's bed chamber, the very bed where you attempted to negotiate with me, sir. He's insane, what queen-like behavior. He's nasty, bro."
"It's a slow burn but it's meant to be that way as you're slowly kind of descending into madness along with this family."
"This is a very meticulous, slow-burn character study of one man's descent into madness, one man's rejection from society that turns into a rejection of society."
"Behind my madness there is, as you English say, a method."
"In a nutshell, this place is the world's biggest playground for grown-ups. It's crazy, it's madness."
"This is madness. No, this is Ishar."
"If love is not madness, it is not love."
"Surely this is a city of the mad, let's get out of here," he decided.
"To know war is to know that there is still madness in this world."
"Most brains of course would go mad long before this aeon deferred release could arrive."
"The only way to cure madness is by adding more madness."
"You can't have an active mind without the possibility of madness."
"This one is definitely one of those I think is very Poe inspired and that it's uh is that this descent into madness and trying to decipher what's real and what's not when things are really really coming a nut cut in time."
"Here comes the theatrics. They referred to him as madder than a March Hare."
"Ahab is confident in the loyalty of Starbuck and he is also confident that he is skating close enough to the line between madness and sanity that Starbuck isn't going to get in the way."
"All great people who accomplish great things have a little touch of madness that makes insanely great endeavors possible."
"These are asinities, has the planet gone mad?"
"Madness lies lies lies a bit I hate you."
"The crowd is fundamentally a gathering place where this madness begins. Insanity basically runs rampant, and within this asylum, the lunatics have basically gained control."
"Now this is the point. You fancy me mad. Madmen know nothing."
"I can bear those hypocritical smiles no longer! I feel that I must scream or die! Now, again! Hark! Louder! Louder! Louder! Louder!"
"...a genius, but he was a genius and a madman at the same time."
"Legend has it that the face would whisper to him and its whispers drove him to madness."
"Humanity is mad. It must be mad to do what it is doing. What a massacre, what scenes of horror and carnage."
"I set my heart to know wisdom and to know madness and folly."
"Only a madman seeks for what they already have."
"Going mad in this situation is saying what he really thinks and feels."
"The symptoms of Madness are the first sign of Health."
"Madness in revolving around hallucinogens dreaming the mystical experience and the creative process takes us into the world of fantasy dreams mysticism."
"I may have lost my mind, but I'm in love."
"But unless they had outright murdered her or she had died of exposure while trapped inside the hollow trunk, there are no reasons to believe the ravings of a madman."
"I love it maybe buy some for your young kid you're walking by the canal he falls in is he a good swimmer I don't know you tell me but if he falls I think he's killing it this is madness."
"He's just a mad clown, but there's just something about him."
"You're only given one little spark of Madness you mustn't lose it."
"Just spooky monsters, you know. Mysteries, investigation and everyone going mad."
"Whoever the gods want to kill they first make mad."
"Is it perfect love or perfect madness?"
"It's like he's truly gone mad with this thing, mate."
"I've started making a list. Well, it might be madness but there's method in it."
"The idea of madness as the origin of philosophy is foundational."
"If you say that all this too can be calculated and tabulated chaos and darkness and curses, then man would purposely go mad in order to be rid of reason and gain his point."
"He did not see light, he saw madness and horror."
"We're all crazy aren't we? We're all mad here."
"That's stress though, no that's mad, but people do crazy stuff in this world, I've realized."
"it was Madness but it was the most beautiful Madness ever bro"
"Love is merely a madness and I tell you, deserves as well a dark house and a whip as madmen do, and the reason why they are not so punished and cured is that the lunacy is so ordinary that the whippers are in love too."