
Resolve Quotes

There are 2646 quotes

"True strength lies not in numbers, but in unyielding resolve."
"We got too much at stake, we gotta let it ride."
"Ronaldo, we can't let them get away with this, we need to do something."
"We're not going to allow that. I think that people understand that."
"This is all about no more past interference. We're moving forward here."
"Resolve is what makes a man manifest; not puny resolve, but crude determination; not errant purpose, but that strong and indefatigable will which treads down difficulties and danger."
"Let's transform our pain into resolve, our tears into perspiration, in our joint effort to build a tolerant and inclusive Canada."
"I don't care how long I've been silent; once I break my silence, it's going to be immediately."
"Each foiled onslaught demonstrated the soldiers' solidarity and resolve against a powerful foe."
"He transforms into Super Saiyan 2, ready to finally defeat Cell."
"We have both the tools we need and the resolve it will take to restore price stability on behalf of American families and businesses."
"We will keep faith with them in the critical days that lie ahead, and whatever happens, Britain will not waver in our resolve."
"Never again will we be unprepared. We're going to be ready."
"Once you decide to defeat a demon, defeat it. Once you decide to win, then win. Win whatever the cost."
"He vows to himself that he'll never eat human flesh but find something else to feed his hunger."
"The incredible resolve and strength it would have to overcome these burdens is absolutely incredible."
"A great evil has come to our sweet Dreamland. We are the last resort. We are the fighters that will save this land."
"You cannot live with your own failure. And where that leads you? Back to me."
"We'll never just accept living with COVID-19."
"We'll bring All For One down once and for all."
"We will get through this and we will do whatever it takes."
"This is my real personality and exactly how I feel. I'm not just gonna put on an act anymore."
"We are here, we're going to stay, and that's it."
"I literally have them in open, we're not going to open the case."
"Russia’s offensive will awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with terrible resolve."
"Diamond hands, don't fall for this volatility."
"We will not give up, we will not lose, we will fight till the end."
"I am not ready to capitulate. That's the difference."
"He resolved to emerge victorious in the esteemed sevenstar tournament."
"You do it for him, you would do it again, you do it for her."
"We swore to live free or die, and that is the power that those attempting to oppress must attempt to take away."
"The challenges that we face may be formidable, but equally formidable is our resolve. We will not yield."
"I wouldn't throw my hands up in that situation though."
"Let's make one umbrella to just end them all."
"I did it! Well, I did the first part! Now, it's time to take down Mr. Robot once and for all!"
"Mind over matter, take control. All my visions are set in stone."
"So we fight and die, or we submit and die. I know my choice."
"America will answer with love and courage and ironclad resolve."
"To have the resolve to sit there and be like I will figure this out no matter what it takes."
"At the end of the day, all any of us want is Justice for Abby and Libby."
"We must keep our resolve for Libby and Abbey for this community and frankly to ensure that good trumps evil."
"I am not leaving here till the last day. Fuck yeah."
"History is asking us whether we are up to the task. Our answer will be a renewal of will, a rediscovery of resolve, and a rebirth of devotion."
"You want to raise the stakes on what you're doing to our kids? Now you're going to deal with a grown-ass man."
"This is not out of this is not out of frustration this is out of determination and resolve to get our country back on track that's what it's about."
"Never again will I be in a place where I don't have $60, right?"
"I'm not gonna shut up and I'm not gonna sit down and I'm not gonna be quiet."
"Whatever it takes, whatever it takes, whatever it takes."
"Goku confirms from Jaco that Moro had been sentenced to death, leading him to remove his gi with the Galactic Patrol Insignia stating that from now on he will fight Moro as an Earthling."
"We've got to leave no doubt about who we are and what this country stands for."
"Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore."
"You're not going to Razzle A Dazzle me in any way, it's not going to happen."
"It's always darkest before the dawn right and we are about to just throw the Justice flood lights on."
"When Yuji kills the older death painting brother after seeing him cry over Kechizu, he's making an active choice to harden his resolve in real time."
"Drake did not back down. Drake said [expletive] it. I'm going to go after this and we're going to see what really happens at the end of it."
"Approach your tasks with resolve and steadfast belief. Miracles and marvels you can scarcely fathom await. Your faith is crucial for turning the unattainable into reality."
"To truly stop the Legion, we'll have to take the battle to them."
"There is one certain means by which I can be sure never to see my country’s ruin: I will die in the last ditch." - William III of England
"I've been trying to find a reason why I wouldn't do that and all day I couldn't find a reason."
"Peril gets up and says he has decided what he's going to do he got blown away by his father and here he had to fight talisker as well so he's going to go after the one giving all the orders and beat up the king of camelot so no one else is hurt."
"It's time for them to understand Democrats can play the same game and not blink."
"And use this moment as a 'never again' moment."
"Phyllis's refusal to conform to industry standards highlighted her unwavering resolve."
"I'm just gonna try to keep it together and just keep my lives together."
"So if you ever see me go back on that show, trust me, I'm telling you, I'm gonna go back. If you ask because I gotta get at him. I gotta get him. I have to. It's just no way."
"This is the only way. This is how it's got to go."
"We will do as much as it takes for as long as it takes."
"I hope that I have that level of character and strength and resolve if when my time comes."
"Forward march is your battle command in the days ahead."
"Flippy does not care, Flippy will do whatever it takes."
"Either way, I will get to the bottom of this."
"Stick by your decision. Distract yourself with friends, activities, and self-improvement."
"Don't be a coward. Let's do this to the end. Let's make it."
"I stand by the decision and have no regrets."
"However long it takes, make your mind up, always worth it."
"We won't back down. We won't settle for any less."
"Make no mistake, we are ready to fight and win this battle."
"I think it's pretty damn safe to say that I won't be walking alone anymore. Hell no."
"You can try, it won't work. We'll see how things play out."
"Sam picks up the shield, refusing to let it go."
"From this day on, I'll never be the same again."
"I'll do everything to win this fight, simple as that."
"I won this fair and square and you gave it everything you could but you still lost."
"Our resolve is there. We will not surrender regardless of all the brutality that we witness in every village and city." - Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States, Oksana Markharova
"You just know that you have to make a strong decision regarding this devil energy."
"At that moment my initial reaction was, 'I'm gonna do something about this.'"
"No one should doubt our resolve in doing that."
"I'll find them for three, but I'll catch them and kill them for ten thousand."
"If they didn't let her in that instant, she'd break the door down and make them regret it for the rest of their lives."
"You fight until you die and if you lose you're going to kill yourself."
"It was never like Spider-man's, 'I'm gonna [__] kill him.'"
"I have not begun to unleash the Grouch, kitty."
"Absolutely not, I will not stop even if it means my world might be destroyed."
"Nothing will stop me from doing what needs to be done."
"Sometimes you must stand your ground because there's no place to run away. There's no different angle, no clever solution, no tricky trick that's going to move that rock. You've got to face it head on."
"The gestation period is over, the cup is full, and I will not relent."
"You will die on your feet rather than live on your knees."
"I'm freakin Darius doe. I'm Doris so we can duke it out with this guy."
"Their unflinching resolve is comforting to me."
"You have to band together and you have to stand for something."
"We will never give up and we're never going to let up."
"They're coming towards you with something a little bit more solid."
"They showed resolve and solidarity, just like strikers of 100 years ago."
"At what point would you accept that you've lost? Never."
"I'm surprised how few compromises, almost no compromises."
"Terrorism against our nation will not stand."
"I've done everything in my power to make sure I do the worst thing to this man this weekend."
"There's just no way that I'm gonna let these belts go. I'm gonna die trying."
"It's just about if you're going to stand your ground."
"I am standing firm and I'm not going to be silenced."
"Leave it to me father, I won't let the ghosts of our ancestors get the better of me."
"Live free or die: Emphasizing heroic actions."
"Not my family, not my marriage, not my kids, not on my watch."
"As her first order of business she vows to end the annual purge for good and finally put a stop to the senseless violence once and for all."
"We're not going to stop until we get to the bottom of it."
"No regrets, only determination to save her friends."
"If I don't stand up for something, then I'll fall for anything."
"Now they're gonna do it the hard way and that's how adventures happen."
"Crimea is a part of Ukraine, and the government has made it clear that Ukraine will not stop fighting or enter any type of negotiations unless all of its territories are returned."
"Lockwood resolved there would come a day of visitation, an hour of Revenge."
"The only one that could have had any inkling of how far Armin's plan he was willing to go for it was Aaron."
"We're making this choice and we're never going back."
"I just wanted this I just want to see her smile man I'm not gonna let you take that away from her."
"I believe in the saying never say never, but I gotta say never."
"Let it burn, it's a final decision, no going back."
"I refuse to accord to some small-minded and jealous individuals the satisfaction of having thwarted my efforts. These men are nothing more to me than microbes of a nasty disease."
"We will make sure Putin's choice to make a totally unjustifiable war on Ukraine will have left Russia weaker and the rest of the world stronger."
"As long as we continue to stay resolved and imposing the sanctions we're going to impose on Russia, what's going to happen is going to occur."
"Through it all no one doubted for an instance that we would hold."
"I am still talking until it's over. I will not keep silent."
"I'm really disappointed, that's my opinion everybody, can't change me from that, I'm disappointed, I'm really disappointed."
"To protect justice, I have become its merciless sword and executed justice."
"Divorce is just not on the table, it's not an option."
"Your life or your land. Oh boy, we choose both. Our life and our land. We will not share both without a fight."
"It would have to be war to give it up. That's the promise we want."
"Enough is finally enough. This time I'm not just going to sit back and shrug and roll my eyes and confine my reaction to another private vent with my wife Ernestine. Not this time. Enough."
"This is gonna Help Me Burn It To The Ground."
"You're freeing yourself from something finally that you've wanted to free yourself from for quite some time."
"Make a decision and commit to that decision. Period."
"We will not waver, we will not tire, we will not falter, we will not fail."
"Let's not take it there again... You know if 12 ain't about it, I'm down for whatever."
"Giving up isn't an option. It's never an option."
"If that is to be the case, German military power must be irretrievably crushed, this is the end we must obtain if we have the will and the guts to see it through." - Arthur Currie
"Let's view it as a chance to deepen our understanding to strengthen our resolve and to live with such authenticity and passion that we can't help but make a difference."
"It's your decision right now when you're listening to me today to say I will not yield, I will not give in. My will to win, my will to do something great is not for sale."
"He is my number one target and I won't take no for an answer."
"Manly resolution, heroic self-giving, divine reconciliation."
"If I stopped right now would I be straight? Probably so, but am I gon' stop? Hell no."
"He had more determination than ever now to finish the job."
"Despite being outnumbered and outgunned, the Ukrainian people have demonstrated uncanny resolve and resilience."
"They are made of the same strong stuff as the troops in this room, and I am absolutely confident that they will continue to succeed in the missions that we give them, in Afghanistan and beyond."
"They possess the steely resolve to see their mission through."
"We shall go on to the end, we shall fight on the sea and oceans, we shall defend our island whatever the cost may be, we shall never surrender."
"We are done with debt, we're taking debt off the table, no more."
"I was never your friend, fool. Yes, damnation, I will be. One life, one duty, one construct."
"The more hate that I get, the more that I think I'm doing something good."
"The hardest choices require the hardest wills."
"I must stop the person responsible for the Batmen. I must kill Batwoman."
"Shadow's story showcases his resolve and growth as a character."
"Because what the hell else you gonna do right?"
"You need to take authority and have the stability to say 'enough is enough'."
"These acts shatter steel but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve."
"They made an oath to defend this wall, to fight to the bitter end and never to give it up. And if you have - you'll die doing it."
"I will never quit. I will never give up. I will until I die or until I win."
"We will never give in, we will never give up."
"We're going to do whatever it takes and maybe it will be messy, it'll be ugly."
"He swore he would defeat it, that is what he's going to do."
"Plan B is for I yeah yeah when you make it a a Do or Die moment and you cannot fail period..."
"It's not a time to panic, it's a time of resolve."
"We have a lot of resolve, and we thank you guys for sticking with us as we fight this fight together for America."
"She had this strength of resolve and conviction."
"I am not going to dwell on that, according to what I'm hearing tonight."
"The B-52 has now become a symbol of America's resolve."
"This is the moment when we must renew our resolve to rout the terrorists who threaten our security."
"People of Berlin and people of the world, the scale of our challenge is great, the road ahead will be long, but I come before you to say that we are heirs to a struggle for freedom."
"Nothing is impossible with single-minded resolve."
"I know what I'm doing. This is the only way."
"I'm the last Son of Krypton, I'll do whatever the hell I have to do."
"I will not back down at all. I will never apologize ever."
"But if you say something to my mama, I don't care if it's the devil himself, you're gonna have an issue with me."
"Resolve stand ready to defend every inch of the River Muse with each explosion that rips through the sky with each life snuffed out in the cold mud their tenuous grip on Hope tightens."
"And now MJ have Maxwell Jacob Freedman city Cutler to the roast Cutler come fly elbow shot to the jaw finally shutting the mouth of MJF indeed."
"Standing your ground, drawing a line in the sand."
"I will either find a way or I will make one."
"This is the plan all along. This is the way."
"I think I'll say this... I'm unwilling to change my principles for a bunch of crackpot lunatics."
"We will fight them in the cities, we will fight them in the deserts, but we will never surrender."
"Even as a nutcracker you're a thorn in my side, and a thorn to you I shall remain."
"To hell with it, I'm going to come back and fight this all the way through."
"Just as he's ready to give up with the village the little child from earlier comes out from the crowd."
"In spiritual war, there is no retreat. You fight or you die."
"It'll light that fire under you to not put up with the shenanigans anymore."
"Never ever ever look back and can't consider doing anything else."
"I will not stand by and have everything that's mine taken from me."
"I don't have a fallback... I don't plan to fall back." - Anthony Ramos
"When you make a choice and say, 'Come hell or high water, I am going to be this,' then you should not be surprised when you are that."
"Baldwin IV showed incredible resolve throughout this difficult period."
"I literally just had enough... It was now time to enter the end."
"Don't let anyone else die. I will be the one to end this monster." - Jan
"Mega Man has finally had enough of Wily escaping... He's had it..."